Commoner Build off!


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Grand Lodge

Rules - 20 point build

Assume Solo.
10 levels, all have to be commoner.

What can you make?

Silver Crusade

A pile of crap? Lol I may post something later

Grand Lodge

Nah nothing like that. Gotta build something for a campaign I'm running soon

dotted, to build and post later.

Sovereign Court

the highest commoner I see in the pathfinder npc gallery app is "Pilgrim: Commoner 5"

Unnamed Character
Female Human Commoner 10 | [True Neutral]
Age ____________________
Looks ______ hair, ______ eyes
Height/Weight ______ tall, _____lbs. (Medium)
Homeland ____________________
Deity ____________________
Campaign ____________________
Representing ____________________
14 (+2)
Hit Points
HP 65
Current HP

20 (+5)
14 (+2)
12 (+1)
10 (+0)
8 (-1)

Initiative +5 = 5 [Dex]
Action Points (Lifetime) 14
SKILL Total + Ability Mod. + Ranks + Misc.
Acrobatics* +5 = DEX 5+0+0
Appraise +1 = INT 1+0+0
Bluff -1 = CHA -1+0+0
Climb* +10 = STR 2+5+3
Craft +14 = INT 1+10+3
Craft +1 = INT 1+0+0
Craft +1 = INT 1+0+0
Diplomacy -1 = CHA -1+0+0
Disable Device*† +5 = DEX 5+0+0
Disguise -1 = CHA -1+0+0
Escape Artist* +5 = DEX 5+0+0
Fly* +5 = DEX 5+0+0
Handle Animal† +12 = CHA -1+10+3
Heal +0 = WIS 0+0+0
Intimidate -1 = CHA -1+0+0
K (Arcana)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Dungeoneering)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Engineering)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Geography)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (History)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Local)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Nature)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Nobility)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Planes)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
K (Religion)† +1 = INT 1+0+0
Linguistics† +1 = INT 1+0+0
Perception +13 = WIS 0+10+3
Perform -1 = CHA -1+0+0
Perform -1 = CHA -1+0+0
Profession† +0 = WIS 0+0+0
Profession† +0 = WIS 0+0+0
Ride +5 = DEX 5+0+0
Sense Motive +0 = WIS 0+0+0
Sleight of Hand*† +5 = DEX 5+0+0
Spellcraft† +1 = INT 1+0+0
Stealth* +15 = DEX 5+10+0
Survival +0 = WIS 0+0+0
Swim* +10 = STR 2+5+3
Use Magic Device† -1 = CHA -1+0+0

* Armor Check Penalty -1
† Trained Only



Base Speed [ 30 (6 sq.) ]

AC [21] = 10 +6 [+2 Chain Shirt] +4 [max Dex] +1 [Ring of Protection]
Touch AC [15] Flat-Footed [16]

Base Attack Bonus +5
Basic Melee Attack +7
Basic Ranged Attack +10


Attack Bonus

+1 Composite Longbow +10 3




Fortitude Save +5 = 3 [base] +2 [Con]
Reflex Save +8 = 3 [base] +5 [Dex]
Will Save +3 = 3 [base] +0 [Wis]

CMB +7 = 5 [BAB] +2 [Str] +0 [size]
CMD +22 = 10 +5 [BAB] +2 [Str] +5 [Dex] +0 [size]
Light Armor Proficiency
Medium Armor Proficiency
Deadly Aim
Martial Weapon Proficiency
Point-Blank Shot
Precise Shot

Carrying Capacity
Light Load: 58lbs.
Medium Load: 116lbs.
Heavy Load: 175lbs.
Lift Over Head: 175lbs.
Lift Off Ground: 350lbs.
Push or Drag: 875lbs.
1 Bonus Language (Int)

Special Abilities
Bonus Feat: One extra feat at 1st level
Skilled: +1 skill rank per level
Bonus Languages: Any (except secret languages)


