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1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey, Mark, I had a player want to take two archetypes that replaced the same ability at 11th level, in exchange for giving up all three putative 11th-level abilities. Do you think that's a fair trade, or is it too punitive to the PC? Does the answer change if the campaign doesn't reach 11th-level?

(If it matters, the archetypes are Mouser and Inspired Blade for the swashbuckler.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

How was your Christmas? Did you get anything good?


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hope your and Linda's flight back to Seattle was good! Thanks for coming on the show again. :D

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Mark, do you play the X-Wing miniatures game from FFG? If so, which faction do you play?

Have you tried the new FFG Star Wars RPG? I like the dice, but they are a little weird at first.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Mr. Mark Seifter,

A slightly different take with planar stuff and the kineticist. If you were to take the unchained eidolon base evolutions and give them to the kineticist would you have them replace the every 4th utility wild talent, half of them, all of them, or something else?

I know in that case I would change the 20th capstone with the 20th evolution set plus a change in creature type. I would also probably throw the elemental defense into the exchange or tweaking pile.

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Mark Seifter wrote:
QuidEst wrote:
Lab_Rat wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

Huh. So that superman pose doesn't just look cool, its actually required....

Wait, DAZED while flying will get you killed?

Yeah. Flight just got A LOT easier to combat. Your also totally screwed if your dazed or stunned because there will be NO feather fall from the fly spell and no actions to cast / activate feather fall from a spell or ring.
Meaning that the question of which pre-req for flight an Aerokineticist should take is now "definitely Air's Cushion".
To be fair, I don't see why people didn't like air's cushion even if they didn't know that part about flying. If you're going to be flying a lot, you'll fall at some point, possibly far. Granted burn might save you from KO->instadeath like most other flyers, once you're high enough level.

I was just pointing out that this was the nail in the coffin. The best reason I can think of is that Air's Leap is more useful before you get flying, and somebody might need their sixth level switch for something else.

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Mark Seifter wrote:
QuidEst wrote:
Lab_Rat wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

Huh. So that superman pose doesn't just look cool, its actually required....

Wait, DAZED while flying will get you killed?

Yeah. Flight just got A LOT easier to combat. Your also totally screwed if your dazed or stunned because there will be NO feather fall from the fly spell and no actions to cast / activate feather fall from a spell or ring.
Meaning that the question of which pre-req for flight an Aerokineticist should take is now "definitely Air's Cushion".
To be fair, I don't see why people didn't like air's cushion even if they didn't know that part about flying. If you're going to be flying a lot, you'll fall at some point, possibly far. Granted burn might save you from KO->instadeath like most other flyers, once you're high enough level.

Because Wings of Air specifies you are under the constant effect of fly. Granted, it doesn't contain the language "as per the spell" as it normally would, but it strongly indicates that it is, as per the spell.

And, as per the spell, if the fly spell is dispelled or ends, then you float to the ground, gently, at 60 ft. per round for 1d6 rounds. Keep in mind, because you're falling at 60 ft. per round, even if you only do it for 1 round, that's enough time for the Kineticist to spend a Standard action to re-activate Wings of Air.

I honestly think the FAQ is a bunch of nonsense for magical flight. The fly spell, for instance, says that flying takes up as much concentration as walking. So maintaining the magical fly spell takes as close to no effort as one could possibly get.

I mean, if you're flying along and a Tier 10 level 20 Mythic Arch-Mage dumps Mythic Power into a Mage's Disjunction and rips the magic out of every spell and magical item on your person, you still float to the ground, gently.

If, instead, you just cast a single, non-mythic, non-agumented, 1st level spell from a regular, non-mythic, non-level 20 caster like ear piercing scream, then if they fail their save, they are dazed and they drop out of the sky like a f+%&ing rock at 200 ft. per round, crashing into the earth taking 20d6 points of damage.


I concur that the part about magical flight feels insulting to logic.

Magical flight is commanded by thought rather than flapping arms but wathever, it isn't the first time we get rules that go openly against common sense

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It makes sense to me. If you go unconscious or get dazed while flying you are technically still in control of the spell, you just aren't telling to to keep you in the air. It says that it takes concentration to fly after all. Seriously, do you expect a 3rd level spell to have a protective safety cushion against every possible downside or counter?

Matrix Dragon wrote:
It makes sense to me. If you go unconscious or get dazed while flying you are technically still in control of the spell, you just aren't telling to to keep you in the air. It says that it takes concentration to fly after all.

