Threadlock Refugees

Off-Topic Discussions

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Can't you do both?

captain yesterday wrote:
Can't you do both?

That's exactly what he did.

Now the thread is locked.


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Oh, come on, it was a Paladin thread, it was doomed from the beginning. :-D

Grand Lodge

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captain yesterday wrote:
Can't you do both?

You can. But like so many things, the fact that you can does not mean you should.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Can't you do both?
You can. But like so many things, the fact that you can does not mean you should.

This needs to be written somewhere. I think a good place would be directly above the post submission box, in big bold glowing letters.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

The community guidelines do advise you not to say anything.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Remember the mantra: "Flag it, don't brag it."

I just flagged your post.

Sarcasm Dragon wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Remember the mantra: "Flag it, don't brag it."
I just flagged your post.

Don't do that. You are going to get the thread locking thread locked., this discussion just got so meta.

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All seriousness, it never was my intent.... but, what did you honestly think was going to be the end result of a thread that is precisely about threads that get locked?

Grand Lodge

Fluffy bunnies and rainbow ponies!

Dark Archive

The aliens can save this thread, if you let them...

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These threads, like those of a mortal life, flutter in the breeze awaiting the blade. We must give life to these topics as best we can in what time we are allowed. Post well and have no regrets.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I've seen threads you people wouldn't believe. Attack trolls on fire off the server of Orion. I watched adhominems glitter in the dark near the Tu'quoque Gate. All those arguments will be lost in time, like strawmen... in... rain. Time to die.

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People here don't realize that this thread has already been locked once and they think the idea of it being locked now is totally out-of-this-world. Damn Threadlock Refugees casuals.

Liberty's Edge

You calling me a n00b?

Snowblind wrote:, this discussion just got so meta.

I think it has been meta for a while now...

Community & Digital Content Director

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It could be worse, this could be a "bizarro" thread. I don't know if I could handle growing a mustache :\

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I know from experience that I can't. Stupid thing itches like hell and I can't wait to shave it off.

Grand Lodge

Yeah, I can go maybe a week with face hairs.

I clipper mine before it gets thick. Permanent scruff, long enough to tell I have a legit beard, but not so long as to curl or get itchy. Number three guard on the clippers.

Hence the name.

Snowblind wrote:
Sarcasm Dragon wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Remember the mantra: "Flag it, don't brag it."
I just flagged your post.

Don't do that. You are going to get the thread locking thread locked., this discussion just got so meta.

How dare you tell me what I can't do? Just for that, I'm flagging every post you've ever made as "just wanted to try the flagging system."

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Babe: Pig on the Internet wrote:
I've seen threads you people wouldn't believe. Attack trolls on fire off the server of Orion. I watched adhominems glitter in the dark near the Tu'quoque Gate. All those arguments will be lost in time, like strawmen... in... rain. Time to die.

It's too bad this thread wont live! But then again, which does?

I feel like somebody is dreaming of electric sheep.


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At present, the "Gender-Neutral Pronoun" thread, created by infamous rabble-rouser, rascal-rustler and roof-raiser kobold Kobold Cleaver, appears to be caught in an existence somewhere between life and lock. It is, at this precise moment in time, evidently trapped in stasis. I cannot post. However, I can edit. And the thread does not show itself as locked. I believe that, in time, this stasis will collapse, and the thread will shift into one of the two binary states.

But this has not happened yet. For the time being, the thread is—not unlike gender itself, I suppose—neither solidly one nor the other.

Well, whatever you do in that thread, KC, be certain about it. Otherwise you might be split into alternate parallel selves, each alt-KC trapped with an alt-version of ungrateful nephew and niece, unable to re-sync with your alternate selves, and eventually attracting the attention of 5th dimension time enforcement testicle monsters officers.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Kobold Cleaver wrote:

At present, the "Gender-Neutral Pronoun" thread, created by infamous rabble-rouser, rascal-rustler and roof-raiser kobold Kobold Cleaver, appears to be caught in an existence somewhere between life and lock. It is, at this precise moment in time, evidently trapped in stasis. I cannot post. However, I can edit. And the thread does not show itself as locked. I believe that, in time, this stasis will collapse, and the thread will shift into one of the two binary states.

But this has not happened yet. For the time being, the thread is—not unlike gender itself, I suppose—neither solidly one nor the other.

It's Schrödinger's thread!

Morty, the Littlest Otyugh wrote:
Well, whatever you do in that thread, KC, be certain about it. Otherwise you might be split into alternate parallel selves, each alt-KC trapped with an alt-version of ungrateful nephew and niece, unable to re-sync with your alternate selves, and eventually attracting the attention of 5th dimension time enforcement testicle monsters officers.

Some folks like to troll us, to rant and carp and mock

Others love a thread that is neither free nor locked

Like the time enforcement test-test-testicle, test-test-testicle beasts
Like the time enforcement test-test-testicle, test-test-testicle beasts

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Feros wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:

At present, the "Gender-Neutral Pronoun" thread, created by infamous rabble-rouser, rascal-rustler and roof-raiser kobold Kobold Cleaver, appears to be caught in an existence somewhere between life and lock. It is, at this precise moment in time, evidently trapped in stasis. I cannot post. However, I can edit. And the thread does not show itself as locked. I believe that, in time, this stasis will collapse, and the thread will shift into one of the two binary states.

But this has not happened yet. For the time being, the thread is—not unlike gender itself, I suppose—neither solidly one nor the other.

It's Schrödinger's thread!

♪ ♫ "Playing with my Schröding-a-ling, Schröding-a-ling..." ♪ ♫

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Do I get a cookie for predicting a thread-lock right before it happened? I can't prove it because Liz removed my post*, but I totally called it.

