You know you're in trouble when you get to the table and...

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5 people marked this as a favorite.

"I'm actually a bard/ranger early entry mystic theurge."

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Everyone at the table is an evangelist (the prestige class).

5/5 5/55/55/5

10 people marked this as a favorite.

Everyone at the table is an evangelist (not the prestige class)

Lantern Lodge 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Finlanderboy wrote:

I have seen someone play this type of bard. I looked at his character sheet.

The feat was fleet and spells were expedious retreat and alarm. Dex 20, cha 13, int 11, con 11.

They just played a coward that ran from everything, and never helped with anything.

Thi sounds like a callback to Edward, from Final FantasyIV.

"You spoony bard!"

Scarab Sages 2/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Hymenopteran wrote:

The GM announces that, 'we will be taking breaks every 20 minutes or so to hear a word from our sponsors'.

I mean, did you really believe that there was a corner of life that the epitome of pure evil could not reach? Bwhahahahaha!

Sounds like XCrawl to me.

Dark Archive 2/5

Conman the Bardbarian wrote:
Finlanderboy wrote:
Calybos1 wrote:

Here's one that actually happened, in a PFS game with a not-that-kind-of-bard:

Player, during combat: "Hey, how about some Inspire Courage over here?"
NTKOB: "Sorry, I'm not that kind of bard."
Player 2: "Okay, how about helping us with the fight, then? I see you've got a sword..."
NTKOB: "Sorry, I'm not that kind of bard. I withdraw and go full-defense."
Player 3: "These guys have invisibility--do you know Glitterdust?"
NTKOB: "No offensive spells; I'm not that kind of bard."
Player 4, after the combat: "I've got a Wand of Mage Armor; can you UMD it?"
NTKOB: "Sorry, I'm... well, you know."
Much later, in a tricky NPC encounter: "Looks like we need some Diplomacy here. Bard?"
NTKOB: "Nope."
NTKOB: "No."
"Sense Motive?"
NTKOB: "Sorry."
"Knowledge checks?"
NTKOB: "Not today, sir, no. We usually get knowledges in fresh on Mondays. Today, the van broke down."

Entire party: "You do HAVE some bard abilities, right?"
NTKOB: "Err...."

We never did find out what he was actually capable of doing.

I have seen someone play this type of bard. I looked at his character sheet.

The feat was fleet and spells were expedious retreat and alarm. Dex 20, cha 13, int 11, con 11.

They just played a coward that ran from everything, and never helped with anything.

Was his character's name Rincewind?

Clearly their name was Edward.

Ten points for anyone that catches the reference.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

When you sit down to a combat heavy scenario, and everyone's around you is a support/skillmonkey/social bard.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Party balance is a thing for dirty non-Bard peasants.

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

you're running a scenario with a darkness using end guy, and the whole party is human, with a light spell and torches as their light sources...

Yep, a party of 4 humans, 1st & 2nd level, no one with an Ioun torch, just the cantrip and mundane lights. In an underground city, no natural light sources, and the BBEG is a Derro, with darkvision and darkness. Oh, and sneak attack damage...

And the only tactics for it I could find were to hide behind the door if the PCs made noise in the fight outside its door...


BigNorseWolf wrote:
Everyone at the table is an evangelist (not the prestige class)

And it's an undead themed scenario.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

kinevon wrote:

you're running a scenario with a darkness using end guy, and the whole party is human, with a light spell and torches as their light sources...

** spoiler omitted **

Regarding your spoiler:
An ioun torch wouldn't have helped.
5/5 5/55/55/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The DM is using a stuffed animal mini for the demon because that makes it "to scale"

4/5 5/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:
The DM is using a stuffed animal mini for the demon because that makes it "to scale"

We did this a while ago.

Dark Archive 4/5 ****

Rei wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
The DM is using a stuffed animal mini for the demon because that makes it "to scale"
We did this a while ago.


Shadow Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I look so derpy there. Like a really hairy toddler.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Jiggy wrote: almost pass out from the smell.

I haven't read through this whole thread, but our local PFS has been dropped from one of the local stores for our regular Saturday sessions specifically because of the smell. Basic hygiene should not be optional.

