Adrian Firth |

I really like the sleeves that came with the box. I love the little holograms too. Just wondered which ultra pro sleeves they are. There's so many variations.
Do they all have the holographic seal of approval? (I do like that touch)
I've seen 50 packs and 100 packs but I'm sure some are for sleeving an already sleeved card.
Basically what are the sleeves that came with the base game?

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Weren't they the Pathfinder sleeves that Ultra-Pro produces?
Sold here (Paizo store) and here (MiniatureMarket).

NyteJKL |
Pro-fits a very thin and tight fitting on the PACG cards. They are intended to be used for double-sleeving (putting a card in a pro-fit and put that in a deck protector). I double sleeve my character cards so I can mark the checkboxes with a sharpie and put that into the deck protector sleeve after it dries
Wanted to also add, pro-fits are tight fitting on Skull and Shackles card and second printing of RotR cards (a couple of my cards have a slight concaving after sleeving with the pro-fits but was able to flatten it out). They do not fit first printing of RotR cards.

Hawkmoon269 |

NyteJKL |
I don't have my SS base set yet, but it sounds like they are deck protectors, specifically http://paizo.com/products/btpy8kd2?Deck-Protector-Clear
If it is like Shadowrun: Crossfire which also included a pack of 10 sleeves, the paper insert should also provide the SKU for the type of sleeves included (somethig like 28667 or something)

Troymk1 |

Personally I use the premium sleeves. Much stiffer and a really nice feel in your hand. Also allows you to mark the sleeve accurately (as these are stiffer) with what feats your character gets!
I haven't sleeved the whole set as the various sets get replaced over time as it is. But for games like LOTR LCG, every card is sleeved :)

Autoduelist |

I've use the 100 pack Mayday sleeves and they sleeves aren't very good. You want the dark green Premium Sleeve 50 packs (available for about $2.25 or $2.50 each) for what I'd consider a reasonable level of sleeving quality, although they are not as good as more premium sleeves that go for $4/pack or higher.

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I'm using the Ultra-Pro Clear Deck Protector sleeves on my dual-sided cards (character cards, adventure cards, ships, locations, etc.) and the newer Pathfinder backed Ultra-Pro sleeves for everything else. Also resleeved my RotR set the same way.
I'm liking the new sleeves but I still think the clear ones are a bit nicer quality-wise.
I'm not sure what I want to do about my class decks. I actually was considering using the colored Deck Protector sleeves from Ultra-Pro to distinguish them from other class decks but for now, I have them sleeved the same as the base sets.

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And that's why I've stuck to my Pathfinder sleeves, Troymk1 (for now). When we played at GenCon, I had to put one of my cards from my hand into a location deck. Now, in the organized play room, there were no sleeves so it was easy enough. But one of the things in the OP guide is about having extra sleeves with you.
So not only do I need to keep extra sleeves the same type as my Class Deck (in case of boons I pick up) but organizers that sleeve their cards need extra sleeves in case a player has to put one of their cards in a location deck.
Either way ... it's a bit of a pain but I'd rather worry about that than worrying about my set getting damaged.

NyteJKL |
And that's why I've stuck to my Pathfinder sleeves, Troymk1 (for now). When we played at GenCon, I had to put one of my cards from my hand into a location deck. Now, in the organized play room, there were no sleeves so it was easy enough. But one of the things in the OP guide is about having extra sleeves with you.
So not only do I need to keep extra sleeves the same type as my Class Deck (in case of boons I pick up) but organizers that sleeve their cards need extra sleeves in case a player has to put one of their cards in a location deck.
Either way ... it's a bit of a pain but I'd rather worry about that than worrying about my set getting damaged.
On the flip side, what if the Base Set used for OP is not sleeved, and you have to put one of your sleeved cards into the location deck? Would we as the person with the class deck need to have extra sleeves to sleeve that location deck otherwise risk needing to desleeve our card?

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I had to de-sleeve my card during the OP scenario until after the scenario was over and I returned my card back to my deck.
The point is, that organizers need to be flexible and bring extra sleeves if they're using them (and why wouldn't you?!?). And players are required to bring extra sleeves according to the guide.
(We just got the game in at both local stores but neither has the Add-on deck. So I'm still going to use my personal copy for OP ... and I sleeved mine because I don't want to chance someone getting something on my cards.)

