The Flash TV Series


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Shadow Lodge

doc the grey wrote:
Cthulhudrew wrote:
Kthulhu wrote:
I'm having trouble buying Caitlin as a potential villain. She's just too damn adorable.

It's entirely possible that if they do have Killer Frost on the show, it won't be Caitlin. There have been something like three of them in the comics, as I recall (Snow being one of the more recent ones, IIRC created during "New 52").

In fact, that's what I'd prefer to see. Like you, I don't quite see how they'd have her believably turn into a villain and feel it would be a waste of a great character.

I think we are more likely to see the original Killer Frost before we see Caitlin as Frost. Likely Snart's sister will pick them up here soon after some accident with Captain Cold's gun.

Apparently Panabaker has said we'll see Killer Frost sooner than we would expect. I guess a heroic Killer Frost is possible, although the name does kind of have a villain ring to it.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Kthulhu wrote:

Apparently Panabaker has said we'll see Killer Frost sooner than we would expect. I guess a heroic Killer Frost is possible, although the name does kind of have a villain ring to it.

Could be interesting if Caitlin becomes killer frost around Ronnie. Since her and Cisco were at 'ground zero' maybe they've latent effects.

So next time Ronnie and Martin Merge... Caitlin is in close proximity and gets 'frosted'. Cisco fixes her, but it means she can't be near Ronnie for fear of the big chill.

It also brings the moral quandry of the pipeline to the forefront. Should Caitlin be in it too?

Just a thought I had, tossed in for debate...and for the fact I'm going to MISS this week's episode due to a family vacation (I'll be at Carowinds Tuesday night. Also Agents of Shield and Faceoff! Aaaaggghhhh!):

With the debate as to the likelihood of them building up to Flashpoint Paradox: since Bruce Wayne/Batman hasn't been introduced, could the hero affected by Flashpoint be Arrow? So, Robert Queen is Arrow, with Oliver dead in the destruction of the ship?

Liberty's Edge

If that's where their going it makes sense since Oliver's already taken over one of Bruce's gimmicks vis-a-vi R'as, however I'm not completely sure that that's the Crisis the writers are going for since there's way more hints at Infinite/Final crisis.

Apparently the Red Bee may also be showing up; could have been the blond woman we were speculating about earlier. I guess we'll find out on the 14th.

Damon Griffin wrote:
Apparently the Red Bee may also be showing up; could have been the blond woman we were speculating about earlier. I guess we'll find out on the 14th.

Pretty sure the villain of that episode has been confirmed to be a gender-flipped Bug-Eyed Bandit

Scarab Sages

My DVR went tits up last Tuesday. Between that and Easter, I only just got around to watching the “Tricksters” episode last night on the computer. Just a few thoughts…

It was awesome to see Mark Hamill as James Jesse again. I love the way he channeled a bit of his Joker performance, and maybe a bit of Hannibal Lecter. I may be mistaken, but I think his lair was the same set as in the original Flash TV series. Loved the small touches, like the twizzlers.

The other, younger Trickster was….meh. I mostly just found him annoying. But I did love the whole “I’m your father” bit. That was priceless. I’ll give them some credit, however, both his annoying persona and his costume were spot on from the comics.

That being said, I thought Mark Hamill was vastly underused. Everything that wasn’t directly part of the Trickster storyline just took away from utilizing him to the utmost. So, here’s hoping they bring him back for more, only with some more clever tricks.

The flashback sequences were nice, but I really wish they had left them to their own episode, where they could have expounded on it and focused more on the original Harrison Wells. It was nice, however, to see Captain Love again. No Zorro around to thwart him this time. I hope they bring him back as Thawne’s original face again. The future tech he used to steal Wells face reminded me of something from Fringe.

Interesting that Thawne said the particle accelerator was originally supposed to be built six years later. That seems to imply that either the particle accelerator wasn’t responsible for Barry becoming the Flash, or in the original Thawne history, Barry becomes the Flash at a later date.

I like Cisco. Might be the engineer in me. He's grown on a fungus. Only with more tech.

I like Caitlin. Panabaker is a hottie. And she does the role very well.

Wells always was a bit creepy. But maybe that's the way they intended to play him.

Joe West is just made of awesome. If they kill him, I may have to riot.

