MY GM is making wrath of the righteous into twilight -- what do I do?

Wrath of the Righteous

Okay so its like this. My GM had the shadow demon in book 2 kdinapp another player's pc and we learned later she was the slave of shamira but not really a slave more like a pampered pet or something? anyways we rescued her somehow 6 weeks later ingame but now she is pregenant whit shamira's demon child. this character has been mindraped or something and as a result is now loving shamira, her child, and her ex-lover a ratfolk who is another pc. she hasnt told shamira about the child and our gm said that demonchilds are different so it grows quickly and will kill her when born like the baby killed bella. also the pregnant (n)pc is now CE and doesnt want to be good so what should we do?

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Ragequit. Tell the GM that you're there for a game, not a Twilight Reenactment and that if this continues, you won't be a part of the game.

Grand Lodge

I am the (former) player of this character and feel the need to elaborate here.

I told the GM I wanted him to write my character out of the plot because I wanted to bring a new character in. I allowed him to do whatever he wished with her as long as it made sense in context with the story. While I may not necessarily agree with the end result, I can say this is something most unexpected and is genuinely unnerving, causing a moral quandary in our group about whether or not the child should be allowed to be born (perhaps this would have been better in Carrion Crown lol...) Perhaps that is what he was going for...? However I'm not sure if the AP expects us to work with Shamira, if so, that has gone out the window as we have pretty much unanimously agreed to shove a lance/greatsword/bullet/holy symbol/icy prison into her face.

Additionally, in defense of our GM, there are plenty of other examples of fiction where a half-demon/god/thing child kills its mother/host when born.


*does not compute*

*does not compute*


No. Just, no.

Abort. Now.

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Make a dhampir illusionist who constantly has a sparkling illusion active.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I have difficulty believing I'm the first one to make this suggestion, particularly given my severe distaste for the book series in question, but have you sat down & talked with the GM, out-of-game, and said something to the effect of 'this sub-plot is making us uncomfortable/confusing the characters & we would enjoy the game more if it went away/became less hot-buttony'?

I apologize for the run on sentence.

Alright, I should comment too. I'm the person playing the ratfolk who was the character's lover, and to answer Irnk's question, yes, yes we have. But it's already here to stay and there's not much to do about it anymore so that's that I guess.

I suppose it's my fault, really. I kinda made my character being in love with the character in question a big deal, and I realize I've inadvertently put my character in too much spotlight with drama. I also figure I should have said something earlier, or maybe not have made such an emotionally vulnerable character, or something. I don't know. The GM is a good guy, believe me, this is just a wayward faux pas.

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:

I have difficulty believing I'm the first one to make this suggestion, particularly given my severe distaste for the book series in question, but have you sat down & talked with the GM, out-of-game, and said something to the effect of 'this sub-plot is making us uncomfortable/confusing the characters & we would enjoy the game more if it went away/became less hot-buttony'?

I apologize for the run on sentence.

Ignore this goblin. He's nuts. Just roll up the dham dhampir.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

In that case, it sounds like the best thing to do for all the parties concerned is to sit down together & come to a consensus how best to 'write-off' the the NPC's in question 'off-camera' as it were. One of the advantages of this AP, in this particular, is that it is a 'war AP' as well as the fact that you are fighting foes who are universally Chaotic and Evil, opportunities for 'Friendly Fire' abound, even for the bad guys. No, it's not 'dramatically fulfilling', but it does give some manner of resolution, and provide the surviving characters an opportunity for emotional response without being quite so squicky.

@Kobold Cleaver: >:P

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Every so often I start wondering if maybe I should give being a player a try again. And then I hear stories like this and once more I realize my decision to only GM games is likely for the best. It's the control freak and writer in me, no doubt.

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Six weeks is an awful short time for a Face Heel Turn. I'd check her for mental or spiritual manipulation.

So as the party Paladin I guess this makes me... the Volturi?

Not that I care for Twilight, but there are plenty of other examples in fiction long before the Twilight series where some demonspawn/other nasty supernatural spawn kills is born rapidly and kills the mother.

Maybe the problem is they attempted to connect to the most recently "popular" instance of this.

Liberty's Edge

ginganinja wrote:
So as the party Paladin I guess this makes me... the Volturi?

As a fan of the book series, uhh no the Volturi could not be farther from Paladins.

I think the best advice is to sit down and talk, as a group, about how everyone involved, both players and GM, feels about the plot twist.

To me, as described, it sounds awful. It also does not sound much like Twilight, except in vague generalizations.

Silver Crusade

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After my extensive research on twilight (not reading the books, not seeing the movies -> but seeing that terrible twilight spoof movie) I can safely comment about this.

The shadow demon being a follower of a demon lord (SPOILER) to the adventure (?), does not make sense to me. But I can’t go into detail without massive spoilers, so assume that the GM is changing things - quite a certainty, since no Paizo published adventure would ever, ever, ever, ever include a forced “mindrape”, and forced impregnation to a player character.

That is a pretty big no no, even if the character was a former player character. And while I already killed two former player characters in my group, since the players no longer attend the games ….. it was a pretty big deus ex machina (getting killed by a 20/10 npc.. in the second adventure) some areas should out of the game.