Troymk1 |

If I was doing organized play (which doesn't look tenable, I'm a single Dad with no family here so no sitter!)
I would totally grab the PACG sleeves for my deck. Any game that the cards are typically getting fondled in your hands I think is worth sleeving. Games where the cards typically stay on the table not so much.
(For my Solitaire play the latter is largely the case)

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I know the discussion moved away from that, but it is easy to accidentally buy them so I am bringing it up again.
They are 0.5-1mm too narrow which is just enough to make the cards bend.
Standard-size works fine though.
Okay, a little confused ... do buy or don't buy? Because you're saying they're too narrow?
I buy the Ultra-Pro Pro-Fit inner sleeves for my character and role cards (plus any card that I potentially will mark). They are snug but I don't have problems with cards bending. Then insert those into the Clear Deck Protector sleeves. That way I can mark with a Sharpie for Skill, Powers, Card feats, etc. And it won't rub off or destroy the card once it is sitting inside the Deck Protector sleeve. Works great.

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I just want to warn people. I put my character cards in those free sleeves and they sat in the box for about 4 days, and last night when I opened the box, they had totally bent those cards. They now have a curve in them and they won't lay flat any more.
I sleeved the whole RotR box without any of this happening! I think those sleeves were Ultra-Pro Sleeves: New Standard Clear Deck Protectors for that set.

Raynair |

I just want to warn people. I put my character cards in those free sleeves and they sat in the box for about 4 days, and last night when I opened the box, they had totally bent those cards. They now have a curve in them and they won't lay flat any more.
I sleeved the whole RotR box without any of this happening! I think those sleeves were Ultra-Pro Sleeves: New Standard Clear Deck Protectors for that set.
I have had character cards in those free sleeves since a couple of days after Gen-Con and none of them have bent at all. I guess its a case by case basis.

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cajuntechie wrote:I have had character cards in those free sleeves since a couple of days after Gen-Con and none of them have bent at all. I guess its a case by case basis.I just want to warn people. I put my character cards in those free sleeves and they sat in the box for about 4 days, and last night when I opened the box, they had totally bent those cards. They now have a curve in them and they won't lay flat any more.
I sleeved the whole RotR box without any of this happening! I think those sleeves were Ultra-Pro Sleeves: New Standard Clear Deck Protectors for that set.
Yeah, the free sleeves were the same sleeves I use for other things. Were the ones that bent your cards ones with the hologram mark on them?

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Yeah, I just re-read my post and I'm not saying they're guaranteed to bend cards, just that it happened. These sleeves seem slightly thinner and less stiff than the ones I had on RotR, and the bottom left corner of each one is also really bent at a hard angle.. maybe I got a bad batch of sleeves? I don't know.
Maybe it's the heat around here. (Austin, Texas, but it hasn't been any cooler for all my other sleeved card games) Or maybe it's because I had them up against the non-sleeved character decks. It could be other causes, but I jsut wanted to put it out there that it happened.

L'cutus |

L'cutus wrote:DO BUY PRO-FIT!
I know the discussion moved away from that, but it is easy to accidentally buy them so I am bringing it up again.
They are 0.5-1mm too narrow which is just enough to make the cards bend.
Standard-size works fine though.
Okay, a little confused ... do buy or don't buy? Because you're saying they're too narrow?
I buy the Ultra-Pro Pro-Fit inner sleeves for my character and role cards (plus any card that I potentially will mark). They are snug but I don't have problems with cards bending. Then insert those into the Clear Deck Protector sleeves. That way I can mark with a Sharpie for Skill, Powers, Card feats, etc. And it won't rub off or destroy the card once it is sitting inside the Deck Protector sleeve. Works great.
I meant to say DON'T. Maybe there is inconsistency with production, but I had PRO-FIT inner sleeves curling inside my Standard sleeves.

hfm |
I bought 24 of the pathfinder branded sleeve packs so I could get a start on sleeving (a word?) both my RotR and S&S.. My wife was home when they all came so, bless her heart, she did the Broken Token insert and sleeved EVERYTHING in RotR and had our stuff set up to play when I got home. :)
We did realize though that we need to get some clear sleeves for the double sided cards, it's a little of a pain to keep unsleeving them.

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lol, you are lucky! I actually enjoy sleeving (yea, I think it's a word) the cards as you get to read them over as you go through them.
I'm torn and I've probably spent too long thinking about this but I kind of want to get colored sleeves for my character decks. I know I would have to re-sleeve cards acquired/traded but I kinda want some spice after sleeving 100s of black-backed cards. Its the re-sleeving that is making me think it's not such a good idea. I'm pretty sure every BotG case will be permanently marked from the countless low level de-sleeving and re-sleeving.

Adrian Firth |

So in the end I went for the clear ultra pro deck Protectors. I purchased 52 packs with equates to 2600 sleevs. Enough to sleeve the entirety of both base games with all expansions. I buy them in bulk for a discounted price.
At the moment for rise of the rune Lords they had all been sleeved in mayday standard green (100 packs) and I'm not really impressed with them. The corners bend and they stick together.
I had a pack of mayday premium. Got half way through the pack and the cards seem to slightly pop out the top by abour 1mm. They are not consistent.
The ultra pro deck protector clear are perfect. Very similar to mayday premium in thickness therefor FFG (I'm my opinion) no sticking issues, nice premium feel, easier shuffling and non stick and more importantly the sizing is consistent throughout. Very happy.