My complaint was particularly agains the Paralysis, that doesn't make sense it would stop magical flight that is directed by will rather than physical movement.

Anyway I feel this isn't the thread for the matter.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Matrix Dragon wrote:
It makes sense to me. If you go unconscious or get dazed while flying you are technically still in control of the spell, you just aren't telling to to keep you in the air. It says that it takes concentration to fly after all. Seriously, do you expect a 3rd level spell to have a protective safety cushion against every possible downside or counter?

See, the stunned condition, I can understand, because you drop your weapons, fall prone and lose your turn as you brain basically stops working for a moment.

Paralyzed? Dazed? No. Paralyzed lets you stay conscious, you can still take mental actions. Pretty sure Concentration is a purely mental action, no hand waving, or physical actions required to concentrate. If I recall, activating a spell-like ability is a purely mental action as it requires no verbal, somatic, or material components. Just activation. So you can cast any SLA you possess, but can't concentrate on flying.

Dazed denies you your actions, true, but you are still able to defend yourself. You don't get an AC penalty, you aren't flat-footed, or denied dex. You just don't take any actions. A person who is dazed has enough mental functions to defend themselves from enemy attacks, but can't concentrate on maintaining a fly spell.

Stunned, unconscious, petrified? All conditions that make sense in that you can't take actions and your mind stops functioning. Dazed and Paralyzed do not.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Any chance we can get some FAQ loving this year, say answering some of these questions and maybe specifically questions in this post or that post?

I have been told by a little birdie that there might be cookies in the mix for many of these!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It looks like that I'll finally be able to play my Telekineticist this weekend, and I was hoping for some clarification on how TK Finesse works.

There's a thread here where the questions I've been pondering are located, but to summarize:
Is TK Finesse part of the action taken or does it require a standard action to activate? If the latter, what's the duration (unless you have to use a standard action every round for it)?

Is there a weight limit or is it based on your Basic TK limit?

Is it based on line of sight (meaning you have to be able to see the object you are pulling from someone's pocket, unlike a typical Sleight of Hands check where you can basically just rummage through someone's pocket and pull out what feels nifty)?

My hope is that it's part of the action that you are taking and almost as if you had a reach of <distance of TK Finesse>. So if you can do it with your hands if it was adjacent, you can do it with your TK Finesse within close range. Well... my REAL hope is that it uses the range of Basic TK, but I'm not greedy :D

If I missed the answers to these somewhere, sorry! :)


Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Are there rules somewhere that I'm missing on how to make a lycanthrope? Like if I want to make a weretiger who's not a 4th level human rogue, I don't know where to even begin. It seems like it should be a template somewhere to add.

Also I'm not sure you're the person to ask, but are there any plans to have more options for unchained summoners? Like, I don't know, Kyton subtype eidolons? Or new evolutions to give your eidolon?

Silver Crusade Contributor

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Will Huston wrote:
Are there rules somewhere that I'm missing on how to make a lycanthrope? Like if I want to make a weretiger who's not a 4th level human rogue, I don't know where to even begin. It seems like it should be a template somewhere to add.

The first Bestiary has the template - you just need to cross-reference it with the stats for a tiger, as well as the subject of the template.

Will Huston wrote:
Also I'm not sure you're the person to ask, but are there any plans to have more options for unchained summoners? Like, I don't know, Kyton subtype eidolons? Or new evolutions to give your eidolon?

I desperately want kyton eidolons. ^_^

If anything, I'd watch the Player Companion line. The upcoming Blood of Shadows is one potential place for kytons to appear...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I second the Kyton subtype for Unchained Eidolons, and I'd add Aeon and other outsider subtypes like Demodand or even Qlippoth if it's not that outlandish

Silver Crusade Contributor

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Qlippoth? It's so... tentacle-y.

I don't disapprove. ^_^

Do you think we'll get a FAQ tomorrow?


2 people marked this as a favorite.
The NPC wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:

3) I don't see how it would be any different than a fighter granting divine spells. Kineticists could certainly take that power.

4) Honestly, if you feel like it, you could reskin the planar oracle for kineticists; just specify that it's an elemental plane, ignore the spells part, and then trade out the 4th level utility talent for planar resistance and omnikinesis for the final revelation. It mostly works for fire, water, and air though.

