The last Saturday morning cartoon aired this weekend.


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The last network showing them will no longer do so.

It's not the death of cartoons, of course. And, with streaming, we can watch whenever we want. We just don't have that good old bastion of childhood anymore. Granted, it was my brother who was allowed to watch them, not me, but still. It feels like another piece of the 90s kid identity has slipped away.

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Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:

The last network showing them will no longer do so.

It's not the death of cartoons, of course. And, with streaming, we can watch whenever we want. We just don't have that good old bastion of childhood anymore. Granted, it was my brother who was allowed to watch them, not me, but still. It feels like another piece of the 90s kid identity has slipped away.

Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.

You know, there WERE cartoons on Saturday morning in the early 70's...

Yea, and it was biggest in the 80s, but I'm a 90s kid, so that's where I feel it.

It's the end of America.

My feels... They...

I don't even...

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Cartoon Network shows them 24 hours a day....


..............the same flaming episodes of Adventure Time over and over and over and over again.


On the one hand, augh.

On the other, I haven't watched TV in years... everything I watch is online anyway....

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Now we can watch cartoons whenever we want.

Whenever we want.

It's what we dreamed of as kids.

Freehold DM wrote:

Now we can watch cartoons whenever we want.

Whenever we want.

It's what we dreamed of as kids.

I still have the frosted flakes.

Shame the footie pajamas don't fit anymore.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Now we can watch cartoons whenever we want.

Whenever we want.

It's what we dreamed of as kids.

I still have the frosted flakes.

Shame the footie pajamas don't fit anymore.


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Get off my lawn, 90s Kid. I grew up in the 70s and...what was I talking about?....oh yeah, cartoons, that's right. Back then cartoons consisted of talking animals throwing dynamite at each other and pushing each other off of cliffs. That is when they were not hitting each other with massive, hard objects like anvils and oversize hammers. Violence was the order of the day, and we liked it.

Cartoons today are all about using reason and good judgment to solve problems, talking things out. Disgusting. Losing them is no great loss.

And another thing....

What was I talking about?

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Now we can watch cartoons whenever we want.

Whenever we want.

It's what we dreamed of as kids.

I still have the frosted flakes.

Shame the footie pajamas don't fit anymore.

You can get 'em. Lots of online stores have realized that there's nothing that says "comfort" like oversized flannel footie jammies. They have men's and women's sizes, but our major culprit is our 13-year-old, who wears 'em to school on pajama days. And I love his attitude:

"Mom, Dad, are you sure it's a pajama day?"
"No; do you want us to check?"
"Nah, whatever."

He has on occasion been the only pajama-clad kid at school.

Peer pressure. What's that?

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Yes the end of an era. Eclypsed by 27/7 cartoon networks where you don't need to be worried about waking up in time. Where we don't have to dread the last cartoon ending, then bowling coming on. Where the commercials on the cartoon network are about different cartoons (and one about kid through adult sized footed pajamas). It is the end of an era, a routine of saturday morning cartoons. It has been replaced with the loafing middle-ager who sleeps in on saturdays and watches cartoons mid-day. The era has grown up, as we have, and we couldn't be prouder.

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*Pours out some chocolate milk* This is for my fallen Saturday morning homies. :(

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Bill Lumberg wrote:

Get off my lawn, 90s Kid. I grew up in the 70s and...what was I talking about?....oh yeah, cartoons, that's right. Back then cartoons consisted of talking animals throwing dynamite at each other and pushing each other off of cliffs. That is when they were not hitting each other with massive, hard objects like anvils and oversize hammers. Violence was the order of the day, and we liked it.

Cartoons today are all about using reason and good judgment to solve problems, talking things out. Disgusting. Losing them is no great loss.

And another thing....

What was I talking about?

Oh nothing, nothing at all. Here, hold onto this lit bundle of dynamite for me, would you? There's a lad.

Liberty's Edge

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I blame Dingo.

Or Anklebiter.

One or the other.

Wile E Coyote, Super Genius wrote:
What was I talking about?
Oh nothing, nothing at all. Here, hold onto this lit bundle of dynamite for me, would you? There's a lad.

Hmmm, what pretty flowers.

Bill Lumberg wrote:
Wile E Coyote, Super Genius wrote:
Bill Lumberg wrote:
What was I talking about?
Oh nothing, nothing at all. Here, hold onto this lit bundle of dynamite for me, would you? There's a lad.
Hmmm, what pretty flowers.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Now we can watch cartoons whenever we want.

Whenever we want.

It's what we dreamed of as kids.

I still have the frosted flakes.

Shame the footie pajamas don't fit anymore.

Pajama City

Show of hands, who watched the Hanna-Barbara Saturday & Sunday morning blocks hoping that they'd finally show a new episode of Galtar or The New Adventures Of Johnny Quest?

