101 Achievements for Playing an RPG

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There can be only one: Be the only being to survive a dungeon. Not just of the party, but everything else in the dungeon must die or be destroyed also.

Shadow Lodge

Andoren idol- succeed at a perform check to try and change a creature's mood

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That was Impressive - Insult something with 5 or more HD and receive a reward from it.

Scarab Sages

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"That is Not Dead Which Can Eternal Lie..." (communicate with a dead god)

"...And With Strange Eons, Even Death May Die" (resurrect a dead god)

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A Team! - Have every party member contribute something significant in a boss fight.

Not the Intended Use - Destroy something big with a mundane object. (Like a demiplane with rope)

Scarab Sages

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"Not Today" (return from the dead)

"Not Anytime Soon" (return from the dead 3 times)

"Not In This Lifetime" (return from the dead 5 times)

"Schrodinger's Cat" (return from the dead 9 times)

"Time Lord" (return from the dead 12 times)

"Too _____ To Die" (return from the dead 25 times)

"You Call It Hell, I Call It 'Time-Out'" (return from the dead 50 times)

"Kenny" (return from the dead 75 times)

"The Nameless One" (return from the dead 100 times)

"Screw You Guys, I'm Going Home" (refuse resurrection, stay permanently dead)

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Profession (Plumber)

Save the princess, earn no reward except her heartfelt gratitude.


RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

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Nearyn wrote:

Profession (Plumber)

Save the princess, earn no reward except her heartfelt gratitude.


But her note said there would be cake!

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Vincent Takeda wrote:
And now for something completely different - attack someone with the banana.

This is killing me! Ick ben een Banaan!

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I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:

"Ursa Minor" (successfully complete a "personal quest" campaign)

"Capricorn" (successfully complete a "bizarre" campaign)

All my campaigns are bizarre. Isn't it amazing that I'm a Capricorn?

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If anyone would like to see my New and Improved PDF of achievements made for my most recent one shot game, feel free to PM me (some are module specific most are not)

Shadow Lodge

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You could just post a link here, couldn't you?

Please do!

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Castlevania - Wield a whip and a vial of holy water or a holy symbol at the same time.

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Is this whole thing tongue-in-cheek or is there a mechanic for pulling these off? Like should I incentivize my players to Castlevania by offering them full healing at the end of the scene or something? I suppose if they're pulling off that achievement the healing should be a floating heart symbol in mid-air once the BBEG is defeated; they need to jump into it or whip it to collect the HPs.

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Mark Hoover wrote:
Is this whole thing tongue-in-cheek or is there a mechanic for pulling these off? Like should I incentivize my players to Castlevania by offering them full healing at the end of the scene or something? I suppose if they're pulling off that achievement the healing should be a floating heart symbol in mid-air once the BBEG is defeated; they need to jump into it or whip it to collect the HPs.

I'm just being silly. I put it there because my investigator had both a whip and a vial of holy water in her hands at the same time and I thought holy crap I am totally rocking the Belmont style.

Sadly I wasn't doing damage with the whip, just tripping, but the holy water came in handy for killing one apocalypse zombie and doing one damage to another which then took 21 HP of damage from the bloodrager. For those that don't know the bestiary they have 22 HP. Speaking of which.

Chips Ahoy! - Deal out a tiny amount of chip damage to an enemy and have it be the deciding factor for bringing an enemy to 0 HP or below before your next round.

Liberty's Edge

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Winner of the Masculinity Contest
Decapitate yourself on a fumbled attack roll.

Usual Suspect wrote:
You could just post a link here, couldn't you?

it's a pdf file. no link to post. :P

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It's meant to be silly, but I do actually use achievements for my players during my one shot convention games. They are amazingly popular with my players.

Silver Crusade

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Jus' say "AarrghaarrghpleeassennononoUGH": Beat the snot out of or kill 5 drug dealers.
I do not call that much of an argument: As a non-believer in any gods, survive an attack by one.
There are not 2,300,009 invisible bloodsucking vampire ghosts: Weaken an opposing army by spreading lies and disinformation among the ranks.
Iron enough to make a nail: Create a new body for yourself.
Rule No. 1: Beat someone two age categories younger than yourself.

If you don't understand it, it's because they're all references to one piece of media. If you do get, you are awesome.

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Well one of us, here, is trying to properly number these things, so, of the 101 achievements, I present:

"Achievement Number 404: Good Job Breaking it, Hero!"
[Unlock: Character must break the game and ruin things for everyone.]

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

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Not an Orphan
Created a PC whose parents weren't tragically killed.

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Petty Alchemy wrote:

Not an Orphan

Created a PC whose parents weren't tragically killed.

Let's see...one still alive and one dead because of illness, both still alive, both still alive and complete a@@#!*$s, one died giving birth other is a racist d-%k, both still alive, both still alive, one alive and safe the other either dead or captured by the GM...dear gods how have I gone this long without making an orphan?!

Liberty's Edge

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Firefighters do it!: have your character shave his/her beard.

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Take that, Gandalf!: Kill the current useless, annoying, worthless, slimy, stinking GMPC!

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Oops... Instigate a conflict where you suffer no penalty or punishment, but your allies do.

Fisticuffs While you do not have the improved unarmed strike feat, win a battle against an armed enemy of level appropriate CR, while making unarmed strikes.

Pimping Arrange for a fellow PC to have a sexual experience.

