A catfolk's place in the world?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

The Exchange

Where do catfolk fit into golarion? where do they come from, where do they often live? Are they common enough to be recognized by most folks or are they seen as exotic?

Liberty's Edge

Andrew R wrote:
Where do catfolk fit into golarion? where do they come from, where do they often live?

Southern Garund and jungle-y areas of Tian Xia. Per James Jacobs statements and the Tian Xia book.

Andrew R wrote:
Are they common enough to be recognized by most folks or are they seen as exotic?

Depends on where you are. Most places in the Inner Sea? Very exotic.

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according to the ARG, they seem to pop up aroud elven cities and settlments. Weirdly, they have an appreciation for the arts (hence elves), and for some reason, do not, in fact always detect as evil.

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Anyplace where huge balls of yarn trample on the rights of the commonfolk.

The Exchange

Deadmanwalking wrote:
Andrew R wrote:
Where do catfolk fit into golarion? where do they come from, where do they often live?

Southern Garund and jungle-y areas of Tian Xia. Per James Jacobs statements and the Tian Xia book.

Andrew R wrote:
Are they common enough to be recognized by most folks or are they seen as exotic?
Depends on where you are. Most places in the Inner Sea? Very exotic.

Ah thanks. Mostly around the shackles area, might have several in the upcoming AP

Liberty's Edge

Andrew R wrote:
Ah thanks. Mostly around the shackles area, might have several in the upcoming AP

They'd be a lot less weird in the Shackles than most places given that the Shackles are much closer to the Southern Garund ones than most places in the Inner Sea and are a very cosmopolitan area, race-wise.

And you're very welcome. :)

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Still though, they really should detect as evil.

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Spoken from a giant green handbag i wont take offense :) I am not evil I am merely prone to changing my mind back and forth in a very rapid manner.

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for some reason I see "a mage using dancing lights to constantly distract a catfolk PC with a damnable red dot" as an inescapable character dynamic

I don't know what the official stance for Golarion is but I broke them up into two sub-cultures for my version. The Cat headed ones seen in the Race guide come from the south particularly around Osirion and Katepesh and are mostly tribal. The more human looking ones seen in the beastiary are northern Catfolk and are more like gypsies.

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If you want to change things up a bit they can be sabertooth tiger riding samurai from the invisible moon.

Curled up in front of the hearth.

At least one of them has a weird thing going on with a harpy...

How about one that accompanies faithfully a wizard, because that catfolk used to be his or her cat familiar before being reincarned after dying?

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Judging by a lot of the catfolk builds I have seen, the entire race has been adopted by half orcs and breed for larger teeth.

revaar wrote:
Judging by a lot of the catfolk builds I have seen, the entire race has been adopted by half orcs and breed for larger teeth.

It's a quick and easy way to get a full set of natural attacks. Something like this is a clear indication that a bite attack should probably have been part of the race from the beginning.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
revaar wrote:
Judging by a lot of the catfolk builds I have seen, the entire race has been adopted by half orcs and breed for larger teeth.

I, for one, welcome our Orc-bred Smilodonfolk overlords.

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Someone start Crafting a yarn golem, ASAP.

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
If you want to change things up a bit they can be sabertooth tiger riding samurai from the invisible moon.

Or Small-size samurai catfolk native to sixteenth-century Japan who somehow got to Golarion by knowing the right bus routes, and are ready to kill every big bad in the setting to avenge the murder of their lord.

In a burlap sack with a cinderblock off a dock in the Shackles.

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Sorry about that last post y'all. I realized I posted to the wrong thread. Must've been open to the wrong tab. It's since been deleted.

Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:
If you want to change things up a bit they can be sabertooth tiger riding samurai from the invisible moon.
Or Small-size samurai catfolk native to sixteenth-century Japan who somehow got to Golarion by knowing the right bus routes, and are ready to kill every big bad in the setting to avenge the murder of their lord.

There is only one bus for a world-hopping catfolk to take, the Cat-bus!

Where ever they dang well please. :p

Shadow Lodge

I had a catfolk character from the Mwangi Expanse. She was rescued by an adventuring Varisian pathfinder as a toddler and brought home to Varisia where she was raised and reared as a Varisian human.

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