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Krensky wrote:

I blame Dingo.

Or Anklebiter.

One or the other.

Yeah, that's right, pinkskins, we've got your cartoons and we ain't givin' 'em back unless you meet our demands.

Demand #1) Communism.

Demand #2) Wind turbines.

Demand #3) A lifetime supply of kosher dill pickles for me and mangoes for my best bud, Comrade Dingo.

Demand #4) Citizen K(e)rensky as our personal manservant.

All your cartoons are belong to us!

Just as it was very gratifying to be summoned by a complete stranger in that video games thread, it is very, very pleasing indeed to be mentioned side by side with Yellowdingo. Huzzah!

Why was I not notified of this?!?!

Kahn Zordlon wrote:
Eclypsed by 27/7 cartoon networks where you don't need to be worried about waking up in time. Where we don't have to dread the last cartoon ending, then bowling coming on.

First, Kahn Zordlon, where were you able to add three hours to the day? And how can I do it?

Second, way to throw me back to being nine years old with the bowling bit. Everything I know about bowling I learned after Saturday morning cartoons. Hmm, now I have an odd idea for a t-shirt...

Truthfully they have been moving in this direction a long time I am not surprised. Though I wonder why kids are not up on Sat mornings anymore...

Goodbye fond remnant of my childhood.

jemstone wrote:
Show of hands, who watched the Hanna-Barbara Saturday & Sunday morning blocks hoping that they'd finally show a new episode of Galtar or The New Adventures Of Johnny Quest?

Not familiar with Galtar but Johnny Quest I remember. But I was a 90s kid so it was all reruns anyway; the question was whether or not it was a rerun I'd seen before.

Didn't help that they showed them all out of order.

Granted that was pretty much how ALL cartoons were when I was growing up... the trick was I was too young to understand story order, and because all the shows did it I generally assumed there WAS no order, as almost all plotlines were self-contained within a single episode.

The really annoying part was when the occasional two- or three-part episode would get played, but the next part wasn't aired the following week, or you missed Part 1.

There was only one Saturday morning cartoon: Dogtagnan and the three mouseketeers.

Readerbreeder wrote:

Why was I not notified of this?!?!

Kahn Zordlon wrote:
Eclypsed by 27/7 cartoon networks where you don't need to be worried about waking up in time. Where we don't have to dread the last cartoon ending, then bowling coming on.

First, Kahn Zordlon, where were you able to add three hours to the day? And how can I do it?

Second, way to throw me back to being nine years old with the bowling bit. Everything I know about bowling I learned after Saturday morning cartoons. Hmm, now I have an odd idea for a t-shirt...

Something like the dude from the big lebowski with text over the picture saying "Cartoons are over, let's bowl". It would probably get a few points on imgur.

As for the 27/7, meh, the 3 extra hours seem to occur when you are at work. They usually happen after lunch and after all of your bookmarks have been visited.

Liberty's Edge

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Krensky wrote:

I blame Dingo.

Or Anklebiter.

One or the other.

Yeah, that's right, pinkskins, we've got your cartoons and we ain't givin' 'em back unless you meet our demands.

Demand #1) Communism.

Demand #2) Wind turbines.

Demand #3) A lifetime supply of kosher dill pickles for me and mangoes for my best bud, Comrade Dingo.

Demand #4) Citizen K(e)rensky as our personal manservant.

All your cartoons are belong to us!

** spoiler omitted **

Now we see the violence inherent in the party, you stooge of the bureaucratic collective.

The Exchange

We still get Saturday Morning cartoons here in Australia.

Maybe you should all move here. We are the lucky country after all.

Shadow Lodge

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When I was a child,
I spoke like a child.
Thought like a child,
Felt like a child.
Now that I have become a man,
I have put away childish things.
But I unpacked most of them when I got there.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
jemstone wrote:
Show of hands, who watched the Hanna-Barbara Saturday & Sunday morning blocks hoping that they'd finally show a new episode of Galtar or The New Adventures Of Johnny Quest?

After my time. I was all about Catch That Pigeon, Space Ghost, the Herculoids, and the Superfriends (being a perverse child, I always wanted to join the Legion of Doom).

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The Legion of Doom had a way cooler hangout.

Liberty's Edge

Well... A damper one, anyway.

Silver Crusade

Vortexx actually carried the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon, something I had heard a lot of good things about and was finally able to experience for myself.

And yeah, jemstone, I remember Galtar... that golden lance of his was pretty cool....

Speaking of the Legion of Doom, I was trying to explain Bizarro Superman to Mrs. Gersen. I got through the cubist face, and she asked if he could fly and all that. I replied, "Well, yeah, I guess he had all the same powers as the regular Superman... except they sucked!"

