Sheathing weapons


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Is there a way that allows you to sheath a weapon as a free action or standard action?

Thanks for the help in advance.

Sheathing a weapon is considered a movement action.

Are you asking if there is a way around this?

Shadow Lodge

I think Mythic Quickdraw might.

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While it's not explicit, I would submit that if you can draw a weapon as a free action with Quick Draw you should probably be able to sheathe it as one as well.

That is however, just my opinion. It is not within the rules to do so.

Yes. I'm looking for either a feat similar to Quick Draw, or an item or something that would make it feasible to sheathe a weapon.

Personally, I've homeruled quickdraw (and similar effects, like samurai weapon expertise) allow instant sheathing & drawing. I have not seen serious balance problems, and it allows my "sword-saint" player to actually get some use out of iaijutsu strike.

williamoak wrote:
Personally, I've homeruled quickdraw (and similar effects, like samurai weapon expertise) allow instant sheathing & drawing. I have not seen serious balance problems, and it allows my "sword-saint" player to actually get some use out of iaijutsu strike.

This is exactly why I am asking about this. I am playing a Sword Saint samurai and was wanting to know if there were ways to "quick sheathe" a weapon.

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Claxon wrote:
if you can draw a weapon as a free action with Quick Draw you should probably be able to sheathe it as one as well.

Well, you can draw your weapon without looking. Sheathing it without looking is more dangerous.

Lantern Lodge

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Custom Wondrous Item?

Somehow get an intelligent sheathe, and have your weapon with the called ability. Then, once per round, your intelligent sheathe can teleport the weapon back into itself.

Quick Draw does not (w/out a houserule) let you sheathe a weapon as a free action.

Eizenfaust - you can certainly use a standard action to sheathe a weapon as you asked in your original post. Did you mean a swift?

Not exactly what you're looking for, but you might be interested in the "Hurl Scabbard" use of Equipment Trick feat, for scabbards. Even uses a swift action.

I don't think you're supposed to get such broad use out of Iajutsu strike - although I guess you have to be using a fresh Challenge every time regardless of quick-sheathing. Anything to get around it would be a lot less useful upon hitting 10th level as well.

Majuba wrote:

Quick Draw does not (w/out a houserule) let you sheathe a weapon as a free action.

Eizenfaust - you can certainly use a standard action to sheathe a weapon as you asked in your original post. Did you mean a swift?

Not exactly what you're looking for, but you might be interested in the "Hurl Scabbard" use of Equipment Trick feat, for scabbards. Even uses a swift action.

I don't think you're supposed to get such broad use out of Iajutsu strike - although I guess you have to be using a fresh Challenge every time regardless of quick-sheathing. Anything to get around it would be a lot less useful upon hitting 10th level as well.

I'm not that bothered by houeruling quickdraw to allow quicksheathe. After all, iaijutsu strike only allows one per challenge, and I certainly wont allow someone to "cycle" their challenges (so at best, one iaijutsu strike per enemy.

The problem being, without that, a lot of it relies on an enemy getting close engough for you to hit them already.

In any case, this is an issue that you should talk about with your GM Eizenfaust.

Edit: Now that I think about it, I think I'll houserule it like this:
At level one, it's done as a standard action (no full-attack or charge)
At level 10, it can be used as one attack in a full attack or charge.

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I've practiced in real life sheathing a sword specifically for the purpose of not looking clumsy when I do so. The fastest I ever got was about two seconds, and that was with a free hand and no one attacking me!

Majuba wrote:
Eizenfaust - you can certainly use a standard action to sheathe a weapon as you asked in your original post. Did you mean a swift?
*RAW* wrote:

Draw or Sheathe a Weapon

Drawing a weapon so that you can use it in combat, or putting it away so that you have a free hand, requires a move action.

According to the rule I've been reading Majuba, sheathing weapons is a Move Action. If you know a way to make it a standard, swift, or free action I'd like to know.

I looked at Hurl Scabbard and its basically Quick Draw with an added ranged attack. Not what I'm really looking for. There is a Capture Weapon trick thats lets to perform a disarm with your scabbard as a free action, provided that the target weapon to be disarmed can fit in the scabbard.

Majuba wrote:
I don't think you're supposed to get such broad use out of Iaijutsu strike - although I guess you have to be using a fresh Challenge every time regardless of quick-sheathing. Anything to get around it would be a lot less useful upon hitting 10th level as well.

