What gaming peripherals have you bought in anticipation of EE?

Pathfinder Online

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

I hooked myself up with a Logitech G430 gaming headset and an Anker CG100 gaming mouse.

I have been very happy with both purchases so far. The virtual 7.1 surround sound feature in the headset is very nice, and the responsiveness and ample buttons on the mouse to program are great as well. It also has a good ergonomic feel and a good number of adjustable weight options.

Goblin Squad Member

Darn, another great-looking mouse useless for us obligate lefties.

Goblin Squad Member

I bought a Razer Tartarus, but as I mentioned elsewhere I'm very unhappy with the switch from four distinct arrow keys to a single hat-switch. I used to map "Auto-Run" to "Up Arrow", but I can't do that anymore since it's far too easy to accidentally press a little bit of "Up Arrow" on the hat-switch when trying to strafe right or left.

I really ought to write a review on Amazon or something...

Scarab Sages Goblinworks Executive Founder

While not specifically for PFO I am excited to try out the Omni with PFO if it works. Then I will just need to pick up an Oculus!

Goblin Squad Member

I bought a brand new computer....

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

TEO Alexander Damocles wrote:
I bought a brand new computer....


So did I but that was because I woke up last week and discovered my old computer had died during the night. Now I have windows 8.1 and it crashes whenever I'm gaming online. :-(

Goblin Squad Member

I'm installing a computer in the bathroom... or maybe it would be better to just install a bathroom under my computer. Wait, is this thread visible to the public? :O

But more seriously, I suppose I'll have to get a new headset too, let me know how that G430 works out. My mouse sometimes goes haywire too, suppose I'll have to update that too, oye.

I remember way back when WoW came out and it was a *thing* to buy a mouse with more than 3 buttons.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TEO Roughshod wrote:
I'm installing a computer in the bathroom... or maybe it would be better to just install a bathroom under my computer. Wait, is this thread visible to the public? :O

We actually had a guildmember in wow who cut a hole in his chair and raided with a bucket underneath for 40 man raids back in vanilla.

Now, I'm not suggesting you go that far, you can get bedpans and whatnot at your local store and just empty them during server downtime and all that.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I got a new Nvidia video card... attached to a new computer. It runs on Windows 7 Home Premium and I'm so much happier with that than anything that starts with an 8.

Goblin Squad Member

I'm going to get myself a really nice wireless gaming headset. Nothing drives me up the wall faster than getting up from my computer and having my headphones yanked off my head.

I was looking at something from Logitech since I have a G700s mouse already and it is lightyears better than the Razer peice of crap I had before. I have yet to do much reasearch on the matter yet though. Any ideas?

Goblin Squad Member

I am ready to go with a Logitech G15 keyboard, a Nostromo N52, A thrustmaster tactical board and a Microsoft Strategic Commander. Oh, and a mouse. Will only be using the Mouse and keyboard though. :)

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:

I bought a Razer Tartarus, but as I mentioned elsewhere I'm very unhappy with the switch from four distinct arrow keys to a single hat-switch. I used to map "Auto-Run" to "Up Arrow", but I can't do that anymore since it's far too easy to accidentally press a little bit of "Up Arrow" on the hat-switch when trying to strafe right or left.

I really ought to write a review on Amazon or something...

On my n52, I have occasionally mapped autorun to the button right above the d-pad, but more often put in on Caps Lock, 'cause that's CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL.

Goblin Squad Member

I'm going to try to run PFO on my laptop(*) without any new fancy hardware.
I did however put cabled ethernet in 5 rooms(**) in my house, if that counts.

(*) but it's a proper laptop. Except for carrying or running off battery.
(**) but not including bathrooms. Only high-speed wifi there.

Scarab Sages

I´m using my laptop mouse and a keyboard with bad contact wires...

Maybe I need to change that Penthium 100 for a Penthium 133 to play PFO...

Goblin Squad Member

I had enough powerup points saved from Gamestop to get the Turtle Beach Earforce X12 for the XBox 360 free. It can be hooked up to the computer too, so I will be using that when I play PFO.

It might not be the best Turtle Beach Mic/Headset, but free is free.

Goblin Squad Member

For folks checking into this thread: recommendations for a good left-handed mouse? Current one's plastic underside's just about worn away, typical for me and mice.

Goblin Squad Member

I picked up a razer taipan a while back. It's a pretty fantastic ambidextrous mouse. Extremely comfortable. I currently have a gen 2 logitech g15 keyboard, but I'm looking to upgrade that this summer. Will also probably bump up my ram a little bit. Not that I need any of this stuff. But I wants it.

Goblin Squad Member

New computer, mouse, keyboard and headset.

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

Tinfoil hat and colostomy bag?

Goblin Squad Member

Saint Caleth wrote:
I'm going to get myself a really nice wireless gaming headset.

While truth resists simplicity, there definitely is something to the warnings about wireless signals rightnexttoyourhead interfering with the health and well-being of your brain and its electric signals. The studies regulatory bodies use to clear products that say there are no short or long term changes in the brain from it are conducted by the producers of the goods they want to sell, and don't observe the long term.

Something to consider in the realm of things more important than gaming.

This concludes today's public service announcement.

Goblin Squad Member

My personal advice is never game with wireless devices if those devices are necessary. For example, I would never use a wireless mouse or keyboard.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Gaming peripherals: One bowl of pretzels (wireless)

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon, I would tend to agree. My keyboard is wireless, but it is solar powered, so as long as it gets a decent amount of light exposure, it will never run out of battery!

Goblin Squad Member

TEO HTRajan wrote:
Nihimon, I would tend to agree. My keyboard is wireless, but it is solar powered, so as long as it gets a decent amount of light exposure, it will never run out of battery!

None of which matters if a dingo eats your baby dog eats your Bluetooth dongle.

(Proud owner of a 90$ mouse with no matching dongle. And a young golden retriever....)

Goblin Squad Member

Should come out just fine, need a sieve though.

Goblin Squad Member

I thought a good Canadian mouse-company'd offer a replacement dongle...somehow.

Goblin Squad Member

Summersnow wrote:
TEO Roughshod wrote:
I'm installing a computer in the bathroom... or maybe it would be better to just install a bathroom under my computer. Wait, is this thread visible to the public? :O

We actually had a guildmember in wow who cut a hole in his chair and raided with a bucket underneath for 40 man raids back in vanilla.

Now, I'm not suggesting you go that far, you can get bedpans and whatnot at your local store and just empty them during server downtime and all that.

Ugh, this made me think of that WoW South Park episode again.

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