5) I wouldn't recommend it without looking at the prereqs and adjusting them. I've played with some warlocks in my day (and played one for a bit), and the class struggles at dealing...

Mr. Mark Seifter,

thank you for the answers. Some further what nots:
3) So, a kineticist would be treated as a non caster in regards to the spells & spell-like abilities granted by the ability?

4) What elements would you assign to which outer planes? For example the Abyss = Air, Hell = Fire, etc.

5) If one was to warlock-ify the kineticist, would you change the capstone ability and if so what might you change it to?

3) They technically aren't a spellcaster, yeah.

4) I would just use the Elemental Planes. The association is natural then.

5) I would probably just use the warlock instead. I have one I converted in a homebrew Pathfinder game that basically adds sorcerer bloodlines to represent sources of warlock-y power (since many non-9-level-casters gained a new "thing" in Pathfinder). It works pretty well; still weak on damage as expected.


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Joana wrote:

Hey, Mark, I had a player want to take two archetypes that replaced the same ability at 11th level, in exchange for giving up all three putative 11th-level abilities. Do you think that's a fair trade, or is it too punitive to the PC? Does the answer change if the campaign doesn't reach 11th-level?

(If it matters, the archetypes are Mouser and Inspired Blade for the swashbuckler.)

It matters which are which because not all abilities are created equal. In this case, it seems pretty fair, though, since the evasive ability is a pretty hefty ability and it wouldn't be swapped out normally. You'll want to watch out for a mouser archetype period especially at low levels (debuffs are overtuned in their magnitude compared to how easy it is to hand them out; more balanced at Monkey Shine levels), but that's true with or without inspired blade.


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Dragon78 wrote:
How was your Christmas? Did you get anything good?

Christmas went well. I got some pretty good stuff, including plenty of useful gift cards!


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Alexander Augunas wrote:
Hope your and Linda's flight back to Seattle was good! Thanks for coming on the show again. :D

It actually wasn't too bumpy, which is good, though we did wind up split up, which was bad. I used the opportunity to finally beat A Link Between Worlds, having beaten Phoenix Wright vs. Professor Layton on the way over. Coming on the show was fun. I'll admit I wasn't expecting the topic in my top topics people would want to ask me (compared to design stuff), but I'm glad Linda and I could be of help!


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Thomas LeBlanc wrote:

Mark, do you play the X-Wing miniatures game from FFG? If so, which faction do you play?

Have you tried the new FFG Star Wars RPG? I like the dice, but they are a little weird at first.

I don't tend to play miniatures games that much. Haven't looked at the FFG Star Wars RPG; how do the dice work for it?


1 person marked this as a favorite.
The NPC wrote:

Mr. Mark Seifter,

A slightly different take with planar stuff and the kineticist. If you were to take the unchained eidolon base evolutions and give them to the kineticist would you have them replace the every 4th utility wild talent, half of them, all of them, or something else?

I know in that case I would change the 20th capstone with the 20th evolution set plus a change in creature type. I would also probably throw the elemental defense into the exchange or tweaking pile.

That one's interesting. Let's see...for a quick pass for an elemental eidolon, I'd probably give nothing at level 1 (the trade-offs start at 2nd), then trade defense, as you mentioned, probably for immunity to the element, then trade 4th utility for immunity to paralysis and sleep, don't give the freebie evolution, trade 8th for the movement ability (it does skip prereqs compared to getting the movement as a utility, but then you don't have the prereq and the movements are usually better) and continue trading utilities for the others at the level you get them, plus the capstone just as you mentioned. This doesn't seem super-satisfying to me, though; having so many immunities is probably more "optimized" than the flexible utility talents, but it doesn't seem as much fun, and there's a lot of overlap with utility choices.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Matrix Dragon wrote:
It makes sense to me. If you go unconscious or get dazed while flying you are technically still in control of the spell, you just aren't telling to to keep you in the air. It says that it takes concentration to fly after all. Seriously, do you expect a 3rd level spell to have a protective safety cushion against every possible downside or counter?

The main thing is that there is a Fly check required each round with a requisite action to take that check. Nothing in the fly spell indicates that you can ignore Fly checks (indeed, if you could, it should be perfect maneuverability and/or there's no reason to give a bonus on them for the magic making it easy). Of the conditions mentioned here (dazed, stunned, and paralyzed), dazed and stunned clearly prevent all actions and thus prevent the action to make the Fly check. As Entryhazard points out, only paralysis was really in contention, since it could theoretically be a purely mental action. However, paralysis gives you 0 Dexterity, so you can't make Dex-based skill checks, of which the Fly check to stay aloft is one.