Oh well, it's not like a thread called "Should optimization override fun" was going to end well anyway.

*For no reason whatsoever, I might add. I didn't do a single thing the slightest bit wrong. Well, at least not in that post. Maybe.

Yeah that one was probably doomed from the get-go.

It was open when I started reading it and closed by the time I got to the end.

I did learn some things about some people, though. Some less than flattering.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Got locked right as I was about to post a list of non-game combat scenes that are all the better in their narratives for not having been challenging. :(

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jiggy wrote:
Got locked right as I was about to post a list of non-game combat scenes that are all the better in their narratives for not having been challenging. :(

You could always post it here under a spoiler. Or you could even make another thread - "Scenes that are Fun and Interesting, but not Challenging" is a far more interesting and less toxic topic than "should people have no fun and just min-max a lot".

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Combats (outside of games) whose narratives are better served by their ease than they would have been by having the fight be harder:

• Indiana Jones VS Big Sword Guy
• Hak and Kija VS a bunch of bandits
• Inigo Montoya VS Rugen's guards
• Chara VS Mettaton NEO
• Ting VS Pearl Harbor
• Luffy VS Bellamy

Most of those are so because they're to prove a point story-wise - about how badass character A is, usually. Or something about their character or ability to pick alternative options than expected.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Orthos wrote:
Most of those are so because they're to prove a point story-wise - about how badass character A is, usually.

Well, technically only half: Inigo, Ting, and Luffy.

Or something about their character or ability to pick alternative options than expected.

Heh, good ol' Indy. :D

But then there's the Hak/Kija VS bandits fight, where it's about the two characters sizing each other up to see if they're going to be a legitimately valuable ally in their common goal of protecting Yona. It's a launching point for a very long character-development arc.

And then there's Chara VS Mettaton NEO, which is... Well, we won't go into what the story's doing in that one. *shudder*

If you want a really good example that actually happened at a table, there is one mentioned here. It's in the "Examples From The Table" Section, under "Silion".

If you are too lazy to read the link...:

Silion was a cult leader. Using our first principle, I built her up in a variety of ways: Her name was referenced in early foreshadowing. The PCs tangled with her thugs and were targeted for retaliation by her organization. She was also incorporated into the background of a new PC joining the campaign, becoming responsible for murdering the PCs’ family and destroying their village.

Eventually, the PCs managed to track down her lair. They snuck in, found her digging through a box of archaeological artifacts, rolled a critical hit, and put an arrow through the back of her skull. She literally never even got a chance to look them in the face.

My players gleefully tell this story at almost every opportunity. They love it. It’s one of their favorite moments from the entire campaign.

Jiggy wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Most of those are so because they're to prove a point story-wise - about how badass character A is, usually.

Well, technically only half: Inigo, Ting, and Luffy.

Or something about their character or ability to pick alternative options than expected.

Heh, good ol' Indy. :D

But then there's the Hak/Kija VS bandits fight, where it's about the two characters sizing each other up to see if they're going to be a legitimately valuable ally in their common goal of protecting Yona. It's a launching point for a very long character-development arc.

And then there's Chara VS Mettaton NEO, which is... Well, we won't go into what the story's doing in that one. *shudder*

I'd say it fits pretty firmly into the story purpose I mentioned - "badass" fits a nearly-full-powered demon-possessed murderchild pretty well I think.
Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Orthos wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Most of those are so because they're to prove a point story-wise - about how badass character A is, usually.

Well, technically only half: Inigo, Ting, and Luffy.

Or something about their character or ability to pick alternative options than expected.

Heh, good ol' Indy. :D

But then there's the Hak/Kija VS bandits fight, where it's about the two characters sizing each other up to see if they're going to be a legitimately valuable ally in their common goal of protecting Yona. It's a launching point for a very long character-development arc.

And then there's Chara VS Mettaton NEO, which is... Well, we won't go into what the story's doing in that one. *shudder*

** spoiler omitted **


Well, it's a very different kind of "show this character is powerful" than in the other examples. With the others (and very commonly in other stories as well), that demonstration is a reference point. Inigo is shown to be far enough beyond others that Rugen has to run away and use cheap tricks to have a chance, which adds even more impact to his later victory; Ting is being set up as badass so that later, more difficult fights will have additional impact; Luffy is (once again) being shown to be head-and-shoulders above the typical pirate.

But with Chara, the demonstration is not so much as a reference point, but as a scene of horror, showing the victims' powerlessness before her homicidal rampage. The demonstration of power is itself a thing, rather than being a reference point for another thing. Narratively, I'd say it's different enough to be in a separate category.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
I thought I had the term "Love King" trademarked.

Wrong that film title belongs to me under my entertainment group...

Cockrooster entertainment in conjunction with metime movies is proud to present Dirk Dingler in "The Love King"

Wow that was the shortest thread life span ever. I think Spam threads have had longer lives. And I was interested to see what all the boys would say.

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Yeah there was no way that could have ended well. I'm glad Chris got there when she did.

You honestly think people would have taken it too far? That it would have gone past being a joke thread somehow?

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We were heading into MRA territory, I think, which is why the kibosh was put on it.

EDIT: I assume...

Hello peoples.

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Aranna wrote:
You honestly think people would have taken it too far? That it would have gone past being a joke thread somehow?

You honestly think it wouldn't? I'm surprised it hadn't already.

Grand Lodge

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I would expect that to go sideways by the second post. If not the OP.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

And KC hadn't even weighed in on it. Yeah, that was a unexploded shell ready to take us all out.

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