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How many of you have characters that get funny looks based on the things I mentioned in the title?
This is NOT a place to come and make fun of character concepts.
I'm merely curious what ideas people have that are probably viewed as out of the norm in society play.
For example, one of my characters is a Paladin of Shelyn who loves performing with wind instruments. I have recieved plenty of funny looks at first, but it doesn't change anything. What about the rest of you?

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Strenella Alesia Lywellyn: Pit born tiefling fighter raised by loving supportive parents who are clerics of Sheyln. Threatens to skin her foes for her little sister's leather working. Very devout and if she can't help you find your inner beauty she'll rip your spine out in frustration.
Ambrose Maximillan Demetrius Dalsine, his charming wife, Sita Dalsine. Their twin daughters Lucy and Mina and their younger brother Severus.

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How many of you have characters that get funny looks based on the things I mentioned in the title?
This is NOT a place to come and make fun of character concepts.
I'm merely curious what ideas people have that are probably viewed as out of the norm in society play.
For example, one of my characters is a Paladin of Shelyn who loves performing with wind instruments. I have recieved plenty of funny looks at first, but it doesn't change anything. What about the rest of you?
My androgynous hellspawn Callistra Cleric (technically mystic thuerge now) who is a member of the Silver Crusade faction, raises some eyebrows. Not the hellspawn Callistra combo, but the Silver Crusade faction.

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My Cheliax loyalist halfling never went to Cheliax, what limited information he received were "real facts" rather than true facts. Several Andorans tried to explain it to me at length....but all I'd say was,
"slavery sure, but that's just on Thursday's."
"sure I beatings regularly, but only when I'm good."
"no no no we don't worship devils, they just follow our orders."
"forced labor camps, that's just translation error the proper translation is intensive day spa"

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This Tiefling Barbarian/Monk has gotten a few odd looks. Apart from the fact that it has 1 level of Barbarian and 3 levels of Monks, the odd personality quirk of her trying to sell everyone her "antique" coffee pot has raised one or two eyebrows and made people laugh.
One GM called this character cheesy because it was a Barbarian/Monk. *shrug*

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This was only a PFS character for 2 GM credits and ended up being an AP character instead, but I had a Halfling Gunslinger/Inquisitor of Calistria. Because nobody expects the Halfling Inquisition. He was actually very dour and was modeled after a hard boiled noir detective, right down to the murdered Calistrian Prostitute ex-girlfriend.
I may yet recreate him in PFS.
As far as PFS characters go, my Nagaji Monk still occasionally gets strange looks, especially now that he's purchased a snakeskin tunic.

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The really weird thing about the Hellknight prestige classes is that paladins can technically qualify for them -- and they would have absolutely no problem with the "special" requirement of slaying a devil.
What's so weird about that? There are canon Paladin Hellknights. In fact, the Order of the Godclaw was founded by a Paladin.

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I've been told all of my characters are snowflakes, but I don't know if it's the race/class combo that makes them so awful. Probably not.
I figure the fact my tiefling paladin is multiclassing into gunslinger and inquisitor might make a few people headdesk, though. I also have a concept for an elf paladin of Iomedae floating around.
Oh, but then there's my half-elf arcane bloodline bloodrager. Who hates spellcasters of any kind who aren't priest types (cleric/paladin/inquisitor/warpriest). And whose faction is Osirion.

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Dwarven Cleric/Rogue of Calistria. Born as slave in Cheliax, escaped with bellflower network, raised by halflings, turned to Calistria to satisfy the vengeance in his heart and the lust he has for a world so full of ...stuff.
Now has 3 female cohorts (he refers to them as his 3 daggers): a halfling geisha (retrained from expert/prostitute), a hobgoblin inquis/ranger (formerly of asmodeus but lost faith after goblinblood wars) and a ratfolk urban druid found underneath kasai.
He prefers wine and mead to spirits and ale, sideburns to beards, and his list of bedwarmers grows constantly.