All that being said, I'm not convinced that making Fly a new Dex-based skill and making maneuverabilities basically not matter if you have ranks (compared to 3.5) works better than either the old system or an even-more streamlined version (when the clumsy dragon has 20 ranks and is more maneuverable than the hummingbird, I scratch my head a bit), but given how the Fly skill works, the fact that action denial makes you fall follows.


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James Risner wrote:

Any chance we can get some FAQ loving this year, say answering some of these questions and maybe specifically questions in this post or that post?

I have been told by a little birdie that there might be cookies in the mix for many of these!

I'm certainly reading that thread with interest, though it won't directly affect the FAQ queue too much (indirectly, though, it will, since it will raise awareness of those questions and increase their discussions). Bribery doesn't directly change which FAQs we do in which order (the "sanctity of the FAQ queue" can't be bought or what-have-you), but it certainly does tend to raise everyone's attitude toward FAQs, so recent influx of food doesn't hurt my attempts to schedule time for the tougher or super-long ones (still holding out that the one we didn't get for the holidays got far enough along for it to happen).


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Will Huston wrote:

Are there rules somewhere that I'm missing on how to make a lycanthrope? Like if I want to make a weretiger who's not a 4th level human rogue, I don't know where to even begin. It seems like it should be a template somewhere to add.

Also I'm not sure you're the person to ask, but are there any plans to have more options for unchained summoners? Like, I don't know, Kyton subtype eidolons? Or new evolutions to give your eidolon?

Kalindlara is right about lycanthropes. That said, hopefully the announced corruptions and related material for Horror Adventures will make your job even easier in that regard (and open up more options!).

I think new eidolon subtypes would be cool and know of at least one on a not-yet-released product (doesn't guarantee you'll see it any time soon, of course, and you can guess that with all the options, it might not be the kyton).

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mark Seifter wrote:
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:

Mark, do you play the X-Wing miniatures game from FFG? If so, which faction do you play?

Have you tried the new FFG Star Wars RPG? I like the dice, but they are a little weird at first.

I don't tend to play miniatures games that much. Haven't looked at the FFG Star Wars RPG; how do the dice work for it?

Well, imagine an abstract painting. That's the dice.

That's not even really a joke. If you are curious, itmeJP did an amazing in costume game of the Star Wars RPG.

The short story is that the dice have marks on them. Some are good dices with marks meaning you win and others mean you critically win. You roll a pool of good dice against evil dice with rogue equivalents and equivalents cancel each other out. If the end result has more good marks than bad, you win! If the end result is more bad, then bad things happen. Nothing is nothing happens. The DC for something determines how many bad dice you roll while being good at something means you roll more good dice.


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Entryhazard wrote:
I second the Kyton subtype for Unchained Eidolons, and I'd add Aeon and other outsider subtypes like Demodand or even Qlippoth if it's not that outlandish

Qlippoth is pretty tricky because they want to annihilate all mortalkind and they don't have the div's obsession, so it doesn't make sense that a non-omnicidal summoner would have one; they yearn for the primal chaos before reality as it currently is, and they like the Abyss (at least before those new kids the demons started trampling on their lawn), so presumably a qlippoth eidolon would just never show up when called.

Anyway, when I got approval for a new good, neutral, and evil eidolon subtype, agathion and psychopomp were no-brainers, but for evil, it came down to div vs. kyton vs. qlippoth, and qlippoth fell off that list quickly for the above reasons. Kyton was very close, but div made the cut in part because of the alignment symmetry.


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The Mortonator wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:

Mark, do you play the X-Wing miniatures game from FFG? If so, which faction do you play?

Have you tried the new FFG Star Wars RPG? I like the dice, but they are a little weird at first.

I don't tend to play miniatures games that much. Haven't looked at the FFG Star Wars RPG; how do the dice work for it?

Well, imagine an abstract painting. That's the dice.

That's not even really a joke. If you are curious, itmeJP did an amazing in costume game of the Star Wars RPG.

