Instant turnoffs.

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Another one: the "First Date Diet"

I know that you don't live on dressing-free salad and water. Order what you actually like to eat.

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Hama wrote:
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Single ply toilet paper
Oh yes, nothing tells me what kind of person someone is as repeatedly finding single ply toilet paper in their homes.

Hey! I use single-ply TP!

It's more economical, better for the environment, and lasts longer on the roll!

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Bill Lumberg wrote:

Another one: the "First Date Diet"

I know that you don't live on dressing-free salad and water. Order what you actually like to eat.

After we'd gotten engaged, I told Mrs. Haladir that if, on our fist date, she had ordered the small salad and picked at it like a bird, there probably wouldn't have been a second date.

Enjoying good food and drink is important to me, and I need that to be important to a potential life partner.

Fortunately, Mrs. Haladir is at least as gustatorily adventurous as I am! (Hey! Let's go try that new Asian-fusion tapas place!)

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They should post the DC Saves for resturants at the door!

Terquem wrote:
They should post the DC Saves for resturants at the door!

I wish someone had done that for the awful bbq I just had. I failed it, though, whatever it would've been.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

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Haladir wrote:
Hama wrote:
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
Single ply toilet paper
Oh yes, nothing tells me what kind of person someone is as repeatedly finding single ply toilet paper in their homes.

Hey! I use single-ply TP!

It's more economical, better for the environment, and lasts longer on the roll!

There's a miserly Presbyterian joke in there somewhere...

In the Army, we call that John Wayne toilet paper: it's rough, tough, and don't take no s--- from nobody.

More turnoffs--

Telling me I'm wrong simply because I don't believe in the same things or agree with their opinions.

Accusing me of murder because I'm face down in a really good steak.


Lack of life signs

Bad teeth

Talking about other dates or ex boyfriends while we're just getting to know each other. Save that for later.

Making fun of the region I grew up in and still live (the southern US)

Telling me right off the bat she hates the things I like. A lack of interest or something I can deal with, but "hates my interests" or calling them weird or stupid? She just bought her own dinner.

DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Telling me I'm wrong simply because I don't believe in the same things or agree with their opinions.

You're wrong. ;-)

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I love Mrs Gersen, but her sisters are walking lists of turnoffs.

While I was away, the two of them were visiting, woke up before Mrs Gersen one morning, and decided to make coffee. Ignoring both of the open containers of coffee in plain sight (one regular, one with chickory), they ransacked the cabinets and hijacked one of my reserve cans of coffee & chicory (which both of them have refused to drink in the past, and of which, as noted, there was already an open container). I came home to find this can crumpled at one edge, with the top hacked and battered, but otherwise unopened, and the can opener had been destroyed.

These ladies' ages are 30 and 26.

I have no idea how they intended to attempt to actually operate the coffee maker, if they'd gotten the tin open.

Sovereign Court

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Haladir wrote:

- General lack of awareness of politics/culture/current events

Dunno. I purposefully avoid reading/watching anything about politics in my country. Because I get sick to my stomach every time i do read or watch something.

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More generally:

- The demand that a life partner have a certain physical characteristic, whether it be, "I won't date a man under 6' tall" or "I won't date a non-blonde".
I can accept, "I find that I'm more excited by this physical type, so that's what I tend to look for," but hearing friends whine endlessly about being single because they can't find anyone, then pointing out someone you *know* they'll at least get along with only to hear, "Oh, no. She's dark-haired. It would never work," makes me want to bang my head against a wall. Look. I'm not Cupid. I don't guarantee love. But I've known you for 20 years. I've known her for 15. I think you two would get along. Can you at least go on ONE FRIGGIN' DATE to find out? You don't even have to call it a date. Call it, "Movie night without NobodysHome around."

- As mentioned, people with no profanity filter. If you can't stop swearing for one night, I don't want to spend 10,000 with you.

The rest have already been done. Bad odor. Bad teeth. Etc.

EDIT: And yeah, after 27 years with the same woman, I'm obviously "Mr. Dating Advice" with my VAST experience.


People who text while driving (any non hands free phone usage) As a commuter this has become a big instant dislike thing as smart phones have become more and more common.

People who try to cut lines (whether on the road or just in general). If everyone else is waiting in the turn lane you are not so important that you get to drive down the side and cut in at the last second. I can see my 2 hours daily in the car is affecting how I feel about humanity.

Seeing someone not wash their hands after using the bathroom.

Trout pout or overly plump lips (way too common in LA and really does anyone think that looks good?)

Middle aged women dressed like teens.

