![]() thank you for the faq posting i wish that the srd would just reflect faq changes. instead we get to go easter egg hunting with every incarnation of the new character we wish to play. to the op. quadraped is still my favorite form because of pounce. i usually take 2 extra limb evolutions anyways so that my pounce comes with a bunch of attacks.a large quadraped with 2 limbs arms and 2 slam evolutions and increase damage slam and pounce is BRUTAL. ![]()
![]() unless you can find errata or paizo clarification that changes the rules limitation posted inside the synthesist breakdown. until such a time pointing out all other rules in existence does not matter as this specific ability says it can do it. so please link to errata or official comment by someone like skr. ![]()
![]() again you are inferring when you read the actual RULES they specifically state all you need is LIMBS EVOLUTION. specifically says limbs. if they meant hands it would say LIMBS ARMS. but again it doesnt say that. and you still have hands. a synthesist can even combine attacks of his own with that of his fused skin so long as they do not exceed his maximum attacks per round limited by the eidolon chart. read the rule it says you need limbs evolution. and quadraped has it twice. ![]()
![]() your charisma never needs to be any higher than 16. since all you need is 10+spell level. dont worry about save spells. cast buffs and summon monster spells. consider summon good monster the spell list is pretty sweet and alot of the creatures on it can heal. more importantly its a standard action to summon anything off of it. augment summoning is super important for that kind of build. build your eidolon to be a suit of armor that protects you while you buff your allies and summon monsters to dominate the battle field. the summoner is the most unbalanced class in the game. with synthesist being even worse when it comes to balance. you really cant go wrong. make sure just dump your physical stats as far as you can. and get a harness of eidolon anchoring. ![]()
![]() just use meta magics to empower the ones you have already picked. also a level dip in sorcerer taking crossblooded for orc (or dragon) and elemental would allow you to cast any evocation spell as electricity to fit your build idea while also increasing your damage by 1 per dice rolled. is this optimized not completely but still increases your options. ![]()
![]() its a personal choice. to me a fun character almost has to be complex. but that is my preference. i like prcs, archetypes, alternatives, and combinations. playing a level 20 vanilla wizard would be ok but give me a dip of fighter and a 10 level stint as an EK and now you have a character begining i can enjoy. but then again i recently started playing gestalt so complexity is easy to achieve and rewards the characters nicely. ![]()
![]() a player in a game i was part of didnt want to write the "mandatory" 1.5 page back story. so he instead blew up the words AMNESIA and printed them on 1.5 sheets. the dm took the opportunity to come up with his very own back story for the character. needless to say the character was gay and had a tendency to shop uncontrollably. the reason as we found out he had amnesia was that he was trampled at a shoe sale. the player expressed his frustration at his past and refused to roleplay it at all. i just kept telling him "if the dm says your a shopping adict demand the ability to quickly find good deals on magical footwear and go with it" instead he became a self hating homosexual that refused to wear shoes or be part of the party at all. ![]()
![]() the way its written it hits a square ac 5 which should allow a relfex save. also you didnt even bother to put a cap on the bonus damage. then its also a damage spell with no variables. even with a range of 5 this spell is not balanced. if its to be used in combat make it a touch and deal 1d3+1 that also ignites combustibles. but i see no purpose for a spell like this. you could more easily just change a diff spell element ![]()
![]() This is a great opportunity for story telling. I would be wary of having the massive damage require higher level magic to resurrect unless that is something you feel is warranted from the massive damage. personally a x4 im thinking scythe to me that is a reaping at waist level cleaving the poor inn keeper in twain. last warm beer he will ever hand out in his miserable little life. ![]()
![]() lets look at classes for what they are. groups of abilities. the flavor text is just that FLAVOR it is not a predetermined play style nor is it a requirement to play the class. if it were a requirement they would put it under REQUIREMENTS. and Dork i am completely surprised that someone with your history would make a comment claiming an rp class should be limited to a stereo type. i mean how completely unimaginative. screw it i am a pure neutral assassin that defends the forest by killing those that trespass into the oldest parts where the spirits rest. i am a lawful good assassin that hunts down heretics and blasphemers for the church. i am a chaotic evil assassin that kills people for a price. oh wait sorry only one of these is viable because of some FLAVOR TEXT. honestly people these books are guidelines. use them as such. until they use cement instead of ink nothing is set in stone. ![]()
![]() just audit his sheet. everyone is ignoring the biggest problem. HE CANNOT GO NEGATIVE 50 HP AND LIVE. also once he is negative he will be taking partial actions with penalties. if he is stronger than all of you while negative then you are all built very poorly or he is not built correctly.
