Goblinworks Blog: Countdown to Early Enrollment

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CEO, Goblinworks

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Check out this week's dev blog!

Lots of details on the next two upcoming Alpha release milestones, details of a special promotions we're running in the Goblinworks.com Shop, an alert about a Soon To Be Announced engagement with Fear the Boot, and more!

Goblin Squad Member

Ryan Dancey wrote:
Placeholder for Blog URL


CEO, Goblinworks

Note blog is not live yet. Link goes nowhere.

Goblin Squad Member

waits patiently

Shadow Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Super stoked!

Goblin Squad Member

::Leaves browser open and hits F5 repeatedly::

CEO, Goblinworks

Taylor, who usually orchestrates the arrival of the blog in the Real World is not in today so we may have a bit of a hiccup. We'll get it live asap.

Goblin Squad Member

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Hold on, its not made yet.

Goblin Squad Member

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Scarlette wrote:


Hold on, its not made yet.

Its made, just the truck broke down and the Mechanic is sick today.

Goblin Squad Member

But I can hear the music !!! That's just torture.

Goblin Squad Member

Scarlette wrote:
But I can hear the music !!! That's just torture.


RSD, hows about a copy/paste for us buddy?

Goblin Squad Member

She's Alive!

Goblin Squad Member


Great Blog GW, I'm stocked for EE and hope builds 7 and 8 roll out smooth!

Goblinworks Programmer

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Ryan Dancey wrote:
Taylor, who usually orchestrates the arrival of the blog in the Real World is not in today so we may have a bit of a hiccup. We'll get it live asap.

Lies and slander! I've been here sitting at my desk all day. Sorry folks, I musta rolled a really high on my stealth roll. Blog is live sand I've taken steps to make sure if I am actually MIA there is someone to replace me.

Goblin Squad Member

Soon my material form will take shape and you will be able to witness my sublime beauty! Praise be unto the Mighty Torag! Be careful not to touch it though or you will suffer the wrath of Torag's hammer!

Goblin Squad Member

Nice blog, cant wait until alpha 8.... looking good

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

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Woo woo woo! I'm loving the sound of Alpha 7, Alpha 8, and EE.

Time to assemble a huge bribe of some sort for Moobot! What do robot cows like? Electronic hay?

Goblin Squad Member

Great job, devs! My hat is off to you.

Goblin Squad Member


It says Alpha 7 will be out next week, but there will also be a new build tomorrow? Is there going to be a blog/update on the changes for tomorrow's build?

CEO, Goblinworks

I think most of the changes are under the hood.

Goblin Squad Member

Ahh ok, thank you.

Goblin Squad Member

cool stuff!

Goblin Squad Member

To clarify the blog vs Bonny's post in the Adventure Time thread:

- The blog says there is Adventure Time this weekend,
- Bonny says there isn't

Since Bonny's post came after the blog, it's safe to assume she's got the latest news?

Goblin Squad Member

From ATwB where I asked pretty much the same question.

Bonny wrote:

Sorry about that guys, it's been a hectic month with all the summer events going on. Ryan and I are actually doing a live stream on Saturday with another company, so there won't be a Friday ATwB this week. Next week is pax prime so I will not be live streaming then either. I hope that clears up the confusion.

I've also changed it to every other Friday so we can do either Thursday or Saturday on the opposite weeks in order to stream at different times to get alpha players from overseas involved as well.

Goblin Squad Member


I do wonder how I will get gear for all those feats. By the time I can craft it, there won't be much playtime left.

Goblin Squad Member

Bringslite of Fidelis wrote:

From ATwB where I asked pretty much the same question.

Bonny wrote:

Sorry about that guys, it's been a hectic month with all the summer events going on. Ryan and I are actually doing a live stream on Saturday with another company, so there won't be a Friday ATwB this week. Next week is pax prime so I will not be live streaming then either. I hope that clears up the confusion.

I've also changed it to every other Friday so we can do either Thursday or Saturday on the opposite weeks in order to stream at different times to get alpha players from overseas involved as well.

Yah, I saw that, too, but I also figured this thread's going to get more traffic than that one, from folks coming over from the blog itself. Hoped to get a GW voice to make the correction, as we've seen those are the only ones some irregular visitors would like to believe.

Loved the updates! Can't wait!

