Poor Wandering One |

Forgive me is this has been answered before My search-fu is weak today.
If this has been answered any guidance in the way of links or search terms would be appreciated.
I was wondering if it was permitted to use unarmed strike as a 2-handed weapon. To be precise getting the 1.5STR bonus for not being able to use either hand for anything else just then.
In an effort to forestall thread-wandering please assume the question applies to a 1st level commoner with STR12 and all other stats 10 with any feats/traits/skills being used to augment profession: Ham.

Poor Wandering One |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Oh right and light weapons can't be 2-handed. A moron is me.
Still as a home-brew feat.....
"Heavy Handed. Your blows may be slow but you hit, hard.
Requires: Improved Unarmed strike, power attack.
By bashing your foe with both hands linked together you can treat your unarmed strikes as a 2-handed weapon.
Note: may not be used with any form of flurry or twf."
Seems legit.
Might be a good option for a spring attack type.

BigDTBone |

Oh right and light weapons can't be 2-handed. A moron is me.
Thanks.Still as a home-brew feat.....
"Heavy Handed. Your blows may be slow but you hit, hard.
Requires: Improved Unarmed strike, power attack.By bashing your foe with both hands linked together you can treat your unarmed strikes as a 2-handed weapon.
Note: may not be used with any form of flurry or twf."
Seems legit.
Might be a good option for a spring attack type.
I can see not stacking it with TWF because of the armor spike errata, but flurry allows you to use a single weapon in two hands so I would allow it, particularly with the cost of a feat.

![]() |

If his strength is 12 it doesn't matter if he gets 1.5Str bonus./snark
I was pondering this very thing earlier today. RAW there is really no way, although I could see it as a flavorful way to describe an unarmed Power Attack.
A house rule to allow it probably would not shatter the game into millions of pieces, although I wouldn't let a monk flurry with "2 handed" fist strikes.
You could also take this feat:
Tiger Claws (Combat)
You can sacrifice multiple attacks to make a single devastating strike.
Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Tiger Style, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 5th.
Benefit: While you are using the Tiger Style feat and have both hands free, you can use a full-round action to make a single unarmed strike with both hands. Use your highest base attack bonus, rolling unarmed strike damage for each hand separately and multiplying both if you score a critical hit. If you use Power Attack in conjunction with this attack, can add half your Strength bonus to one of the damage rolls. If you hit, you can attempt a bull rush maneuver with a +2 bonus on the combat maneuver check. This bull rush attempt provokes no attack of opportunity from your opponent, but you cannot move with that opponent if your bull rush is successful.

Poor Wandering One |

If his strength is 12 it doesn't matter if he gets 1.5Str bonus./snark
I was pondering this very thing earlier today. RAW there is really no way, although I could see it as a flavorful way to describe an unarmed Power Attack.
A house rule to allow it probably would not shatter the game into millions of pieces, although I wouldn't let a monk flurry with "2 handed" fist strikes.
You could also take this feat:
PRD wrote:Tiger Claws (Combat)
You can sacrifice multiple attacks to make a single devastating strike.
Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, Tiger Style, base attack bonus +6 or monk level 5th.
Benefit: While you are using the Tiger Style feat and have both hands free, you can use a full-round action to make a single unarmed strike with both hands. Use your highest base attack bonus, rolling unarmed strike damage for each hand separately and multiplying both if you score a critical hit. If you use Power Attack in conjunction with this attack, can add half your Strength bonus to one of the damage rolls. If you hit, you can attempt a bull rush maneuver with a +2 bonus on the combat maneuver check. This bull rush attempt provokes no attack of opportunity from your opponent, but you cannot move with that opponent if your bull rush is successful.
I hadn't thought of Tiger strike....Nice
Ok so assume 14 STR (can't believe I missed that)

pennywit |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
I was wondering if it was permitted to use unarmed strike as a 2-handed weapon. To be precise getting the 1.5STR bonus for not being able to use either hand for anything else just then.
Yes, but:
1) You must be party leader;
2) You must precede the strike with an acrobatics maneuver for now good reason;
3) You must have an outsized personality; and,
4) Your opponent must also have an outsized personality.

Poor Wandering One |

Not to trek out too much here, but Commander Sisko and Major Kira used this move extensively in DS9, as well. Not Shatner only. As a martial artist (level 3-ish?), I could never figure out how this gave one any benefit at all...
Yes but Shatner was one of the first to use it extensively on the telly. Though I do remember James T. West using the move on the old Wild Wild West TV series. Which as it aired just under a full year before the first Star Trek episode means we should be really be naming the move after Robert Conrad.
I however find Shatner's portrayal more evocative.Note
WWW first air date 17 Sept '65
ST First air date 8 Sept '66
Dates per Wikipedia and IMDB.

