Obsidian Announces Pathfinder License

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Liberty's Edge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Exocrat wrote:
They could make a Pathfinder branded version of Candy Crush for all I care. It's the start of a relationship between two amazing game companies, the possibilities are endless.

Goblin Crush Saga.

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Another game I would love to see out of this. A turned based strategy game, akin to Heroes of Might and Magic 3, set in Golarion.

The Exchange

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Nikosandros wrote:
Exocrat wrote:
They could make a Pathfinder branded version of Candy Crush for all I care. It's the start of a relationship between two amazing game companies, the possibilities are endless.
Goblin Crush Saga.

Funny! I like the pairing also...I hope it ends up in a glut of games based on Pathfinder, like SSI did with D&D in the 80s. There were a bunch of games of different types, I just hope for better quality than some of SSI's offerings...

Liberty's Edge

Congratulations!! I hope that we get more news soon!

Oh wow, this is awesome.

Excited to see what the CRPG will be, when it finally happens.

Scarab Sages

John Spalding wrote:
I really hope the card game isn't tablet exclusive. I would totally play on my phone or PC

While this is good news I do not own and cannot afford a tablet. It probably doesn't affect me as much as other people. If it becomes available on different platforms then I might be interested.

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Gambit wrote:
Another game I would love to see out of this. A turned based strategy game, akin to Heroes of Might and Magic 3, set in Golarion.

I don't know heroes of might and magic, but I'd love a kingmaker game like civilisation. Is it like that?

I'm sure they'll do absolutely everything possible to avoid slipping it to January - from the estimates I've heard from ex-colleagues who went to work at game companies, missing the Christmas time frame would probably lose a game developer something like 50% of their sales.

What's nice about Kickstarter is that the game was pre-paid-for and essentially already profitable, so they're not quite as reliant on that. Still, you're right that they would get more sales if the game hits before Christmas. I think they'll probably make it, it's only August and the game is in beta and they probably don't need to spend quite as much time on balancing as multiplayer games do.

Mind you, that was also the thought on WASTELAND 2 and they've been in beta for quite a long time.

Liberty's Edge

I think it would make sense to first make the CRPG with an original story.

Then when all the development costs have been recouped with the original story, and there is an existing and fully tuned engine, start selling APs as add-on packs using the same engine.

The Exchange

Alex Cunningham wrote:

You know who saw that two of the best RPG companies going were working on a project, and then thought, "Gawsh, I hope they're working on a tablet-based adaptation of a card game that's already out, and not an RPG!"?

No one. No one thought that.

What a damn let-down.

You know, card game aps and computer games have a high following right?

It may just be that Paizo is looking to expand its market a little too.

Also, by the way they're pumping out card sets, it must have a fairly good following. The card game might even be a great way to introduce younger folk into the game (haven't tried it so don't know).

I'll happily pick this one up. Tablet games come in at a far cheaper price than computer and console games. I even picked up the original knights of the old republic for my iPad for a very cheap price. While it's not everyone's cup of tea, it certainly works for some of us.


Silver Crusade Assistant Software Developer

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Samy wrote:
Then when all the development costs have been recouped with the original story, and there is an existing and fully tuned engine, start selling APs as add-on packs using the same engine.

You should check out Pillars of Eternity. It was a kickstarter for a new engine and game. They are specifically trying for a feel of an updated Infinity Engine if I remember correctly. Bring back the feel of Torment and Baldur's Gate. =) If you've not already prepurchased a copy then I would hurry. I think they are taking down the "Back Now" link soon, I think, according to their last update. It's likely, that if they do any crpg's, it will use that engine I imagine.

Wrath wrote:
Alex Cunningham wrote:

You know who saw that two of the best RPG companies going were working on a project, and then thought, "Gawsh, I hope they're working on a tablet-based adaptation of a card game that's already out, and not an RPG!"?

No one. No one thought that.

What a damn let-down.

You know, card game aps and computer games have a high following right?

It may just be that Paizo is looking to expand its market a little too.

Also, by the way they're pumping out card sets, it must have a fairly good following. The card game might even be a great way to introduce younger folk into the game (haven't tried it so don't know).

