Alpha Invites

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Goblin Squad Member

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People who are not in alpha here is your chance! I have two keys to give away, so first two to post on this feed get the keys.

*note:If you get it I will pm you back for your email info.

Goblin Squad Member

please please and thank you

Goblin Squad Member

I would like one :)

Goblin Squad Member

so close!!!!

Goblin Squad Member

Missed it by THAT much...

Shadow Lodge Goblin Squad Member

doh! missed it by 8 minutes.

Goblin Squad Member

PM me with an email address: I have three to give out.

Goblin Squad Member

...and now I have one. PM with email, please.

EDIT: Mine's now taken.

Goblin Squad Member

I still have two to give out. Please PM me an email address you will check.

Goblin Squad Member

PM sent!

Goblin Squad Member

I've sent one as well!

Goblin Squad Member

Wow.. Hoping to get one if anyone has anyone left... Thx.

Goblin Squad Member

Mine are gone: sorry to those who missed but I feel sure others will be made available! Hang in there!

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As a newly invited participant myself, I was only given 1 invite, so here I am with 1 invite to give out.

In the interest of getting a greater number of community members involved in the development I would like to give the invite to a member of a Company/Settlement/organization-of-some-sort that does not currently have any members in the Alpha at this point. Please post your interest here and the name of your organization. Obviously I don't really have a way to check to ensure that a poster doesn't belong to an organization with members already in Alpha, but I'm hoping that the community understands the desire to increase the breadth of the participant-pool.

Goblin Squad Member

Leithlen, I respect your desire to share the wealth. You should be aware that the leader of each land rush settlement was given an alpha invite by GW, so in theory that shouldn't be necessary.

On the other hand, I know there were some issues with Sunholm's nominal head being offline. I know Kadere made it in, but that group may be "behind"- you should drop him a PM to see if there's need there.

Hey Leithlen. I would love a chance to get into alpha. I don't currently belong to any group at the moment.

Shadow Lodge Goblin Squad Member

I am very interested, and here is why you should pick me. :)
My wife and I will be playing together, in EE, and helping me would also help her. (some serious backseat driving will be occurring until I surrender the mouse) You get a 2fer. Eternal gratitude should could for something, also. As an added bonus, at the next Paizo Con, I will buy you dinner. Can't beat that, can you?

Guurzak, thank you for that information. I was not aware that that had been done. However, not every Company or outside group belongs to a settlement currently. Heck, I haven't even announced my company or started looking for a settlement for us to join.

Grimas, since no one else has replied, you might just get it, but I would like to see if there's a group not currently involved that would be able to use the opportunity to do so.

Goblin Squad Member

Blackvigil wrote:

I am very interested, and here is why you should pick me. :)

My wife and I will be playing together, in EE, and helping me would also help her. (some serious backseat driving will be occurring until I surrender the mouse) You get a 2fer. Eternal gratitude should could for something, also. As an added bonus, at the next Paizo Con, I will buy you dinner. Can't beat that, can you?

When you do get in, it might help to know that each alpha account (at least until now) can be logged in on separate machines to play up to three characters, so you and your lovely back-seat driver may actually be able to play side-by-side if you have the extra machine around.

Shadow Lodge Goblin Squad Member

I am a part of the Argent Wheel Trading Company, which is a private company residing in Golgotha. I know there are Golgothans in the Alpha, but none from our group. We're just a group of real life friends, not an internet mega-guild.

Goblin Squad Member

Guurzak wrote:

Leithlen, I respect your desire to share the wealth. You should be aware that the leader of each land rush settlement was given an alpha invite by GW, so in theory that shouldn't be necessary.

On the other hand, I know there were some issues with Sunholm's nominal head being offline. I know Kadere made it in, but that group may be "behind"- you should drop him a PM to see if there's need there.

Thank you for your consideration, that is great. When I got into alpha I posted a thread on our forums asking if anyone wanted Alpha invites when I got them. To date, I have had no responses. So I think we're fine as is for now.

I really hope everyone wakes up when EE starts, though...

Goblin Squad Member

Kadere wrote:
Guurzak wrote:

Leithlen, I respect your desire to share the wealth. You should be aware that the leader of each land rush settlement was given an alpha invite by GW, so in theory that shouldn't be necessary.

On the other hand, I know there were some issues with Sunholm's nominal head being offline. I know Kadere made it in, but that group may be "behind"- you should drop him a PM to see if there's need there.

Thank you for your consideration, that is great. When I got into alpha I posted a thread on our forums asking if anyone wanted Alpha invites when I got them. To date, I have had no responses. So I think we're fine as is for now.

I really hope everyone wakes up when EE starts, though...

Keepers have been running an internal lottery to distribute ours and so far their has been no shortage of takers.

On that note, any members of Keepers Pass wanting an alpha invite should log into the forums and put their name up in the latest invite lottery.

Goblin Squad Member

PM sent

Shadow Lodge Goblin Squad Member

I am good to go, thanks to Guurzak. :)

@Caldeathe That is great info to have! She has her own machine, so I will put install the client for her too.

Goblin Squad Member

I have an alpha invite to give, if anyone is interested. Please PM me.

Goblin Squad Member

PM Sent

Goblin Squad Member

It's yours RHMG.