Experience Points 0

Silver Crusade

I call dibs on the long spear wielding build! Lol

Sovereign Court

there's also:
"Noble: Aristocrat 10"
"Mayor: Aristocrat 3 / Expert 7"

Silver Crusade

NG human commoner
Str: 16 (18)
Dex: 14 (16) levels
Con: 14
Int: 12
Wis: 12
Cha: 7

(Iirc I did that right)

Light armor prof.
Medium armor prof (level 1)
Combat reflexes-3
Weapon focus longspear-5
Stand still 7
Improved initiative

Skilled (both skills and HP per level iirc)

+3 longspear
+2 mith breastplate
+1 ring prot
+1, cloak of res
(Costs of the top of my head. May be wrong)

Scarab Sages

Do you have to use core races? Because it would be awesome to play an Awakened Housecat Commoner.

Human Commoner(focused study alternate racial feature)

10str 14dex 14con 10int 10wis 18cha
(favored class bonus to health)
Skills(2+int+1race=5): Craft(alchemy),Perception,UMD

1|Additional talents(dangerously curious, Eyes and Ears of the City), Skill focus(UMD)
3|Magical Aptitude
5|Master Craftsman(alchemy)
7|Craft Wondrous item
8|Skill focus(alchemy)
9|Master Alchemist
11|Craft Arms and Armor
13|Craft Construct
15|Armor Proficiency, Light
16|Skill focus(perception)
17|Armor Proficiency, Medium
19|Armor Proficiency, Heavy

Strategy: Use craft alchemy to raise money and to make acid. Once you have enough resources go adventuring!
Use your share of the loot to buy more alchemical weapons until about level 4-5. Work in using wands with UMD once you can. By lvl 3 you have a +13 bonus or 70% chance to activate a wands. At mid levels you use magic crafting to outfit yourself and party with cheap magic items.

At 13 you retire from adventuring and use your alchemy to make more money while you craft your phylactery and turn into a lich. (be sure you can make the phylactery before dying of old age, also make a hat of disguise beforehand)

Now with your unlimited time make a golem army. (Note: once per decade go adventuring pretending to be a "bad touch" cleric to prevent the on set of demilichdom).

Now with your golem army concur the world!

By level 20 you can wear fullplate and pretend to be Sauron without the ring weakness.

NOTE: I love how commoners get perception as a class skill and fighters don't!

"Live to Fight Run Another Day"

Human Commoner 10

STR 14
DEX 15 +2 racial +1 level up
CON 14
INT 10
WIS 15 +1 level up

Feats (6):
Improved Initiative, Fleet, Fleet, Fleet, Fleet, Run

Hit Points: 10d6+30
Move Speed: 50
Initiative: +12
Saves: Fort 5, Ref 7, Will 6

Self-explanatory character. He who runs away (successfully), lives. I'm wondering whether one of those "fleet" feats should be traded out for "endurance" so he can run for longer, but the rounded number of 50 move speed looks quite nice.

"I don't fight, I have people to do that for me"

Human Commoner 10

DEX 10
CON 10
INT 14
WIS 10
CHA 18 +2 racial +2 levelup

Feats (6):
Extra Traits, Skill Focus (Handle Animal), Animal Affinity, Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Skill Focus (Intimidate), Persuasive

Traits (2):
Ease of Faith (class skill: diplomacy), Bully (class skill: intimidate)

Skills (5/level)
Diplomacy 10 ranks + 6 charisma + 3 class skill + 6 skill focus + 4 persuasive +1 trait = 30
Intimidate 10 ranks + 6 charisma + 3 class skill + 6 skill focus + 4 persuasive +1 trait = 30
Handle Animal 10 ranks + 6 charisma + 3 class skill + 6 skill focus + 4 Animal Affinity = 29
Perception 10 ranks + 3 class skill = 13
Ride 10 ranks + 3 class skill + 4 animal affinity = 17

Hit Points: 10d6+10
Saves: Fort 3, Ref 3, Will 3

This guy can take 1 on a diplomacy or intimidate check to beat a DC of 30. But what good are threats without the ability to back them up? That's where "handle animal" comes in. The DC to rear a wild animal is 15 + the HD of the animal. Non-animal creatures with an intelligence score of 1 or 2 can also be reared at a +5 DC. Take a look through the bestiary; there are a lot of very dangerous creatures he can reliable rear.