I agree with you in that regard Majuba. Iaijutsu Strike shouldn't be something that can be a cheesed attack, otherwise it could out power something like the Paladin's Smite ability. But there is a couple lines that keep this in check even if you could sheathe your weapon as a Free action like quick draw...

*RAW* wrote:

Iaijutsu Strike (Ex)

Regardless of whether he hits his opponent with the iaijutsu strike, a sword saint cannot use this ability on the same foe more than once per day.

And furthermore since the idea of cycling Challenges came up...

*RAW* wrote:

Challenge (Ex)

As a swift action, the samurai chooses one target within sight to challenge... The samurai can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day for every three levels beyond 1st, to a maximum of seven times per day at 19th level... The challenge remains in effect until the target is dead or unconscious, or until the combat ends.

First, you can't issue a new challenge until the target is removed from play. Second, you can only do the strike once per day to your challenge target. Finally, you get one attempt regardless of success or failure. So yeah, there are so many things in place to restrict its use that unless you're flat ignoring these rules then Iaijutsu Strike is far from broken.

So yeah I'm just looking for a way to sheathe my weapon as a Swift or Free action. Like a reverse Quick Draw.

Grand Lodge

Majuba was referring to the rule that you can always use a Standard Action to perform a Move Action.

EDIT: Under "Move Action" in "Action Types" in the Combat section.

Scribbling Rambler wrote:
Majuba was referring to the rule that you can always use a Standard Action to perform a Move Action.

Ah ok now I understand. Apologies for the misinterpretation Majuba.

One might also consider that not all weapons are the same. Sheathing a dagger is not the same as sheathing a greatsword. But there aren't any obvious rules for that either beyond weapon size.

Grand Lodge

I remember, in a previous game, my DM created a feat known as "Quick Sheathe" that did pretty much what it says on the tin. Free action to sheathe a weapon.

If this is for a home game, maybe you can ask your DM for a similar feat to be created.

Talked to my DM. He's an old hat from 2nd Ed AD&D and he's going to allow Quick draw to work for sheathing as well as drawing a weapon. According to him, 2nd Ed had Quick Draw written that way and that 3rd changed Quick Draw to what it is now.

*shrugs* Whatever works :)

It seems odd that there's not a mechanical way to improve the action economy for sheathing a weapon. But perhaps it's for balance purposes? Technically allowing you to sheathe a weapon as a free action could lead (with higher BABs) to hacking an adjacent foe to death, sheathing your melee weapon, then unslinging a compound longbow and using the rest of your attacks for potshots at an enemy at range.

I guess since it requires burning two feats to do it it might not be overpowered, although for a Fighter's multitude of feats it might be worth it.

Grand Lodge

This is normally when I would have mentioned Weapon Cords.

Now, they are ruined.

Yeah...before weapon cords were changed Xaratherus you could have done that without needing to sheathe you weapon. Though you would have needed Quick Draw.

Although I think the nerf on weapon cords was a bit much, I don't think it was wholly realistic you could use weapon cords to do that. Maybe if it were a one-handed weapon and fairly light, but I find it hard to realistically picture someone dangling a two-handed weapon off their wrist and maintaining enough dexterity to unsling a bow, nock an arrow, and fire it.

House-rules-wise, I probably would have imposed a penalty on such an action, even with a one-handed weapon. It's not easy to fire a bow with several pounds of metal dangling off one arm, even if it's the arm with which you're holding the bow's riser.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

RAW, technically no. You can't "put away" a weapon with less than a move-equivalent action.

Dropping a weapon (a free action) combined with the called weapon ability (a swift action to teleport to the owner's hand) can be one option (as long as the weapon lands within 100 ft).

A glove of storing can store and/or retrieve a single item (both storing and retrieving the item are free actions) up to 20 lbs.

Gauntlets of the weaponmaster can store up to 10 different weapons and the wearer can switch between them as a swift action. It's expensive at 110,000 gp, but most of that is from greater heroism three times per day; reverse engineering the item, a version with just the storage would be about 25,000-30,000 gp market price.

With regards to the Weapon Cord nerf, I loathe when people can't use common sense to lay some of the most ridiculous munchkin ideas to rest...


Munchkin Player: I have 10 guns on weapon cords and quick draw and gunslinger feats of awesomeness. Fear my 20+ attacks of god like powah!!!

Common Sense GM: Ok munchkin I have 2 questions for you. First, where are all of these cords tethered to on your person and how long are they? Second, if a potion belt/bandolier was ruled to be capable of only holding a total of 5 potion/wands, why should you get 10 guns hanging off your belt like a gun bunnies tutu?