I can’t argue, that the twilight inclusion is or isn’t terrible, but the group could always kill the baby and/or the former player, thus “euthanize” this part of the plot. If that isn’t an option, just just something like calcific touch, flesh to stone or another spell, to stop this plot indefinitely.

If the group is unwilling to deal with the situation, just call church of Iomedae and wait for the appearance of the inquisition (like the cable company, their arrival is always quite surprising).

Now if you excuse me, I have to rewatch one of my favourite Hellsing (the anime) videos, and while it doesn’t contain spoilers of any kind (well except that fictional anime nazis seem like like war, a lot^^) I like to watch it before I GM, it tends to bring me into the right mindset for this AP. You know the one with all those evil bastards, demons, torture….. (Did I mention that I am German?).

the Majors Speech.

Looks like The Carol Danvers treatment to me!

My condolences.

Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
...since no Paizo published adventure would ever, ever, ever, ever include a forced “mindrape”, and forced impregnation to a player character.

There's the Drakainia monster in B4. Unless it never shows up in a published adventure, of course, but that seems limiting.

Silver Crusade

Alleran wrote:
Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
...since no Paizo published adventure would ever, ever, ever, ever include a forced “mindrape”, and forced impregnation to a player character.
There's the Drakainia monster in B4. Unless it never shows up in a published adventure, of course, but that seems limiting.

Thank you for mentioning that one. But no, while the monster plays with the concept of pregnancy (seriously the

gestation aura:
A drakainia's aura pulses with developing life. All poisons or diseases active within her 30-foot aura have an onset of 1 round and a frequency of 1/minute. Impregnated creatures within her aura gestate in 2d4 rounds. Any creature born within her aura gains a mutation as if it were the drakainia's spawn, though if the creature's parent was not impregnated by the drakainia, the creature born is an infant of the kind its biological parents would produce, and doesn't count toward the CR limit the drakainia can spawn per day.

aura is pretty disgusting, considering that it would affect a female NPCs or player character that was pregnant for days, ….), it can “impregnate” even a male or asexual character, and lays its eggs through the mouth. It is less pregnancy, then infestation.

That and you are unlikely to feel “happy” or “protective” about the baby, it takes rounds to gestate, and can be removed with Remove disease… just like other larval infestations.

Maybe I watched too many videos about feminism (especially in the context if comic books) but the plot device “magical (usually time accelerated) pregnancy” is just plain terrible.

All I have to say is this

Digital Products Assistant

Removed a post. Advocating actual physical harm of others is not OK here.

I talked with oru GM and told hm "this is making us all notcomfortable please don't do tihs anymore" becauese our session wsa today but then he just wsa upset and said shamira came and killed the unkidnapped pregnant (n)pc and she also killed like irabeth but we just used raise dead on irabeth. So Irabeth is alive again but i am concerned we will b attacked again? we fought shamara off which is how irabeth did, but our gm said we think she might be an enemy we see again many times so what should we do we almost died the first time we were attacked by her?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Shamire is a nascent demon lord and logically should not dawdle around on the material plane nilly-willy. She has duties to attend in her home realm of the Midnight Isles and if is remiss in that, well, her boss would have to say something about that.

All that being said, sounds like your GM is having a temper tantrum because you blew up his pet plot. Nothing to do but wait it out or get a better GM.

I think it's pretty cool. Demons should be horrifying. He capitalized on the character change admirably.
Everybody's freaked out by this, and that just means he did his job right.
Enjoy the wonder that is emotional involvement maybe?.....

Eh, he was trying to set up a convoluted subplot of his own devising, which ended up not working for you. He put an end to it quickly. What more do you want?

Scarab Sages

A similar thing occurred about 20+ years ago in a game. An NPC became pregnant with an effective anti christ. We found a way, via a Gate spell, to eradicate the evil presence. If you had to continue, maybe a wish of something could downgrade the child to a tiefling?

Liaria Saldiron wrote:
A similar thing occurred about 20+ years ago in a game. An NPC became pregnant with an effective anti christ. We found a way, via a Gate spell, to eradicate the evil presence. If you had to continue, maybe a wish of something could downgrade the child to a tiefling?

Sounds reasonable, but probably too reasonable for creators of such sideplots. ;-)

Vrock falls, everybody dies!

Ok, if this is making everyone uncomfortable, the GM should quickly conclude this, preferably in a nice, dramatic way that 1) allows the former PC to redeem herself and 2) furthers the plot. I suggest a "Death equals redemption" where is a slightly convoluted way, she perishes, but the spawn of Shamira is taken in by Iomedea. And the adventure continues, with memories of this aborted sidestory fading away.

Silver Crusade

General Spoon wrote:
we fought shamara off which is how irabeth did, but our gm said we think she might be an enemy we see again many times so what should we do we almost died the first time we were attacked by her?

Level up, gain more mythic tiers and kill her.

dungeonmaster heathy wrote:

I think it's pretty cool. Demons should be horrifying. He capitalized on the character change admirably.

Everybody's freaked out by this, and that just means he did his job right.
Enjoy the wonder that is emotional involvement maybe?.....

There is a difference between freaked out, and everybody just hating it.

Everyone should make aasimars wit the racial ability to have a glowing aura.

Silver Crusade

Run, fast... run run and run some more

Here I thought I was gonna read how the players were failing and the game was turning to the RPG Twilight, where evil took over the world...

I didn't even register that series of books or movies totally not aimed at me.

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