I'll happily pick this one up. Tablet games come in at a far cheaper price than computer and console games. I even picked up the original knights of the old republic for my iPad for a very cheap price. While it's not everyone's cup of tea, it certainly works for some of us.


I am delighted that Paizo as a whole has made money off of a genre of gaming born out of consumer exploitation (having to pay for things you will never use because they are bundled with things you will).

Tasking Obsidian with making an adaptation of a card game is still as wasteful and sad as Floyd Mayweather Jr. beating up a schoolyard bully.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Alex Cunningham wrote:
I am delighted that Paizo as a whole has made money off of a genre of gaming born out of consumer exploitation (having to pay for things you will never use because they are bundled with things you will).

Do you even know how the Adventure Card Game works? It has nothing to do with CCG or LCG deckbuilding games.

I'm looking forward to this game, actually more so than if they had announced a CRPG right away.

Alex Cunningham wrote:
I am delighted that Paizo as a whole has made money off of a genre of gaming born out of consumer exploitation (having to pay for things you will never use because they are bundled with things you will).

Is this the part where we tell him that the people running Paizo were some of the driving forces behind Magic: The Gathering back when they were at WotC in the 90's?

Also, "tasking" makes it sound like Obsidian is being forced to make the PACG game against their will. Obsidian has any number of projects they could be tackling. They're making this because they think the product is good, and because they think they're a good fit to develop it.

Liberty's Edge

Lissa Guillet wrote:
You should check out Pillars of Eternity. It was a kickstarter for a new engine and game.

Oh trust me, I'm all in with Pillars.

Just took a look at the Obsidian site.

Totally, completely not liking the non-3D approach of Pillars of Eternity.

I want to see Pathfinder/Golarion in rotating 3D like I experienced Neverwinter et al in NWN/NWN 2 and like I have seen in PFO.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

Just took a look at the Obsidian site.

Totally, completely not liking the non-3D approach of Pillars of Eternity.

I want to see Pathfinder/Golarion in rotating 3D like I experienced Neverwinter et al in NWN/NWN 2 and like I have seen in PFO.

I wouldn't worry too much over that. Pillars of Eternity was a deliberate attempt to invoke the game feel of the old Infinity Engine games which were in Isometric 3D instead of actual 3D.

The problem with that is that it is hard to allow users to create their own adventure mods. Obsidian are fans of mods and original material so the next game they come up with after the card game will most likely be 3D.

That said, there are no guarantees. We will—unfortunately—have to wait and see. :/

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Pathfinder setting world with Fallout's engine? Yes please.

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Feros wrote:
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

Just took a look at the Obsidian site.

Totally, completely not liking the non-3D approach of Pillars of Eternity.

I want to see Pathfinder/Golarion in rotating 3D like I experienced Neverwinter et al in NWN/NWN 2 and like I have seen in PFO.

I wouldn't worry too much over that. Pillars of Eternity was a deliberate attempt to invoke the game feel of the old Infinity Engine games which were in Isometric 3D instead of actual 3D.

The problem with that is that it is hard to allow users to create their own adventure mods. Obsidian are fans of mods and original material so the next game they come up with after the card game will most likely be 3D.

That said, there are no guarantees. We will—unfortunately—have to wait and see. :/

I'm not completely worried - Obsidian did do NWN2 after all, which was visually glorious (apart from some of the head options) and is rotatable 3D.

Oh, and the loss of the radial menu from NWN took some getting used to...

Liberty's Edge

Obsidian has done plenty of 3D...in fact, the only Obsidian games that *weren't* 3D are South Park (which, arguably, flatly wasn't *possible* to do in 3D while retaining the authentic cardboard cutouts look) and the upcoming Pillars.

Ashram wrote:
Pathfinder setting world with Fallout's engine? Yes please.

I think it's best if we leave that engine as a stepping stone on the way to another, better engine.

More to the point, Fallout: NV was built on the Gamebryo engine, which by itself doesn't mean anything (to give you an idea, Gamebryo lies under games as diverse as Epic Mickey, Civ 4, and Rocksmith). I think what you mean is that you want it to use the visual style and branching interactions that you see in FO3, FO:NV, and The Elder Scrolls. Licensing issues aside (all of those technologies that define the FO/TES style are almost certainly owned by Bethesda), this isn't anything that Obsidian doesn't have the capability to purpose build for a project like this.