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jiggy wrote:
kinevon wrote:

you're running a scenario with a darkness using end guy, and the whole party is human, with a light spell and torches as their light sources...

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

I know:
But it would, at least, have neutralized the darkness in the same area, not that that would have helped in the least...

But it might have put some pressure on the creature, in some way.

Sigh. darkness at will sucks.


Rei wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
The DM is using a stuffed animal mini for the demon because that makes it "to scale"
We did this a while ago.

There is a Galorian map on the wall at this dude's house. That is hardcore.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Sitri wrote:
There is a Galorian map on the wall at this dudes house. That is hardcore.

You should see my dining table.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So I set down with the guys for a new campaign. 8 people, 7 halfings and 1 dwarf. I wanted to cry.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

... when the DROW is acting as the Aasimar's conscience.

... When the healer, tank and primary buffer is the same person.

... When the rogue says 'I'm not that kind of thief'.

Grand Lodge 4/5

kinevon wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
kinevon wrote:

you're running a scenario with a darkness using end guy, and the whole party is human, with a light spell and torches as their light sources...

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

Nope! Ioun Torches don't do anything to darkness spells, unless you somehow have a 1st level darkness spell. The mutual negation thing is specific to Daylight.
Grand Lodge 4/5

Jeff Merola wrote:
kinevon wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
kinevon wrote:

you're running a scenario with a darkness using end guy, and the whole party is human, with a light spell and torches as their light sources...

** spoiler omitted **

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A bunch of first level PCs, one second level, two new players, 3rd game for one, on his second PC since the first one died in his first game, second game for his brother...

Joshua Frost scenario.

I could at least consider being sort of nice, now couldn't I?

Besides, as I said, none of them had an Ioun Torch or an oil of daylight or anything. I was happy enough that they actually had a wand of CLW in the party, and a witch PC who could use it...

And I am running part 3 this coming Sunday. Ought to be interesting. Amd all I really wanted to do was introduce Rafak and Kefti before one of the other GMs ran Part 3 of Destiny of the Sands, since I heard that we run into those two in that scenario, so I thought that maybe knowing some of the back story with them might be helpful...

4/5 5/5

Sitri wrote:
Rei wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
The DM is using a stuffed animal mini for the demon because that makes it "to scale"
We did this a while ago.
There is a Galorian map on the wall at this dude's house. That is hardcore.

Our VC has two, one in the living room, one in the bedroom.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
apbrake wrote:
So I set down with the guys for a new campaign. 8 people, 7 halfings and 1 dwarf. I wanted to cry.

You have a problem with the perfect party? Not a tiefling in sight!

You know you're in trouble when... only one person is playing a human, and the other players are razzing him for it. "Great... now we gotta have a light source for the wuss."

The Exchange 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
apbrake wrote:
So I set down with the guys for a new campaign. 8 people, 7 halfings and 1 dwarf. I wanted to cry.

well the story could be with 4 halflings and a human?

Ok, we'll try it with a bunch of dwarves and a halfling....

nah, that will never work out...

Scarab Sages 5/5

Jiggy wrote:
kinevon wrote:

you're running a scenario with a darkness using end guy, and the whole party is human, with a light spell and torches as their light sources...

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

It might have if they had gotten a cleric to cast their 3rd level continual flame spell on the ioun stone
Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Dhjika wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
kinevon wrote:

you're running a scenario with a darkness using end guy, and the whole party is human, with a light spell and torches as their light sources...

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

That would require having adventured with a (minimum) 5th-level PC, which at the table he described, seems unlikely.
Scarab Sages 5/5

Jiggy wrote:
Dhjika wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
kinevon wrote:

you're running a scenario with a darkness using end guy, and the whole party is human, with a light spell and torches as their light sources...

** spoiler omitted **

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Or gone to an NPC cleric to have it cast (NPC spell casting services) - it is a lot more expensive that way - but I have seen it done.

The Exchange 5/5

Dhjika wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
Dhjika wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
kinevon wrote:

you're running a scenario with a darkness using end guy, and the whole party is human, with a light spell and torches as their light sources...

