Magical Traps - Save DC

Rules Questions

I seem to be unable to put this together.

What is the difference between a spell trap and a magical device trap?

Spell Traps: Spell traps produce the spell's effect. Like all spells, a spell trap that allows a saving throw has a save DC of 10 + spell level + caster's relevant ability modifier.

Magic Device Traps: These traps produce the effects of any spells included in their construction, as described in the appropriate entries. If the spell in a magic device trap allows a saving throw, its save DC is (10 + spell level) × 1.5. Some spells make attack rolls instead.

If I make a trap that has a spell effect is it a spell trap or a magical device trap?

Dark Archive

I think the difference of the two is the Magical Device trap has a physical aspect to it where as the Spell Trap is just that a spell that is a trap, like a glyph or fire trap.

It is a magical device trap.

Spell traps are for specific spells that produce trap-like effects (like Explosive Runes)

DC = 10 + (spell level) * 1.5

bigkilla wrote:
I think the difference of the two is the Magical Device trap has a physical aspect to it where as the Spell Trap is just that a spell that is a trap, like a glyph or fire trap.

Thanks Bigkilla.

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