I think it's much more likely, regardless, that we'll see a Pathfinder CRPG that isn't done in full first/third-person-OTS 3D.

Ocean, I get that you loved some NWN, but did you not also love BG & Co? The whole point of Pillars of Eternity from conception was to lovingly create a new Baldurs Gate like experience in a modern game, isometric view is crucial to that design goal.

If I had to guess it would be that they keep the BG style exclusive to Pillars and future sequels, whereas using the NWN style 3D (or something similar) for the Pathfinder CRPGs. Complete with toolset.

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Gambit wrote:
Ocean, I get that you loved some NWN, but did you not also love BG & Co? The whole point of Pillars of Eternity from conception was to lovingly create a new Baldurs Gate like experience in a modern game, isometric view is crucial to that design goal.

Sorry Gambit I did not, as I (wait for it) never played them. That's right folks, a human being that has no idea what Baldur's Gate is even about. It's probably set in the Forgotten Realms too, right? Well here's another secret - though I played NWN and NWN2 I actually loathe the Realms as a setting, and although Golarion isn't really that exciting to me I do love Pathfinder's classes and the update to the 3.5 ruleset. Which is what I would want to play with in a CRPG and what is sadly lacking (as far as I am personally concerned) in PFO.

I forgot to add: I played SW:KOTOR recently on my iPad - same NWN goodness there too.

I played some German games called Sacred and Sacred 2 that had the same graphic approach as what I'm seeing in Pillars. Enjoyable, but not what I like. I want to be able to scroll all the way around my character and "my" world.

Gambit wrote:
If I had to guess it would be that they keep the BG style exclusive to Pillars and future sequels, whereas using the NWN style 3D (or something similar) for the Pathfinder CRPGs. Complete with toolset.

Complete with toolset. Aye. That would be beautiful.


OCW on iTunes you can purchase BG 1 and 2 do so now!

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
Gambit wrote:
Ocean, I get that you loved some NWN, but did you not also love BG & Co? The whole point of Pillars of Eternity from conception was to lovingly create a new Baldurs Gate like experience in a modern game, isometric view is crucial to that design goal.
Sorry Gambit I did not, as I (wait for it) never played them. That's right folks, a human being that has no idea what Baldur's Gate is even about. It's probably set in the Forgotten Realms too, right? Well here's another secret - though I played NWN and NWN2 I actually loathe the Realms as a setting, and although Golarion isn't really that exciting to me I do love Pathfinder's classes and the update to the 3.5 ruleset. Which is what I would want to play with in a CRPG and what is sadly lacking (as far as I am personally concerned) in PFO.

The Baldur's Gate series had an excellent story, but yeah it was pretty Realms-focused, and there was a fair bit of the storyline that you kind of at least had to know the basics of FR to get.

I sympathize - I'm not enormously fond of the Realms either, though in my case it's more due to burnout of years and years of lore and canon arguments with people from running Realms-set NWN servers. God I got so sick of all the canon arguments, ESPECIALLY when the novels were brought into the discussions. Because apparently if you're running a game - or NWN server - set in the Realms, you need to know everything that happened in every book ever published under the FR logo, otherwise SOMEONE is going to come along, point out some obscure thing that happened in a book you've never read, and demand to know why they can't get away with something similar in game, or why some bit of trivia regarding a religion/a god/a location/an NPC/something something isn't taken into account in the way the server is built and pitching a fit about it.

I forget the number of times the C/D staff would grumble something along the lines of "We wish we'd come up with our own custom setting rather than sticking our server in FR, then we wouldn't have these stupid arguments", and any attempts to move the server out of FR were met with a great, great, great deal of resistance from staff and players who were FR fanatics, usually with another phrase I never wanted to hear again, "Most of our players came here because we're an FR server, if we're not FR anymore many will leave and we'll stop getting new players".

There's a very big reason why I only play in my group's homebrew setting nowadays.

OceanShieldWolf wrote:
Gambit wrote:
If I had to guess it would be that they keep the BG style exclusive to Pillars and future sequels, whereas using the NWN style 3D (or something similar) for the Pathfinder CRPGs. Complete with toolset.
Complete with toolset. Aye. That would be beautiful.

