Season 6 Lasers?

Pathfinder Society

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Uh...I was at Gencon and several PFS folks were talking about lasers.

They were pulling my leg right?

If they were not, is this a super-exclusive (I know a GM who knows a VC who knows which mod/boon) or is it open to normal folks?

Dark Archive 4/5 *

There is a laser pistol available for purchase in at least one chronicle sheet. That said, the weapon in question has extremely limited uses and is pretty expensive. They exist, but I don't expect to see much of them on PC sheets.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

My Thulsa Doom(Half-orc brawler3/savage technologist 1) now has a laser pistol and a bang grenade.

Let the lands quake with fear.

Ummm, for two or three turns at least...


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"Okay, Thulsa, your turn. Haha, my villain is ensconced within his emergency force sphere! What do you do?"

"Pew! Pew!"

"Ah, that. Very well, roll your touch attack."

I await the arcane archer EMS-arrow/laser weapon combo, The Killing Jar.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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I just want a chainsaw. Preferably one made of cold iron. For those times you're stuck in a lunar hellhole and just need to, uh, doom some people.

4/5 *

Rerednaw - no, it's not a joke. From now on, any scenario you may play may have a player who pulls out a laser. They are limited charge, so likely they'll only come out to destroy the most important BBEGs.

Luckily, not all Season 6 scenarios force us to play with lasers, but now that they are available on Chronicles there is no way to prevent a player from bringing one to any game in the future.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Muser wrote:
I just want a chainsaw. Preferably one made of cold iron. For those times you're stuck in a lunar hellhole and just need to, uh, doom some people.

You're in luck!!

Silver Crusade 3/5

Nefreet wrote:
Muser wrote:
I just want a chainsaw. Preferably one made of cold iron. For those times you're stuck in a lunar hellhole and just need to, uh, doom some people.
You're in luck!!

Thanks! I have just the character for that. :)

Silver Crusade 4/5

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This year's seasonal "theme" is on the nation of Numeria, which includes a crashed spaceship known as the Silver Mount. Two of the new scenarios that debuted at GenCon tied into this directly, and one of those has a laser on the chronicle sheet with very limited ammo.

My level 7 sorcerer thinks physical weapons are beneath him, (but so are direct damage spells), but as a gnome, he's too curious about this "technic stuff" not to try it. I might buy the laser for him, as the first weapon he's ever owned. If I do, when I pull it out while playing, I would definitely describe it without mentioning it's name. But then, I'm also likely to waste the ammo on things like starting campfires instead of using it against enemies.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Olives in the chocholate.

Still waiting for an olive free scenario this season.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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Peanut butter in the chocolate.

Good thing I like peanut butter.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
Olives in the chocholate.

What is "chocholate"?

Perhaps olives are its primary ingredient.

Silver Crusade 3/5

I love chocolate in my peanut butter. But I am going to be avoiding Season 6 scenarios for a while because I don't want to risk any more spoilers to the Iron Gods AP I'm playing in.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

I'm just happy we're finally done with demons and eerily judeo-christian setpieces(Cruciform cathedral, etc).

Bring on the automata!

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Florida—Melbourne

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Attaching a pistol grip to your wand of scorching ray gives you a lot more laser blasts.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

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It's pretty much as folks noted above. There's some Numerian action happening this season, which has resulted in the introduction of a handful of very limited-use technological items—enough to provide some variety while restricted enough to make them exciting novelties.

As has been noted before, Season 6 is not going to be all Numeria all the time. In fact, we're going to see more scenarios without any noteworthy tie to Numeria than we should see with robots, lasers, and androids. The first three scenarios are a bit of an anomaly in that regard in the name of starting the new season with a bang.

EDIT: Three scenarios, sorry. My mind was confusing the season number and scenario number.

4/5 *

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Well, with a "pew pew pew!", anyway... ;)

Shadow Lodge

So if a laser gun is available with limited ammo, what's to stop someone from using Abundant Ammunition with it?


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Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

Dylos wrote:
So if a laser gun is available with limited ammo, what's to stop someone from using Abundant Ammunition with it?

Simple: the spell's target, which is a container. The weapon's energy reservoir is not such an ammunition container.


Dylos wrote:
So if a laser gun is available with limited ammo, what's to stop someone from using Abundant Ammunition with it?

It doesn't use ammunition.

edit: That sneaky ninja/bard Compton!

Silver Crusade 4/5

Dylos wrote:
So if a laser gun is available with limited ammo, what's to stop someone from using Abundant Ammunition with it?

That spell only creates physical, solid objects to use as ammo inside a container (quiver, pouch, etc). The ammo for a laser is energy, not solid objects.

Edit: Double ninja'd!

Sovereign Court 5/5

Season Six is where everything old is new again.

