Colossal "Miniature" Wishlist


Hey fellow gamers, I don't know about the rest of you, but seeing all of the BEAUTIFUL miniatures that paizo has put out to date, especially the huge/gargantuan sized ones (the upcoming reign of winter set white dragon alone makes me drool), it makes me wonder if paizo will ever get into making colossal-sized minis (whether for adventure paths or as stand-alones).

I own a majority of the D&D "iconic encounter" minis that were released back in the day, with the exception of the colossal red dragon. If I had the money and were able to justify spending the money to buy cases of minis to be eligible for the gargantuans that paizo has put out so far, I totally would.

If you coud have any one creature made into a colossal mini, what would you want paizo to produce, and why? For me, it would be the torrasque. It's big, it's epic, and would strike fear into most players when brought to the table.

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Xotani the Firebleeder. I think it would be a great incentive for a Legacy of Fire set (plus we should see some Wizkids gnolls).

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A Colossal dragon..thats not modeled sitting up like a begging dog.

It would be nice to finally have minis for dragons in a size category yet to be touched... but I have a feeling some people will want some variety and have something other than a dragon since larger dragons have been done so much already.

Hmm...have the APs had any Colossal final bosses?

I haven't played or read half of the 3.5 APs, but from what I have seen the largest creatures in APs (final boss or no, take the Rune Giants from Rise of the Runelords for example) are gargantuan sized. As stated above, it may be a good incentive for future APs though.

Titans, Kaiju, Great Cthulhu.

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I'd love to see a proper sailing ship, specifically designed for use with miniatures. If it needs to be a monster, can always explain it as a Colossal animated object or something.

Grand Lodge

Tarrasque, Kaiju, Tempest Behemoth, Thalassic Behemoth, Thunder Behemoth.

Mercury, great idea! Would go great with Skull and Shackles. If that had been the promotional mini instead of the skeletal dragon, I probably would have gotten a case.

I am a bit confused by this link:
Isn't the Tarrasque OGL? Not sure how WoTC could claim it as their propery for the CaD... wait nevermind. I went to the Kickstarter page and it appears that the CaD letter is based off of the Monster Manual artwork, which they do own.

Anyway, this is the best home-made mini I have found for it:

Would love to have one on my gaming table. :)

As I understand it, Dungeon Crawler may be making a Behemoth miniature, which they describe as:

"An 8x8 bipedal lizard of terror and doom, very much akin to a certain monster only slay-able via a wish spell in other games."

However, they as of yet have not delivered on their 2013 Kickstarter (an 8x8 Kraken).

Mercury141 wrote:

As I understand it, Dungeon Crawler may be making a Behemoth miniature, which they describe as:

"An 8x8 bipedal lizard of terror and doom, very much akin to a certain monster only slay-able via a wish spell in other games."

However, they as of yet have not delivered on their 2013 Kickstarter (an 8x8 Kraken).

And I believe they have said, they will not start a new KS until the first delivers.

Titan, Thanatotic.

> And I believe they have said, they will not start a new KS until the first delivers.

Looked it up, this is true.

The Kraken is scheduled to be delivered for June / July this year. Their Kickstarter was in April 2013, but they apparently had to switch manufacturers after their original one went back on their word and raised prices significantly from their previous quote.

According to their forum and the new Kickstarter will start around June / July as well, and they explicitly stated they would not start it until the current one delivers.

Such is the way Kickstarters work I suppose - sometimes there'll be delays and stuff will take longer than expected. I think its honourable at least to wait with the new Kickstarter until the old one is finished. Plus its smart, since then they'll have the experience under the belt and that extra rank in "Diplomacy" will no doubt help them put out the next one quicker ^_^

On a related note, I also figured out some other colossal mini I'd like to see: Primal Elementals from the (Epic Level Handbook).

I don't imagine these as bigger versions of elementals, but rather as forces of nature so they can literally double as such.

The Air Elemental for example could be a tornado, with lightning within its semi transparant form, the Earth Elemental could be an avalanche of rocks and stones, Fire Elemental could be a raging forest fire inferno with black smoke and molten rock and the Water Elemental could be a gigantic incoming wave with creatures, even small buildings lodged inside of it.