+1. This is exactly what I'm hoping for.

havoc xiii wrote:


OCW on iTunes you can purchase BG 1 and 2 do so now!

The dude hates FR. Chances are shoving the games at him like that isn't going to help. ;)

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A toolset with it would be the best...

Grand Lodge

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Orthos - You sound like you need a hug.

-Skeld :D

Orthos wrote:
havoc xiii wrote:


OCW on iTunes you can purchase BG 1 and 2 do so now!

The dude hates FR. Chances are shoving the games at him like that isn't going to help. ;)

I feel you are attempting a logical debate against my fanaticism...as a fanatic I must say your attempts are wasted. We shall force the change!

What other game lets you help a boy find his dog...

Only to find out its a hellhound and he is probably a pit fiend

Silver Crusade Assistant Software Developer

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Heh. It's kind of funny to me. Baldur's Gate really brought back the nostalgia of the Gold Box games which were the original D&D CRPGs.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Lissa Guillet wrote:
Heh. It's kind of funny to me. Baldur's Gate really brought back the nostalgia of the Gold Box games which were the original D&D CRPGs.

Glad to see I'm not the only old fart with fond memories of the Gold Box games. BTW in case you haven't heard the team behind those games has gotten back together and will be announcing some new games soon. So between that and this news about Pathfinder/Obsidian I'm one happy camper.

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Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

I'm not completely worried - Obsidian did do NWN2 after all, which was visually glorious (apart from some of the head options) and is rotatable 3D.

Oh, and the loss of the radial menu from NWN took some getting used to...

I'm hoping for something similar to the Neverwinter Night2 engine as long as they fix that damned camera. But I wouldn't shed a tear if they used their POE Infinity style engine to make a Pathfinder title.

Liberty's Edge

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What do you mean memories? I'm playing through Curse of the Azure Bonds right now.

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Skeld wrote:

Orthos - You sound like you need a hug.

-Skeld :D

Haha =)

I loved many things about my years playing, GMing, and administrating on various NWN servers, but never doubt it, there were things that drove me bonkers even on my best days. It just so happened that, up until a couple years ago, the benefits and enjoyment outweighed the headaches.

Silver Crusade Assistant Software Developer

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Hehe. Those games shaped a large part of my childhood. ^_^ The Buck Rogers game for Genesis was also a lot of fun from the same guys. SSI and Infocom were the first publishers I ever really cared about.

Lissa Guillet wrote:
Hehe. Those games shaped a large part of my childhood. ^_^ The Buck Rogers game for Genesis was also a lot of fun from the same guys. SSI and Infocom were the first publishers I ever really cared about.

Ha! My cousin and I still have a laugh due to an event that occurred while we were playing that old Buck Rogers game. We were attacked by some rats on board a ship. When there was just one rat left my cousin pulled a bazooka and shot the rat. There was a huge explosion follwed by the words on screen "rat is in a coma". Space rats must be a little tougher than our run of the mill earth rats.

Silver Crusade Assistant Software Developer

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haha! That game was great. ^_^ Good times.

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I LUUVED the old Gold Box SSI games!
Curse of the azure bonds, Dragonlance, Even Spelljammer!
I still have all the old, original floppy disks.

(Not that I can find a PC with a floppy drive to play them on now) ;P

And yet, owned, played and never really enjoyed BG. Other than it was D&D of course. ;P

But I spent quite a few hours playing NWN.
Quite. A. Few. Friend of mine even set up a persistent world server just for our little group for a while. (No arguing with other players or managers) :)

I own all of the NWN2 stuff, but having a harder time getting into it. (Between that frikkin camera, and the game refusing to acknowledge that I've gotten the first major quest item, so I can't turn it in to continue,...) :(

ALL that said,... can't wait to see a NWN style CRPG for PathFinder!
Use the NWN (or NWN2) engine, or this new Pillars of Eternity, I don't care! :D

Must, find way, to play!

I'm so stoked for a Pathfinder Crpg I've already started a savings account for a new PC just in case my current one isn't up to par with the game's required settings.

I hoped the upcoming pathfinder crpg play like temple of elemental evil. Giant frogs grappling and swallowing whole were already more exciting than the time I had spent with NWN2.

Grand Lodge

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The promotional stuff that Obsidian had at GenCon for the card game looked great. Beautiful artwork.

