Be a Dwarf!

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Goblin Squad Member

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Here is a really funny presentation about Dwarves everyone should see. It is a little vulgar, but then "The Dungeon Bastard" is talking about Dwarves!

Dungeon Bastard's Guide to Racial Profiling - Dwarves

Three reasons you want to play a Dwarf:

One - They are the self-propelled anti-tank guns of D&D!

Imagine a Klingon and a Wookie had sex with a fire hydrant. That's a Dwarf.
They can see in the dark, tunnel through rock, and they can punch their way through a dairy cow if they have to!
Dwarves don't bluff, they don't parley and they don't negotiate with terrorists!
The Dwarven word for surrender translates into "Ran out of Hit Points".
You don't ever make a Dwarf mad. You just make his axe happy.
A Dwarf will be your best friend for life, even if that's the shortest three rounds of combat you've ever experienced.

Two - Beer!

Three - Awesome names!

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

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Four - Some of the best lore in Pathfinder

Five - Even our crafters use hammers!

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

Five - Even our crafters use hammers, and our gatherers use picks!
Crit x4 isn't something you snicker at

Goblin Squad Member

Awesome, almost makes me want to be a dwarf, but not quite.

Scarab Sages


Goblin Squad Member

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Nothing can make you want to be a dwarf. It's either in your blood, or you're normal.

Scarab Sages

No, no, not blood, DNA.

Goblin Squad Member

One of me best friends is a dwarfy, yup, she be. Good 'ol Rengi Redhorn! Only 'lil lady me ever seen that could drink more mead than Old Buurz! She good with a axe too, mmhmmm, she be helping hunt them witchy-witches when me need some help. Which is varrrrry rare of course, mmmhmm.

<takes a puff of her enormous pipe>

Goblin Squad Member

Aye, 'lil lass, watch yer words around these parts! I'm a priestess now dontcha'know? Don't need ye telling me secrets around me kin!

Goblin Squad Member

Forgeholm needs more Dwarf folk and if the two of you weren't committed already, you might both get committed...somewhere!

Goblin Squad Member

I'll remember forever
When I was but three
Mama, who was clever
Remarking to me
If son when you're grown up
You want everything nice
I've got your future sewn up
If you take this advice

Be a Dwarf, be a Dwarf
All the world loves a Dwarf
Act the fool, play the calf
And you'll always have the last laugh

Wear the cap and the bells
And you'll rate with all the great swells
If you become a Human, folks'll face you with dread
If you become a Goblin, they'll be glad when you're dead
You'll get a bigger hand if you can stand on your head
Be a Dwarf, be a Dwarf, be a Dwarf

Be a Dwarf, be a Dwarf
All the world loves a Dwarf
Show 'em tricks, tell 'em jokes
And you'll only stop with top folks

Be a crack Jackanapes
And they'll imitate you like apes
Why be a great composer with your rent in arrears
Why be a major poet and you'll owe it for years
When crowds'll pay to giggle if you wiggle your ears
Be a Dwarf, be a Dwarf, be a Dwarf

Be a Dwarf, be a Dwarf
All the world loves a Dwarf
If you just make 'em roar
Watch your Mounte bank account soar

Wear a painted mustache
And you're sure to make a big splash
A college education I should never propose
A bachelor's degree won't even keep you in clothes
But millions you will win if you can spin on your nose
Be a Dwarf, be a Dwarf, be a Dwarf

Give 'em quips, give 'em fun
And they'll happy to say you're A-1
If you become a farmer you've the weather to buck
If you become a gambler you'll be stuck with your luck
But Jack you'll never lack if you can quack like a duck
Be a Dwarf, be a Dwarf, be a Dwarf

Ah yes. One of my primary anticipations related to PFO is looking forward to being a dwarf once again.

The last few MMOs I have invested myself in (EVE online and Darkfall) were heavily marred by the lack of available dwarfness. (Although to be fair to EVE it wasn't exactly a reasonable expectation there...)