Scarab Sages

Spiral_Ninja wrote:

...and for the fact I'm going to MISS this week's episode due to a family vacation (I'll be at Carowinds Tuesday night. Also Agents of Shield and Faceoff! Aaaaggghhhh!):

You're in luck wrt Flash. No new episode this week. Agents of SHIELD on the other hand.....

Sovereign Court

I have a question/

If Thawne absorbed Welles, did he also take his memories? Is it possible we're looking at a mixture of two men?

Grand Lodge

Hama wrote:

I have a question/

** spoiler omitted **

That is exactly what I was thinking.

Sovereign Court

It's just that when he talked about Tess, you could hear love and pain in his voice

Liberty's Edge

Its called acting. Thawne didn't absorb anyone, he reprofiled his appearance using Well's DNA. He has the above pity to absorb intelligence and memories in the later comics, but he's also a natural speedster with a connection to the negative speed force and exists backwards in time, unlike the Thawne on the show.

I think they will find a way to reverse the process and purge Thawne from Wells - thus keeping him around another season as an actual good guy.

Shadow Lodge

DM Barcas wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Expanding on Theory:
I think what will happen is that his time travel battle with him will end with him undoing the damage Reverse did to the timestream with the death of the real Wells, meaning he survived into the future to build STAR labs. Barry seems the character who wants to try and save everyone when given the chance and considering his budding time travel powers I wouldn't be surprised to see him rush back and try to mend the crap that Thawn causes. Also it has slightly less chance of causing shenanigans for him since saving him doesn't directly effect him as much as say saving his mom might.
Scarab Sages

I enjoyed last night's episode...


Loved the bits with Cisco having memories of the original timeline. That was really interesting. That and the bits with Flash restarting his heart with his lightening/speed/whatever - leads me further to believe maybe he was already affected by the accelerator explosion, but it's either been so subtle he didn't notice, or needed an additional kickstart.

I enjoyed seeing Emily Kinney from the Walking Dead. I've been wondering what she was going to do since her Beth character was killed. I just wish they had shown more of her. And I like that they took a nothing villain from the comics, made a few adjustments, and made it interesting. The use of a high tech specialist as the villain was a welcome change of pace.

Iris - still not liking her. I'd rather see Barry end up with...anybody else. Seriously. ANYBODY!

Except maybe Gorilla Grodd - because that would just be disturbing.

From everything I've seen, it looks like Reverse Flash did away with the remains of the real Harrison Wells somewhere up near Starling City. So Joe is going to go there, and hook up with Detective Lance. They'll find the remains, have them tested, and BAM!!

"It's the real Harrison Wells."
"Then who the f~#* is that in Central City?"
"F+*~ing meta-humans!"

....or something like that.

Aberzombie wrote:

Iris - still not liking her. I'd rather see Barry end up with...anybody else. Seriously. ANYBODY!

Except maybe Gorilla Grodd - because that would just be disturbing.


"You know, I broke up with my last boyfriend because he wouldn't talk to me. If that's the best you can do, I can't see this going anywhere."

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I'm rather annoyed with the Iris story arc. I like the actress well enough, but apparently the writers didn't learn from everyone hating Laurel on Arrow and decided they needed to do "hero's love interest who consistently makes bad decisions because everyone is keeping her in the dark" mess all over again with Iris.

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Iris is being portrayed rather poorly, though I suspect it's more the writers than the actress. The issue, as I see it, is that currently, Iris has 'plot armor'.

Flash fans from the comics know her arc; reporter, marries Barry, murdered by R-F/Zoom, is actually from the 30th century, is saved by bio-parents, Barry joins her in the future, they have twins...

Now they MAY be altering that arc, but they have to lead up to it slowly so as not to trigger nerd-rage. Meanwhile, they're not sure what to do with her.

So, she's portrayed as an idiot! Sorry, but why does a cop's daughter automatically think 'he's cheating on me' rather than 'something's wrong at work'?

Which is why she seems so poor at her chosen profession. "Are you working with the Flash?" Um, read your own papers, Ms. investigative reporter.

At the same time, she DOES need to be brought into this (btw, Eddie is right on this!). If for no other reason than the entire group are such hideous liars! I don't blame her for being P.O.'d.

