Ellis Mirari |

—An oracle of bones that I never really got to play (online campaign fizzled before we even
finished one combat)
—Black Catfolk sorceror based on my cat.
—[for a more lighthearted game] A hexcrafter/staff magus magus named "The Great Mambini" worked for years in a circus troupe, utilizing prehensile hair and illusions to great effect.
—A Cad fighter.
—An elf blacksmith (oracle of metal) who received a vision at the forge one night that blinded him, but gave him a spiritual connection to the materials he worked with.
I am eternally the GM so I probably will never get a chance. I can use them as NPCs, of course, but that just isn't the same...

Aziraya |
I would really like to find a GM who will let my character specialize in flamethrowers. I tend to run games more often than play in them though.
I have an elderly fighter in mind. A man who rains fire upon his enemies.
Try looking into an Artificer that makes a gun (or guns) use the Burning Hands spell (or some other flame spell). That might just be your ticket, especially if you want to be a craftsman.

blahpers |

Gluttony wrote:Try looking into an artificer that makes a gun (or guns) use the Burning Hands spell (or some other flame spell). That might just be your ticket, especially if you want to be a craftsman.I would really like to find a GM who will let my character specialize in flamethrowers. I tend to run games more often than play in them though.
I have an elderly fighter in mind. A man who rains fire upon his enemies.
There's even precedent if you don't mind it being magic. No class required. I've thought about picking this one up myself.

Ellis Mirari |

Speaking of Alchemist, another character I want to play is a human of [equivalent Southeast Asian] descent that is convinced he is the descendant of a god, using Feral Mutagen in conjunction with Vestigial Arms* to unleash the power of his inner Asura.
There was a big debate awhile back about wether to not Vestigial Arms would allow you to use Feral Mutagen's claw attacks along with your weapons. Ultimately it comes down to how the GM interprets "does not gain extra attacks", as technically he isn't gaining any new attacks, just the ability to use ones he already has.
In any case, I would defer to the individual GM's decision on that. If not I would just use the extra arms to drink potions and throw bombs while holding both my weapons.

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So, lately I've mostly been playing my own 3pp classes so I can get them tested and ready for release, but it's made me kind of miss some things that I wanted to try running and just haven't gotten to since I had to use my play time to do work things. The ones I really want to play around with now are-
A gunslinging Rogue with a pistol or two using the new Gun Twirling feat from Champions of Balance. (Lol, I typed ginslinging at first).
An archery based Paladin.
A tiger skinwalker barbarian.
A nodachi-wielding warrior, either a Sword Saint or Weapon Master.

Cult of Vorg |

I'm itching to play a Rahadoumi monk, maybe with a splash of paladin later, for a bit of that 'Death's Heretic' vibe.
Sometimes i threaten to build a freakish natural attack specialist with pressure points, chill touch, and shadowdancer dip, specialized in paralyzing anything not immune to str damage.. (if i can handle the ridiculousness, boar shifter for gore hoof hoof, barbarian 2 for bite claw claw while raging, and either ninja for extra ki attack, or rogue bandit for surprise round full attack.. could instead go tengu for claw claw bite, racial heritage for eventual wing buffets, mammoth helm for gore, or other even weirder combos)..
Would love to do a mystic theurge holy fire deal, elemental/draconic sorc plus blackened/tongues oracle, with experimental spell caster for the versatile blasts as extra spells known. Like a holy version of that fire sorc from 'Worldwound Gambit'...
Want to play a badass rogue-type with a knife, like Royce from the Riyeria books. Still pondering how to make him effective enough to pull his weight though. Maybe just have to wait for a woefully unoptimized group, or a campaign based on capers and heists.

williamoak |

Another few came to mind:
A VERY low-int cleric of Sarenrae. He talks slowly, with limited vocabolary, and refers to Sarenrae as "mama". Whenever people are evil (big meanies) in his presence, he starts a big (and terribly over-simplified speach) speech about hell & the abyss (the places where mean people go), demons (the great big meanies) & how we must seek to convert as many folks as possible to good (cause when the meanies die they go to the places mean people go and make the great big meanies stronger...). SUPER-high wisdom & dex. Probably make him an Asura-spawn tiefling or Vetala-born dhampir for the best stats.
I also want to make an interesting merfolk build. I just cant come up with anything...