Those Frankenstein shoes that aren't heels but have 4 inch thick soles that look like they will break your ankle at any second. Usually related to the two comments prior to this one.

bugleyman wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Telling me I'm wrong simply because I don't believe in the same things or agree with their opinions.
You're wrong. ;-)

*shakes fist*

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- Weakness. I do not appreciate anyone who is incapable of withstanding even the slightest hint of a physically or emotionally uncomfortable situation. They will happen, and when they do, facing them with strength and maturity is something that'll gain my deepest admiration and respect.

- Worldliness. This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who has DND, videogames, and other forms of escapism as a regular part of their lifestyle, but someone who is overly attached to money, sex, and fame will not work for me. This isn't to say they cannot hold these facts important or shouldn't be aware of their needs and/or wants for them to a reasonable extent, but day in and day out it's all they talk about? There is no imagination in that relationship.

- Pettiness and lack of patience. Self-explanatory.

- Obesity. Sorry if this comes off as harsh, but it's a definite one for me. Someone who is naturally fluffy? Ok by my books. Full-blown obesity caused by grotesque overeating or anything that was their own, conscious doing? Pitiful. I'm not asking for a perfect body, I'm just asking that you not turn yours into something that could be mistaken for an ooze type creature.

- No sense of humor... or worse, a very bad sense of humor.

- Flakiness and bigotry. Understand the difference between holding a firm belief and knowing that anything is possibly true. A flaky person is inconsistent, easily manipulated, and dishonest to themselves. A bigot is judgmental, bull-headed, and impossible to connect with.

- Lies. Keeping secrets is fine. Sometimes it's for our own good. Sometimes I'll understand even if I find out about it without you telling me. Continue to lie after, or lie to me for selfish reasons, though? I'll walk out of your life permanently on the spot.

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Any that you guys don't want, including Mrs. Gersen's sisters, send 'em over my way. I'm not picky.

bugleyman wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Telling me I'm wrong simply because I don't believe in the same things or agree with their opinions.
You're wrong. ;-)

Mine is similar

You state your thoughts or opinion and someone else says that you believe the exact opposite. Then (as a recent experience I've had) they imply you are bad/evil because of this lie they've stated about your beliefs/statements/opinions...sometimes just so they feel superior.

People who support those who lie about you instead of actually hearing what you think or feel or are even asking.

It's like talking to someone trying to convert you to a religion or political view and they tell you this is what you believe without actually knowing what you believe.

Why do they do that?

It's ironic, you can have these very handsome young guys that seem charming, and then they tell you that you believe something that you don't.

Good way to turn a great looking guy (or girl) into one that puts a sour taste in your mouth.

Maybe I do the same thing sometimes...don't know, they do say the things we hate most about others are because they are things we may not observe in ourselves but we are guilty of.

Another one that is a big turn off and this one I'm pretty certain I don't participate in, but has been done multiple times to me.

Discrimination/prejudice against you simply because of what you are (what you are born as, are, etc).

Hate crimes associated with that discrimination.

Has happened to me, happened to friends, and happened to pretty personal experiences with me. Normally those who discriminate aren't actually someone who's trying to be your friend though...

However...there are those who are part of that discriminatory persons "in crowd" that think that they can make fun of you in public...but be friends in private...

That's a HUGE turn off to me.

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Humans in general.
And animals.
And objects.
And plants.

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icehawk333 wrote:

Humans in general.

And animals.
And objects.
And plants.

But what about bacteria? Is bacteria OK? :P

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Ignoring things that I don't like in anyone and focusing on what makes someone less romantically and/or sexually attractive:
- tobacco use. Smoking, snus, whatever, it's effing disgusting. Not that I haven't been attracted to smokers in the past but it always put a damper on my feelings when they lit up. No way I could live with one.
- excessive piercings, especially the off-center facial studs or the nostril thingies (pimple-piercings, I call 'em). A tongue stud, one or two in the eyebrows, a few earrings are ok, but going beyond that lessens my interest
- cannot relax. Sure, being energetic and full of life is nice, but an important part of a relationship is to be able to just sit quietly and read or watch tv or just cuddle and not have to do or say anything all the time
- dogs. I'm allergic and not particularly fond of them otherwise

Hama wrote:

I just got into a debate about it with my friends. So I thought that we could talk about it here too. For me, instant turnoffs are:

- Dreadlocks which are very thick and poorly kept.
- Overly long nails
- Smoking. The moment a girl lights up, her attractiveness, for me, reduces for about 70%
- Excessive piercings, especially on the face
- Excessive tattoos, especially on the highly visible parts of the body, like face/neck/hands
- Lopsided hairdos (i know that hair grows back, but it tells me something about a person's...well...personality)

Dude, if you see a girl like that, feel free to give me her number.

- Bad voice. It is unbelievable how annoying it gets, even if the person is so so sweet. If I get annoyed with someone's voice in two minutes (has happened in a few instances), spending a day with that person would be pure torture.