I think the plot arc here is to have her start snooping on her own due to the 'protect her' conspiracy. This leads to the confrontation with RF shown in the previews. Eddie tries to save here and is -updated- by his descendant and given a choice; work for me/protect me while I deal with Flash, or she dies (oh, and btw, she'll marry him not you if he lives), which explains his shooting other cops.

Shadow Lodge

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Spiral_Ninja wrote:

Iris is being portrayed rather poorly, though I suspect it's more the writers than the actress. The issue, as I see it, is that currently, Iris has 'plot armor'.

Flash fans from the comics know her arc; reporter, marries Barry, murdered by R-F/Zoom, is actually from the 30th century, is saved by bio-parents, Barry joins her in the future, they have twins...

Now they MAY be altering that arc, but they have to lead up to it slowly so as not to trigger nerd-rage. Meanwhile, they're not sure what to do with her.

So, she's portrayed as an idiot! Sorry, but why does a cop's daughter automatically think 'he's cheating on me' rather than 'something's wrong at work'?

Which is why she seems so poor at her chosen profession. "Are you working with the Flash?" Um, read your own papers, Ms. investigative reporter.

At the same time, she DOES need to be brought into this (btw, Eddie is right on this!). If for no other reason than the entire group are such hideous liars! I don't blame her for being P.O.'d.

I think the plot arc here is to have her start snooping on her own due to the 'protect her' conspiracy. This leads to the confrontation with RF shown in the previews. Eddie tries to save here and is -updated- by his descendant and given a choice; work for me/protect me while I deal with Flash, or she dies (oh, and btw, she'll marry him not you if he lives), which explains his shooting other cops.

Yeah I'm with you that the writing for Iris is atrocious. I mean seriously how does the cop's daughter slide past the whole "crazy shit at work" option and straight to something as asinine as, "he's cheating on me"? I mean seriously THEY HAVE A WHOLE TALK ABOUT THE TOLLS OF THE JOB WITH HER AND BARRY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE EPISDOE THAT TALKS ABOUT HER EXPERIENCES WITH HER FATHER DEALING WITH IT AND YET SOMEHOW THEY WANT US TO BELIEVE ALL THE OTHER CRAP THEY DUMPED ON US BEFORE ABOUT THAT ARTIFICIALLY CONSTRUCTED DRAMA!

Lord that drives me crazy. Honestly they could have gotten away with some of it if they gave us more scenes with just those two of them to set up the situation at hand or hell just show this is more of a side effect of her not trusting his what she's been told about her bosses disappearance and all of this just being a reaction to that. But instead we get this terrible writing.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Aberzombie wrote:

I enjoyed last night's episode...

** spoiler omitted **

Dude, Walking Dead spoilers. I'm still waiting on this last season to get to Netflix.

Grand Lodge

Well it was in a spoiler tag ...

Shadow Lodge

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Yes, it's bad writing and not the actress's fault. That doesn't mean I dislike Iris any less, however.

Scarab Sages

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RainyDayNinja wrote:
I'm still waiting on this last season to get to Netflix.

I see shapes, and they appear to be forming words, but the words make no sense.

Scarab Sages

Kthulhu wrote:
Yes, it's bad writing and not the actress's fault. That doesn't mean I dislike Iris any less, however.

Indeed. Much like Fish Mooney on Gotham, the writers are just f+*+ing up what should be an awesome character.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

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Aberzombie wrote:

I enjoyed last night's episode...

** spoiler omitted **

That would make <redacted> like Gear from Static Shock, and the memories kind of mesh with his nu52 power and being put on the JLA to counter Barry.

Aside, I wonder if tech has advanced to allow a live action Static Shock to be viable. (Loved that cartoon)

Just watched a trailer for "Time Lapse"; Danielle Panabaker and friends have a way to see into the future. Predictably, things go well for them in the short term. But will they have a long term?

It's not quite time travel, but still amusing to see "Caitlin" as part of this movie.

Scarab Sages


I was not very familiar with Hannibal Bates. Researching a bit, I see he was first introduced in 2006. It's possible I have some comics with him appearing, but I don't recall. Either way, he was an interesting villain for Flash to battle, although that last fight should not have taken anywhere near as long.

Now we know why Eddie was shooting cops in those previews.

