Grizzled Gryphon |

Is there a way to make, essentially, a monk with rage? I know the Martial Artist Archetype doesn't have an alignment restriction, so multi-classsing Barbarian and martial Artist would do it... I just don't want to multi-class. Is there an archetype out there for either the Monk or the Barbarian that does this? It seems to me that Flurry of blows and rage are meant to go together. Guy rains blows upon opponent in a fit of rage. I don't know, but that just sounds right.

Grizzled Gryphon |

I have seen the Brawler, and I don't know, maybe that would do it. I was just wondering if there was an archetype, or maybe some Ki power, that I haven't seen that would do the raging monk idea. Perhaps there is a way for the Brawler to rage? Or something like it?
EDIT: I have seen the Playtest Brawler, as I haven't received my copy of the ACG, yet.

Umbranus |

You could:
- Play a barbarian and pretend to be a monk. With the "right" rage powers you get improved unarmed strike and TWF with unarmed strikes.
- As above but with the skald. Use spells to do "martial arts tricks".
- Play a half-orc monk, take the Sympathetic Rage feat and ask a friend to play a barbarian

Zilfrel Findadur |

So...a martial artist that rages, that is not a brawler, a brawler is more like a wrestler, a street-fighter, someone who has learned how to hit good by his own experience, au contraire from a guy who is practicing a determined style of fighting which has been designed carefully and methodic. I will say a Martial artist monk/barbarian fits that theme, it is better if he don't like to rage, and just do it in critical moments, adds flavor to the thing.

Umbranus |

So...a martial artist that rages, that is not a brawler, a brawler is more like a wrestler, a street-fighter, someone who has learned how to hit good by his own experience, au contraire from a guy who is practicing a determined style of fighting which has been designed carefully and methodic. I will say a Martial artist monk/barbarian fits that theme, it is better if he don't like to rage, and just do it in critical moments, adds flavor to the thing.
The OP doesn't want to multiclass.
And your description of a brawler might be the typical one. But nothing prevents you from playing a brawler who never, in his life so far, left his monastery. Who is a dedicated monk (the fluff) but with somewhat different abilities.
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As others have said, the Brawler is a decent fit, perhaps the Mutagenic Brawler archetype for the pseudo-rage mechanic, who uses things such as Ki Throw taking advantage of the maneuver mechanics in the class while also retaining some "monkish" tricks, and simply calling himself a bit of an odd monk.

boring7 |
Personally, when I think "monk" the first things I think of are "Doesn't need stuff" (doesn't need armor or weapons) and "moves really fast."
This tends to rub up against the fact that the Monk is not a straight martial class, and therefore flails and fails when compared to a fighter or barbarian. Also the monk's efforts to do without tools forces it to rely on multiple ability scores, which it probably won't have.
A second pass reminds us of all the OTHER monk abilities, like skill points, evasion, those weird spell-like incidentals that you never actually USE because the campaign spends more of its time in levels 3-7 before disintegrating or rapidly finishing the Adventure Path. I like these abilities but damned if they ever actually see the light of day.
I'm guessing OP just wants a monk with Rage. And every option that includes rage and most of what he wants either doesn't include ENOUGH of what s/he wants, or includes a bunch of crap s/he doesn't care about like "drink booze a lot for abilities, LOL."
I have mixed feelings bout the Drunken Master, so I can see why some might just hate it.

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This character is a Monk/Barbarian multiclass. Just take the Enlightened Warrior trait, which lets you maintain a Neutral Good or Neutral alignment as a Monk, which means you qualify for Barbarian levels.
In particular, this guy is a Drunken Master/Drunken Brute. *guzzles down a gallon of mead* *dodges attacks like a pro* *throws someone through a wall*