GM: That's what I thought. For your shenanigans, the gods grant an enemy mage the power to cast a free fireball at you and burn the Weapon Cords holding your guns to cinders leaving your "back-ups" on the ground.

Munchkin: But they are magical...

GM: Dude... No soup for you!

/silly rant off

Thank you guys for all the wonderful advice and input :)

Silver Crusade

The OP's question is originally about the Sword Saint Archetype's Iajutsu Strike class ability. For that to work, it has to be the first attack of a challenge against a creature, and the weapon must start in its sheathe. Dropping the weapon on a weapon cord would not have applied even when recovery was a swift action.

Grand Lodge

You could also get a Glove of Storing, storing and retrieving an item from a Glove of Storing is a Free action.

Eizenfaust wrote:

Talked to my DM. He's an old hat from 2nd Ed AD&D and he's going to allow Quick draw to work for sheathing as well as drawing a weapon. According to him, 2nd Ed had Quick Draw written that way and that 3rd changed Quick Draw to what it is now.

*shrugs* Whatever works :)

there was no quick draw in 2nd edtion, there where no feats in that edtion. But in 2nd edtion had quick draw built into it fuctions, you could draw your weapon, half movement 60ft. to 60 yards depeind if you out door or indoors (today 30ft.) and attack as many times as you had a attacks. there where no rules on sheathing weapons, because it is not something you would ever do in combat. Your dm maybe be thinking of droping a weapon to the ground and drawing another. This is still the same today if you have quick draw feat. Rounds where also a full 60second back then not 6. so the amount of time that went by made sense to how much stuff you where doing.

So it would fall in the catagory of inbetween which is why it is a move action today.

Any rule stating that quick draw also could do it as a free action or use in older edtion was more then likely a common house rule.

Eizenfaust wrote:
williamoak wrote:
Personally, I've homeruled quickdraw (and similar effects, like samurai weapon expertise) allow instant sheathing & drawing. I have not seen serious balance problems, and it allows my "sword-saint" player to actually get some use out of iaijutsu strike.
This is exactly why I am asking about this. I am playing a Sword Saint samurai and was wanting to know if there were ways to "quick sheathe" a weapon.

I suggest an item that works like Gloves of storing (or is), where retrieving and storing is a free action. "A glove can only store one item at a time. Storing or retrieving the item is a free action. The item is shrunk down so small within the palm of the glove that it cannot be seen. Spell durations are not suppressed, but continue to expire. If the glove’s effect is suppressed or dispelled, the stored item appears instantly."

Ideally if your samurai is a sword and board dude... sword in one glove and shield in the other. I find many of my players work to get this item for two weapon wielders as well. However it works for the magic users with a need for a wand, potion, bonded item or rod too. No Feat slot used up just some gold.

umf78crs wrote:
Eizenfaust wrote:
williamoak wrote:
Personally, I've homeruled quickdraw (and similar effects, like samurai weapon expertise) allow instant sheathing & drawing. I have not seen serious balance problems, and it allows my "sword-saint" player to actually get some use out of iaijutsu strike.
This is exactly why I am asking about this. I am playing a Sword Saint samurai and was wanting to know if there were ways to "quick sheathe" a weapon.

I suggest an item that works like Gloves of storing (or is), where retrieving and storing is a free action. "A glove can only store one item at a time. Storing or retrieving the item is a free action. The item is shrunk down so small within the palm of the glove that it cannot be seen. Spell durations are not suppressed, but continue to expire. If the glove’s effect is suppressed or dispelled, the stored item appears instantly."

Ideally if your samurai is a sword and board dude... sword in one glove and shield in the other. I find many of my players work to get this item for two weapon wielders as well. However it works for the magic users with a need for a wand, potion, bonded item or rod too. No Feat slot used up just some gold.

I don't know that a glove of storing would count as "starting in the sheath" for iaijutsu strike. RAW, I would say it doesn't, but I could easily see it homeruled as such. However, if I were going to homerule, I would just change QuickDraw or create a new feat rather than force my player to get an expensive magic item that still requires a homerule.

For TWF, I think the problem with gloves of storing is it is one item that takes both hand slots. So you can't ever get two weapons into a glove of storing, unless you have one of those "single weapon that split" types, which is still iffy.

The most common use of glove of storing that I've seen is high-level divine casters (or high UMD folks) with a Breath of Life scroll stored in the glove. Those have saved so, so many lives!