Don't get me wrong, I love the homage.

I do question whether there's an entire Season's worth of material there, though.


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Yes, but lasers?

How am I supposed to create a PFS version of Marvin the Martian without an Acme Disintegrating Ray Gun?

(It's not as though I'm asking for an Illudium PU-36 Space Modulator...)

Sovereign Court 5/5

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The potential problem is what becomes of all the Space stuff in Season 7 when it's presumably no longer appropriate.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

deusvult wrote:
I do question whether there's an entire Season's worth of material there, though.

Good news! You don't have to.

The Exchange 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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David Haller wrote:
How am I supposed to create a PFS version of Marvin the Martian without an Acme Disintegrating Ray Gun?

I decided to make one of my Season 6 characters an obese Kitsune named "Barf".

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Florida—Melbourne

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I was kind of hoping for a phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range.

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Bartholomäus wrote:
David Haller wrote:
How am I supposed to create a PFS version of Marvin the Martian without an Acme Disintegrating Ray Gun?
I decided to make one of my Season 6 characters an obese Kitsune named "Barf".

I suggested to the winner of the Technomancer charity boon that he create a Kitsune summoner before taking Technomancer at Level 6.

That way, he can play a furry little creature who can improvise oversized weapons from spare electronic parts, accompanied by a hulking tree-like monstrosity.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

There's a fig for that character, now, too!

Edit: Linky

Silver Crusade 5/5

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I for one am not excited to see any laser guns in PFS. In my opinion that stuff should stay in Numeria and be isolated to the Iron Gods adventure path. But that is just my opinion. The less robots the better.

On the other hand, I am curious about the Technology guide, and I am interested in at least perusing the Iron Gods adventure path. I most likely won't run it, the majority of my friends don't like the "feel" of it, but who knows I may be surprised. I'll take a look at it. While I don't want any gravity bombs or lasers in my fantasy games, If I say wanted to run a "john Carter of Mars" type game on Akiton, the Technology guide would allow me to do so. So I'm glad it's being published. But I would prefer its contents not be in PFS.

I have played most PFS scenarios, GMed allot addition to being a VO for a few years. ( I have just stepped down because I moved). So if I continue to see lots of technology which I would prefer not to see, like laser guns grenades etc, It may be time for me to play and GM PFS little less, and play a little more in home games. Heck with 5th edition of Dungeons and Dragons out, this might give me a nudge to check that game out and give it a try.

PFS has to cater to a wide audience, I realize that. And if I find there is too much Numerian Tech infesting PFS, perhaps it is time to take a year off. Perhaps not. I'm going to wait and see. I'm not going to throw my hands up think the world is ending and go off in a huff. I'm going to take my time see what the scenarios that are being put out are like, and If there is isn't enough tech stuff to really irritate me and I like the story....I'll stick around. If I find there is too much tech stuff....well I will wish people well, and let others enjoy their lasers.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Next year had better be flint knives and bear skins to even it out.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

A store coordinator in our area is giving PFS a rest this Season as well, and has already bought whatever D&D5 stuff has been released, though we don't have any Adventure League in our area at the moment.

Silver Crusade 5/5

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You Know BigNorseWolf you make an excellent suggestion. I need to get in touch with my inner paleolithic neanderthal! Maybe I should try the diet as well, I mean the paleolithic one. :D

Lantern Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, South Dakota—Rapid City

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Next year had better be flint knives and bear skins to even it out.

Society exploration to Arcadia? Oh my!


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If pfs continues to tie in with the adventure paths this season will be worth sitting through to see the tie in with the Hells Rebels announced ap.


I kind of hated the idea of season 6, but now that I'm pondering character builds to deal with robots, I'm getting kind of excited by the prospect.

THAT SAID, I'd prefer it were a mini-campaign within PFS. I'm not that keen, for example, on laser pistol-wielding PCs in, say, The Worldwound. Just have season 6 be all about Numeria, and you roll a character at the start to play through the whole season.

Indeed, from a standpoint of narrative cohesion, I'd love to see PFS 2.0, whenever it comes to pass (I suppose with the release of Pathfinder 2.0), unfold as a series of annual mini-campaigns. That would give one a much clearer idea of story arc, as well as the feel of participation in said arc (versus the current model of a PC who plays a Year one one day, a Year 3 the next, then maybe Silent Tide (hey, I missed that one!), and then off to Numeria. Or whatever.

Have a cycle of retiring Season N while you launch Season N+2, so you're always running two overlapping, but out-of-phase, campaigns. With enough players (which I think there are, now), it could work.

Until then... pew! pew!


As long as I do not get every table having every player with these kinds of things I really enjoy them.

I did not see the laser gun yet, but I am excited to see it.

