1001 sentences you expect to hear in the first Paizo movie

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"Sorry, Merisiel, but you need to go. Since Reiko showed up, you're worthless."

"So what kind of a name is James Jacobs anyway?"

Scarab Sages

What are you, a rogue? I have heard you all su...[stab].

Play it, Lem.

Sovereign Court

He was just standing at his post a few moments ago giving that road-weary Qadiran cleric of Sarenrae a viscous haranguing, and now his body turns up in this alley with a couple dozen stab wounds.

The Exchange

77. "does anyone else hear that whispering voice?"
78. "okay, i'll just get the map out and...uhoh."

It is pitch black. We are likely to be eaten by... something.

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Its a barn. How the hell do you miss it one time in 20?

"Did Sajan just punch that t-rex to death from the inside?"

"Other Darrin" Kobold Cleaver wrote:
It is pitch black. We are likely to be eaten by... something.


[Marches around film site with a sign reading "Paizo Unfair to Labor, Goblins"]

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Vive le Galt!

The Exchange

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"I'm sorry to wake you this early. My name's Drandle Dreng."

"I couldn't be fonder of you if you were my own son. But, well, if you lose a son, it's possible to get another. There's only one Kortos Falcon."

"The, uh, stuff that dreams are made of."

The Exchange

87. "you remember that human we ate the other day? It must have swallowed a gem because I found 'this' in my poop."

Grand Lodge

"I don't think that word means what you think it means."

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"I've got a bad feeling about this..."


"Let me get this straight, someone once thought it was a better idea to bind a sodding pit fiend and task it to maintain the water level here forever, than to build an overflow hatch in the dam???"


"Well, who can fathom the mind of a peasant?"

The Exchange

92. "fetch me some of those rotten turnips. I've decided to pick a fight with that armoured bastard on the horse."

"You look like crap, my friend... How did you get into the city?"
"...by catapult. It seemed like a better idea back then."


"See fungal infection in my du-o-de-num here? Means you gonna bite it if you go left when you hear roar."


"Hey... Anyone seen a girl with very long white hair, big melons, painted blue, wearing a minimal red dress and ten pounds of cooking utensils?"

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That, my liege, is how we know Golarion to be banana-shaped.

The Exchange

97. "This is a trap isnt it."

yellowdingo wrote:
97. "This is a trap isnt it."

98. "It's a TRAP!"

I am dungeonmaster, that was Vengor, welcome to the realm of...erm.....Golarion

Webstore Gninja Minion

...wait, are we talking *Paizo* movie or *Pathfinder* movie? Because they're two different things...and really, the former would be pretty well covered here: Overheard at the Paizo office :D

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Liz Courts wrote:
...wait, are we talking *Paizo* movie or *Pathfinder* movie? Because they're two different things...

Good point, I'll go for both...

Paizo Movie:
"You know, actually saying the word 'redacted' doesn't actually work the way you think it does..."
Actor playing Jason B. doing Kirk "Khaaan!" impression "Aaaarmooor Spiiiiikes!!!"
"Oh gawd, Am Barbarian! has struck again!"
"I hear that we've sold out of the waterfront taven flip mats again, time to hit the streets and do more 'research' ".
"It's pronounced Pai-, you know what, never mind... Golem, smash!"
“Welcome to Paizo… Vending maching makes several ominous noises … and unfortunately our HR department has decided you aren’t actually a good fit for our company, though we wish you well in your next endeavor. Goodbye!”

Pathfinder Movie:
“I’m Valeros, that’s Seoni. Yes, in the snow. Don’t ask. Obviously Magic.”
"By the blighted eyes of Baba Yaga’s paramour, Am Barbarian! has struck again!"
“Why of COURSE I’m not a member of the Pathfinder Society. Those hooligans steal everything, I’m much more discerning.”
“Paracountess Dralneen, I presume” – this film is not yet rated.
“Razmir, eh? In my day, brigands just said ‘give me all of your stuff'. To be fair, they had fewer magics.”


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Liz Courts wrote:
...wait, are we talking *Paizo* movie or *Pathfinder* movie? Because they're two different things...

So, in the *Paizo* movie, do all the villagers suddenly turn into Tiny blue humanoids when they say the S word?

If it's an animated movie, can we get Lucky Yates to voice the PMG?

The Exchange

Liz Courts wrote:
...wait, are we talking *Paizo* movie or *Pathfinder* movie? Because they're two different things...and really, the former would be pretty well covered here: Overheard at the Paizo office :D

Do we call them marvel movies? Or just iron man?

The Exchange

113. "I am not getting naked."

Shadow Lodge

114. "Yes, you are!"

The Exchange

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115. "People of the vilage of...whats this dump called? Anyway...you are liberated!"

116. "Give me that before you kill yourself.....or me!!"

117. That's no unicorn! That's the Dread Unfrozen Equine Lawyer... SEBASTIAN! His CR is too damn high! Run away, run away!

Shadow Lodge


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