
Desant's page

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I use Ultra Pro Deck Protectors. I find that they are the most consistent and easy to side shuffle. I store my set in baseball card boxes with dividers inside original box.

Well then Balazar can only recharge a spell to draw a monster once a turn I guess.

To me this is a dangerous combo so use at your own risk. I don't think it needs a FAQ because too many things need to happen to make it work. All I can say is good luck in Wrath when so many cards summon other cards. Another character at another location could end up killing you.

Happy Happy Joy Joy!!

He is nowhere near broken. He is a blast to play with a big party where you really have to be careful with the displayed cards.

Andrew L Klein wrote:
With a wink? Half Life 3 confirmed!!!

We can only dream.

Just goes to show you how everyone's play through is different. That is why this game rocks!

Is the bag good quality?

I'm just going to punch it in the face.

I get that you would not be able to play the weapon if the monster is immune but then what? Can I just cast a different spell or is the monster undefeated?

I imagine you can't use the summoned weapons power to recharge or discard for an extra die. What happens when you summon a weapon with a trait that the monster is immune to?

What about the Wis/Perc check when you encounter him? If the character encountering him fails the check does the difficulty go up for everyone at the location? In other words if I have another character attempt the second check is it a +6?

That is what we ended up doing.

These can be confusing. Does Blazing Servant add the fire trait to a check? We ran into this last night needing to beat a troll. The card has the fire trait and the text states "discard this card and recharge another to add a 1D8 plus the recharged card's adventure deck number if any,to your check. You may play another spell on this check."

Can you temporarily close this location by summoning the henchman Vrykolakas if one of the stacks are already closed? When closing text states: "When closing a stack, summon and defeat the henchman Vrykolakas. This location remains open until both stacks are closed."


When a card tells you to encounter a random ship from the box do you still add your fleet ships that you are not using to the random mix of cards?

I wonder if Imrijka and Adowyn would be ok together in a 4 man group?

For those that have the game which character are you having a blast playing? My vote goes to Imrijka. I love how she blasts through monster filled locations.

zeroth_hour wrote:

If you look at Crowe's power feat on his Mauler role, you need an extra power feat to apply it to cards that have the Attack trait, rather than just checks that have the Attack trait.

Anyways, there's no explicit rule in the rulebook or the FAQs that say that a check to acquire on a card has all the card's traits, so they don't.

Good catch there! What is the card though? The one you are trying to defeat or acquire or the one you are recharging?

I thought Zadim the Slayer class was going to be in Wrath. Who replaced him?

I got the email saying it will be shipped by Fri May 22nd. We shall see.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

You might have seen something that related to other Paizo products and not the card game. For many of the other Paizo subscriptions (ex: RPG, Adventure Path), one of the benefits of subscribing is a PDF copy of the book you are receiving. You received access to that PDF once your order ships. A bit more about that here.

I believe what you got a few days ago was the authorization email. If so, you haven't actually been billed yet, though your credit card or bank may have placed a hold on the funds. The authorization checks that you have sufficient funds in your account. The charges are finalized when the order actually ships. You should get another email letting you know the order is shipping. More about that here.

For the card game, we can probably eventually expect a PDF of the rulebook and a PDF with the card counts. Others have been mentioning mid-May. I'll see if I can dig up a post with any info.

I have already been charged and its cleared the bank. Mine won't be shipped until Next Fri.

Let's just say Jacks card says add a 1D10 to any non combat craft check :)

I never used Jack to add 1D10 to the combat check because it's a COMBAT check not a CRAFT check. I will use him to try to recharge the card though.

Thanks Pyrocat. The second half is what I was talking about. Sorry my post was so confusing.

I was referring to his craft check when he uses one of his bombs and can discard another card to add his craft die. He can roll his craft die to recharge the item instead of discarding it.

Can Damiel use Jacks ability to add a 1d10 to a craft check to recharge a card instead of discarding it. I'm a little confused on what cards you can play to help a recharge.

If you succeed the constitution check against Whalebone do you still encounter Deathknell?

During our adventure last night we stopped off at The House of Stolen Kisses and we encountered a "Crab Swarm". Yikes!

Thanks for the advice so far! Friend decided on Oloch and Jirelle. I have Damiel and still deciding on last one. The problem is I love melee classes but I guess I should go with a caster to round it out.

We have Damiel and Oloch. Any advice on 2 more to round it out, we really can't decide. The gunslinger, swashbuckler and magus have been bounced around. This is for the S&S campaign.

In our situation I had Merisiel and my friend had Harsk. If I would have failed the check she would then be by herself and Harsk would have stayed there. Would she then be able to use her recharge for a 1D6 and would Harsk be able to help with her check now that she is away or is the combat still at his location?

I am actually leaning towards moving and villian gets shuffled back into location deck. Role Playing wise it makes more sense to me, like you got washed away in a tidal wave and the villian goes back into hiding but does not leave the location.

Thanks. That does make sense.

Interesting thing happened when we found The villian "The Scribbler". Each character at the location summons and encounters a random monster which I drew from my topic The Elemental. If The Elemental is undefeated you move to a random OTHER location. So if you fail that check what happens to the villian? Does he move with you or stay or do you not move at all?

Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
Are you looking at sleeves or protectors?

I'm comparing the sample Ultra Pro's that came with the base game and Fantasy Flight standard card game clear sleeves.

I am really confused. I used one of the sample Ultra pro sleeve that came with S&S and compared it with FFG's standard card size and FFG's sleeve was way bigger. FFG is (63.5x88mm) Ultra Pro size is (66x91mm). I know I'm bad at math but isn't 99mm bigger than 88?

Thanks for the quick reply!

Ran into a little head scratcher. Can you cast Web on a monster that has a check to defeat as "none"? Web says I can evade a monster whose highest difficulty is 16 or lower. So can I evade Haunt?