holdfast's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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I was lucky enough to win one of the 2 boons to use the "Beaky Mark IV Experimental Starship Frame", a rare destroyer frame for SFS adventures (Tier 3-4 or 5-6).

I'm hoping to connect with the other winner of this boon by private message, to collaborate on ideas for aesthetics, quirks, names, and all that important stuff, to add more flavor to an already awesome ship.

The best part: it's equipped with an "excessively loud horn" for announcing its presence when entering atmosphere. (I'm open to suggestions for a few bars of appropriate music to blast down upon an unsuspecting alien world, to let them know the Starfinders have arrived, in style. So far I was thinking something in the vein of AC/DC's "Thunderstruck" or "Hell's Bells".)

Thanks to the Paizo team and volunteers for running the charity auction and raising money for good causes.

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Bartholomäus wrote:
David Haller wrote:
How am I supposed to create a PFS version of Marvin the Martian without an Acme Disintegrating Ray Gun?
I decided to make one of my Season 6 characters an obese Kitsune named "Barf".

I suggested to the winner of the Technomancer charity boon that he create a Kitsune summoner before taking Technomancer at Level 6.

That way, he can play a furry little creature who can improvise oversized weapons from spare electronic parts, accompanied by a hulking tree-like monstrosity.

Does anyone know the total number of PC deaths in BK3?

Also, did the poor soul who died about 2 minutes into the module get something fun (like a Thrall of Buhlman boon) for his/her bad(good?) luck?

5. Named Island

As the private island vanity: spend xx PP for your own remote property.
The difference is that this island is actually named and listed on the Golarion map somewhere, already. And now you own it.

6. Unsettling Drifter

This laconic fellow appeared one day and has attached himself to your retinue of followers. For some reason, he makes people uncomfortable. Maybe it's the giant blunderbuss he caresses lovingly. Or the glassy stare, unkempt hair and beard, and foul stench.

Absolutely not a Murder Hobo. Don't even think of mentioning that around him. Also, don't make eye contact.

1. Noteworthy Watering Hole:

(Inspired by the PF Online tavern owner upgrade)

Through some lucky circumstance (winning in a high-stakes card game, or bequest from a distant relative), you now own a popular tavern in Absalom, located near the Grand Lodge and a frequented by Pathfinders. It has a catchy name: [insert catchy name] and a wine cellar that is one of the best in Golarion. Everybody knows your name and shouts a hearty greeting when you walk in the door; then you make a clever quip and sit down to start some legendary drinking.

(Have to spend xx PP / yy GP to get it up and running upon taking title. Might be upgradable?)

Benefit: (as the Tavern Owner vanity, plus the chance your bar gets mentioned in a PFS module...and hopefully NOT because Aspis agents burn it down. Bonus to Diplomacy when in Absalom.)

2. Letter of Marque:

You must have flattered the right noble, or crossed the right palm with gold, because some nation-state or suitably powerful organization has issued you a Letter of Marque, empowering you to act as a privateer against "enemy ships"(however defined). For the bargain price of xx PP / yy GP, you can purchase a unique (and infamous) sailing ship called the "Black Rose" [or something] and gain the service of its loyal crew (the former captain is retiring after a life of adventure).

(As the Ship Owner vanity) /
Alternatively, and in lieu of a Day Job roll, after each module you can elect to roll once, in the presence of your table GM, on the table below and abide by the outcome. [insert table with rows 1-20; various outcomes of GP, treasure, restoring spent PP, and bad things as well...high risk, high reward] You have to split your plunder with your patron, but you might make some coin or enhance your reputation. But beware: the high seas are dangerous, and some results might be costly!

3. Free Captaincy / Pirate Ship of Legend
(Variation on "Letter of Marque", with flavor text about how you were accepted as a Free Captain of the Shackles. Can spend PP / XP on unique ship. Same kind of risk/reward table, tailored to out-and-out piracy. Chance that Chelish Navy hounds you mercilessly.)

4. Mercenary Company / Free Company

Same concept as above; you are the leader and/or controlling shareholder of a mercenary band with an illustrious (or shady) reputation, with a snappy name (Strike Force, The Armed Drifters, Hoboes with Crossbows...someone good with names can pick one). Description of their colors / heraldry, past exploits. Risk/reward table. PP / GP investment for upgrades. Bonus to commander rolls in mass battle scenarios. Title of "Colonel" or "Commander."

Kudos to Mr. Lundeen and Headless Hydra Games for a well-written, well-edited and well-executed adventure.

Unlike most RPG products (even those from the major publishers), The Haunting of Soldragon Academy is mercifully free of typos, grammar and usage errors, and comma splices.

Yes, those may be trivial matters in the scheme of things, but when you are buying a work of imagination constructed (mostly) from and by the written word, fine craftsmanship stands out.