![]() I am starting in a gestalt game soon. will be playing what i can only describe as a drow slightly crazy holy lawful spellblade ninja. he spent 17 years in darkness talking to himself and is warped because of it. he is going to have the incredibly fun problem of not trusting reality so he constantly refers to his companions as his imaginary friends. also refusing to take peoples word on alot of things. understanding that he has a loose grip on reality he compensates by not trusting what he sees or hears. when in combat his senses pick up and he trusts his combat prowess but on a daily basis he reminds other players they are his favorite imaginary friend or "lets put it to a vote and since im the only real one here your votes dont count"
![]() Brox you are 100% wrong. and i will explain.
the assassin also has abilities to incapacitate people which i would see as a pretty cool ability. in our home games i let anyone with a good reason take the prestige. too many people cling onto the whole "alignment tobacle". its freaking flavor people. some classes like barbarian being non lawful or monk being lawful or paladin being lg is just common sense. to say that a duelist type that kills from the shadows in the name of the king is a bad guy is just ridiculous. use your head and remember dm discretion. ![]()
![]() core feats for switch hitting ranger melee power attack, cleave
extra feats that are nice to have:
everything else is gravy. feats you don't need and why.
![]() First off as soon as he goes lich drop paladin and add antipaladin to his build. depending on the level of your party his UBER FEAR AURA may be enough for him to just walk out untouched.
upon the destruction of the lich your brave king stands by the fallen lichs crushed remains he sees the creatures soul move from the body into the phylactery nestled in a pedastal to the right of his throne. the Eldritch knight paladins amazing spellcraft and knowledge arcan lets him know that this phylactery is beyond his means to destroy. with no time to spare the large onyx crystal that is the lichs phylactery begins reanimating the body of the fallen lich. needing a way to disable the device the eldrtich knight pulls a "DIABLO 1 JACK MOVE" and crams the onyx stone into his chest trusting in his god and his mental fortitude to contain the gems evil power. The magic is contained but now the Paladin king is tormented by the lichs constant mental barrages. refusing to unleash the evil upon the world he summons his own magic to place an indestructible rune on the floor that acts as a suger dimensional anchor stopping him from teleporting out. then brings the ceiling down over the run so that he cannot walk out of the cave. taking it upon himself to hosue and contain the evil he sits upon the throne of the fallen lich for 100s of years. over time the king begins to talk to the voice of the fallen lich and they meld over time. in darkness they become one. but still trapped by the power of his own spell and the physical barrier. CHANGE THE TYPE TO GESTALT RULES!!! your main bad guy is now a wizard lich 20 on one side and a sorcerer paladin eldritch knight on the other. share mental stats reduce wisdom for the broken mind and use kings physical stats. ![]()
![]() your understanding of the word consensus is a bit misguided lol.
![]() id go ninja. take extra ninja trick/rogue talent get them all. skill focuses on top of skill mastery. toughness all the save feats extra traits until i cant do anymore. 1 level dip in barbarian then go straight fighter and take extra rage a few times. then dip rogue 2 levels and take extra rogue talents again. lots of fun stuff to do. ![]()
![]() i just have to say something about Emmanuel Nouvellon-Pugh comment. i am so tired of people associating lawful good with a nice guy. there is nothing in lawful nor good that dictates you give a prisoner clothes that kind of stuff just irritates the crap out of me. alignment is not a restriction is a general way of being.
paladins wouldnt use that paladins wont do that. its rp DEATH. a CHARACTER would do what is in there repetoire. stop generalizing character actions by alignment. its this mentality that just ruins rp. ![]()
![]() I like the idea of melding of planes. For years our world and the other has been out of sync. As the approaching equinox closes in our worlds become closer and closer aligned. allowing lesser evils to slip through the cracks. and as the recombining of the realms approaches gates (fissures cracks portals what have you) that allow larger more power entities to move into our world. only the adventurers can (insert quest here) to avoid the recombination of the planes (which would of course spell doom for all the goodly people of this world). then they find out this is just a part of nature and every 100-1000-10000 years this has to be done ![]()
![]() I didn't bother to read through all the posts. The overwhelming attitude of "its the dms game" sickens me. Let him play by himself if its his game. The game is shared by all players and Dms alike. It is fair for a player to have a say in the rules. if anything it should be left up to the group to decide. if there is a reason the dm does not want a child involved i.e. sexual content or adult material that a player character under the age of 18 would just make him feel weird trying to roleplay with then I would restrict the play of children. if it is purely based on the "adults are this strong you must be weaker" then i will remind you this is a FANTASY game and each character in it is expected to be above average. Extraordinary people have exceptional stats even kids. ![]()
![]() when you read the feat in question it clearly states a singular target. so no a beastmaster druid would not get it on multiple companions. also a character with a companion and a familiar or any other combination has to pick which he will be targeting with this feat. but with multiple targets i could see someone taking this feat multiple times applying it to a different target each time. ![]()
![]() A solid tank should have a few things. reliable saves, high hit points and some form of damage mitigation. Rather it be armor class, Damage reduction, or miss chance. Another less commonly considered form of damage mitigation is killing what is trying to kill you.
a favorite tank of mine is a Viking fighter that prestiges stalwart defender. i grab the feats stalwart and improved stalwart. with dodge improved unarmed strike and crane style feats. this gives a solid dr boost and a nice ac. i like to use trip with my axe. later in life taking feats to fight with shield and axe. you can take 2 levels of paladin for cha to saves and that benefits this well or the rage power for saves. this character will have nice hit points a decent ac (wearing at least a breast plate) be very hard to get past with defense powers and imp trip you can stop people from getting past you. equip a reach weapon and become a wall of aos.