Hedge Wizard:

Human commoner 10
NE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +13
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 Deflection)
hp 48 (10d6+10)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Dagger +5 (1d4/19-20)
Ranged Ranged Touch +7
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +5; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Simple Weapon Prof (Dagger), Skill Focus (Use Magic Device), Magical Aptitude, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Skill Focus (Bluff)
Skills Bluff +14, Climb +5, Craft (Alchemy) +8, Linguistics +5, Perception +13, Use Magic Device +24, Spellcraft +12
Languages Common, Elven
Helm of Comprehend Languages and Read Magic, Headband of Vast Intelligence(+2; Perception), Boots of Levitation, Apprentice’s Cheating Gloves, Brooch of Shielding, Cloak of the Hedge Wizard (Evocation), Bag of Holding Type I, Figurine of Wondrous Power (Silver Raven), Ring of Protection (+1), Ring of Arcane Signets, Rod of Ice, Wand of Detect Magic (37 charges), Wand of Light (37 charges), Wand of Scorching Rays (33 charges), Scroll of Limited Wish, Scroll of Fireball, Scroll of Dimension Door, Scroll of Invisibility, Scroll of Acid Arrow, Wand of Mage Armor (40 charges), 5 Gold, Dagger, Spellbook, Spell Component Pouch

This commoner fell into a world of trouble after lying his way into being the "apprentice" of an old wizard. When the wizard died of old age he found himself in the will. Now everyone in the village expects greatness in him just like the last "wizard".

Grand Lodge


Wow, some of these guys are really flavorful commoners!

Dunno why my post doubled either after a while.

Silver Crusade

I really enjoy the wanna be wizard! Lol

Silver Crusade

I am now tempted to make a slflavored commoner

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I may have to steal that Commoner Lich as a BBEG.

Yeah. That would be great. Use a little foreshadowing and build up the "wizards" reputation as a master evoker. When the Heros go to stop him it turns out he is just a conman.


I dont have the time to build it out but with leadership, vital strike, and a cannon you can probably do some serious work...

Dotting, pretty interesting stuff. Might be worth playing some of those one day.

Shadow Lodge

All you need is leadership. "Commoner, its time to fight" "OK, go get'm Barbar!"

*An Aasimar Commoner flying around, using one of the top-level spells from Heavenly Radiance.
*A dwarf with Tremorsense
*A magic item crafter, of course.
*A fetchling courier (or smuggler), using Shadow Walk.
*A hobgoblin intimidating foes and buffing friends like a discount Bard with Terrorizing display.
*A master siege engineer

Commoner 10
High charisma, Diplomancer, Leadership
Cohort is a Bard who sings "Brave Sir Robin" and other inspiring things.


I'm going to build a tiefling commoner later.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Human[focused study], Commoner 10
Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 18 (16+race)
traits: Armor Expert, Wendifa Apprentice

H1- skill focus: knowledge[nature]
1- nature soul
3- eldritch heritage [arcane]
5- animal ally
7- boon companion
H8- skill focus: survival
9- improved familiar (trait SLA makes CL equal to level)

skills (all=max ranks):
diplomacy +14
handle animal +17
knowledge [nature] +21
survival +21

you're still a bit of a chump (wear mithril breastplate since it has no consequences, pick a longspear for your weapon to get free AoOs and hopefully keep some folks at bay)... but your animal companion will be full progression (the feats give access to limited options... small cat or wolf is probably best), and your faerie or tidepool dragon familiar can use wands of sorc/wiz spells without UMD. IMHO, this is probably viable as a PC in many campaigns...