The short story is that the dice have marks on them. Some are good dices with marks meaning you win and others mean you critically win. You roll a pool of good dice against evil dice with rogue equivalents and equivalents cancel each other out. If the end result has more good marks than bad, you win! If the end result is more bad, then bad things happen. Nothing is nothing happens. The DC for something determines how many bad dice you roll while being good at something means you roll more good dice.

Got it. So it's like the "opposed roll" version of those dice pool games with dice that have only 1 or 0 results that you pool based on how good you are against a certain static number.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Chess Pwn wrote:
Do you think we'll get a FAQ tomorrow?

I would be surprised if we didn't. The next one we found was a matter of the request being "I hope the rule doesn't work the way it says" on which we reached immediate consensus (that it does work the way it says), so now it's just down to wording!

Mark Seifter wrote:
The Mortonator wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:

Mark, do you play the X-Wing miniatures game from FFG? If so, which faction do you play?

Have you tried the new FFG Star Wars RPG? I like the dice, but they are a little weird at first.

I don't tend to play miniatures games that much. Haven't looked at the FFG Star Wars RPG; how do the dice work for it?

Well, imagine an abstract painting. That's the dice.

That's not even really a joke. If you are curious, itmeJP did an amazing in costume game of the Star Wars RPG.

The short story is that the dice have marks on them. Some are good dices with marks meaning you win and others mean you critically win. You roll a pool of good dice against evil dice with rogue equivalents and equivalents cancel each other out. If the end result has more good marks than bad, you win! If the end result is more bad, then bad things happen. Nothing is nothing happens. The DC for something determines how many bad dice you roll while being good at something means you roll more good dice.

Got it. So it's like the "opposed roll" version of those dice pool games with dice that have only 1 or 0 results that you pool based on how good you are against a certain static number.

Kinda, the dice are actually a bit more complex as some sides have doubles successes and so on, and there is also a system for upgrading your dice to use ones with better odds. Add in a fate pool system and for the first hour or so it is confusing till you get the hang of it.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Mortonator wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
The Mortonator wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:

Mark, do you play the X-Wing miniatures game from FFG? If so, which faction do you play?

Have you tried the new FFG Star Wars RPG? I like the dice, but they are a little weird at first.

I don't tend to play miniatures games that much. Haven't looked at the FFG Star Wars RPG; how do the dice work for it?

Well, imagine an abstract painting. That's the dice.

That's not even really a joke. If you are curious, itmeJP did an amazing in costume game of the Star Wars RPG.

The short story is that the dice have marks on them. Some are good dices with marks meaning you win and others mean you critically win. You roll a pool of good dice against evil dice with rogue equivalents and equivalents cancel each other out. If the end result has more good marks than bad, you win! If the end result is more bad, then bad things happen. Nothing is nothing happens. The DC for something determines how many bad dice you roll while being good at something means you roll more good dice.

Got it. So it's like the "opposed roll" version of those dice pool games with dice that have only 1 or 0 results that you pool based on how good you are against a certain static number.
Kinda, the dice are actually a bit more complex as some sides have doubles successes and so on, and there is also a system for upgrading your dice to use ones with better odds.

Ah, gotcha. So like a d6 with ++/++/+/+/0/0 (two double successes, two successes, and two nothings) on your side and then --/--/-/-/0/0 for the bad one. Those probabilities specifically are kind of like rolling a set of Fudge dice with a "+1" on the good ones and "-1" on the bad ones.

EDIT for EDIT: With a fate pool, that sounds even more like Fudge/Fate (which I consider fun systems, if sometimes tricky to adjudicate stuff).

Mark Seifter wrote:
The Mortonator wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
The Mortonator wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:

Mark, do you play the X-Wing miniatures game from FFG? If so, which faction do you play?

Have you tried the new FFG Star Wars RPG? I like the dice, but they are a little weird at first.

I don't tend to play miniatures games that much. Haven't looked at the FFG Star Wars RPG; how do the dice work for it?

Well, imagine an abstract painting. That's the dice.

That's not even really a joke. If you are curious, itmeJP did an amazing in costume game of the Star Wars RPG.

The short story is that the dice have marks on them. Some are good dices with marks meaning you win and others mean you critically win. You roll a pool of good dice against evil dice with rogue equivalents and equivalents cancel each other out. If the end result has more good marks than bad, you win! If the end result is more bad, then bad things happen. Nothing is nothing happens. The DC for something determines how many bad dice you roll while being good at something means you roll more good dice.