Ellis Mirari |

So, lately I've mostly been playing my own 3pp classes so I can get them tested and ready for release, but it's made me kind of miss some things that I wanted to try running and just haven't gotten to since I had to use my play time to do work things. The ones I really want to play around with now are-
A gunslinging Rogue with a pistol or two using the new Gun Twirling feat from Champions of Balance. (Lol, I typed ginslinging at first).
An archery based Paladin.
A tiger skinwalker barbarian.
A nodachi-wielding warrior, either a Sword Saint or Weapon Master.
We've got an archery paladin in my current game. He pretty much wrecks.

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I've been lucky, in that I've played some of my favorite concepts already:
Hollow Graves Esq. and Sir Clackers (LN Human Necromancer with a conscience). Hollow Graves has a natural talent for biological sciences which transfers in game terms to a knack for creating undead. His greatest work to date is Sir Clackers, his heavily armed and armored skeleton bodyguard/familiar, a NON-EVIL undead. He hopes to create non-evil mindless undead for the betterment of society. In Golarion he was raised in Geb, and is half Ustalavic. He despises any undead that thinks it's better than the living (so all intelligent undead really).
Captain "Lucky" Jim Kidd (CN Halfling Swashbuckler): Currently captain of the Broken Promise in Skull & Shackles. Ex-Slave in the Chelish Empire, now values his freedom more than anything. Is a compulsive liar, and lies even when he doesn't need to. He is also preternaturally lucky.
Ash Q'Asheem & Sharumander (NG Summoner and his Genie familiar seeking redemption): In Legacy of Fire, I got to play both the devout man, and the supernatural being seeking redemption IN THE SAME GAME. It's fantastic.
Stuff I still want to play:
Billy "Canary" - Halfling Psychic (Either reflavoured sorcerer, haunted oracle or psion or homebrew class). Originally part of Age of Worms before the game fell apart. Billy was an orphan adopted by some unscrupulous miners, and used as a "canary", using his small size he'd squeeze through tight tunnels to discover gold and/or dangerous caves. He carried a torch with him, which set off some flammable gases trapping him inside a mine. He was left for dead by the miners. A few weeks later the miners camp was set ablaze, and standing in the middle of it all was young Billy Canary, wearing tattered rags and a gas mask. The mask's goggles reflecting the flames of the camp. Wants revenge on the mining company that sent him into those dark places. Unfortunately can only find work with adventuring companies, but he stipulates in his contract that he never enters the room first.

Karl Hammarhand |

Turlogh Dubh O'Brien exiled Dalcassian prince. “ Lamh laidir abu!"
Ajax from 'The Warriors' - "What's the Matter, goin' ..."
Beck "It's me. Oh yeah, he's here. But there's a problem, he's got the entire offensive line here. That's right, the entire offensive line. Why don't we just do this another night? Listen, they've got a legitimate shot at repeating this year, I do not want to hurt them."
Ash Williams "Alright you Primitive Screwheads, listen up! You see this? This... is my boomstick! The twelve-gauge double-barreled Remington. S-Mart's top of the line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails for about a hundred and nine, ninety five. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger. That's right. Shop smart. Shop S-Mart. You got that?"
Tarzan - 'nough said.
John Carter of Mars
Caine 'Grasshopper'
Wil Anderson - "I've had my back broke once, and my hip broke twice and on my worst day I could beat the hell out of you."
Shame - "Say 'hi', to Arnold."

Karl Hammarhand |

I really want to play a halfling who has turned to the darkness and become an Antipaladin to gain respect due to having some serious height issues and wears a huge helmet to compensate.
Plus is never quite sure wether this was such a good idea.
Also is quite probably a bit of a tit.
I love it. You should watch 'Spaceballs' for some inspiration!

williamoak |

Another one:
Varasmus Harkonen (wizard/bloatmage), the most revolting adventurer you will ever meet. His obesity alone is not the problem (though it is quite unusual for an adventurer). No, the disgust starts with the fact he spends most of his time marinating nude in hot water in his flying cauldron. It continues with his love of using any spell that will nauseate his opponents (stinking cloud/cloudkill). It ends with his tendency of vomiting acid on all his enemies.
While he is generally quite loyal & generous with those he considers friends. They still find it revolting, but they know better than to call him out on it.
This would be a HARD character to play withoutbeing a problem to the party. The description I'm giving is him at about level 10, so he will have a whole "growth" into this weird self.