you'll have amazing action economy (animal companion gets whole turn, familiar gets whole turn, actual character gets whole turn- but has nothing left to do with it) so the actual character can get away with things like using the aid other action or digging out potions/scrolls from the party-loot-bag-o-holding...

enjoy :)

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

i just realized that i forgot the leveling up stat bonuses... so make any one of those attributes +2

edit: if you drop starting Cha to 16 (and use that +2 to put it back up to 18), you could start with Int 14 and raise 2 of the other 12s to 13s. that gives you 1 more skill... drop Armor Expert and pick up Dangerously Curious- your attack bonus is miserable anyways so eat the -1 and still wear a mithril breastplate (and a darkwood shield), use your extra skill to max out UMD. you'd be at +18 normally, or you could switch your 8th level skill focus to UMD for +24. now you have the full progression animal companion, the flying/wand wielding dragon familiar, and your commoner can use wands and scrolls to do something useful on his turn :)

also, i didn't assign any gear cause i wasn't sure how much money a commoner would have at 10th level... defensive items and stat boosters would be good, plus a bunch of wands and scrolls and a handy haversack to be able to access them quickly.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Kitsune with 10 levels of commoner: "Leave me alone!", take the racial feat realistic likeness to look like anybody you have ever met. You will have 4 feats could pick magical tail feats to get a bunch of spell like abilities, which will help you stay alive and have people leave you alone.

Scarab Sages

I don't have time to stat it out, but Halfling Jinxer with the warslinger trait and the trait that gives immunity to a single poision. Use your Jinx to lower saves, and then hit someone with poisoned sling stones.

Imbicatus wrote:
I don't have time to stat it out, but Halfling Jinxer with the warslinger trait and the trait that gives immunity to a single poision. Use your Jinx to lower saves, and then hit someone with poisoned sling stones.

Bolster Jinx, Great Fortitude to give -3 to Fort saves with Jinx.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

@the free taco
the 3rd and 4th magical tail SLAs are misdirection and invisibility- perfect for a 'leave me alone' build, lol

back on topic
this is slightly sketchy, lol, but here's another option:
halfling[fleetfooted], commoner 6/opportunist 4
str 10 (12-race); dex 20 (16+race+levels); con 12; int 12; wis 12; cha 14 (12+race)
traits: armor expert, freedom fighter

1- weapon finesse
3- weapon proficiency [scimitar]
5- defensive combat training
7- dervish dance
9- weapon focus [scimitar]

skills: ([ranks] +total bonus)
acrobatics [6] +14
bluff [4] +9
disable device [10] +20
disguise [4] +9
perception [10] +16 (+18 vs traps)
perform{dance} [2] +7
stealth [10] +22

his BAB is only one worse than a rogue, and he has trapfinding and 2d6 sneak attack (plus other PrC abilities)... so on the whole not much less useful than an actual rogue. i said it was sketchy because saying 'build a commoner' does seem to imply no multiclassing, but doesn't necessarily mean no PrCs...

other PrCs that you could pretty easily qualify for, by pfsrd names, include: brightness seeker, celestial knight, crimson assassin, dark delver, deep sea pirate, field agent, grand marshal, gray warden, horizon walker, justiciar, low templar, master of storms (for most aasimars/tieflings), master spy, pit fighter, sanctified prophet, sleepless detective, steel falcon, swordlord (as a 1/2elf with ancestral arms), assassin, dragon disciple (aasimar with heavenly radiance, or other race with 1st lvl SLA), pathfinder chronicler, shadow dancer

Drow Noble Commoner:

Str 14 (5)
Dex 17 (3)
Con 11 (3)
Int 15 (3)
Wis 15 (3)
Cha 15 (3)

Armor Expert (-1 armor check penalty)
Omen (+1 Intimidate & Intimidate as swift 1/day)

1) +0 BAB; Arcane Strike
3) +1 BAB; Weapon Focus (Shortsword)
4) +2 BAB; +1 Str
5) +3 BAB; TWF
7) +4 BAB; Weapon Finesse
8) +4 BAB; +1 Str
9) +5 BAB; Double Slice