Got it. So it's like the "opposed roll" version of those dice pool games with dice that have only 1 or 0 results that you pool based on how good you are against a certain static number.
Kinda, the dice are actually a bit more complex as some sides have doubles successes and so on, and there is also a system for upgrading your dice to use ones with better odds.

Ah, gotcha. So like a d6 with ++/++/+/+/0/0 (two double successes, two successes, and two nothings) on your side and then --/--/-/-/0/0 for the bad one. Those probabilities specifically are kind of like rolling a set of Fudge dice with a "+1" on the good ones and "-1" on the bad ones.

EDIT for EDIT: With a fate pool, that sounds even more like Fudge/Fate (which I consider fun systems, if sometimes tricky to adjudicate stuff).

I'm not familiar with Fudge, but you have the basic idea. It gets more complex as there are Triumph (Crits), Success, Advantage as well as a trio of opposites. It's kinda nice in that you can "spend" advantage in a number of ways that don't mean you succeed, but do help you succeed later or heal or active a weapon's special quality or really any of quite a few options.

It's a bit more arcadey of a system than d20, but I can understand the appeal as it is very Space Opera friendly. There are even preset rules for basically being C3-PO and "accidentally" helping. Another examples is that initiative is shared between players and thus anyone can act in any order letting you be tactical with who shoots first.


7 people marked this as a favorite.
The Mortonator wrote:
Another examples is that initiative is shared between players and thus anyone can act in any order letting you be tactical with who shoots first.



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Mark Seifter wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:
I'll admit I wasn't expecting the topic in my top topics people would want to ask me (compared to design stuff), but I'm glad Linda and I could be of help!

I'll bet! But the fact that it was unexpected is what made it special, right? ;-P

We originally pitched the episode to Ryan and Perram* with Linda for obvious reasons; she's a 5-Star GM who develops the scenarios. Absolutely PERFECT for what we were looking for. While its true that there are other people at Paizo who are also 5-Star GMs that work more closely with PFS in some capacity (Tonya and John immediately come to mind), I think the fact that PFS isn't your day job made your presence stronger because you were forced to draw more on your GMing experience, whereas Linda had a lot more to say about the nuts and bolts of it.

Add in the fact that you and Linda have great on-air chemistry with one another (and with Anthony) already and it was clear to us that you were a perfect fit!

Also, if anyone is curious about what the heck Mark and I are talking about, you can listen to the Private Sanctuary Podcast's interview with Linda Zayas-Palmer and him at this link!

Ryan and Perram don't MAKE us pitch possible guests to them; we've just done it for our last two because it was the first time we've had ANYONE on the Private Sanctuary since we took over, and of course we decided to dive in head-first by having a total of FOUR Paizo people on for our first two episodes of Summon Industry Ally....

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Mark, will you be at Owlcon for the full event? If not which day(s) will you be there?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Seifter wrote:
Chess Pwn wrote:
Do you think we'll get a FAQ tomorrow?
I would be surprised if we didn't. The next one we found was a matter of the request being "I hope the rule doesn't work the way it says" on which we reached immediate consensus (that it does work the way it says), so now it's just down to wording!

That is a very intriguing (and slightly scary) description.

Dark Archive

Hey, Mark, I was wondering if the double crossbow from the APG replaces/supersedes the Minotaur double crossbow from Classic Monsters Revisited. Minotaur double crossbow is legal for PFS, and I prefer not to use the APG double crossbow.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Master Dye wrote:
Hey, Mark, I was wondering if the double crossbow from the APG replaces/supersedes the Minotaur double crossbow from Classic Monsters Revisited. Minotaur double crossbow is legal for PFS, and I prefer not to use the APG double crossbow.

Would that be because the minotaur one lacks the wording about the impact of Rapid Reload.


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First FAQ of the new year!

FAQ wrote:

Nauseated and Actions: Does the nauseated condition really mean what it says when it says “The only action such a character can take is a single move action per turn” or does it just mean I can’t take a standard action?

The nauseated condition really means what it says. You are limited to one move action per round, and not any other actions. Compare to the staggered condition, which says “A staggered creature may take a single move action or standard action each round (but not both, nor can he take full-round actions). A staggered creature can still take free, swift, and immediate actions.”