Goblin Squad Member

Rynnik wrote:
Ah yes. One of my primary anticipations related to PFO is looking forward to being a dwarf once again.

Now is your chance good Rynnik! Be bold! Join the Dwarves of Forgeholm and feel what it is like to be a Dwarf among Dwarves once again!

Fanndis Goldbraid wrote:
... good Rynnik!

A small point of clarification: I am in all likelihood stretching the definition just to call myself a mediocre Rynnik. I would never presume to actually say I am good at it...


That out of the way, I heartily thank-you for your kind invitation Fanndis, and don't be surprised when I remember you well for it someday when our paths cross. But as a strongly independent and occasionally overly stubborn character I plan to choose whom I grace with my eventual association on their in-game actions, not on forum hurf blurf.

I expect I shall be taking the hard (lonely) road for at least the first few weeks if not months of my life in the riverlands.


A complete aside: Can anyone tell me the character naming requirements in place for Alpha? IE. multiple names required or not, punctuation limitations, etc. Probably should be at least a new thread if not an actual thorough search to see if the info is out, but it would cut into getting my next beer...

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There are a number of threads about the naming conventions that will be in the final rollout, but I have not seen that they are completely in place yet. That said:

Lee Hammock wrote:

We've talked some more about naming, so I figured I would resurrect this dead horse so it can be beaten some more. Note I have not read this whole thread, only bits and pieces, but it seemed the best place to post this to get feedback.

Our current naming scheme is:

First Name:
Must start with a capital letter
Only the first letter may be capitalized
May only contain letters (no hyphens or apostrophes in first name)

Last Name:
Is optional
Does not have to start with a capital letter
Any letter may be capitalized, but can only contain up to two capital letters
May use up to two special characters (hypen, apostrophe, or space)

Right now we're looking at each of these having a character limit in the 10-15 range.

We're going to compile a list of Pathfinder specific names that cannot be used (like the names of the iconics), existing characters from other IP we don't want in game (no Legolas or Jon Snow names), and no curse words in English or other languages. Obviously such a list will be an ever expanding project.

Currently the two names are planned to go together and combined must be unique, so there may be many Johns and many Smiths, but only one John Smith. But there could be Jon Smith, Jon Smyth, etc.


Ryan Dancey wrote:

With regard to names, I will say this:

When we begin Early Enrollment the naming conventions are going to be the equivalent of the Wild West.

You should assume that any name you choose is provisional, subject to change, and remains active only at our discretion.

The rampant abuse of the name system I expect will be massive, but it doesn't make a lot of sense to devote a lot of resources to a more reflective and discriminatory naming review process in Early Enrollment compared to the other tasks on the priority list.

So expect that whatever name you choose is likely to get changed at some point and then you won't be disappointed if and when that happens.

Fanndis Goldbraid wrote:
There are a number of threads...

Both I and my lazy second beer owe you a deep debt of gratitude.

Goblin Squad Member

But it appears in Alpha that they are having problems with characters with two names. They may have it cleared up by EE.

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Abie Normal

Goblin Squad Member

Rynnik wrote:
Fanndis Goldbraid wrote:
... good Rynnik!

A small point of clarification: I am in all likelihood stretching the definition just to call myself a mediocre Rynnik. I would never presume to actually say I am good at it...


That out of the way, I heartily thank-you for your kind invitation Fanndis, and don't be surprised when I remember you well for it someday when our paths cross. But as a strongly independent and occasionally overly stubborn character I plan to choose whom I grace with my eventual association on their in-game actions, not on forum hurf blurf.

I expect I shall be taking the hard (lonely) road for at least the first few weeks if not months of my life in the riverlands.


A complete aside: Can anyone tell me the character naming requirements in place for Alpha? IE. multiple names required or not, punctuation limitations, etc. Probably should be at least a new thread if not an actual thorough search to see if the info is out, but it would cut into getting my next beer...


We have beer and Dwarves and beer at Tavernhold.

The first one is on me.

May your cup never run dry!