3/5 5/5

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Laser pistols and blasters have been a part of the fantasy genre since the Might and Magic rpg series. Get with the program, you nay-sayers! XD

Hopefully I'm not the only person around here old enough to remember that series!

Disclaimer: this comment is meant to be taken light-heartedly.

Silver Crusade 4/5

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FiddlersGreen wrote:

Laser pistols and blasters have been a part of the fantasy genre since the Might and Magic rpg series. Get with the program, you nay-sayers! XD

Hopefully I'm not the only person around here old enough to remember that series!

Disclaimer: this comment is meant to be taken light-heartedly.

Umm, no. I don't know this Might and Magic stuff, because I've never been much of a video gamer, but I just googled it, and I played AD&D 1st edition with lasers and robots before that video game. Deusvalt already provided the link, above.

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
trollbill wrote:
I was kind of hoping for a phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range.

Just what you see on the wall.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

If/when one of my PCs get a laser pistol, I will likely describe it at table as a weirdly shaped wand that fires a ray of light, and maybe say that it is a variant of the spell Searing Light.

I played in one of the new scenarios, where there was a hologram - in my log (yes, I/my characters take notes on every adventure/scenario), I described it as "appears to be a variant on silent image".

How you describe tech can/will alter how it is perceived in game - so if you prefer not to have a lot of tech, describe it in more "pathfinder" like terminology.


I'm sorely tempted to find my old 1st edition Gamma World boxed set, and use the "device" tables so that players can roll to figure tech out.

(I suppose that's well outside the PFS GM's authority though, alas...)

trollbill wrote:
I was kind of hoping for a phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range.


Think you intended megawatt or at least kilowatt. A measly 40 watts is a not very bright light bulb. Lasers in that range are used for rather slow part marking. Even if you pulsed the beam it's not going to do much damage.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Florida—Melbourne

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Summoned Creature wrote:
trollbill wrote:
I was kind of hoping for a phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range.


Think you intended megawatt or at least kilowatt. A measly 40 watts is a not very bright light bulb. Lasers in that range are used for rather slow part marking. Even if you pulsed the beam it's not going to do much damage.

You, sir, have failed your Knowledge (nerd) check. I intended to say exactly what I said since I was referencing a particular line from a movie. Mistwalker gave a mostly correct response [+1 to Mistwalker]. The exact correct response would have been "Hey, just what you see, pal!"


So far I have liked the current Sky Key scenarios. I like that they decided to go with a large front loading of the yearly flavor, which beats out last year where it felt that the Worldwound and demon fighting were a little slower to get up to speed.

In any case it is not like you do not have people running around with devices that blast out terrible beams of energy even without the laser pistols.

Also in a weird way it feels like a roundabout way to overcome the 'magical shop' issue that some people have. I mean if you were told there were boons for a weird eldritch device that uses forces beyond your ken from an ancient time it would sound cool.

It was also interesting since we were fighting what my character pegged as golems and his response was essentially. 'Oh, nice golems. Lead an army of those once, these could be useful.'

Grand Lodge 4/5 *

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We'll soon see Dire Sharks with freakin' laser beams attached to their heads?

Maybe we'll also experience debates with the Venture Captain who sent us out on who shot first?

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Florida—Melbourne

Fromper wrote:
FiddlersGreen wrote:

Laser pistols and blasters have been a part of the fantasy genre since the Might and Magic rpg series. Get with the program, you nay-sayers! XD

Hopefully I'm not the only person around here old enough to remember that series!

Disclaimer: this comment is meant to be taken light-heartedly.

Umm, no. I don't know this Might and Magic stuff, because I've never been much of a video gamer, but I just googled it, and I played AD&D 1st edition with lasers and robots before that video game. Deusvalt already provided the link, above.

If you want to go back even further then that I recall an old The Strategic Review (precursor to Dragon Magazine) article on using WWII weapons in D&D. It was a very intriguing article describing how the author had used the rules to get his D&D buddies and his wargaming buddies to play a game against each other without either group initially knowing the other group was playing a different game.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Florida—Melbourne

Rene Ayala wrote:
We'll soon see Dire Sharks with freakin' laser beams attached to their heads?

Oh, baby.

Maybe we'll also experience debates with the Venture Captain who sent us out on who shot first?

No debate. I wore my t-shirt with the correct answer on it to Star Wars Weekends and the entire cantina band agreed. They were there, after all.

Dark Archive

The Fox wrote:
I love chocolate in my peanut butter. But I am going to be avoiding Season 6 scenarios for a while because I don't want to risk any more spoilers to the Iron Gods AP I'm playing in.

If Season 5 is any example, PFS is very careful to avoid spoilers for the AP the season is linked too.

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