Nazard Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |

frank gori RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka GM_Solspiral |

Aaron Miller 335 Dedicated Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |

Nazard Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |

Victoria Jaczko RPG Superstar 2014 , Dedicated Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7 aka Belladonna Blue |

Mark Griffin RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8 , Dedicated Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Mark D Griffin |

IcedMik Dedicated Voter Season 7 |
8 people marked this as a favorite. |

I made a very sassy post a minute ago, but I decided against it and deleted it. The point I was trying to make is that designers need to remember that magic items by definition can be created by anyone with the prerequisites. Things like command words can be chosen at creation. And just because one such item was made by King Doofus and forged in the Holy Church of This Garden, blessed by special gods and nymphs; in my game, it's made in my wizard's basement in his underwear, and the command word was a dirty word in Undercommon he learned at a bar.

cwslyclgh Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 |

Nazard wrote:There's an item this year that basically summons a gelatinous cube around the user.I saw that item before but I made no connection to the OP's avatar and thus missed the joke.
I actually kind of like that item, although it didn't quite make my keep file... thinking about it now I might have to reconsider it if I see it again.

Kalervo Oikarinen RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8 |

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Here's the thing -- virtually every Wondrous Item I looked at in the CRB began its description with that word. I ended up deciding it was a formulaic requirement.

Garrett Guillotte Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |
The most commonly used words out of the 438 items I've seen, not including template words, auras, slots, and some articles and prepositions. I may update this file as I go along.
Top 10
Number of occurrences, followed by the word:
313 PER
283 DAY
251 MUST
243 ONCE
Notable relationships:
No other race shows up on the top 150 words.
130 HIS
128 HER
108 HE
89 SHE
133 TIME
283 DAY
No other item types make it to 100.
In a contest of exceptional items, the word Gloves is almost as common as the word Magic -- and both trail Standard and Weapon.
724 THIS
Less common than Wearer, but still #16 overall without omitting digits, single letters, template words, and articles.

Anthony Adam Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |

I must say that I am getting tired of wondrous items that appear ragged, worn, beat up, tattered, or otherwise ill-maintained...
Maybe someone spilled a lot of one entry this year all over the others!

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Jacob W. Michaels RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka motteditor |

Jacob W. Michaels RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka motteditor |

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? I don't get it, mama.
There are lesser and greater items in the CRB (such as bracers of archery).
Sure, but when you're making a new item for RPGSS and you just make the "lesser" version, it seems very weird to me. If there are no other versions, why would this be the "lesser" version of nothing? I am probably explaining this very badly.

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Jacob W. Michaels wrote:Sure, but when you're making a new item for RPGSS and you just make the "lesser" version, it seems very weird to me. If there are no other versions, why would this be the "lesser" version of nothing? I am probably explaining this very badly.? I don't get it, mama.
There are lesser and greater items in the CRB (such as bracers of archery).
No, I get it. If there's only one out there, why on earth would you tag it "lesser"? Instead of the Lesser Boots of Awesome, why not just submit the Boots of Awesome? I think that's what bothers people (at least, that's what bothers me...).

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"...but its true nature is revealed when"
In a world where any apprentice wizard (and many other classes) can cast detect magic at will, I just have a hard time finding that an item is so apparently mundane that few notice it until it does something.
I want to emphasize that this is by no means a killer, or even a major mark against an item. It just seems to be unnecessary unless there's a reason why the item should appear "normal," such as magic aura, or it's a disguise item and so it should blend in with an outfit.

Cthulhudrew Star Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 |

"Greater major xxx" (or some variation thereof)
I've seen several items with this line in them somewhere (usually following the item name). I don't quite understand where it comes from. The closest comparison I can think of offhand is terminology used to refer to artifacts in BECMI, but otherwise, I don't recall any version of D&D or Pathfinder to use this terminology in magic item names. Is this from some other rules system I don't know of?
It just seems odd that it appears in multiple entries from (presumably) different people. They must have picked it up somewhere.