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I bought 24 of the pathfinder branded sleeve packs so I could get a start on sleeving (a word?) both my RotR and S&S.. My wife was home when they all came so, bless her heart, she did the Broken Token insert and sleeved EVERYTHING in RotR and had our stuff set up to play when I got home. :)
We did realize though that we need to get some clear sleeves for the double sided cards, it's a little of a pain to keep unsleeving them.

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So in the end I went for the clear ultra pro deck Protectors. I purchased 52 packs with equates to 2600 sleevs. Enough to sleeve the entirety of both base games with all expansions. I buy them in bulk for a discounted price.
At the moment for rise of the rune Lords they had all been sleeved in mayday standard green (100 packs) and I'm not really impressed with them. The corners bend and they stick together.
I had a pack of mayday premium. Got half way through the pack and the cards seem to slightly pop out the top by abour 1mm. They are not consistent.
The ultra pro deck protector clear are perfect. Very similar to mayday premium in thickness therefor FFG (I'm my opinion) no sticking issues, nice premium feel, easier shuffling and non stick and more importantly the sizing is consistent throughout. Very happy.
I originally sleeved my RotR set with the clears. They are very durable. I have to see how the newer Pathfinder sleeves do. I resleeved RotR and sleeved S&S with the newer ones. Kept the clear for the two-sided cards. All the class decks except the Ranger are in the new Pathfinder sleeves. I did the Ranger in the GenCon 2014 sleeves from Legion Supplies. (Mainly because I play that deck.)

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For people who want ultra pro but don't know which to get, my personal experience with them has me preferring matte colored back deck protectors over clear as they tend to shuffle better. While this isn't a constant shuffle game, one does spend a fair time reshuffling all the cards upon setup. This also protects against any concern folks might have over card back color inconsistency.
I can't comment on the PACG branded sleeves vs. the matte sleeves as I haven't seen them in hand yet. I enjoy the LOTR Gandalf sleeves over the clear, assuming the PF sleeves use the same material for the art.

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I, too, use the matte black Ultra Pro Deck Protector sleeves for most cards and the clear UPDP cards for locations, scenarios, adventures, and adventure path cards. Character cards just get penny sleeves, since those get written on with sharpie (it doesn't affect the underlying card). This seems to work really well.

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You also have to throw in the random factor of quality control.
I've bought packages (a while ago!) of UP Deck Protectors where the blue and red backed sleeves were not the same size even though they should have been.
So far, I've been happy with the quality control of UP's newer products. The clear DP sleeves have matched (size) of the newer Pathfinder sleeves from UP. (I've bought nearly 60 packs of them and only one was off size-wise so far).

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I have my token, character and role cards in Pro-Fit sleeves then in Clear Deck Protector sleeves. Did that for my RotR, S&S and all the Class Deck ones. I don't have any issues like you did.
YMMV, I was saddened after buying 15 packs of pro-fit sleeves only to have them do this to my cards:
I had a first printing of ROtRL, thought to try again on my S&S cards to see if they fit differently. They did not. Additionally these sleeves came from 3 different vendors, two local and one online, so it was unlikely to be from a single mis-cut batch.

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Whoa whoa whoa now. I believe the bending is from jamming them in the box insert -- NOT the sleeves themselves. I have the ultra pro sleeves on all my pathfinder cards (all expansions available both sets) and I have zero bending after discarding the insert. I tossed out the box insert immediately when I found that they were bending from the pressure when jamming way too many cards in the box insert.
Which leads me back to the Ultro-pro adventure box which is supposed to be released next year...

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Responding specifically to Theyron's comments on the pro-fit sleeves not bending cards with a photo of mine doing just that, the deck protector sleeves are awesome and what I would recommend using. Mine cupped so badly that I couldn't double sleeve them to try to straighten them out. You can't even stack them as they all deflected about 1/16th to 1/8th of an inch and the piles never would stand up. The best fit was achieved by stretching the sleeves before fitting the cards in, but that didn't work on all of them. They fit cleanly inside the insert without touching the sides sleeved on the pro-fits, so the insert wouldn't explain it (especially as they were all bent before I even tried to put them back into the box).
Can't wait for the adventure case myself!

nondeskript |

I've always bought the Ultra Pro Clear Deck Protectors (which are the ones in S&S and currently on backorder) I know I bought a 100 pack here back in June, so they were in stock then. You can also get them from Amazon, I believe (as well as most game hobbyist stores). Sorry I can't help with alternates, though :)