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **
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** spoiler omitted **

[to many spoilers]... I think I don't need to spoiler this comment...

I was under the impression that spells from NPCs would have to be at the lowest level available, so you would have to get the 2nd level version of the spell and couldn't buy the 3rd... and this would effect WHO you got it from... It is only when PCs get in the picture that you can get the 3rd level version (and have it cast at a higher Caster Level too).

Grand Lodge 4/5

nosig wrote:
Dhjika wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
Dhjika wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
kinevon wrote:

you're running a scenario with a darkness using end guy, and the whole party is human, with a light spell and torches as their light sources...

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

[to many spoilers]... I think I don't need to spoiler this comment...

I was under the impression that spells from NPCs would have to be at the lowest level available, so you would have to get the 2nd level version of the spell and couldn't buy the 3rd... and this would effect WHO you got it from... It is only when PCs get in the picture that you can get the 3rd level version (and have it cast at a higher Caster Level too).

Ummm. No, you only have to take the minimum caster level when buying spellcasting services with PP.

You can definitely buy spells like Remove Disease with a higher caster level, so you have a chance of it working on those nasty diseases Pathfinders are prone to get. DC 16 disease is only a 50% chance of removal with a base caster, at d20+5...

And I could swear I have seen that DC 16 I mentioned in a low-tier scenario, and I think some of them are higher... Isn't the ghast version of ghoul fever DC 15? And I have seen a ghast in a sub-tier 1-2 scenario...

So, I don't think, as long as you pay gold, and specify it with the GM, and notate it on your ITS or chronicle, that you should be able to get a Clerical version of continual flame cast by an NPC on one of your items for 150 gp + 50 gp + item cost (25 gp for a dull grey Ioun stone). Can't get the burnt out Ioun stone until 2nd level, due to Fame requirements (I wouldn't spend 1 PP for one, myself, but maybe someone considers it worth the access after your first or second game? Or get a flawed/cracked Ioun stone that actually has that 150 gp cost for 1 PP, and get the spell cast on it...)

So, it is possible, if pricy, to have a clerical continual flame available fairly early on... I'll have to keep this in mind for some of my younger PCs...

4/5 5/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Rei wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
The DM is using a stuffed animal mini for the demon because that makes it "to scale"
We did this a while ago.

And again.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Where do you get the big translucent dice? I've gotten them once at a con and then couldn't find them again...

Grand Lodge 1/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Where do you get the big translucent dice? I've gotten them once at a con and then couldn't find them again...

They're Gamescience Precision dice. You can get them online, many places. Just google for it. The dice in the picture are mine, and I also took the picture.

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

kinevon wrote:
nosig wrote:
Dhjika wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
Dhjika wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
kinevon wrote:

you're running a scenario with a darkness using end guy, and the whole party is human, with a light spell and torches as their light sources...

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
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** spoiler omitted **

[to many spoilers]... I think I don't need to spoiler this comment...

I was under the impression that spells from NPCs would have to be at the lowest level available, so you would have to get the 2nd level version of the spell and couldn't buy the 3rd... and this would effect WHO you got it from... It is only when PCs get in the picture that you can get the 3rd level version (and have it cast at a higher Caster Level too).

Ummm. No, you only have to take the minimum caster level when buying spellcasting services with PP.

You can definitely buy spells like Remove Disease with a higher caster level, so you have a chance of it working on those nasty diseases Pathfinders are prone to get. DC 16 disease is only a 50% chance of removal with a base caster, at d20+5...

And I could swear I have seen that DC 16 I mentioned in a low-tier scenario, and I think some of them are higher... Isn't the ghast version of ghoul fever DC 15? And I have seen a ghast in a sub-tier 1-2 scenario...

So, I don't think, as long as you pay gold, and specify it with the GM, and notate it on your ITS or chronicle, that you should be able to get a Clerical version of continual flame cast by an NPC on one of your items for 150 gp + 50 gp + item cost (25 gp for a dull grey Ioun stone). Can't get the burnt out Ioun stone until 2nd level, due to Fame requirements (I wouldn't spend 1 PP for one, myself, but maybe someone considers it worth the access after your first or second game? Or get a flawed/cracked Ioun stone that actually has that 150 gp cost for 1 PP, and get the spell cast on it...)...

