GenCon Prize and Auction Boon Ideas

Pathfinder Society

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Started brainstorming on some ideas for boons that could be part of either the prize support or charity auction. Here are some ideas:

Ferra Child access (Human Archetype from ARG)
Free Mount & Tack (Horse, riding dog, etc.)
Discounted purchase (one time use) 2% off for each PP spent.
Race boon: Goblin
Special Wayfinder - when an ioun stone is slotted it doesn't lose it's powers.
Tutor - allows retraining at a discounted rate.
Title (Duke, Lord, Chief, Master, etc.)

Other ideas?

The Exchange 5/5

These are all great ideas...for GenCon 2015. This year's prize and auction boons were probably finalized months ago :/
Generating new ones means they are placed at the back of the work queue and it takes weeks to work through the Paizo editing pipeline.

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

What about a boon that let's you transfer an already earned boon (say, from a scenario) to another character?

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

Doug Miles wrote:

These are all great ideas...for GenCon 2015. This year's prize and auction boons were probably finalized months ago :/

Generating new ones means they are placed at the back of the work queue and it takes weeks to work through the Paizo editing pipeline.

Convention boons are a minor exception to this lead time. A lot of the boon "slots" are spoken for, but there are still a few left that I'm concepting and writing. Ideas are appreciated.

3/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

For the Year of the Sky Key, how about:

-Get a mechanical version of your familiar, which gains immunity to mind-affecting effects.
-A discount on adamantine items
-Miscellaneous bonuses against constructs
-Miscellaneous bonuses against creatures from other planets


Both Inner Sea Magic and Inner Sea Combat have schools and guilds that have benefits associated with them that already have built in prestige costs.

A boon that opens up one of these schools abilities would be pretty neat.


Expert Armorer: With this boon you may add one gold piece enhancement to a name armor. For example, you may add Glamered to Celestial Armor.

Half-Price: You may buy one wand at half price. It also has only 25 charges.

Purchase a wand created by a spellcaster two levels higher than the minimum needed - with its additional benefits and costs.

Double Dice - when you take a reroll, you may check off one box below and roll two dice and take the better result. This contains three check off boxes.

You may purchase an advanced Ioun Stone. You must meet the PP requirements for it cost.

Nudge, nudge . . .(I really want to play a Feral Child )

Dark Archive 5/5

How about a boon to allow a LN paladin - for a LN deity ?

something strange but not overpowered...

Paizo Employee 4/5 Developer

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Swiftbrook wrote:
Expert Armorer: With this boon you may add one gold piece enhancement to a name armor. For example, you may add Glamered to Celestial Armor.

That's an interesting approach to a common request for upgradeable unique items. Normally it's too tricky to write comprehensive rules for adding an extra +1 bonus to custom armor, but a flat gold piece cost? That might work.


I don't think that it is worthy of an auction boon.

Grand Lodge 4/5

June Soler wrote:
I don't think that it is worthy of an auction boon.

This thread is for GenCon prize boon ideas too, not just auction boons.

Shadow Lodge 2/5

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

how about Technological Ambassador - play as an Android

Essentially, your Data from TNG and represent a unique trial of artificial sentience being recognized in the Society. Not only is this fitting with the advent of Numeria, but major auction cash draw.


hxcmike wrote:

how about Technological Ambassador - play as an Android

Essentially, your Data from TNG and represent a unique trial of artificial sentience being recognized in the Society. Not only is this fitting with the advent of Numeria, but major auction cash draw.

I'm sure this one will be at the auction.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

To quote Nosig:

Can I be an Expert?

Maybe auction off NPC classes for a few lucky soon-to-be farmers?

Silver Crusade 5/5

Ooh! How about a limited use (1-3 times?) Nanite Surge boon that functions similarly to the racial ability that Androids get? What with the Numerian connection to this season and all. Or a boon that gives the PC a dose of that Numerian Fluid that has a random effect? Since we're supposedly going back to Tien Xia, how about a boon that would let the bearer purchase Lantern Lodge vanities from the Field Guide?

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

Charity Auction Boon Ideas:

For the Charity Auction perhaps a 25 point build starting at 3rd level with full gold and prestige. Gives you more playing time. The 5th level character build for last years auction was great!!

Perhaps granting a special mount not normally available. Something custom/unique. It could be used as a animal companion or have stats as just a common mount would (with above average hit points, saves, etc.)

A Wish Spell Granted by a Genie Via: You or Mike. Let them rub the lamp and Pick from a list provided by you guys. Or go with the old stand by, but where is the fun in that?