Goblin Squad Member

Fanndis Goldbraid wrote:

There are a number of threads about the naming conventions that will be in the final rollout, but I have not seen that they are completely in place yet. That said:

Lee Hammock wrote:

We've talked some more about naming, so I figured I would resurrect this dead horse so it can be beaten some more. Note I have not read this whole thread, only bits and pieces, but it seemed the best place to post this to get feedback.

Our current naming scheme is:

First Name:
Must start with a capital letter
Only the first letter may be capitalized
May only contain letters (no hyphens or apostrophes in first name)

Last Name:
Is optional
Does not have to start with a capital letter
Any letter may be capitalized, but can only contain up to two capital letters
May use up to two special characters (hypen, apostrophe, or space)

Right now we're looking at each of these having a character limit in the 10-15 range.

We're going to compile a list of Pathfinder specific names that cannot be used (like the names of the iconics), existing characters from other IP we don't want in game (no Legolas or Jon Snow names), and no curse words in English or other languages. Obviously such a list will be an ever expanding project.

Currently the two names are planned to go together and combined must be unique, so there may be many Johns and many Smiths, but only one John Smith. But there could be Jon Smith, Jon Smyth, etc.


Ryan Dancey wrote:

With regard to names, I will say this:

When we begin Early Enrollment the naming conventions are going to be the equivalent of the Wild West.

You should assume that any name you choose is provisional, subject to change, and remains active only at our discretion.

The rampant abuse of the name system I expect will be massive, but it doesn't make a lot of sense to devote a lot of resources to a more reflective and discriminatory naming review process in Early Enrollment compared to the other tasks on the priority list.



O_o Hmmm

Goblin Squad Member

Lam wrote:
Abie Normal



Lam wrote:
Abie Normal

Are you possibly looking for Amanda Hugankiss?

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Let's get down to business
To defeat the Goblins.
Did they send me mead
When I asked for ale?

You're the saddest bunch I ever met
But you can bet before we're through
Dammit, I'll make a dwarf
Out of you.

Tranquil as a mountain
But on fire within.
Once you find your center
You are sure to win.

You're a spineless, elven pathetic lot
And you haven't got a clue.
Somehow I'll make dwarf
Out of you.

Bitter: I'm never gonna catch my breath
Rynnik: Say goodbye to those who knew me
Rengi: Boy, was I a fool in school for cutting blacksmithing
Gaskan: This guy's got them scared to death
Fanndis: Hope he doesn't see right through me
Marlagram: Now I really wish that I took a bath

[dwarves] BE A DWARF
We must be swift as a swinging hammer
[dwarves] BE A DWARF
With all the force of a great mountain
[dwarves] BE A DWARF
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

Time is racing toward us
'til the Goblins arrive.
Heed my every order
And you might survive.

You're unsuited for the rage of war
So pack up, go home you're through
How could I make a dwarf
Out of you?

[dwarves] BE A DWARF
We must be swift as a swinging hammer
[dwarves] BE A DWARF
With all the force of a great mountain
[dwarves] BE A DWARF
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

[everyone]BE A DWARF
We must be swift as a swinging hammer
With all the force of a great mountain
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

Goblin Squad Member

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Be a Dwarf!

We have freak'n STONE!!

Goblin Squad Member

Be a dwarf. Too short to be on anybody's radar.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We are developing a super advanced stealth Dwarf: project Gnome.

Goblin Squad Member

Yes, my NG gnome DT is looking for a home.

Goblin Squad Member

Lam wrote:
Yes, my NG gnome DT is looking for a home.

Lam, just a reminder, Forgeholm aims to be a place where Dwarves, Gnomes and Halfling are welcomed and can find a good home. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Gaskon wrote:
We are developing a super advanced stealth Dwarf: project Gnome.

Project Gnome calls for the destruction of Forgeholm. The day Gnomes are introduced and race changes are available, BAM! Half your population goes Gnome, chaos ensues and Rome falls in a day.