I got to play a demo of Pillars of Eternity there, and it was a lot of fun. And I got a hip flask for trying it ;) They were also showing demos of another CRPG based on Norse mythology which seemed interesting. Unfortunately the name escapes me, and it doesn't seem to be on their site.

The representatives were extremely coy about what was on the horizon, but I think it is reasonable to guess that the card game will be available in other formats (notably PC).

Personally, I understand the reluctance in announcing a Pathfinder CRPG. They have Wasteland 2, Pillars, and the other RPG all releasing this year, and some of them still funding. Don't steal the thunder away from the in-house product, and allow anticipation to build on the Pathfinder game.

I also feel that there is an AP that could be used which was highly regarded, would be relatively spoiler-light, and could have some non-traditional RPG mechanics built in: Kingmaker.

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j b 200 wrote:
As a huge fan of NWN (and a somewhat lesser fan of NWN 2), I cannot be more excited about the idea of a Pathfinder CRPG. I will literally never see my wife and child again.

You do not mean literally. You mean figuratively.

Take it away, Oatmeal!

Shadow Lodge

Maybe he plans to sell his wife and child into slavery so they don't distract him from playing the game. That would make it pretty literal.

Liberty's Edge

Also, if he never looks away from the monitor again, that would make it literal.

Scribbling Rambler wrote:

Personally, I understand the reluctance in announcing a Pathfinder CRPG. They have Wasteland 2, Pillars, and the other RPG all releasing this year, and some of them still funding. Don't steal the thunder away from the in-house product, and allow anticipation to build on the Pathfinder game.

Wasteland 2 is made by inXile (the same people doing the new Torment), not Obsidian. ;)

And Ocean, Boo does not approve of you never playing with him. Don't make him assume Giant Space Hamster form, he'll do it.

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If you don't like Forgotten Realms a better introduction to the infinity engine would be Icewind Dale of Planescape: Torment. Icewind Dale is in the Realms, but that isn't too important since it's a much more straightforward dungeon crawler at heart than Baldur's Gate. And Planescape: Torment of course has a great story and is in Planescape!

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Oh, and I loved the Gold Box games! Played Champions of Krynn in particular so many times... Me and a friend were so addicted to it that I remember once talking on the phone for ages as we were each racing to finish it first on our Amiga's! I vote that Obsidian make a Pathfinder game similar to those games on the tablet too. :D

The Exchange

Just thought I would toss this here:
List of Dungeons and Dragons video games.

Going through the list reminded me of some games I really liked, like Dungeon Hack which was basically a randomly generated dungeon crawl in the Eye of the Beholder III style of play. It was different every time but the lack of a good story left it as nothing more than a mindless crawl. I would love to see randomly generated dungeons with set goals and targets within them to help with replay value on the game.

I remember playing Menzoberranzan but I really don't have any impressions from the game left on me....anyone have any thoughts on that game? I wish I could remember it besides just knowing that I played it....

The Exchange

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Triphoppenskip wrote:
Lissa Guillet wrote:
Heh. It's kind of funny to me. Baldur's Gate really brought back the nostalgia of the Gold Box games which were the original D&D CRPGs.
Glad to see I'm not the only old fart with fond memories of the Gold Box games. BTW in case you haven't heard the team behind those games has gotten back together and will be announcing some new games soon. So between that and this news about Pathfinder/Obsidian I'm one happy camper.

Do you have a link, my google-fu is lacking and I can't find anything on it....

Fake Healer wrote:
Triphoppenskip wrote:
Lissa Guillet wrote:
Heh. It's kind of funny to me. Baldur's Gate really brought back the nostalgia of the Gold Box games which were the original D&D CRPGs.
Glad to see I'm not the only old fart with fond memories of the Gold Box games. BTW in case you haven't heard the team behind those games has gotten back together and will be announcing some new games soon. So between that and this news about Pathfinder/Obsidian I'm one happy camper.
Do you have a link, my google-fu is lacking and I can't find anything on it....

I'll get back to you with the info I have later tonight I believe the link to the original article is on my facebook page and I'm at work at the moment (no really the Paizo message boards have a lot to do with medical billing)and Facebook is a no no. Right now there are very few details about anything but I'll be happy to send you what I have found.

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