Draw from a Deck of Many Things. Yes I said it. I would happily bid on this beast. Give a strict limit of draws. Modify the card rewards a bit, but let the pain begin. If you have prestige to spare you should be good to go. After all, we all know the consequences of drawing from the deck. Reward should equal risk.

Boon Ideas:

Call in a Favor: Spend a certain number of prestige to gain a single pregen iconic of their choice to help in a Scenario. Spending 5 points grants them a level 1 Iconic, Spending 10 points gives you a level 4 and spending 15 gives you a level 7. Some kind of hard cap of only one Iconic gained in this way at a given table.

Crusader of the Faith: Gains Benefit of Weapon Focus with Deity's Favored Weapon or May cast Spiritual Weapon Once per Day equal to Character level. 3 Boxes or maybe spend prestige to make permanent? Renewable?

An Extra Feat for a New Character.

Gain Mythic Surge once per. Scenario or have a three box check with a renewable option by spending Prestige.

Familiar or Animal Companion gains the Advanced Template. (Could Work for Charity Auction as well)

May retrain one Feat or class level for free

May take Ten on Job rolls or gains the Improved Day Job feat. (Must Pick One)

3/5 *

James Apostolou wrote:

May take Ten on Job rolls or gains the Improved Day Job feat. (Must Pick One)

Did this change, because I know at one point we were told we could take 10 on job rolls?


After examining Technic League notes, you gain an understanding of new methods to fight constructs. You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls against constructs and knowledge rolls to identify constructs. Cross this boon off to ignore 10 points of DR or Hardness of a single construct.

Grand Lodge 5/5

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DrakeRoberts wrote:
James Apostolou wrote:

May take Ten on Job rolls or gains the Improved Day Job feat. (Must Pick One)

Did this change, because I know at one point we were told we could take 10 on job rolls?

Yes, you can Take 10 on a Day Job roll.


Personal accountant: Every time you make a day job roll you may spend 1 prestige to double the amount of gold earned by your roll.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Acquired Skill: After years spent working for the Society, you have picked up a useful skill. You get 1 skill rank in Profession (cartographer, scribe, guide) or Craft (calligraphy, books, carpentry, stone masonry). Furthermore, the specific skill chosen becomes a class skill for you.

Scarab Sages 2/5

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Gift of the Lantern Lodge - Your connections with the now less prominent Lantern Lodge have been helping their cause for some time, and Amara Li has acknowledged your work. You may purchase any Prestige Award from the Lantern Lodge pg. 17 of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Pathfinder Society Field Guide. You must have sufficient Pretiege and Fame in order to purchase them.

Vibranium Weaponry - A mysterious technological discovery results in a strange way to deal with mechanical creature, possibly even living ones. A contraption, though innoculous at first, can be attached to any one Melee weapon. The weapon gain the ability to attack against the Touch Armor Class of a creature. Activation is a Swift Action. Such unknown powers is risky: After 3 rounds, the contraption powers down forever and your weapon gains the Broken condition. Once you use this ability, cross this off your Chronicle Sheet.

Surge of Corruption - You were in constant contact of the Worldwound, and its temptation has been heavy on your conscious and your future endeavors. As a Full-Round action, you may attempt a mental contact with a foul creature of the Worldwound. Select one Ability Score. You gain a +2 Profane Bonus to that score. Once you have selected an Ability Score, a GM must sign it (sidenote: have a GM initial space). This lasts for one scenario. Such temptation comes at a great cost. Your alignment shifts automatically to Evil, and you must pay 8 Prestiege Points to have the Alignment return back, as if you were atoning as a Cleric or Druid. You can not cast Atonement yourself or a party member, from a magical item, through spellcasting services, or by the Generic Prestiege Award (gold). Each time you use this ability, the Prestiege cost to atone doubles.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Martinsville

Kobold playable race boon?


I'm operating under the assumption that there will be an android boon in the charity auction, but a lashunta and a transitional triaxian would be pretty cool too.


Swiftbrook wrote:

Expert Armorer: With this boon you may add one gold piece enhancement to a name armor. For example, you may add Glamered to Celestial Armor.

On a related note, how about something similar for scrolls?

Arcane Genius: For a fixed gold cost, you can add one metamagic feat to a scroll you purchase.

Lantern Lodge 5/5

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Respect: During a mission briefing, present this boon to have Aram Zey treat you with a degree of cordiality and general respect. Moreover, if there is information that Mr. Zey already knows about the situation at hand, he provides it without haranguing or coercion. Cross this boon off after it is used, and never speak of it again.