- Piercings and tattoos. To me, it is a feeling that these things destroy something far more beautiful, the human body. If you want to express your uniqueness, maybe you should, uh, you know, ACT as a unique human being instead of jumping on the latest bandwagon for how to be unique like everyone else?

- Overt, or even strong private, religiousness. I don't mind spirituality, but hitching your life to an organization like a church? No thanks. I want a relationship with someone, not them and their church.

- Lack of imagination. I always think about odd things and have stray thoughts every waking minute of every day. To show this to someone and realize they don't even understand WHY someone would consider things that do not exist here and now? Ugh.

- Excessive namedropping. There is no better way to show you don't have a sense of self.

- Smoking. Of course. Drinking to any particular degree is quite dampening as well.

- Rudeness, cruelty, having a history of bullying people no matter your current views. Not every sin can be forgiven. Deal with it.

- Lying. Especially about inconsequential things. Some people do this, likely because they can't resist it. They make themselves more interesting by telling more exciting stories about their past... And eventually, they always slip up, or tell you something unreasonable, and you find yourself doubting their every word. Worse, nothing they say can make it better. If someone lies for an understandable reason, it is far easier to deal with.

There is more, but this is enough for now.

Scarab Sages

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A lack of NRA membership.

-Really fat (not like chubby, like I can't pick you up easily, and I pick up 180 pound men fairly easily)
-Severe metal illness (ptsd, manic-depression, etc)
-smoking (I have asthma)
That's it.

bugleyman wrote:
icehawk333 wrote:

Humans in general.

And animals.
And objects.
And plants.

But what about bacteria? Is bacteria OK? :P

I have friend who is biologist and she loves bacteria. It's a wonder that she has a human boyfriend :P

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bugleyman wrote:

But what about bacteria? Is bacteria OK? :P

Certainly not.

I'm asexual- arousal isn't really a thing for me.

Sovereign Court

I've never met asexual people before I came to this boards. I am trying to comprehend that state, but failing...

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Not being Mrs...

...uh, wait, no. Hell no. The opposite of what I was about to say. For more reasons than I can count.

Today I saw a woman walking around in shorts. Her legs were not shaved. That is not just a turn-off; it should be illegal.

Project Manager

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Bill Lumberg wrote:
Today I saw a woman walking around in shorts. Her legs were not shaved. That is not just a turn-off; it should be illegal.

No. It shouldn't.

You have every right to find it unattractive.

And she has every right to have her legs look however she wants without worrying whether men find it attractive.

The fine for a first offense should be $500 and it should increase exponentially from there. Exposing unshaved armpits should be punished by 10 years in prison.

If I didn't know better, I'd say Bill was being ironic.

Oh well. Ban him, Jessica! Send a message to the rest of those yappy people who post satirical bull.

Seriously. Those people are the worst.

Silver Crusade

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To be honest, I haven't been very enthused about this thread for just that reason. At least when it comes to personal aesthetics.

It's one thing to say "people with glasses just don't work for me".

It's another to say "people with glasses are just terrible".

But then again I prefer a positive "turn on" thread than the negative.

goes back to sighing dreamily over women with six-pack abs, brow piercings, and lopsided haircuts

Project Manager

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Poe's Law, dude. Poe's Law.

It's fine to talk about your personal preferences, but if this thread starts being about how horrible or repulsive people who don't conform to [generic your] personal physical preferences are, it's going to head into lock-worthy territory very quickly.

There are actual people on this forum who may fall into groups that don't match your type, and while I'm sure that everyone recognizes that they're not going to be everyone's type, there's a line between acknowledging that and abusing or insulting them.

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:

If I didn't know better, I'd say Bill was being ironic.

Oh well. Ban him, Jessica! Send a message to the rest of those yappy people who post satirical bull.

Seriously. Those people are the worst.

The problem is I, for one, can't tell if Bill is being ironic, satirical, contrarian, dead serious, or whatever. Having seen worse posted on these boards, I could easily believe it to be serious.

Edit: Going to say more, but ninja'd by Jessica (who said it better and more diplomatically than I would have anyway).

Don Juan de Doodlebug wrote:
--Being a filthy pinkskin

Spoken like a true Andorian.

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Jaelithe wrote:
Don Juan de Doodlebug wrote:
--Being a filthy pinkskin
Spoken like a true Andorian.

Or a drow.