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Practitioners of Iaido in real life absolutely sheathe their weapon without looking. It's part of the art. Of course, it's a whole lot easier to do that with a weapon like a katana that only has a single edge. (Idea is you drag the blunt side of the sword along the thumb or hand that's holding onto the scabbard so you can feel when the tip is aligned with the opening and you can slide it in.) Demo

That being said, real-life Iaido/Iaijitsu, is a lot different than anime and video-game style Iaijitsu where the practitioner fights entirely with quick draw attacks. Of course, RPGs always want to replicate the fantasied version, because let's face it, it looks cool.

All that being said, I would say it would take a second feat as Quick Draw already allows for a lot of versatility and as others have pointed out, some weapons are a lot harder to put away than others. (Another option would be to give certain weapons, most-likely single-edged blades, a "quick sheathe" quality that allows them to be sheathed as a free action if you have the Quick Draw feat.)

But RAW, no.

Digital Products Assistant

Removed a couple posts. Please keep this on topic.

Scarab Sages

The way you can do this RAW is to use a blink-back belt and free action drop to "throw" the sword. It will pop back to the belt and then be available to quick draw again.

Of course, you can't then use any stat-boosting belt, but it's the only way I can think of to do it.

Sovereign Court

I thought the idea behind Iaijitsu was to actually surprise someone by drawing a blade and cutting their throat in one stroke, because they weren't anticipating you being armed. Hard to get people to fall for that twice in a row, or even in the middle of combat at all.

Anyways, sheathing quickly would be useful for Switch-Hitter Rangers. I just feel uncomfortable dropping my bow on the ground in the middle of melee.

Sorry to revive a dead thread, but I'm interested in this question as well.

Not for the purpose of sheathing my weapon after an Iaijutsu strike, but because I want to carry two weapons.

I want to primarily use a wooden katana until I meet a worthy foe, at which point I will sheathe my wooden katana and draw my normal katana.

I'm not particularly fond of dropping weapons in combat, but will do so if necessary.

From the sounds of it, only way to really do this is either a couple magic items or house rules?

Pretty much.

Sovereign Court

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Coming back to this due to new insight.

PRD link

PRD wrote:

Draw or Sheathe a Weapon

Drawing a weapon so that you can use it in combat, or putting it away so that you have a free hand, requires a move action. This action also applies to weapon-like objects carried in easy reach, such as wands. If your weapon or weapon-like object is stored in a pack or otherwise out of easy reach, treat this action as retrieving a stored item.

If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you may draw a weapon as a free action combined with a regular move. If you have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, you can draw two light or one-handed weapons in the time it would normally take you to draw one.

Drawing ammunition for use with a ranged weapon (such as arrows, bolts, sling bullets, or shuriken) is a free action.

You can interpret this text in two ways.

1) The first paragraph talks about drawing and sheathing, the others only talk about drawing. Therefore only drawing can be done fast.

2) The book is written in "loose" conversational English, not a technical uber-specific engineering language. Out of pure compassion with people reading the rules, things were not spelled out in exhaustive, often redundant detail. Nobody really enjoys reading "draw or sheathe" in every sentence. Since the title of the rule block is "Draw or sheathe", everything that applies to drawing also applies to sheathing unless explicitly mentioned otherwise.

The conspicuous absence of any abilities to quickly sheathe weapons, although they would be very useful, suggests to me that #2 may have actually been what the writers intended, but the spirit of high literalism that pervades these forums tends to point people to #1.

Counter-clue: page 183 or the CRB has a table that lists "sheathe a weapon" as a separate action from "draw a weapon". Drawing doesn't provoke, sheathing does. So they're not entirely mirror images of each other.

The Exchange


Maybe taking the Squire Feat with the squire in question taking the Weapon Bearer Squire Fighter Archetype? Not exactly what's being looked for, but the Weapon Rack class feature does let the squire pick up an item dropped by his knight as an immediate action... so more for those worried about dropping stuff in the middle of combat than actual re-sheathing, as such, but sort of in the right direction, perhaps?

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Ciaran Barnes wrote:
I've practiced in real life sheathing a sword specifically for the purpose of not looking clumsy when I do so. The fastest I ever got was about two seconds, and that was with a free hand and no one attacking me!

That's cool. What level Samurai are you? Do you already have the Quick Draw feat? How big is your resolve pool, and how many challenges do you have per day? How many years did you dedicate to training before you leveled up for the first time? How often have you used your sword against Orcs and dragons?

Heroic fantasy characters should not be limited to what real-world non-adventuring amateurs can do.

Sindalla wrote:

Sorry to revive a dead thread, but I'm interested in this question as well.