Special: Not redeemable at Heidmarch Manor


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Jayson MF Kip wrote:

Respect: During a mission briefing, present this boon to have Aram Zey treat you with a degree of cordiality and general respect. Moreover, if there is information that Mr. Zey already knows about the situation at hand, he provides it without haranguing or coercion. Cross this boon off after it is used, and never speak of it again.

Special: Not redeemable at Heidmarch Manor

That seems WAY too powerful for a boon. More like a mythic capstone ability.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

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Seeker of Legend: Your exploits have been touted far and wide, and anyone who picks up a chronicle is sure to see your name in print. Pick one level 12+ character that you have and write their name and society number on the space provided below.

Scan, email, or otherwise deliver a copy of this boon to John Compton and the Pathfinder Development team will ensure that your seeker is referenced in future Pathfinder Society material.

Humble Beginnings: Not everyone is born a hero.

Apply this boon when you create a new character. That character's first level must be either adept, aristocrat, expert, or warrior. Any future levels that character gains must be of an otherwise legal PFS non-NPC class.

1. Noteworthy Watering Hole:

(Inspired by the PF Online tavern owner upgrade)

Through some lucky circumstance (winning in a high-stakes card game, or bequest from a distant relative), you now own a popular tavern in Absalom, located near the Grand Lodge and a frequented by Pathfinders. It has a catchy name: [insert catchy name] and a wine cellar that is one of the best in Golarion. Everybody knows your name and shouts a hearty greeting when you walk in the door; then you make a clever quip and sit down to start some legendary drinking.

(Have to spend xx PP / yy GP to get it up and running upon taking title. Might be upgradable?)

Benefit: (as the Tavern Owner vanity, plus the chance your bar gets mentioned in a PFS module...and hopefully NOT because Aspis agents burn it down. Bonus to Diplomacy when in Absalom.)

2. Letter of Marque:

You must have flattered the right noble, or crossed the right palm with gold, because some nation-state or suitably powerful organization has issued you a Letter of Marque, empowering you to act as a privateer against "enemy ships"(however defined). For the bargain price of xx PP / yy GP, you can purchase a unique (and infamous) sailing ship called the "Black Rose" [or something] and gain the service of its loyal crew (the former captain is retiring after a life of adventure).

(As the Ship Owner vanity) /
Alternatively, and in lieu of a Day Job roll, after each module you can elect to roll once, in the presence of your table GM, on the table below and abide by the outcome. [insert table with rows 1-20; various outcomes of GP, treasure, restoring spent PP, and bad things as well...high risk, high reward] You have to split your plunder with your patron, but you might make some coin or enhance your reputation. But beware: the high seas are dangerous, and some results might be costly!

3. Free Captaincy / Pirate Ship of Legend
(Variation on "Letter of Marque", with flavor text about how you were accepted as a Free Captain of the Shackles. Can spend PP / XP on unique ship. Same kind of risk/reward table, tailored to out-and-out piracy. Chance that Chelish Navy hounds you mercilessly.)

4. Mercenary Company / Free Company

Same concept as above; you are the leader and/or controlling shareholder of a mercenary band with an illustrious (or shady) reputation, with a snappy name (Strike Force, The Armed Drifters, Hoboes with Crossbows...someone good with names can pick one). Description of their colors / heraldry, past exploits. Risk/reward table. PP / GP investment for upgrades. Bonus to commander rolls in mass battle scenarios. Title of "Colonel" or "Commander."

5. Named Island

As the private island vanity: spend xx PP for your own remote property.
The difference is that this island is actually named and listed on the Golarion map somewhere, already. And now you own it.

6. Unsettling Drifter

This laconic fellow appeared one day and has attached himself to your retinue of followers. For some reason, he makes people uncomfortable. Maybe it's the giant blunderbuss he caresses lovingly. Or the glassy stare, unkempt hair and beard, and foul stench.

Absolutely not a Murder Hobo. Don't even think of mentioning that around him. Also, don't make eye contact.


More convention boon ideas...

Experimental Swarmfire Paste:
[] []
You are granted two vials of Swarmfire paste by Aram Zey to field test. Each vial may be used once to apply the paste to a melee weapon as a standard action. When applied, the paste ignites in a soft blue flame. The flame does not damage the weapon or deal any additional damage on a succesful hit, but allows the weapon to more effectively combat swarms. If a swarm would normally take half damage from weapons, a Swarmfire weapon deals full damage. If the swarm is normally immune to weapon damage, a Swarmfire weapon deals half damage. The Swarmfire burns for one minute before the effect fades and no longer enhances the weapon. Each time a vial is used, check one box. Once both boxes are checked, cross this boon off.

