Leithlen wrote:
Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
When you do get in, it might help to know that each alpha account (at least until now) can be logged in on separate machines to play up to three characters, so you and your lovely back-seat driver may actually be able to play side-by-side if you have the extra machine around.
Wow, that's really good info Caldeathe. I had no idea!
Sorry for being such a poor Alpha distributor. I keep posting and then being off the forums working, or away from the computer all evening like I was last night.
Blackvigil, glad you got one. You would have been my choice had I been around!
So, Bunibuni did send me a PM informing me that their group is currently lacking access due to a complication with their leader's schedule. I will be giving the invite to him as soon as he PMs me his email.
Edit: I see that Bunibuni did get one from Dazyk. (This is what happens when I'm only sporadically checking the forums.) Glad to see you got one for your group Bunibuni.
So, this one goes to Grimas since he asked and hasn't gotten one that I know of. I'll PM you Grimas to check and get your email address.
Edit: Just got a PM from Grimas that he already got one ("Already got one? Yes, it's... uh, Very Nice!"), so I still have 1 to give out. I'll try to be better about checking the forums today.
Yeah, I was heading for bed and decided to do one more quick look at the alpha invite postings and saw a message from Dazyk all of 8 minutes old with only one reply so I got very very lucky.
My advice, check alpha invites before going to bed, when you get up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water or use the restroom, first thing in the morning before doing anything else. And just basically hit F5 here every single chance you get. :-)