Any Alpha's looking to offload an invite, I'm happy to be of service :)

Goblin Squad Member

KarlBob wrote:
Time to assemble a huge bribe of some sort for Moobot! What do robot cows like? Electronic hay?

One or more users have been added to the briberymilking list.

CEO, Goblinworks

Bonny is our lead for Adventure Time. I will change the blog tomorow.

Goblin Squad Member

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Ryan Dancey wrote:
Bonny is our lead for Adventure Time. I will change the blog tomorow.

Or we could just go with "Adventure Time with Kobold Cleaver." What could go wrong?

Goblin Squad Member

Caldeathe Baequiannia wrote:
Ryan Dancey wrote:
Bonny is our lead for Adventure Time. I will change the blog tomorow.
Or we could just go with "Adventure Time with Kobold Cleaver." What could go wrong?

Honestly, I'd love to see someone from the regular Adventure Time crowd to step up and run an Adventure Time in Bonny's absence, I think it'd be a hoot.

I have a few friends who might jump on the discount if they can scrounge up some funds before it ends. Any word on how long this discount might last, or is that protected marketing info?

Goblin Squad Member

While there would be no !raffle, Twitch around players might be fun. I am not sure we should all be on same TS server. It would be interesting to see who has most watcher (how does this differ form "follower"?

What would this hype the game?

Goblin Squad Member

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KarlBob wrote:
What do robot cows like? Electronic hay?


Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

randomwalker wrote:
KarlBob wrote:
What do robot cows like? Electronic hay?

Brilliant! I'll pick up a bale at Radio Barn next time I'm out.

Goblin Squad Member

Awesome, alpha 8 sounds like a HUGE update. I am stoked about auctionhouses hopefully making it in before EE! Also looking really forward to the blog about the serverstructure. I am not a developer or network guy but always love to hear more about the hardware that makes all of this possible. Almost unreal that you guys made a MMO (if MVP)in a little over 2 years.

For me, I always take this moment as the starting date of development, which is pretty subjective off course. The second kickstarter still was 6 months out then!

Goblin Squad Member

+1 for Adventure Time with KC !

Goblin Squad Member

Exciting stuff!!

Goblin Squad Member

So I'm confused, is the Darksider event happening this week or next week?

Goblin Squad Member

No Adventure Time this week, Bluddwolf. Ryan's going to change the blog today; perhaps he'll update the Darksiders' schedule.

Goblin Squad Member

Alpha is our one big chance to practice with Support (structures), and Company role-diversity, because we have exp to play with. But no mention of support, yet.

Is the plan to test settlement support of roles in EE, not Alpha ?

Grand Lodge PFO Community Manager

There will NOT be ATwB the 22nd of August nor the 29th of August. We will resume ATwB on the Thursday the 4th of September :)

I have the schedule posted on the ATwb Thread here and on the Alpha forums.

Goblin Squad Member

This figures, I went to the site to download the new installer for this week's alpha build....and it is the same. Awesome, except I already uninstalled the "old" one. Oh well. at least I don't have to wait to download it.

Goblin Squad Member

Actually, the new blog seemed to indicate the will be a new client when the servers go live today (about five minutes from now.)

Goblin Squad Member

There will be two major Alpha releases in our plan. The first will be next week, and the second will be two weeks following. Those releases are Alpha 7 and Alpha 8.

I think Alpha 7 is next week.

Goblin Squad Member

There is still conflicting information (the bottom of the blog still says a new build this week) but the client download page says otherwise:

Edit 8/21/14: There will not be a new client required for the Alpha Testing this week. Alpha 6.0 (the build put up here last week) is still the correct build to be using.

I agree with Nihimon's assessment.

CEO, Goblinworks

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As of right now, you do not need to download a new client. When I wrote the blog, the best info I had was that you would. Fingers crossed, all the changes the team has been making will remain server-side only.

Goblin Squad Member

No biggie, boss :)

Goblin Squad Member

It has been nice to see the evolution over the last few weeks. Weekly releases have been encouraging. However, I am still surprised by the Sep/Oct timelines.

Question on client patching - Will the client be patching only changes like other MMOs prior to EE in Sep? When will this go in?

Question on character customisation - Will there be a new interface allowing you to select the visuals for your character? Or still the "m1" etc presets? Is this an Alpha 8 update? Will there be a character visuals pass or merely options for Elves/Dwarves? (Personally, I want half orc monks... alas)

Goblin Squad Member

Nice, busy busy goblins :)

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