Exciting news, FAQ Friday fans: The FAQ queue is up and running again! That's right, the tech team fixed it over the break (which I noticed today when doing the FAQ stuff). That means at least three new FAQs are now on my radar that weren't there in the last snapshot! (starting next week, anyway; this one was from the snapshot)


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BigP4nda wrote:
Mark, will you be at Owlcon for the full event? If not which day(s) will you be there?

Linda and I are there the whole time. We'll be overseeing the PFS Special, and we're also offering some even more exclusive games (one each of of a PFS thingy that's exclusive to staff members, and then I'm running an atmospheric RP/puzzle-heavy game).

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Seifter wrote:

First FAQ of the new year!

FAQ wrote:

Nauseated and Actions: Does the nauseated condition really mean what it says when it says “The only action such a character can take is a single move action per turn” or does it just mean I can’t take a standard action?

The nauseated condition really means what it says. You are limited to one move action per round, and not any other actions. Compare to the staggered condition, which says “A staggered creature may take a single move action or standard action each round (but not both, nor can he take full-round actions). A staggered creature can still take free, swift, and immediate actions.”
Exciting news, FAQ Friday fans: The FAQ queue is up and running again! That's right, the tech team fixed it over the break (which I noticed today when doing the FAQ stuff). That means at least three new FAQs are now on my radar that weren't there in the last snapshot!

This rule does create certain rather bizarre situations. Now, while nauseated, I am able to pick up a weapon (move) but incapable of dropping one I am holding (free).

On a related question, is it possible to trade up actions? Say I want to be able to tell my team mates something while nauseated. Talking is normally a free action and therefore disallowed while nauseated. Is there any reason I cannot use a move action to speak?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
andreww wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:

First FAQ of the new year!

FAQ wrote:

Nauseated and Actions: Does the nauseated condition really mean what it says when it says “The only action such a character can take is a single move action per turn” or does it just mean I can’t take a standard action?

The nauseated condition really means what it says. You are limited to one move action per round, and not any other actions. Compare to the staggered condition, which says “A staggered creature may take a single move action or standard action each round (but not both, nor can he take full-round actions). A staggered creature can still take free, swift, and immediate actions.”
Exciting news, FAQ Friday fans: The FAQ queue is up and running again! That's right, the tech team fixed it over the break (which I noticed today when doing the FAQ stuff). That means at least three new FAQs are now on my radar that weren't there in the last snapshot!

This rule does create certain rather bizarre situations. Now, while nauseated, I am able to pick up a weapon (move) but incapable of dropping one I am holding (free).

On a related question, is it possible to trade up actions? Say I want to be able to tell my team mates something while nauseated. Talking is normally a free action and therefore disallowed while nauseated. Is there any reason I cannot use a move action to speak?

It's kinda hard to talk while vomiting.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
]It's kinda hard to talk while vomiting.

But rather doable if you're swearing...

Never. Going. Back. To. Africa.

The can't drop a sword thing is kinda funny...pretty good indication the faq might need a tweak.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Mr. Mark Seifter,

In your estimation, what is a good fimbulwinter level event to be a story element as well as environmental hazard for PCs to face? Not to be confused with an equivalent event, but some something with the same magnitude.

Also, what was your opinion of the Avatar Crisis from Forgotten Realms? Specifically from a narrative point of view.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
BigNorseWolf wrote:
The can't drop a sword thing is kinda funny...pretty good indication the faq might need a tweak.


Do you know who the primary designer of the Occultist was? I love the class, and was curious why scorching ray isn't on their spell list, despite the upgraded version, contagious ray, being there. Seems like a curious omission.

Dark Archive

andreww wrote:
Master Dye wrote:
Hey, Mark, I was wondering if the double crossbow from the APG replaces/supersedes the Minotaur double crossbow from Classic Monsters Revisited. Minotaur double crossbow is legal for PFS, and I prefer not to use the APG double crossbow.
Would that be because the minotaur one lacks the wording about the impact of Rapid Reload.

Yes, and several of my GMs had different opinions about whether it has been replaced or not.

Mark Seifter wrote:
BigP4nda wrote:
Mark, will you be at Owlcon for the full event? If not which day(s) will you be there?
Linda and I are there the whole time. We'll be overseeing the PFS Special, and we're also offering some even more exclusive games (one each of of a PFS thingy that's exclusive to staff members, and then I'm running an atmospheric RP/puzzle-heavy game).

Hmmm, and how does one sign up for these games?

EDIT: And will there be pregenerated characters?

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