The idea is that they'd be super-imposing in their own right, but that they could also be used as natural disasters that the players have to flee from, or that "affect the tactical situation during a battle"

I want the Oliphaunt of Jandelay!

I actually had an idea of a possibly decent way to handle absolutely massive creatures. Make them as miniature-scaled, high-detail stuffies! Sure, it won't be as cool as a full sized, fully detailed plastic prepaint, but it would also not cost anything close to what a colossal plastic mini would and would be easier to store/harder to break!

That would be really epic. The closest image I can think of to that is the Oliphsunts as depicted in Lord of the Rings. I am curious if paizo is ever going to show a depiction of it or leave that up to individual DMs like they do with a lot of things.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
SiegeDraco wrote:
That would be really epic. The closest image I can think of to that is the Oliphsunts as depicted in Lord of the Rings. I am curious if paizo is ever going to show a depiction of it or leave that up to individual DMs like they do with a lot of things.

It's depicted in Mythic Realms - giant elephant thing with four tusks, and spikes going all up it's back.

Also, bigger than the standard colossal 6" by 6" base

After reading Lands of the Linnorm Kings, I've finally found a colossal Dragon I would want - Fafnheir. i'm sure there are other named, colossal dragons out there, but this one is different. 1st he's a Linnorm, which is a type of dragon we have yet to see in PPM, anywhere. 2nd he's a unique individual, he's not "Generic Colossal Red Dragon." Just an opinion, but I believe that any and all colossal pieces they do (if they ever do, even at a rate of one a year) should be specific, unique individuals - The 3 Kaiju from Besiary 4, The Tarrasque, Chemosit, The Oliphaunt of Jandelay, Unyielding Kothagaz, Great Cthulhu (unlikely), specific Titans (Elysian, Thanatotic, Hekatonkheires, and Fomorian). All unique individuals. I wouldn't even care if they had to be on a 7 x 7, 8 x 8, or even a 10 x 10 base, these are after all the pinnacle of Epic, Mythic Badassery.

Enlight_Bystand wrote:
SiegeDraco wrote:
That would be really epic. The closest image I can think of to that is the Oliphsunts as depicted in Lord of the Rings. I am curious if paizo is ever going to show a depiction of it or leave that up to individual DMs like they do with a lot of things.

It's depicted in Mythic Realms - giant elephant thing with four tusks, and spikes going all up it's back.

Also, bigger than the standard colossal 6" by 6" base

Doh, and I own that book too! Don't know how I could have forgot.

IxionZero wrote:

I want the Oliphaunt of Jandelay!

I actually had an idea of a possibly decent way to handle absolutely massive creatures. Make them as miniature-scaled, high-detail stuffies! Sure, it won't be as cool as a full sized, fully detailed plastic prepaint, but it would also not cost anything close to what a colossal plastic mini would and would be easier to store/harder to break!

One of my old 3.5 DMs would cut 1 inch thick wooden dowels of appropriate diameter, print off scaled down pictures from Monster Manuals, and then glue them to the dowel pieces for his miniatures.

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Re: Cthulhu. Do not mess with the Great Old One. You will regret it. Cthulhu fhtagn! :-)

Re: Dragons. I haven't ordered the Dragon Evolution sets yet, but I will. I do wish they had one of [u]each[/u] age, wyrmling to great wyrm* (though I can see the tiny ones might be a problem) and that all ten (five chromatic and five metallic) septs (is that the right word? I forget) were available. I wouldn't turn down the other ten (primal and imperial) either.

* So either tiny to gargantuan or small to colossal. Six per set instead of the current three. I suppose Wizkids may have decided that would be too much. <shrug>

I'm making my own red dragon with a card board base, a dragon cuddle toy, and a stapler. Help me Paizo. Have you priced the 'begging dog' ones on eBay lately?

Grand Lodge

Well, now that the Tarrasque is just a meagre gargantuan in D&D, a colossal tarrasque from Pathfinder Battles would be truly impressive and unique.

The tarrasque is only gargantuan in editions of D&D that don't have teh colossal size.

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