Anthony Adam Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

OK, Durations, a lot of items have said things like, "You have a pool of time length A, which must be spent in increments of B, which do not need to be spent consecutively" - that's a lot of words.
What are you doing with this phrasing? You are allowing something to be started that will last for the length of the encounter without needing to make any tactical decisions to renew the effect. It's kind of yuk. It involves a lot of book-keeping on the owning player and/or the GM.
Let's look at what it really is.
A pool A spent in increments of B - what we are really saying is, the duration of the effect is B, and you can use this effect A divided by B times per day.
Use this wording (or something like it) - it's what is expected and allows those tactical decisions to be made if the encounter lasts longer than B. It's also a lot less words.
"The effect lasts for B, useable Y times per day."
No need for consecutively, if the effect expires, I choose to use another charge or not at my discretion. Book keeping is also reduced to how many times have I used this today!
This isn't a deal breaker, I don't think anyone has yet to lose a vote pair because of it in my voting, but it is starting to grate a little.
Rant over. Back to voting.

Anthony Adam Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |

Resurrecting this thread from last year.
Once again I'm starting to have a visceral physical reaction to the phrase "appears to be".
Any other repetitious or meaningless phrases getting on your nerves?
Carrying on with my musings on fixing the bonkers driving phrases...
The one above tells me, the voter, that you aren't sure about your imagery. You should always be definite in what you describe.
If you are using "like", "appears to be" then you should really look hard at the sentence. Is it because the imagery of the item is not strong enough to convey what is in your mind's eye? Is it (or you) unclear or ambiguous? Fix these problems. Example...
"It appears to be rusty" -->--> "Is coated in rust colored particles...", (these particles could of course fall away when the item is picked up revealing the splendor beneath.)
This is also true for "on closer inspection" - this is just a round about way of saying "appears to be".

Oceanshieldwolf Dedicated Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

The most commonly used words out of the 438 items I've seen, not including template words, auras, slots, and some articles and prepositions. I may update this file as I go along.
Top 10
Number of occurrences, followed by the word:==============
313 PER
283 DAY
251 MUST
243 ONCE==============
"Once per day action - wearer must damage creature within effect."
Notable relationships:93 UNDEAD
"Light Energy Spells: Undead"

Jacob W. Michaels RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka motteditor |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

"Greater major xxx" (or some variation thereof)
I've seen several items with this line in them somewhere (usually following the item name). I don't quite understand where it comes from. The closest comparison I can think of offhand is terminology used to refer to artifacts in BECMI, but otherwise, I don't recall any version of D&D or Pathfinder to use this terminology in magic item names. Is this from some other rules system I don't know of?
It's based off Ultimate Eguipment, which doesn't have the slot in each individual item because they're all sorted by slot. Greater major refers to the table people use to roll for random generation.

Aaron Miller 335 Dedicated Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

OK, Durations, a lot of items have said things like, "You have a pool of time length A, which must be spent in increments of B, which do not need to be spent consecutively" - that's a lot of words.
I think you will find that used a lot in PFRPG stuff, I remember reading that many times in the new "Advanced Class Guide" for many of the class powers. And yes it is a bit cumbersome.

Cthulhudrew Star Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 |

It's based off Ultimate Eguipment, which doesn't have the slot in each individual item because they're all sorted by slot. Greater major refers to the table people use to roll for random generation.
Ah, that explains it. I was flipping through UE to see if there was a difference in formatting that might cover it, but I didn't even think to look at the tables. :p

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Feros Champion Voter Season 6, Champion Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Champion Voter Season 9 |

cwslyclgh Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

OK, Durations, a lot of items have said things like, "You have a pool of time length A, which must be spent in increments of B, which do not need to be spent consecutively" - that's a lot of words.
I think that's because some items in the rule books work this way (boots of speed, and the greater cloak of displacement from the core rules both use incremental not necessarily consecutive durations).