Not for the purpose of sheathing my weapon after an Iaijutsu strike, but because I want to carry two weapons.

I want to primarily use a wooden katana until I meet a worthy foe, at which point I will sheathe my wooden katana and draw my normal katana.

I'm not particularly fond of dropping weapons in combat, but will do so if necessary.

From the sounds of it, only way to really do this is either a couple magic items or house rules?

Use a combat scabbard with the sword in it until a worthy foe approaches, and only then draw your sword for an iai strike. If you have spare move actions, you can even sheathe. TWF is also really, REALLY good with samurai so there's that option.

I was planning this myself as well.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Gun Twirling.

Grand Lodge

Sindalla wrote:

Sorry to revive a dead thread, but I'm interested in this question as well.

Not for the purpose of sheathing my weapon after an Iaijutsu strike, but because I want to carry two weapons.

I want to primarily use a wooden katana until I meet a worthy foe, at which point I will sheathe my wooden katana and draw my normal katana.

I'm not particularly fond of dropping weapons in combat, but will do so if necessary.

From the sounds of it, only way to really do this is either a couple magic items or house rules?

Even the greatest historical swordsmen would never bother with a hypothetical 'quick sheath' skill. What would be the point? Just drop your bokken and draw another weapon. Carry extra weapons.

What makes you think that a wooden katana is inferior to a metal katana? In-game stats for the latter are slightly better, but probably not enough to bother switching between the two.

Historical oddity: The famous Samurai Miyamoto Musashi wrote elegantly about how a wooden bokken was usually superior to a metal sword. It certainly worked for him, as he won many duels, and fought in several battles, using only bokken.

once you get higher level, and you start enchanting them, dropping one just sounds crazy. and eventually you emotionally bond with a weapon so you don't want to just drop it. I don't use my bokken to fight with (considering.. ya'kno real life) but i'm still attached to hte durned thing from years of playing with it. If it came down to my life i'd drop it, but really i'd rather store it well.

It's a cool style idea. Only a chosen few are worthy of your blade, hell could take it even cooler step at higher levels and have it become intelligent and rates enemies and only abides by the strong.

I suppose he could use a combat sheath, but then it'd be hard to use the "draw functions" while still using the combat sheath. Unless you sheath-ception it. which sounds clumsy as all hell.

I've always found it pretty weird you can't sheath easier. I suppose it is to avoid the quick weapon change but that doesn't seem all that big of a deal at low or high levels.

Sovereign Court

We have feats and magic items to get around most of the other limits of the rule system. Why is it so hard to sheathe weapons faster?

Grand Lodge

Perhaps because it's a really difficult thing to do that is not worth much?

Perhaps the designers avoided such a feat as a way of paying homage to all the people who have cut themselves sheathing weapons?

Seriously, it's not an easy thing to do. Also, I can't think of a single example from fiction, gaming, or any other source, where someone bothered to be good at this.

Sovereign Court

"It's not easy" is the perfect reason for having an ability to do it.

Throwing fireballs isn't easy. Teleporting isn't easy. Pouncing isn't easy. Hitting every enemy within reach with a single attack routine isn't easy. All of these things are possible for a PC willing to spend a resource on it.

Also, characters with an extra arm/prehensile tail are already close to having the benefit of fast sheathing; the ability to juggle more items around. You can hold the boy in your tail, wand in one hand, and throw a flask of holy water with another. So would it really be OP for someone else to sheathe the bow with less than a move action?

* As a feat. Although as a feat, it's pretty expensive to do. Adding a line to Quickdraw allowing you to sheathe as a Swift would be okay I think; that way it's not unlimited per-turn.

* As a magic item: the sheath that can recall a weapon back in it on command. We already have weapons that return to your hand or to your belt. Why not to a sheath?

The only way I can think is actually blinkback belt.. when you throw something it appears back in it's sheath. Not really useful for this build (well unless the actual wording on the belt means you can just drop it instead of having to"throw" it.)

Modify the called enchantment so it re-sheaths the weapon.

Custom feat:

Improved Quick Draw
Prereq: Quick Draw, BAB +4, Dex 13
Benefit: You may draw a weapon, even if it is not your turn, as part of an AoO. If the weapon is concealed, it costs an immediate action to draw it. You are considered threatening with your sheathed and concealed weapons for the purpose of AoOs only (not flanking or other purposes). You get +2 to attack on your AoO if you use a sheathed weapon or +4 if using a concealed weapon. Additionally, you may sheathe your weapon as a free action.

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