All of these were unlocked by me during our Wyrmwood Mutiny game last Monday.

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Sissyl wrote:
Take that, Gandalf!: Kill the current useless, annoying, worthless, slimy, stinking GMPC!

Your fellow player (if me): >:(

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I had one that said something about roll a 1, then roll on the critical failure chart and end up injuring an ally instead of your enemy.

Friendly Fire Isn't.

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Based on my Legacy of Fire group:

Dawg - be the only male party member in an otherwise all-female party, and hit on every last one of them.

Sissyl wrote:
Take that, Gandalf!: Kill the current useless, annoying, worthless, slimy, stinking GMPC!

I really, really, really, really, really like the way you think!

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Deadly sin: Die in pursuit of sex.

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From something that actually happened in one of my 1-sthot convention games:

I'm just that Charming: Seduce the BBEG at the end of the module.

the PC used a simple Charm Person spell and I rolled a 1 on the save... Talk about anticlimactic end to a module.

At the risk of stating the obvious, just being your friend wouldn't necessarily stop the BBEG wanting to enact his evil plans etc.

Liranys wrote:

From something that actually happened in one of my 1-sthot convention games:

I'm just that Charming: Seduce the BBEG at the end of the module.

the PC used a simple Charm Person spell and I rolled a 1 on the save... Talk about anticlimactic end to a module.

Just because they like you doesn't mean their machinations are stopped.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

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Loren Pechtel wrote:
Liranys wrote:

From something that actually happened in one of my 1-sthot convention games:

I'm just that Charming: Seduce the BBEG at the end of the module.

the PC used a simple Charm Person spell and I rolled a 1 on the save... Talk about anticlimactic end to a module.

Just because they like you doesn't mean their machinations are stopped.

"Because you are my friend, I will wait for you to move out of the way before I activate the Doom Cannon."

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Petty Alchemy wrote:
Loren Pechtel wrote:
Liranys wrote:

From something that actually happened in one of my 1-sthot convention games:

I'm just that Charming: Seduce the BBEG at the end of the module.

the PC used a simple Charm Person spell and I rolled a 1 on the save... Talk about anticlimactic end to a module.

Just because they like you doesn't mean their machinations are stopped.
"Because you are my friend, I will wait for you to move out of the way before I activate the Doom Cannon."

Doom might not even do that.

"Because you are Doom's friend, he will honor your sacrifice forevermore. A Latverian holiday will be named for you.


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Yes, but the PC's description of what he was attempting and the fact that he not only used charm person but was spouting pickup lines at the female BBEG and his PC was male and a Bard....

If I hadn't rolled a 1, I wouldn't have gone with it, but it was too funny to pass up. And everyone at the table was dying of laughter.

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The Power of Snuggles Compels You! - Grapple a charmed or dominated party member in order to keep them from going crazy/

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Liranys wrote:

Yes, but the PC's description of what he was attempting and the fact that he not only used charm person but was spouting pickup lines at the female BBEG and his PC was male and a Bard....

If I hadn't rolled a 1, I wouldn't have gone with it, but it was too funny to pass up. And everyone at the table was dying of laughter.


RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

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Plot Hole
Kill or incapacitate an NPC vital to the plot with a pit trap.

Liberty's Edge

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Jon Irenicus Memorial Achievement
Kill the end guy long before you're supposed to, thus sending the entire campaign to a crashing halt while the DM tries to regroup.

(I swear, we were SO CLOSE to this in our group's 5e game...)

Silver Crusade

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I can see your house from here!
Take control of a kingdom and make your subjects fear you.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I love the idea and I'm sure my players would, too!

Did anyone get around compiling some into a pdf for printing as a handout?

Liberty's Edge

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Out With a Bang
Die from a succubus's energy drain. (In exactly that way.)

Go Go Power Wizards
Get a Colossal construct to fight a kaiju.

Whacked 'Em All
Kill one of every creature in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary.

Thou Art a Smite-Meister
Kill one of every creature in all four Bestiaries.

Scroll of Genocide
Kill enough of one creature to drive it to extinction.

Blessed Scroll of Genocide
Kill enough of one creature type to drive it to extinction.

Killin' Ain't Easy
A ranger in your party has to retrain a favored enemy because of the Scroll of Genocide achievements.

It's Not Throat Cancer
Earn twenty levels of the vigilante class.

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Kicked Dawg - Be the only male in an otherwise all-female party, hit on all of them and get rejected by every one of them, and have at least one of them get physical about her rejection.

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Dawg Has His Day: And then recover to nail each in turn and have them fighting over him for the rest of the campaign.

[Hey ... it's fantasy, remember?]

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But It Wasn't Supposed To Work Like That
Disarm a trap with a DC 30 or more, and still get injured, or killed even, by something related to said trap.

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Jaelithe wrote:

Dawg Has His Day: And then recover to nail each in turn and have them fighting over him for the rest of the campaign.

[Hey ... it's fantasy, remember?]

Nice turnaround there ... except I'd call that a ruddy nightmare!

Current personal total so far is only up to a measly 81

The Alkenstarian wrote:
Jaelithe wrote:

Dawg Has His Day: And then recover to nail each in turn and have them fighting over him for the rest of the campaign.

[Hey ... it's fantasy, remember?]

Nice turnaround there ... except I'd call that a ruddy nightmare!

Aaaah, that's what they all say, until the ruddy ... er, rutting begins.

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