Goblin Squad Member

I guess I actually had two.

Anyone else want an invite?

Goblin Squad Member

Well that sure didn't take long...

Congrats to Bunibuni and RHMG Animator!

Goblin Squad Member

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I think I'm doing this wrong by checking in every 30 minutes... Hmm....

I am able to accept ONE Alpha Invite!!!

The first PM I receive offering me an Alpha Invite will get an enthusiastic response with the necessary contact information!!!

Good luck!!!

Grimmel, Ranger of the Roads
Pembry, Aspiring Acolyte of Abadar

Goblin Squad Member

I love Grimmel's logic on this, but then I would totally feel like I was cheating if I didn't actually show up at magically the right time.

Goblin Squad Member

Its abit unreal that we are so close to EE.

Seems that it was yesterday when the Kickstarter Tech Demo went live.

I also need to check the forums more often, perhaps there will be a key available. :O

Goblin Squad Member

Shouldn't be much over a week until the alpha goes live for everyone with EE access. Patience, Preciousssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
When you do get in, it might help to know that each alpha account (at least until now) can be logged in on separate machines to play up to three characters, so you and your lovely back-seat driver may actually be able to play side-by-side if you have the extra machine around.

Wow, that's really good info Caldeathe. I had no idea!

Sorry for being such a poor Alpha distributor. I keep posting and then being off the forums working, or away from the computer all evening like I was last night.

Blackvigil, glad you got one. You would have been my choice had I been around!

So, Bunibuni did send me a PM informing me that their group is currently lacking access due to a complication with their leader's schedule. I will be giving the invite to him as soon as he PMs me his email.

Edit: I see that Bunibuni did get one from Dazyk. (This is what happens when I'm only sporadically checking the forums.) Glad to see you got one for your group Bunibuni.

So, this one goes to Grimas since he asked and hasn't gotten one that I know of. I'll PM you Grimas to check and get your email address.

Edit: Just got a PM from Grimas that he already got one ("Already got one? Yes, it's... uh, Very Nice!"), so I still have 1 to give out. I'll try to be better about checking the forums today.

So, I was so sporadic about forum checking yesterday that everyone that asked for my invite had already gotten one by the time I got back to them. Anyone else still looking for an Alpha invite?

I'd still prefer to give it to a group that doesn't have any representation in Alpha, but if that doesn't exist, it can go to whoever will use it!

Goblin Squad Member

Leithlen wrote:

So, I was so sporadic about forum checking yesterday that everyone that asked for my invite had already gotten one by the time I got back to them. Anyone else still looking for an Alpha invite?

I'd still prefer to give it to a group that doesn't have any representation in Alpha, but if that doesn't exist, it can go to whoever will use it!

I'm certainly still looking for one - I'm essentially free of any significant group affiliations.

Well, it seems that your frequent forum checking has paid off. Invite is yours.

If any groups without an Alpha representative read this later and still want an invite, PM me and I'll make sure you get my next one. If I don't hear anything, then my invites will just be posted here for the first taker!

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thank you very much, sir. You are a scholar and a gentleman.

Goblin Squad Member

Heheh, good to see these invites getting into deserving hands. As Caldeathe points out, the alpha will spread soon and I will get a chance then. I will continue to pursue the Keign approach and shoot for serendipity - perhaps a few more will break free leading up to the start of this next session.

Goblin Squad Member

It sounds as if most, perhaps all, of the current Alphas got some invites to hand out. I'd expect to see some more folks in here as we close in on the weekend up-time, if they have "trouble" passing out invites in their other venues.

Goblin Squad Member

Well I just quit my job and will be unemployed for about a week so I could REALLY use an Alpha invite! Just in case anyone else shows up with one. It's really important I do something productive, like playing PFO, while I'm unemployed :)

Grimmel, if I get another one, I'll send it your way! ;-)

Goblin Squad Member

I know there's only a couple of weeks left before the start of Early Enrollment, but if anyone happens to have a spare invite, feel free to let me know. I'd be willing to take such a burden off of your hands ;)

Leithlen, how could you not hook an old name up? I should be in this alpha and you know it!

I just started promoting this game to a bunch of pvpers and it'd be easier to sell this game if I had access to it.

Shadow Lodge Goblin Squad Member

I would also greatly appreciate an alpha invite, if anyone happens to get an extra. If not I will just see everyone when it opens up to EE players.

I would also appreciate an alpha invite if someone has an extra available. Thank you.

Mez wrote:

Leithlen, how could you not hook an old name up? I should be in this alpha and you know it!

I just started promoting this game to a bunch of pvpers and it'd be easier to sell this game if I had access to it.

Mainly because you didn't post! I only found out you were following the game because I heard you stopped by on our Teamspeak. Had you posted here saying that you had a group interested in the game and interested in providing feedback, I would have given you the invite. ;-)

I'm always a solo guy who keeps a tight list of contacts. I'm going to start reaching out to the different crews and see how much interested there is. Nothing would make me happier than to be an assassin lurking outside of your walls, teetering on impulses to destroy my reputation.

Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
Shouldn't be much over a week until the alpha goes live for everyone with EE access. Patience, Preciousssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

We hope haha.

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