It's the spell level that matters, and I believe that defaults to wizard unless it doesn't appear on that list.

Scarab Sages 5/5

Jiggy wrote:
kinevon wrote:
nosig wrote:
Dhjika wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
Dhjika wrote:
Jiggy wrote:
kinevon wrote:

you're running a scenario with a darkness using end guy, and the whole party is human, with a light spell and torches as their light sources...

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

[to many spoilers]... I think I don't need to spoiler this comment...

I was under the impression that spells from NPCs would have to be at the lowest level available, so you would have to get the 2nd level version of the spell and couldn't buy the 3rd... and this would effect WHO you got it from... It is only when PCs get in the picture that you can get the 3rd level version (and have it cast at a higher Caster Level too).

Ummm. No, you only have to take the minimum caster level when buying spellcasting services with PP.

You can definitely buy spells like Remove Disease with a higher caster level, so you have a chance of it working on those nasty diseases Pathfinders are prone to get. DC 16 disease is only a 50% chance of removal with a base caster, at d20+5...

And I could swear I have seen that DC 16 I mentioned in a low-tier scenario, and I think some of them are higher... Isn't the ghast version of ghoul fever DC 15? And I have seen a ghast in a sub-tier 1-2 scenario...

So, I don't think, as long as you pay gold, and specify it with the GM, and notate it on your ITS or chronicle, that you should be able to get a Clerical version of continual flame cast by an NPC on one of your items for 150 gp + 50 gp + item cost (25 gp for a dull grey Ioun stone). Can't get the burnt out Ioun stone until 2nd level, due to Fame requirements (I wouldn't spend 1 PP for one, myself, but maybe someone considers it worth the access after your first or second game? Or get a flawed/cracked Ioun stone that actually has that 150 gp cost for 1 PP, and get


But if you go to an NPC cleric in a game to buy the spell - how does the NPC cleric cast the spell as a wizard?

With SCIENCE of course!


Generic spellcasting services are at minimal CL, and you can't choose whether it's divine or arcane. So as much as one might want a priest to cast Continual Flame and raise the CL, the churches all use Wizards for that. :)

But, it seems that PCs could buy casting services from specific NPC casters from the scenario who have the spell available, possibly a day later.
This seems especially true if they're trying to aid the party. And you are paying. There's at least one instance where you're working with a church to solve murders that take place at night. It seems reasonable you could pay normal price to get a CF to aid your hunt from the Cleric who's advising you.
And then get it marked by the GM.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Castilliano wrote:
Generic spellcasting services are at minimal CL, and you can't choose whether it's divine or arcane. So as much as one might want a priest to cast Continual Flame and raise the CL, the churches all use Wizards for that. :)

Got a citation for that, other than for PP purchases?

Guide to PFS OP v5, page 24 wrote:

Spellcasting Services

Sometimes awful things happen to adventurers. After an all-night romp through the sewers, your wounds might start to fester with some foul disease—you might even die. You may have spells cast on your character, subtracting the gold piece cost from your total. If your gold is insufficient, the other players around the table may chip in to get you back on your feet, but they cannot be compelled to do so. It is their choice whether or not they aid you. Additionally, your faction may be able to aid you with certain issues as well, so long as you have enough Prestige Points to spend in exchange for their aid (see Fame and Prestige). Any spellcasting purchased using Prestige Points is cast at minimum caster level.
Generally speaking, you can pay to have spells cast on you at any time during the scenario so long as you’re in a settlement or have access to a temple, shrine, or wandering mystic. Page 163 of the Core Rulebook covers the rules for purchasing spellcasting services and the associated costs are listed in the Spellcasting and Services table on page 159.

Yes, per the italicized section, PP purchases of spellcasting is at minimum caster level, but the next paragraph directs you to the CRB for gold-based spellcasting services.

Page 159 shows the standard formula: Caster level x spell level x 10 gp, with the rider about additional costs for material components and such.