Now we know why Barry and Caitlin were getting their smooch on in those previews.

And now, of course, the greater CCPD and legal system of Central City is aware of the growing metahuman situation. Maybe they'll start asking questions as to where these folks are disappearing to.....

Harrison Wells - R.I.P. At least now, people know it isn't the real you being a murderous douchebag.

And, when you combine the fact that Cisco has been shown remembering the other time line (especially how Reverse Flash killed him) with the preview they showed at the end (which looked like RF trying the same attack), maybe they're giving a clue as to how he get's his Vibe on. I'm guessing since he remembers the previous attack, and suspects it could happen again, he'll design something to protect himself and either inadvertently give himself super powers, or modify the protective device to be used as a weapon.

Lastly, it's weird, but the more I dislike Iris, the more I like Eddie. I don't want to see him go bad.

Yeah, I'm very glad they moved away from the Douchebag Eddie that was in the pilot and made him into a decent guy.

for me the end was like

"ah crap, they're screwed"

That Computer of his is recording everything they say and do right now, and probably relaying it all to RF in real time.

Let the cat and mouse game begin

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I know it is a minor point, but I was overjoyed to see that Iris' mother was mentioned at the end of the episode.

No idea how they will play this, or even if it is supposed to be a red herring.

But I really would like to see Iris' mother be from the future. In the comics it was past Zoom's future.

This isn't really a spoiler because there was no mention of anything other than she was gone.

But I got fanboy hopes and dreams now...

Guess they would roll with Bart, but as I've said earlier in this thread I'd love to see XS.

Of course that is a lot to come up with from a name drop, but still...

Over time the Flash comics got seriously cluttered with both speedsters and time travellers. I really hope the TV show stays as far away from growing either group as much as possible.

A Reverse Flash was a must-have, and it looks like the writers have melded the backstories of the two from the comics, so I don't expect to see a second one. I wouldn't mind a nod to a previous Flash across the river in Keystone City; too bad Shipp is playing Barry's dad since he'd have been obvious casting for Jay Garrick.

I'm not convinced Barry needs a sidekick, but if they ever bring one in I think it would almost have to be some interpretation of Wally West. He was Iris's nephew in the comics, and could be her cousin on the TV show. Anyone else (Barry's grandkids Bart Allen/Impulse and Jenni Ognats/XS, or his kids Don & Dawn Allen/Tornado Twins) are from the 30th Century and would complicate the series by either making time travel an accessible thing, or requiring some lame explanation for why that person can't/doesn't go back home and why the timestream isn't corrupted by his/her presence.

Other unnecessary speedsters: Max Mercury, Johnny Quick, Jessie Quick, Kapitalist Kouriers, Cobalt Blue (Barry's separated-at-birth twin brother, Malcolm Thawne)...

Unnecessary time travelers: Any of Barry's decendents, any other member of the Thawne family, and Iris's mother.

Scarab Sages

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or, at least, soonish...

Sovereign Court

Damn, I just rewatched the entire season in one go. It's a really well put together show. And acting is good and writing is good. Everything is good.

Dark Archive

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Kalshane wrote:
I'm rather annoyed with the Iris story arc. I like the actress well enough, but apparently the writers didn't learn from everyone hating Laurel on Arrow and decided they needed to do "hero's love interest who consistently makes bad decisions because everyone is keeping her in the dark" mess all over again with Iris.

This formula pretty much was the worst part of the first seasons of Smallville, as well. "Must! Keep! Secret! From! Lana! Even when it's endangering her because she walks into stuff she would otherwise know to stay away from every single episode! And when she finds out, the horrible consequence is that she now helps protect my identity and we have crazy amounts of sex and I'm not constantly having to hold back around her!"

And then it turned into 'Must Keep Secret From Lois!'

Ugh. I was tired of this formula last decade. Seeing it on Arrow and the Flash doesn't make me love it more.

It just makes everyone involved look some combination of stupid, deceitful and assy.

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It's a bit better then Smallville and the Spider-man movies.

My biggest issue with those, was that it made the heroes INSANELY Stupid HYPOCRITES and liars!

There were WAY too many situations of the Heroes saying "HEY, Sorry... but it's way too dangerous for someone I love to be around me. It makes them a target and they'll be in constant danger... So I'm gonna walk away from Hottie #1..."