Versatile Focus:
Pathfinder training has broadened your horizons and helped you discover untapped potential. You may pick an additional Favored Class.

Personal Library:
You may invest your personal earnings into building a library on subjects that interest you. Write down a knowledge skill below. When you make a day job check, you may choose to invest that entire check's earnings into books relating to your choice of knowledge skill. If you use Profession: Librarian as your day job check, you receive a +2 bonus when using your day job this way. Have your GM write down the amount earned and initial it. Once you have invested a cumulative 100 GP, you may make knowledge checks on that subject untrained or receive a +1 bonus if you are trained. Once you have invested a cumulative 500 GP or more, you receive another +1 bonus on related knowledge checks. After investing at least 500 GP into a knowledge skill, you may choose another knowledge skill to begin investing day job checks into.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Ooh - Personal Library sounds really cool. I really like the idea of boons that you invest money into.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

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Charity auction idea - "Don't sully the name" - the winner(s) of this auction get to give their PCs to an author of an upcoming Season 6 scenario to be used in said scenario.

If you had multiples of these, or picked the "top 3", you'd get *tons* of people wanting their characters names to almost-literally be immortalized in the Pathfinder Society.

Silver Crusade 1/5

Mike Bramnik wrote:

Charity auction idea - "Don't sully the name" - the winner(s) of this auction get to give their PCs to an author of an upcoming Season 6 scenario to be used in said scenario.

If you had multiples of these, or picked the "top 3", you'd get *tons* of people wanting their characters names to almost-literally be immortalized in the Pathfinder Society.

A lengthy contract is handed to each of you, before he even speaks you know you dont like him.

"My name is Lord OogNay, and today my little cronies you will earn your titles as pathfinders or......"


Sovereign Court 4/5 *

Seth Gipson wrote:
DrakeRoberts wrote:
James Apostolou wrote:

May take Ten on Job rolls or gains the Improved Day Job feat. (Must Pick One)

Did this change, because I know at one point we were told we could take 10 on job rolls?
Yes, you can Take 10 on a Day Job roll.

It was early in the morning lol

Grand Lodge 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Baltic

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Elemental Diversity

You add the Bestiary 2 elementals (Ice, Lightning, Magma, Mud) to your Summon Monster and Summon Natures Ally lists.

Sovereign Court 5/5

so i've looked thru faq, prd, and the crb and i can not find anything that prohibits u from summoning bestiary 2 elementals other than the rule of providing the source material. so if there is a rule on it please tell me where it is.

Sovereign Court 5/5

never mind i found the odd post in middle of no where from mark sayin that they r not legal.its been 3 yrs u think they would have changed that by now

Liberty's Edge 4/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Since boon creation for cons is underway again, I figured I'll do some thread necromancy:

Auction Boon ideas:

Intelligent Item - Either Armor of the Shadowlord, Headband of the Sage, Helmet of the Golden General, Hammer of Enemies, the Lightning Bow, or the Singing Sword (all from page 356-359 of the Ultimate Equipment Guide) become available items. Choose one and cross the others off of this chronicle sheet.

Fleshed out Background - Add any campaign trait to your character from (add list of campaign guides). In addition, if you add a drawback, you may add an additional legal trait, following the trait rules.

Windfall - Apply this boon to a character for 2000 gold per level of that character.

Dark Archive 3/5 **

Robert Thomson wrote:

Since boon creation for cons is underway again, I figured I'll do some thread necromancy:

Auction Boon ideas:

Intelligent Item - Either Armor of the Shadowlord, Headband of the Sage, Helmet of the Golden General, Hammer of Enemies, the Lightning Bow, or the Singing Sword (all from page 356-359 of the Ultimate Equipment Guide) become available items. Choose one and cross the others off of this chronicle sheet.

Fleshed out Background - Add any campaign trait to your character from (add list of campaign guides). In addition, if you add a drawback, you may add an additional legal trait, following the trait rules.

Windfall - Apply this boon to a character for 2000 gold per level of that character.

I will say that there have been Intelligent Items (unique ones, not existing ones) up for bid at PaizoCons before, though that was the last time we had a formal Grand Convocation (2012). And honestly, the unique ones were much cooler as only two copies of them would ever exist (1 for PaizoCon US, 1 for PaizCon UK).

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Numerian Scholar: Extensive study of the technological artifacts unearthed in Numeria grants you increased understanding of those strange wonders. Choose one skill for which you are treated as though you possess the Technologist feat or learn the Androffan language for free.