Dreaming Psion |

I've really been jonesin' for playing a thickheaded barbarian hero type that goes against the grain in that he doesn't hate magic. Instead of fear or hatred it inspires in him WONDER and ADMIRATION. Whereas many civilized people from high magic D&D cultures might become desensitized to common, everyday magic, somebody from the same world but from a different, less magical culture might get all starry-eyed like an idealistic schoolboy. And magic can give a barbarian so many neat toys, armor and weapons and such.
I can imagine this guy going on to become a bodyguard for a mage of some kind, and maybe picking up some ranks in Use Magic Device and Spellcraft to be able to "pretend" he knows magic.
This sort of character would also be good for an OOC perspective in that it'd be encouraging for party synergy.

Dreaming Psion |

Daenar wrote:I see your Solomon Kane and raise you a Solomon Grundy.Mad Max
Solomon Kane
Conan of Cimmeria
I see no reason why you couldn't combine Solomon Kane with Solomon Grundy (Kane Grundy?) and have the best of both worlds. Certainly, as an immortal dweller of the swamp you might feel threatened by necromancers, clerics, and other evil types that might seek to dominate your home or even command you. I see no reason why a murdered Puritanical crusader couldn't come back from the dead as easily as a murdered criminal. Or perhaps he becomes a Puritanical Crusader as a result of having been raised through unnatural processes.
For some inspiration on what a more heroic or sympathetic Grundy might be like, you could look at his participation in Jack Knight's run as Starman in the 90s (they were pals) or his involvement in the Justice League episode "The Terror Beyond."

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We've got an archery paladin in my current game. He pretty much wrecks.
Does he use the Divine Hunter archetype, or did he just go straight Paladin and grab the archery feats? Divine Hunter seemed really cool to me at first, but the more I looked at it the more it seemed like he wasn't getting back as much as he was giving up and it might be better to just use the core class so I could take Divine Bond for a mount and get some mounted archery in.

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Looking at the divine hunter, I realise their powers are tremendous to strengthen a group of ranged characters...
Right up until you realize it's not. I really like the free Precise Shot feat, but a lot of the other abilities don't make a lot of sense (as far as I can tell) when examined objectively.
For example, Precise Shot is pretty important to ranged characters. If someone is going to playing a ranged character do you think they're going to skip it assuming they'll always be within 10 feet of the Paladin because he has Shared Precision?Similarly, he gives up Aura of Resolve, which is immunity to charm effects for him and +4 to everybody else, for Aura of Care, which allows him and other party members within 10 feet to not provide cover. This seems like you're giving up a really powerful aura for a less useful ability that solves a situation that can probably be fixed by taking a 5 foot step since everyone has to be clustered together anyways.
Hunter's Blessing falls into a similar place as Shared Precision, only worse. First, it duplicates Shared Precision and Aura of Care, then it gives a packet of feats that almost every ranged character would take by default. So you're basically spending a use of Smite Evil to give everyone access to Deadly Aim, a feat ranged characters will probably already have, and non-ranged characters who have just snatched up a crossbow or something probably can't afford to use.
It seems like the Divine Hunter would be a little bit better for a party full of characters who typically wouldn't do ranged combat, or who chose an extra feat intensive weapon like the crossbow, but you're still trading away a lot of good auras for auras of questionable efficacy that cause you to cluster up characters using a combat style that's normally best for people who want to keep a little distance. The Divine Bond option of the DH is all right, but you give up the option to do Mounted Archery, which is kind of the best kind of archery option out there if your campaign will support it.
Am I wrong? Am I mising something here? It's a build I'm really interested in but it seems like the build that's supposedly designed to support it is actually going to be worse than just the unarchetyped class.