Then hook up with the VERY next Hot girl they see walking down the street. Because... APPARENTLY it was ok to put new girl's life in jeopardy... >.<

One of the things I liked about Amazing Spider-man 2... When he said it was too dangerous for him to be around Gwen... he pretty much meant ALL women, and just removed himself from the dating pool completely.

Like... I don't know, ANYONE who actually believed that excuse WOULD!

Barry and Ollie are trying to protect the girls they love... but at the same time it's not JUST those specific girls... It's not the dating that Barry's afraid of it's telling her the secret... but he also didn't tell Linda and Felicity already knew... Soooo the Trope is a LITTLE different.

I still don't like the 'everyone knows BUT....' aspect. Especially when the villains know too. Once the villains find out your secret (and he walks around without the mask WAY too much) then Iris is already a target... she just doesn't know it >.<

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

So, who thinks there's going to be a Cisco/Laurel romance in the future? He certainly seemed smitten at least.

Liberty's Edge

phantom1592 wrote:
I still don't like the 'everyone knows BUT....' aspect. Especially when the villains know too. Once the villains find out your secret (and he walks around without the mask WAY too much) then Iris is already a target... she just doesn't know it >.<

Frankly I thought his deal with Snart was a BRILLIANT way to explain the vaguely Silver Age relationship that the writers obviously want between this Flash and Captain Cold.

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Krensky wrote:
phantom1592 wrote:
I still don't like the 'everyone knows BUT....' aspect. Especially when the villains know too. Once the villains find out your secret (and he walks around without the mask WAY too much) then Iris is already a target... she just doesn't know it >.<
Frankly I thought his deal with Snart was a BRILLIANT way to explain the vaguely Silver Age relationship that the writers obviously want between this Flash and Captain Cold.

I loved the idea that they had during the Wally years. The Rogues were thieves. They rarely murdered... and they never murdered 'a cape'. The moment you do THAT... the whole super-hero community comes after you with a vengeance.... They just wanted the cash, not all THAT drama.

I love the whole "you're good enough NOT to kill." "True..." conversation. Just awesomeness.

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I'm surprised how much more I liked Laurel in the Flash crossover. She was just so much better than she is on Arrow. Perhaps it was the writers, or the generally happier style of the Flesh.

DM Barcas wrote:
or the generally happier style of the Flesh.

[snort] I think your attraction toward Ms. Cassidy has twisted your words, Barcas! [guffaw]

DM Barcas wrote:
I'm surprised how much more I liked Laurel in the Flash crossover. She was just so much better than she is on Arrow. Perhaps it was the writers, or the generally happier style of the Flesh.

She was doing her characters job, being the DA, instead of trying to not do her job by protecting Ollie or actively doing things against her job by being a vigilante. I think that made a huge difference. The lawyer aspects of the character she can pull off, when she isn't actively holding the idiot ball.

You'd think if he was going to run all the way to Coast City for pizza, he'd have brought back another three just for himself.

Shadowborn wrote:
You'd think if he was going to run all the way to Coast City for pizza, he'd have brought back another three just for himself.

Are you sure he didn't just eat them on the way?

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

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Caineach wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:
You'd think if he was going to run all the way to Coast City for pizza, he'd have brought back another three just for himself.
Are you sure he didn't just eat them on the way?

That sounds... difficult.

*Pulls slice out of box*
*Slice instantly splatters all over his face*

Sovereign Court

Speed force protects

Hama wrote:
Speed force protects

Unless you happen to be Felicity's blouse, apparently.

RainyDayNinja wrote:
Caineach wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:
You'd think if he was going to run all the way to Coast City for pizza, he'd have brought back another three just for himself.
Are you sure he didn't just eat them on the way?

That sounds... difficult.

*Pulls slice out of box*
*Slice instantly splatters all over his face*

Not to mention trying to balance 6 boxes with one hand, with the top one open, while stuffing your face with the other one. Better off just waiting a few minutes and eating when you get back.

Well, he's the Flash. He doesn't need to "balance" them, exactly. A Box that's falling through the air might as well be standing still to him. He can basically juggle he boxes.

Scarab Sages

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Grand Lodge

Aberzombie wrote:


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