Darktitan432 |
Well, my intended combination is between 2 dragons. Black and umbral at great wyrm stage. There is also the intent that I would take aspects from each, possibly merge a few for reason of devestation, such as the acid pool/ breath weapon of the black while boosting it with the umbral dragons negative energy breath weapon. Then there is the fact that two heads are better then one. I'll give a verbal picture of what I would like. A two headed black/ umbral dragon capable of wreaking face. Possibly add in 20 levels of sorcerer which I can handle. It's boosting and compensating for the fact that I am facing a 60th level character running 3 classes at max level. Hit dice will have to be compounded upon and there will be some confusion with spells and cl and damage.

Claxon |

I don't understand what your really asking or what is going on.
If your GM has created a 60th level character you all are playing a really crazy campaign, or he has basically just made this character of handwavium with the intention of basically not allowing him to be frak'd with. If your GM is doing this, I doubt you'll be able to "counter him". Don't treat this as an antagonizing situaiton to be countered. This is not GM vs the players unless you all have a very different dynamic from the normal group of players.
Really more information about this situation would help more than anything else.

Te'Shen |

. . . or he has basically just made this character of handwavium with the intention of basically not allowing him to be frak'd with. If your GM is doing this, I doubt you'll be able to "counter him". . . .
Sounds like this.
My first thought is trying to use a leveled homunculus taking into account...
A construct has the following features.
d10 Hit Die.
Base attack bonus equal to total Hit Dice (fast progression).
No good saving throws.
Skill points equal to 2 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. However, most constructs are mindless and gain no skill points or feats. Constructs do not have any class skills, regardless of their Intelligence scores.
If you can (ab)use efreeti (wishes) to get around much of the construction costs, I would recommend it. With a level 60 character in play, I don't think he should complain if your characters start chaining wishes to be able to compete. :\

thegreenteagamer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

1. There is no "60th level". There's not even rules in Pathfinder for going beyond 20th. Even if you take the 3.5 rules for epic characters, such a character would be beyond the power level of 3.5 deities. This. Is. Ridiculous.
2. Only GMs can make monsters. You said "My GM", therefore, you are not the GM. This is an exercise in futiliy.
3. The flipping Tarrasque and Cthulhu himself are only CR25s, more or less the equivalent of 25th level characters, and either of their arrivals signal the end of the world. Even using 3rd party material, bloody Lucifer is only a CR 39. This is stupid.
4. Seriously, wtf? I'm thinking troll.
EDIT: Fixed a spelling error. Thanks S.G.

Smallfoot |
snip... boosting and compensating for the fact that I am facing a 60th level character running 3 classes at max level.
So do you mean the character is something like a Wizard20/Cleric20/Fighter20? That's still 60 levels, but it makes a little more sense than Barbarian60, I guess.
You and the GM are still out of the Pathfinder realm and into the world of roll-your-own. You can make your monster any way you like, the PF rule set really doesn't have anything to address what you are asking for.

Loros |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Just be careful to play your epic games in the privacy of your own home and don't let on that you might be having fun the wrong way.
As you can tell... the fact that you even implied that there is a world of gaming beyond 20 can throw some people's precious little universe into chaos.
But I would really consider the Tauric template for your -wink, wink- level 16 -wink,wink- monster that you are trying to stat out.
-wink....... wink-

Te'Shen |

To the OP, I would really say templates. Lots of Templates.
. . . don't let on that you might be having fun the wrong way.
As you can tell... the fact that you even implied that there is a world of gaming beyond 20 can throw some people's precious little universe into chaos. . . .
The 20/20/20 comment reminded me of 2nd edition. If you weren't human, you could multiclass, and it was kind of like gestalt in 3.5. If you were human, you could take a single class as far as you wanted and start over in a new class keeping everything you had in the previous class. It made humans kind of behind at first, but it gave them the capacity to do what no one else could.
. . . This. Is. Ridiculous. . . .
I think that last one needs to be an exclamation point.
Advancing Beyond 20th Level
Although classes doesn't describe what happens after 20th level, this isn't to say that there are no resources available to you should you wish to continue your campaign on to 21st level and beyond. Rules for epic-level play like this exist in numerous products that are compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, although in many cases these alternative rules can provide unanticipated problems. For example, if your campaign world is populated by creatures and villains who, at the upper limit of power, can challenge a 20th-level character, where will epic-level PCs go for challenges? You might be looking at creating an entirely new campaign setting, one set on different planes, planets, or dimensions from the one where your players spent their first 20 levels, and that's a lot of work.Paizo Publishing may eventually publish rules to take your game into these epic realms, but if you can't wait and would rather not use existing open content rules for epic-level play, you can use the following brief guidelines to continue beyond 20th level. Note that these guidelines aren't robust enough to keep the game vibrant and interesting on their own for much longer past 20th level, but they should do in a pinch for a campaign that needs, say, 22 or 23 experience levels to wrap up. Likewise, you can use these rules to create super-powerful NPCs for 20th-level characters to face.

Darktitan432 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Well, then it seems that I will just build this creature blind. Continue the thread however you choose. Thanks for the template idea but it would take almost every pathfinder template to reach 60 CR. And the character is a halfling. I was told to assume it had gained such power in worlds or lands beyond Faerun.

Darktitan432 |
Darktitan432 wrote:snip... boosting and compensating for the fact that I am facing a 60th level character running 3 classes at max level.So do you mean the character is something like a Wizard20/Cleric20/Fighter20? That's still 60 levels, but it makes a little more sense than Barbarian60, I guess.
You and the GM are still out of the Pathfinder realm and into the world of roll-your-own. You can make your monster any way you like, the PF rule set really doesn't have anything to address what you are asking for.
There is no arcane spell caster among them and he is switching the barbarian levels for palidan.

Darktitan432 |
*Animate Thread* Due to errors, I lost access to my original account. Rather than maintain the build, we chose to elevate my unique dragon (Non-classed) and his heavily classed Solar Angel to deity status. Without proper rules, I cannot validate a posting of his stat block. With epic character creation being easier than epic tier creature creation, there are likely so many errors that it likely would be an insult to these forums to do so.

Brother Fen |

It sounds a bit like you guys are just making things up as you go and has little to do with Pathfinder. Nothing wrong with that as I understand people like to come up with crazy ideas sometimes just to see what happens. Your question is impossible to answer because, well you guys aren't really playing the game according to any actual rules.

GM Rednal |
Yeah, Amalgam's a pretty good way of combining monsters. XD
As far as high-level characters go, I did once create a 60th Level statblock for a deity. Not so much to use on its own as... help me get a better sense for how the character acted, and how they might prefer to display their powers. More of a thought experiment than anything else.

Anarchy_Kanya |

Darkone432 |
GM is not a very good description, as we descided that the mantle of GM would not be bound to one person. It is simply that he is the most experienced by terms of Pathfinder and D&D. I am unclear as to his motivations with the creation of Ellainora, his created Goddess of Enlightenment, though she was built to put even the most defensive juggernaut to shame. I think that by the time we finally ended, she had over 200 AC or something along those lines. With set rules for monster creation capping at CR 30 and Hit Dice at CR # capping at CR 20, it was left to random guessing for aspects like Hit Dice, Ability Scores, and # of unique powers granted at hit dice stages.
Though it is likely not my place to ask, I must inquire: What system was used to find the number of hit dice a monster has based on it's challenge rating? Because I am unable to make heads or tails of any of the lists for any type.