BigDTBone |

Not to trek out too much here, but Commander Sisko and Major Kira used this move extensively in DS9, as well. Not Shatner only. As a martial artist (level 3-ish?), I could never figure out how this gave one any benefit at all...
The future Trek's use it as a legacy wink/nod to TOS. Watching an episode of DS9 right now and just saw Bashir use it. It's pretty common to "give someone the Kirk."
Oh, and it gives absolutely no mechanical advantage whatsoever. :)

fretgod99 |

Not to trek out too much here, but Commander Sisko and Major Kira used this move extensively in DS9, as well. Not Shatner only. As a martial artist (level 3-ish?), I could never figure out how this gave one any benefit at all...
So looking like a BAMF isn't a benefit?
Form > Substance

NobodysHome |

I rarely pull this card (OK, first time ever, honestly), but as a member of a nationally-ranked full-contact martial arts team (tae kwon do), "No."
Hitting with two hands is useless. You lose speed and power. Your arms aren't physically designed to do that.
There are maneuvers that are massively more powerful than punches. Elbow strikes and kicks right off the bat. Lots of more exotic stuff with shoulders, knees, and even hips.
But striking the same location with both hands at once? No; totally pointless, except that it makes good cinema. The driving force of a punch is the hips and legs. Using both hands flattens them and weakens the blow.
I'd rather see a kick get 1.5x STR. You'd be scared to see how much power a well-trained person can get into a simple front kick. (My record is getting knocked back 6' in the air by a single kick. Thank Heavens I was wearing body armor.)
Fun thread, though.

Poor Wandering One |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I rarely pull this card (OK, first time ever, honestly), but as a member of a nationally-ranked full-contact martial arts team (tae kwon do), "No."
Hitting with two hands is useless. You lose speed and power. Your arms aren't physically designed to do that.
There are maneuvers that are massively more powerful than punches. Elbow strikes and kicks right off the bat. Lots of more exotic stuff with shoulders, knees, and even hips.
But striking the same location with both hands at once? No; totally pointless, except that it makes good cinema. The driving force of a punch is the hips and legs. Using both hands flattens them and weakens the blow.
I'd rather see a kick get 1.5x STR. You'd be scared to see how much power a well-trained person can get into a simple front kick. (My record is getting knocked back 6' in the air by a single kick. Thank Heavens I was wearing body armor.)
Fun thread, though.
Exactly. Just fun. Very little about Pathfinder combat bares more that a nodding relation to actual fighting. The 'Harmonious Shatner fist' is a fun visual and nothing more.
With my background in Aikido I laughed my dice off when I saw the Flowing Monk/ Maneuver Master. All in fun.

fretgod99 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I rarely pull this card (OK, first time ever, honestly), but as a member of a nationally-ranked full-contact martial arts team (tae kwon do), "No."
Hitting with two hands is useless. You lose speed and power. Your arms aren't physically designed to do that.
There are maneuvers that are massively more powerful than punches. Elbow strikes and kicks right off the bat. Lots of more exotic stuff with shoulders, knees, and even hips.
But striking the same location with both hands at once? No; totally pointless, except that it makes good cinema. The driving force of a punch is the hips and legs. Using both hands flattens them and weakens the blow.
I'd rather see a kick get 1.5x STR. You'd be scared to see how much power a well-trained person can get into a simple front kick. (My record is getting knocked back 6' in the air by a single kick. Thank Heavens I was wearing body armor.)
Fun thread, though.
Pfft. You just haven't gotten to a high enough rank to be this awesome yet. Kirk doesn't need your tornado kicks or 360 hooks; he's evolved beyond your basic skill level.
Also, you've heard the story about Bruce Lee from Enter the Dragon, right? Kicked a dude so hard he broke somebody else's arm.

rando1000 |

I'd rather see a kick get 1.5x STR. You'd be scared to see how much power a well-trained person can get into a simple front kick.
Exactly why a Wing Chun practitioner gets inside so you can't extend that kick...Standing more than arms length from a kicking style is a losing battle.

Poor Wandering One |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Skullford - Forgive me, I'm nub wrote:Nope, unarmed strikes in the right hands are light.But what if I held my leg in both hands when I kick? :P
Well if you sever the leg first....Peg-leg trait will help here....And enchant the leg with Gentle Repose....And if you play a Monk of the Empty Hand you can even flurry with it. You only get the 1.5 str if you don't flurry but how bad is it to put the beat-down on some poor b@s+A5d using YOUR OWN SEVERED LEG!
This must be done in PFS soon. You will clear the table.

Sub_Zero |

Zhayne wrote:No 'Perform (Overacting)' ranks as a prereq?Perhaps, Perform:Speaksinging
Thank you for this :)

fretgod99 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:Now THAT'S hardcore!I didn't know there was a way to make a flute Metal. I was mistaken.
Apparently you've never heard of Jethro Tull.

Mathius |
Zhayne, I think I am going to have to do something horrible to you for that link. As a true Queen fan that hurt me deep in my soul.
As the issue at hand with dragon ferocity you can actually do double strength on your first attack but I do not see any way to get the 3 to 1 PA ratio. I would not mind that with a feat though.

gamer-printer |

hmmmm I see a whole body parts as tools/weapons party forming.
From the Rite Publishing Curse of the Golden Spear trilogy, the third module called Dark Path, features the Danmatsumabatsu or Necrotic Warrior which is more of an NPC class, but could be run as a PC. There are 4 types, but one is the Bone-infused Necrotic Warrior which gets to change her hands into bone claws, and at a higher level pull bones right out of her forearm to create a bone short spear and buckler, and at a little higher level infuses negative energy in her bone strikes. So at least for 3PP, this kind of exists already.
The necrotic warriors will make an appearance in the Kaidan GM's Guide which is being finished up as we speak.

Poor Wandering One |

Zhayne, I think I am going to have to do something horrible to you for that link. As a true Queen fan that hurt me deep in my soul.
As the issue at hand with dragon ferocity you can actually do double strength on your first attack but I do not see any way to get the 3 to 1 PA ratio. I would not mind that with a feat though.
I think you will find that I am the source of the Speak-singing Queen link.
You are very very welcome.