Page 163 has nothing about limits on caster level, beyond the assumed "must be high enough level to be able to cast the spell at all.", and the size limits for spellcasters available by settlement size.

21 people marked this as a favorite.

... you get to the table and everybody is yakking about RAW and spellcasting services instead of playing the game.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

...your main damage dealer fell into the trap that starts the ambush.

Grand Lodge 4/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

...the bad guy can only hit on a 20, but is using a x4 crit weapon.

Grand Lodge 4/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
...the bad guy can only hit on a 20, but is using a x4 crit weapon.

The main bad guy is using an x4 crit weapon, and has three minions with high crit range weapons, and Butterfly's Sting...

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
kinevon wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
...the bad guy can only hit on a 20, but is using a x4 crit weapon.
The main bad guy is using an x4 crit weapon, and has three minions with high crit range weapons, and Butterfly's Sting...

But luckily none of the minions can use butterfly's sting because none of them worship Desna.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Dylos wrote:
kinevon wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
...the bad guy can only hit on a 20, but is using a x4 crit weapon.
The main bad guy is using an x4 crit weapon, and has three minions with high crit range weapons, and Butterfly's Sting...
But luckily none of the minions can use butterfly's sting because none of them worship Desna.

Unfortunately, all three of them follow Desna, but have been Dominated by the BBEG to think he is their friend...

Or, equally, they are CN and have been well-paid to work with BBEG, for some reason unknown to the PCs.

It is simply amazing how much of the flavor of a scenario is lost to the players, because it is in the GM intro, and there are few, if any, ways to get that information out to the players. Especially if they don't have much in the way of Knowledge monkeys, and the ones that they have just keep rolling looooow...

5/5 5/55/55/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Dylos wrote:
kinevon wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
...the bad guy can only hit on a 20, but is using a x4 crit weapon.
The main bad guy is using an x4 crit weapon, and has three minions with high crit range weapons, and Butterfly's Sting...
But luckily none of the minions can use butterfly's sting because none of them worship Desna.

I beg to differ


kinevon wrote:
Castilliano wrote:
Generic spellcasting services are at minimal CL, and you can't choose whether it's divine or arcane. So as much as one might want a priest to cast Continual Flame and raise the CL, the churches all use Wizards for that. :)

Got a citation for that, other than for PP purchases?

Guide to PFS OP v5, page 24 wrote:

Spellcasting Services

Sometimes awful things happen to adventurers. After an all-night romp through the sewers, your wounds might start to fester with some foul disease—you might even die. You may have spells cast on your character, subtracting the gold piece cost from your total. If your gold is insufficient, the other players around the table may chip in to get you back on your feet, but they cannot be compelled to do so. It is their choice whether or not they aid you. Additionally, your faction may be able to aid you with certain issues as well, so long as you have enough Prestige Points to spend in exchange for their aid (see Fame and Prestige). Any spellcasting purchased using Prestige Points is cast at minimum caster level.
Generally speaking, you can pay to have spells cast on you at any time during the scenario so long as you’re in a settlement or have access to a temple, shrine, or wandering mystic. Page 163 of the Core Rulebook covers the rules for purchasing spellcasting services and the associated costs are listed in the Spellcasting and Services table on page 159.

Yes, per the italicized section, PP purchases of spellcasting is at minimum caster level, but the next paragraph directs you to the CRB for gold-based spellcasting services.

Page 159 shows the standard formula: Caster level x spell level x 10 gp, with the rider about additional costs for material components and such.

Page 163 has nothing about limits on caster level, beyond the assumed "must be high enough level to be able to cast the spell at all.", and the size limits for spellcasters available by settlement size.

It definitely wasn't core.

I think I might have conflated PP, or more likely PFS-item rules, & Spellcasting services. Oops.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

When people continue to argue about RAW and spellcasting after everyone else has moved on and started playing...

5 people marked this as a favorite. turns out NOBODY brought any ranged weapons.

And you're up against a bunch of flying monsters.

Speaking from recent experience here.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

3 people marked this as a favorite.

You are a group of pure spellcasters, and you learn you are going to the Mana Wastes...

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