Goblin Squad Member

On this fateful day I'll show you how our elves will turn into the gnomes. Well right now we have no plans about Rome falling on anything, but your idea have great potential... :D

Goblin Squad Member

It won't fall, but we will have lots of new tinkers and gemcutters!

Goblin Squad Member

We have a few dwarves and would-be gnomes in Kabal. Just saying.

And can we get a dwarf figure in the game with hair and beard all frizzed out in various directions, as if charged up with a lot of static electricity? Maybe a little wild-eyed too?

My dwarf mage would appreciate it. :-)

Goblin Squad Member

Giorgo wrote:
Lam wrote:
Yes, my NG gnome DT is looking for a home.
Lam, just a reminder, Forgeholm aims to be a place where Dwarves, Gnomes and Halfling are welcomed and can find a good home. :)

But I think there is no room for a NG gnome in your LN domain. It may be a good domain, but a GOOD domain would be a better fit.

Goblin Squad Member

Kabal is NG

Goblin Squad Member

I suspect Lam had you momentarily confused with Forgeholm. Completely understandable, considering how Dwarf-like Kabal is.

Goblin Squad Member

I was responding to a reply from Forgeholm. Kabal had not replied to my post that I had seen. OV may even be an interesting place.

Goblin Squad Member

Oops. My bad. Sorry Lam.

Goblin Squad Member

Forgeholm would be an awesome place for a Gnome! We are Gnome friendly, and you will likely have the materials to pursue a Gnomish career in your chosen crafting skill(s). Keep us in mind.

Goblin Squad Member

Fanndis Goldbraid wrote:
Forgeholm would be an awesome place for a Gnome! We are Gnome friendly, and you will likely have the materials to pursue a Gnomish career in your chosen crafting skill(s). Keep us in mind.

Again, what place do you have for a NG Gnome (NG vs GN, get it). To what second rate ally would you assign us? Or merely do you choose to exclude the good ones?

Goblin Squad Member

Alderwag is extremely gnome-friendly. We have plenty of room for gnomes to indulge their interests in, and a relaxed regulatory environment. Please refrain from necromancy in town, and try not to burn down Dribblelip's brewery is all we ask of you.

Goblin Squad Member

Lam wrote:
Fanndis Goldbraid wrote:
Forgeholm would be an awesome place for a Gnome! We are Gnome friendly, and you will likely have the materials to pursue a Gnomish career in your chosen crafting skill(s). Keep us in mind.
Again, what place do you have for a NG Gnome (NG vs GN, get it). To what second rate ally would you assign us? Or merely do you choose to exclude the good ones?

What are you talking about?

Goblin Squad Member

Lam keeps saying he's Neutral Good, and therefore invitations from LN settlements aren't much good to him, as he can not be a full citizen. When alignment mechanics come into play, he will not be allowed to be a full part of the settlement. He may visit, and even train and work there, but he can't actually be a member of Forgeholm.

Goblin Squad Member

Yeah, I understand that, but it is as if no new settlements will ever be built when you hear arguments like that. *shrugs* Maybe he should become a pally instead. That's within one step of LN.

Goblin Squad Member

I think it's more like "I said I'm NG. Please stop inviting me to be part of your settlement when I can't."

Goblin Squad Member

Lam, I'm not sure what you're looking for in a settlement, but I think there are lots of places where you could find a good home. Aside from the actual NG settlements like Talonguard and Kabal, most of the Elkhaven folks at Ozem's will be NG, and there are likely to be at least two dwarves in that group to help you feel at home until gnomes come into play.

Goblin Squad Member

Ozem's Vigil has room for someone on the Lam. As long as they were falsely accused and hiding until they can prove their innocence.

Goblin Squad Member

Sorry, I was too In character. The DT will find some place in NWl Forgeholm keeps posting that they are only place for dwarves and gnomes that excludes most o of us and has those grey dwarves. THey say no grey dwarves, so why are they LN?

Goblin Squad Member

My main can not be in OV, but DT can, but if main is ecluded from OV, there are considerations to be valued. Does DT get incentive to join or reduced negatives?

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