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This Tiefling Barbarian/Monk has gotten a few odd looks. Apart from the fact that it has 1 level of Barbarian and 3 levels of Monks, the odd personality quirk of her trying to sell everyone her "antique" coffee pot has raised one or two eyebrows and made people laugh.
One GM called this character cheesy because it was a Barbarian/Monk. *shrug*
Just curious, but if a barb can't be lawful and a monk can't be unlawful how did you get these two classes to mix?

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Nisha the Merchant wrote:Just curious, but if a barb can't be lawful and a monk can't be unlawful how did you get these two classes to mix?This Tiefling Barbarian/Monk has gotten a few odd looks. Apart from the fact that it has 1 level of Barbarian and 3 levels of Monks, the odd personality quirk of her trying to sell everyone her "antique" coffee pot has raised one or two eyebrows and made people laugh.
One GM called this character cheesy because it was a Barbarian/Monk. *shrug*
One level of barbarian and then lose the ability to rage when you become lawful.

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yes i am aware of some more common ways around this, but i was mostly curious to see if they had found something more "creative". :)
another option would be the maenad psionic race that can take barbarian levels even with a lawful alignment with no loss of rage.
In blood of angels there is a trait that allows an Idyllkin Aasimar to take levels in monk while maintaining a Neutral or Neutral Good alignment.

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No one seems to give a second thought to my having a LG tiefling cleric of Iomedae, but people keep getting tripped up by the fact that he's not "angsty anti-hero #315869", is also not "good is a doormat", and is also not "homicidal maniac who just makes sure his targets are evil so he can keep the G on his sheet". People seem to sometimes have trouble grasping the concept of a LG tiefling who is none of those things.

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No one seems to give a second thought to my having a LG tiefling cleric of Iomedae, but people keep getting tripped up by the fact that he's not "angsty anti-hero #315869", is also not "good is a doormat", and is also not "homicidal maniac who just makes sure his targets are evil so he can keep the G on his sheet". People seem to sometimes have trouble grasping the concept of a LG tiefling who is none of those things.
... wait, there's another way to do lawful good?
*ow ow ow ow kidding ow ow ow*

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I often play PFS with familiar players who are also good friends, but occasionally I get someone in a group who has never encountered my tiefling inquisitor of Shelyn. Usual OOC questions about my character:
1. "...wait, are you a girl?"
2. "Oh, you're not a girl...wait, are you a bard?"
3. "...Shelyn?"
4. "Are you a cleric?"
5. "Ah! You have a tail?!"
6. "...you...wait, how much damage did you just do?!"
7. "No seriously, are you a girl?"
All this, along with me almost always playing this character alongside my wife's Shelynite Oradin (who is modeled after Capt. Jack Harkness) tends to twist the noodles of players that have never sat at a table with us before. They're "boon companions" and almost never separated.
"Wait...which one of you is a girl?"
"Neither? Huh?"

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I'm usually the giver of odd looks. Usually after an exchange like this:
Me: "You're a Asura-spawn tiefling cleric of Desna? Why?"
Player: "So I can use my tail as a swift action to retrieve things and I use Butterfly's Sting so the big hitters get to crit more."
M: "OK, but why does an Asura-spawn worship Desna?"
P: "I get +10 feet to my movement speed from the travel domain and I'm taking a couple of feats so I can see in deeper darkness!"
M: "Ah, so you will always be able to see the stars."
P: "I guess. Deeper darkness sucks so now I won't have to worry about it."
Me: (Raised Eyebrow)

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I'm usually the giver of odd looks. Usually after an exchange like this:
Me: "You're a Asura-spawn tiefling cleric of Desna? Why?"
Player: "So I can use my tail as a swift action to retrieve things and I use Butterfly's Sting so the big hitters get to crit more."
M: "OK, but why does an Asura-spawn worship Desna?"
P: "I get +10 feet to my movement speed from the travel domain and I'm taking a couple of feats so I can see in deeper darkness!"
M: "Ah, so you will always be able to see the stars."
P: "I guess. Deeper darkness sucks so now I won't have to worry about it."Me: (Raised Eyebrow)
My takeaway here is we should blame weird characters on authors who put deeper darkness into scenarios.