Scarab Sages

I wrote a bit of nostalgia about this. Wanted to share it because I found about it from this thread, so thought I'd return the favor.

End of an Era

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I loved The Herculoids.

I wanted to have a goopy glowy shape shifty Gleep and Gloop of my very own.

Blayde MacRonan wrote:
And yeah, jemstone, I remember Galtar... that golden lance of his was pretty cool....

Man, he could teleport with that thing. He could make energy bridges. As super weapons on saturday morning cartoons go, what he could do (and couldn't do) was actually really consistent. Unlike, say, the D&D cartoon, where abilities the magic weapons had in one episode never showed up again and were replaced by others the very next week... ;)

It's funny how the Wiki entry for Herculoids mentions that Zandor's reasons for wanting to keep Amzot free from technology was never really articulated, when to me as a kid it was always abundantly clear that he was trying to keep the planet in its natural state because none of the other planets in the Galaxy were, any more. The technologist villains of Herculoids were spiritually the same as the Techno-Wizards of Thundarr The Barbarian - they wanted tech and power above all else, and would destroy the natural world to get it. Amzot was the last natural world. As a kid that was perfectly clear to me.

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Hmm, I have to admit, I've watched cartoons of all ages...well...up until more recently.

There was the various filmation superhero cartoons, and of course Star Trek in the 70s.

Then came Superfriends, Thundercats, GI Joe, Robotech, all in the 80s.

Then came Duck Tales and other Disney cartoons in the 90s.

And then came Justice League Unlimited, Batman Beyond, Batman Brave and the bold more recently.

I guess I'm still a kid at heart.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Yea, and it was biggest in the 80s, but I'm a 90s kid, so that's where I feel it.

I'm actually kind of surprised kids were still watching SMCs in the 90s. Mine didn't much. She watched them all the time, every other day of the week. Cable had cartoons on all day, every day. Saturday morning wasn't that special. What did kids watch in the 90s? I was a big fan of Thundarr and Super-Friends. But the Schoolhouse Rock short cartoons between shows really stuck with me. Were they still around?

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I remember having to suffer through the last 10 or minutes of the Farm Report on Saturday mornings....

Christopher Dudley wrote:
But the Schoolhouse Rock short cartoons between shows really stuck with me. Were they still around?

They were when I was growing up, in the early 90s, but kind of died off toward the latter half of the decade.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

I grew up with cartoons packed solid between farm reports and American Bandstand / the Monkees.

So, what are networks showing now on Saturday morning?

American Bandstand and The Monkees

The Exchange

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:

The last network showing them will no longer do so.

It's not the death of cartoons, of course. And, with streaming, we can watch whenever we want. We just don't have that good old bastion of childhood anymore. Granted, it was my brother who was allowed to watch them, not me, but still. It feels like another piece of the 90s kid identity has slipped away.

Oh Kelsey, i'm so sorry you missed out on epics like belle and Sebastian.

Duiker wrote:

I wrote a bit of nostalgia about this. Wanted to share it because I found about it from this thread, so thought I'd return the favor.

End of an Era

JUST as a helpful memory lane jog for ya. Underground Caverns, Magma, and Reptilians would have most likely been Inhumanoids.

TOZ wrote:

When I was a child,

I spoke like a child.
Thought like a child,
Felt like a child.
Now that I have become a man,
I have put away childish things.
But I unpacked most of them when I got there.


Christopher Dudley wrote:
Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Yea, and it was biggest in the 80s, but I'm a 90s kid, so that's where I feel it.
I'm actually kind of surprised kids were still watching SMCs in the 90s. Mine didn't much. She watched them all the time, every other day of the week. Cable had cartoons on all day, every day. Saturday morning wasn't that special. What did kids watch in the 90s? I was a big fan of Thundarr and Super-Friends.

There were still certain shows that only came on on Saturdays (or, well, only showed NEW episodes on Saturdays). The biggest ones I can remember were the things on Kids WB, stuff like Xiaolin Showdown and Jackie Chan Adventures and whatnot, along with the usual "Here we came up with a dumb idea and will show one season of it and you will LOVE it damn you or I swear to god..." stuff.

...And Mucha Lucha. Which I wish had fallen into that latter category. The "one season" part I mean.

There are a lot of shows that only had one or two seasons(and less then 65 episodes) that I liked such as W.i.t.c.h., Thundercats(2011), He-man(2002), Green Lantern, Pole position, Galaxy High, Young Justice, Kidd Video, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, Pirates of Dark Water, Swat Kats, The Critic, Galtar and the Golden Lance, and Clerks: animated series.

He-man (2002) was awesome! Young Justice was pretty good also.

I so miss those days of my youth, watching cartoons on Saturday morning with a huge bowl of my favorite over-sugared cereal!

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