{wanders over to goblin nursery to rotate babies another 90 degrees again so that Rovagug radiation seeps in equally}

I'm way too old:

  • Tattoos; a tattoo on an attractive woman is like graffiti on a church, and the tattoo that will either make a hot woman hotter or make a woman who ain't hot actually hot will never be invented
  • Permanent, radical piercings; like it or not, admit it or not, it's self-mutilation
  • Obsession with social media or electronic devices; put the f**king I-whatever down and talk to someone, will you?
  • Someone who says, "I'm not religious, but I am spiritual." It immediately sets off my bu11$h!+ detector.
  • Lying of almost any sort, including "little white lies."
  • Brutal honesty; as someone once said, "Those who indulge brutal honesty tend to enjoy the brutality more than they do the honesty." (And yes, I note the irony.)
  • Prince(sse)s; any woman (or man, for that matter) who's looking for the best deal they can get, or finding someone to keep them in the style to which they've become (or wish to become) accustomed, or the person who "deserves" them. Try looking instead for someone you love and who loves you. Radical concept, eh?

Not expecting to find anyone in the near future.

Jessica Price wrote:

Poe's Law, dude. Poe's Law.

It's fine to talk about your personal preferences, but if this thread starts being about how horrible or repulsive people who don't conform to [generic your] personal physical preferences are, it's going to head into lock-worthy territory very quickly.

There are actual people on this forum who may fall into groups that don't match your type, and while I'm sure that everyone recognizes that they're not going to be everyone's type, there's a line between acknowledging that and abusing or insulting them.

Although I believe in trying to be courteous and certainly don't want to intentionally insult people, and thus a positive thread should be better than a negative thread, I think this is actually a logical trap.

If I were to describe my perfect person physically, for me short, athletic, and dark or red haired, a sensitive person will still note that I am not describing them and could be offended. I could imagine a list of 100 people doing the same certainly doing so and making some people feel marginalized. So I am not sure that you can avoid stepping on peoples' toes in either case.

Hama wrote:
I've never met asexual people before I came to this boards. I am trying to comprehend that state, but failing...

It simply means i fail to find anything attractive.

It does not mean i am incapeable of deriving pleasure from... Certain activities.

Project Manager

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Yeah, it's not really that hard.

"Nose piercings are a turnoff for me" or "I don't like nose piercings" = simple expression of personal preference. Statement about yourself as an individual.

"People with pierced noses are repulsively ugly and it should be illegal to pierce your nose" = hostile statement about everyone with in a group of people that may include some people in this thread.

I guess, for me, it's obvious that any statement like that has "in my opinion" implied, because it's self-evident.

Jaelithe wrote:
I guess, for me, it's obvious that any statement like that has "in my opinion" implied, because it's self-evident.

"Should be illegal" goes a little too far.

Even with an implied "In my opinion", that's now "I think you should be prevented from doing that", not "I don't find that attractive".

thejeff wrote:
Jaelithe wrote:
I guess, for me, it's obvious that any statement like that has "in my opinion" implied, because it's self-evident.
"Should be illegal" goes a little too far.

I always took "should be illegal" as harmless hyperbole, like the comments you hear about incredibly heavy people (in the 400+ lbs. category) wearing skintight spandex or some such. Is it a crime against aesthetics and something you can never un-see? Damn skippy. Should he or she really, literally be thrown into prison for it? Well ...

... give me a minute, I'm thinking ...

... no. :)

1. Doesn't Like Star Wars.

2. Doesn't like cats

3. Enjoys the twilight movies.

Female body hair is odd, I mean in the westm women didn't shave anything until the 20th century, or at least that's what I've heard...
...meanwhile my girlfriend is Chinese and she finds body hair interesting. She does shave her armpits for summer though...

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As I get older and older and more lonely I find my list of negative Turn Offs getting smaller and smaller.

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i am turned off by people who think lying is a terrible thing. i lie all the time. its the only way i survive.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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I'm turned off by internet complaints. JOY FOR EVERYONE INSTEAD!!!!

The Exchange

Hama wrote:

- Dreadlocks which are very thick and poorly kept.
- Overly long nails
- Smoking. The moment a girl lights up, her attractiveness, for me, reduces for about 70%
- Excessive piercings, especially on the face
- Excessive tattoos, especially on the highly visible parts of the body, like face/neck/hands

Agree with all of those. I would combine all of them (except for the smoking, which is another issue) under one more general rule - "messing with the natural look of the body in a prominent way that makes you look less human".

Other ones, specifically for me:

1) Drunks. Drunk people are giggly heaps of unpleasantness for me.
2) Short hair. It's kind of stupid, really, but I just can't seem to be attracted to any girl with short hair... shoulder length is kind of a minimum.
3) empty eyes. If I can't see a gleam of intelligence (not talking about being a great debater or great at math - just the most basic ability to think, which many lack) in one's eyes, I want nothing to do with them. I assume my problem with drunk people has something to do with this.

Scarab Sages

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Kirth Gersen wrote:
Turn-offs? All that phony crap like implants, botox, caked-on makeup, spray-on tan, hair that requires massive industrial processes; emoting everything instead of talking normally; pretending to be stupid. Seriously, I like humans, not Barbie dolls.

I'm not always so sure they're pretending.

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