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Belafon wrote:I'm usually the giver of odd looks. Usually after an exchange like this:
Me: "You're a Asura-spawn tiefling cleric of Desna? Why?"
Player: "So I can use my tail as a swift action to retrieve things and I use Butterfly's Sting so the big hitters get to crit more."
M: "OK, but why does an Asura-spawn worship Desna?"
P: "I get +10 feet to my movement speed from the travel domain and I'm taking a couple of feats so I can see in deeper darkness!"
M: "Ah, so you will always be able to see the stars."
P: "I guess. Deeper darkness sucks so now I won't have to worry about it."Me: (Raised Eyebrow)
My takeaway here is we should blame weird characters on authors who put deeper darkness into scenarios.
That you wrote this, Jiggy, after providing essentially what I consider the definitive Darkness mechanic explanation, kinda makes me giggle
I mean in a manly way
a manly giggle

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Belafon wrote:I'm usually the giver of odd looks. Usually after an exchange like this:
Me: "You're a Asura-spawn tiefling cleric of Desna? Why?"
Player: "So I can use my tail as a swift action to retrieve things and I use Butterfly's Sting so the big hitters get to crit more."
M: "OK, but why does an Asura-spawn worship Desna?"
P: "I get +10 feet to my movement speed from the travel domain and I'm taking a couple of feats so I can see in deeper darkness!"
M: "Ah, so you will always be able to see the stars."
P: "I guess. Deeper darkness sucks so now I won't have to worry about it."Me: (Raised Eyebrow)
My takeaway here is we should blame weird characters on authors who put deeper darkness into scenarios.
I thought he was just trying to convince the guy to take Profession: Astrologer for his day job.

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I'm usually the giver of odd looks. Usually after an exchange like this:
Me: "You're a Asura-spawn tiefling cleric of Desna? Why?"
Player: "So I can use my tail as a swift action to retrieve things and I use Butterfly's Sting so the big hitters get to crit more."
M: "OK, but why does an Asura-spawn worship Desna?"
P: "I get +10 feet to my movement speed from the travel domain and I'm taking a couple of feats so I can see in deeper darkness!"
M: "Ah, so you will always be able to see the stars."
P: "I guess. Deeper darkness sucks so now I won't have to worry about it."Me: (Raised Eyebrow)
When there is little to no backstory providing internal logic, l too am a eyebrow raiser.
Making mold breaking characters is an art.

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I have a Half Orc Dervish Dancer (archetype) Bard who has drawn some sideways glances. The line "Let me dance you the dance of my people. But first, sigh waiver: Much flailing, many sharp edges, Glug no liable negligent dismemberment," popped into my head one day and I knew I had to make a character based on it.
"You're a Bard... with a greataxe? And you just hit that guy for how much damage?"
For some reason, the biggest confusion people have once they start playing with him is remembering that he's actually a Bard with all the face skills that implies. We run into a social encounter and people get that "aww crap, we don't have anyone with a positive charisma score" look, which gets a little desperate when Glug steps up and starts his "uncultured provincial who's slightly amused by you big city folks" routine.
Then there's my decidedly Chaotic Neutral Gnome Evangelist Cleric of The Lantern King, (alternate, negative channeling Madness domain: Tagline "Dance party!") though most of the looks are because he's in the Silver Crusade. But hey, that's where they need his teachings the most! (Most of the other factions don't really need much guidance or incentive, but those poor, benighted Silver Crusaders just don't seem to get it.)
I have a sign I put up for him with his name and "Not that kind of Cleric," to help people remember. Then there's the buff matrix for easy table reference during combat, but nobody seems to complain about that...