Skill Selected:_________________________ GM Initials: ________


Have mentioned this before, but will do so again:

A boon that allows you to add the effects of the Create Reliquary Arms and Shields feat from Ultimate Magic to a single armor, shield, or weapon item for the appropriate cost (+x gp or y Prestige). Item, and god dedicated to, recorded on the sheet, of course.


Trained Monkey Your class-granted companion (familiar, animal companion, mount, eidolon) can aid you in Day Job checks. The companion must have the appropriate skill and can not take 10.

Capture Scroll When you are the target of a spell from an NPC spontaneous caster you may capture the spell as it is on a scroll. If you later defeat this caster, the spell can be transferred to your spellbook or familiar. All appropriate costs and rolls for learning/copying a spell must be met [and time limit to make the transfer?]. You do not have to drink the blood of the spontaneous caster, but even if you did it would not be an evil act. It is instead a culturally acceptable way to honor foes you have fought and defeated.

The fallen victims blood does not need to be drank, but
Dean's Book A list* of Kreighton Shaine's** spell book. Once per scenario [level?] you may copy a spell from his book as if he was a PC wizard sitting at your table*** (paying only the scribing costs if the appropriate spellcraft checks are successful). You must be able to cast spells of the appropriate level [at your highest spell level -1?] to make this copy.
*maybe a limited list (by school, by spell level, or by location such as Osirian-based scenarios only)
**or Aram Zey, or Amenopheus, the Mithral Scarab etc.
***Only useable when no wizard/witch/magus characters are actually at your table.

Saving Blood You may attempt to learn a spell from an unconscious or dying spellcaster by tending their wounds. Using the rules for recovering with help, you study the fallen spellcaster for a number of hours equal to the spell's level. If the spellcaster wakes before this time is up the attempt to learn the spell fails. This boon may only be used once per scenario.

Dying Blood same idea different take You may attempt to learn a spell from a dying spellcaster by studying her mind. You study the fallen spellcaster for a number of rounds (minutes?) equal to the spell's level. If the spellcaster dies within 24 hours the attempt to learn the spell fails. A dying spellcaster must stabilize on her own and must survive using the rules for recovering without help. This boon may only be used once per scenario.

Both of these probably should have check boxes and the 'cross off' stipulations (or pay X prestige for another Y boxes.)

Why yes, I do think word-count leads authors to favor spontaneous casters at the cost of wizard versatility :)

I have a compiled list of this thread from two years ago PM me if you want it :)


Expert Craftsmanship: Through it's many newly acquired allies, the Pathfinder Society has obtained the services of the best crafters across Golarian. These crafters are able to make belts and headbands unlike any other found in the realm. By paying the following fee, you can add an enhancement bonus of different statistic that does not much the original bonus for the belt.

4,000 (+2) 16,000 (+4) 36,000 (+6)

Example: If you have a Belt of Giant Strength +4, you can pay an additional 4,000gp to add a +2 constitution bonus to the belt.

Note: A similar themed boon could allow for ways to allow players to get a +6 weapon.


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This would only work as a GM boon (unless you did something with pregens)... but

Something that would allow you to apply a chronicle to a PC who has outleveled the chronicle in question.

So you could apply a 1-5 chronicle to a level 7 character... perhaps losing 1 point of prestige in the process.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Family Affair

Allow you to transfer a Boon earned playing a scenario to a different character. For example you could have earned the Married a Blackros by one character and then transfer it to another PC regardless of tier, include a copy of the chronicle sheet with this boon and have the GM indicate which boon is being transferred.

Unusual Employment

Select one skill from the following list:
Acrobatics, Climb, Disguise, Fly, Knowledge Geography, History, Nobility, Linguistics, Ride, Swim

You can use that skill for day job checks. The idea here is to take skills that are not as commonly used. Obviously this list could vary.

Unusual Training

Select one Feat whose requirements you don't meet, you may ignore one requirement of that feat. You may use this feat to meet requirements for other feats but must meet requirements as normal.

Wondrous Craftsmanship

Select one item property from a wondrous item that costs less than 4000 gp and is not upgradable. You may place this property on another magical item that occupies the same slot for 1.5 the cost of the normal item. The properties of the original item can be upgraded normally if it is normally upgradable.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Unusual Training should not be able to ignore level, skill rank or BAB requirements only stat or feat requirements.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

I know Mike B said no more evil races as PCs but I'd LOVE to play an orc!

For a charity auction I liked what he did at Winter War let players play a scenario that's been retired. I'm not sure if the players got credit or not.


Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

I'd like a boon that gives me a familiar. Not an improved one or anything, just getting a familiar without having to dip a level or take a feat.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I think at last year's Paizo con they played several of the retired scenarios that had been updated.

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