williamoak |

williamoak wrote:Looking at the divine hunter, I realise their powers are tremendous to strengthen a group of ranged characters...Right up until you realize it's not. I really like the free Precise Shot feat, but a lot of the other abilities don't make a lot of sense (as far as I can tell) when examined objectively.
For example, Precise Shot is pretty important to ranged characters. If someone is going to playing a ranged character do you think they're going to skip it assuming they'll always be within 10 feet of the Paladin because he has Shared Precision?
Similarly, he gives up Aura of Resolve, which is immunity to charm effects for him and +4 to everybody else, for Aura of Care, which allows him and other party members within 10 feet to not provide cover. This seems like you're giving up a really powerful aura for a less useful ability that solves a situation that can probably be fixed by taking a 5 foot step since everyone has to be clustered together anyways.
Hunter's Blessing falls into a similar place as Shared Precision, only worse. First, it duplicates Shared Precision and Aura of Care, then it gives a packet of feats that almost every ranged character would take by default. So you're basically spending a use of Smite Evil to give everyone access to Deadly Aim, a feat ranged characters will probably already have, and non-ranged characters who have just snatched up a crossbow or something probably can't afford to use.It seems like the Divine Hunter would be a little bit better for a party full of characters who typically wouldn't do ranged combat, or who chose an extra feat intensive weapon like the crossbow, but you're still trading away a lot of good auras for auras of questionable efficacy that cause you to cluster up characters using a combat style that's normally best for people who want to keep a little distance. The Divine Bond option of the DH is all right, but you give up the option to do Mounted Archery, which is kind of the best kind of archery...
I got to thinking a bit more, realised it's more like: this would be great for dex-based melee characters (who normaly dont get those feats).

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Do you think Divine Hunter could be solid for a switch-hitter build, maybe like a TWF Paladin who uses weapons that can be thrown? Then you could focus your feats on covering your two weapon fighting, and use your auras and class features to shore up your ranged/thrown portion of combat?
That seems like there might actually be some really good potential there....

Forrestfire |

Most of the time, my character concepts are fairly easily built, but one of the characters I'd really like to play is a DBZ-inspired Synthesist Summoner, just for the silliness of the concept.
Sadly, it's banned from PFS for some reason, and that's the only reason I'd be in a Pathfinder game, probably.

Third Mind |

Things I've contemplated building at some point.
- A boxer (Hard hitting unarmed martial of sorts, cleaning the figurative clock left and right.)
- A pro wrestler focused on submissions (Tetori Monk most likely, one that would yell Tap out! if not in the midst of a sneaky battle.)
- A poison / drug focused Alchemist
- A skill based synth summoner
- A sniper gunslinger (a muffled musket of course)
- ...others.

revaar |

Currently playing:
Archaeologist Bard in Shattered Star. Super high Int (20 as of level 8), super low Wis (7). Always has a plan in combat, but often rushes into the thick of things while lightly armored and not really built for front lining. Uses a whip for battlefield control and Indiana Jones style shenanigans.
Want to play:
A Wizard who starts his career as a sorcerer. Story is that he was born with poor control of his natural arcane magic, so was sent to Arcane schooling to learn to control it.
Invulnerable Urban Barbarian. Classic AM BARBARIAN type. I like to play tropes every now and then.
Lord and Saver. A bit of a joke character I have been theorycrafting. Paladin4/Magus2/Inq2/Gun2/Alch2/Cleric2/Ranger2/Bard2/Monk2. The general idea? Multi classed characters get base saves faster than single classed. This guy has a base of 25 Fort, 17 Ref, and 19 Will before any modifiers. Still trying to think of an RP flavor for this monstrosity of a build, probably something based around the ADD of not being able to pick a career.

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A Kobold mystic that always speaks in rhyme.
A Changling that hunts hags.
A human bard that sings every spoken word, always plays his harp and keeps his special lucky coin on a chain.
My soulblade Pyrokinisist that I had when I played Rise of the Runelords.

williamoak |

I've been GM-ing in bursts lately. I run a small campaign, and do occasional oneshots for when my main GM wants a break. I know that I wont tolerate a "forever a single GM" type group; it's worth ahving a bit of rotation, if only for the occasional oneshot. But that's me...
@thaX: A "Changling"? Is that some sort of community-based prestige class? :P

Ravingdork |

Ravingdork |

Interesting RD. I've been trying to make a decent transmuter for a while with no luck. How did you generate stats? Roll, point buy?
All of my PC characters use 25-point buy.
I believe Haylannar began play with the following stat array:
16 STR + 2 racial + 3 levels + 6 belt + 1 manual + 2 mythic = 30 total
14 DEX + 6 belt = 20 total
14 CON + 6 belt = 20 total
14 INT + 2 old age + 6 headband = 22 total
12 WIS + 2 old age = 14 total
08 CHA + 2 old age = 10 total