Skills: (4/lvl, 40 points total) (class skills *)
10 Perception (+17)
5 Intimidate* (+11)
1 Climb* (+7)
1 Swim* (+7)
5 Stealth (+8)
5 Sense Motive (+7)
5 Bluff (+7)
8 Craft(Alchemy)* (+13)

Proficiency: Dagger(Commoner), Shortsword, Crossbow, Rapier(Drow)

Combat Gear (presuming 62k WBL):
Gloom Blade (8.8)
+3 Adamantine Shortsword (21k)
+2 Mithral Agile Breastplate (4.4k)
Mwk Daggers x4 (1.2k) (for throwing)

Background: An uncommon occurrence, a Drow Noble born to two commoner parents, she knew she was destined for greatness one day. After... disposing... of the evidence of her true heritage, she sought out entry to one of the great Drow Noble families.

Scarab Sages

Kermit the commoner

Grippli commoner 10
Str 12 (14-race)
Dex 20 (16+ race + levels)
Con 12
Int 12
Wis 14 (12 + race)
Cha 10

Traits: Heirloom Weapon(net, +2 disarm), noble born(Surtova)
Proficiences: net(race), dagger
1 - weapon finesse
3 - armor prof(light)
5 - net adept
7 - net maneuvering
9 - catch off guard

This guy is a net disarm specialist with a +14 cmb for disarms with a net. He was adopted as a pet/companion for a scion of house surtova as a youngling. He disarms with his net, and then uses a durable arrow as an improvised dagger, causing the foe to be considered flat footed vs the attack.

Since the net has a range of 10 feet, he disarms before closing to avoid AoOs.

I still havent finished fleshing him out but, here you go.

Jeff the Merchant:
Name: Jefry Roland Monesq
Race: Human
Classes: Commoner10
Hit Points: 43
Alignment: NG

Speed: Walk 30 ft.
Languages: Common

Stat Score Mod
STR 11 (+0)
DEX 11 (+0)
CON 11 (+0)
INT 10 (+0)
WIS 10 (+0)
CHA 14 (+2)
-------------------------- Skills --------------------------
Skill Total Rnk Stat Msc

Appraise 10 10.0 0 0
Bluff 5 3.0 2 0
Diplomacy 5 3.0 2 0
Disguise 2 0.0 2 0
Intimidate 2 0.0 2 0
Knowledge (Geography) 2 2.0 0 0
Knowledge (History) 3 3.0 0 0
Knowledge (Local) 3 3.0 0 0
Perception 6 1.0 0 5
Perform (Untrained) 2 0.0 2 0
Profession (Merchant) 13 7.0 0 6
Sense Motive 10 8.0 0 2

-------------------------- Feats ---------------------------
Great Fortitude
Iron Will
Lightning Reflexes
Skill Focus (Profession (Merchant))

-------------------------- Combat --------------------------
Total / Touch / Flat Footed
AC: 10 / 10 / 10

Initiative: +0
BAB: +5
Melee tohit: +5
Ranged tohit: +5
Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +5
Will: +5
Unarmed attack:
to hit: +5
damage: 1d3
critical: 20/x2
------------------------- Equipment ------------------------
Total weight carried:
Current load: Light
Light: 38
Medium: 76
Heavy: 115

------------------------ Description -----------------------
Height: 6' 0" Weight: 180 lbs. Gender: Male
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown,Short Skin: Tan
Dominant Hand: Right

So, do we use 10,050 gp or 62,000 gp?
Do we get traits?


So, do we use 10,050 gp or 62,000 gp?

Do we get traits?

I'm presuming standard rules for a 10th level NPC commoner, with the sole exception of having 20 point buy instead of the standard array. So 10,050 GP wealth and no traits (other than those purchased with the "extra traits" feat)

Grand Lodge

Yes, you get traits.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Plackk Half-Orc Commoner(Barbarian) 10 (Well he thinks he's a barbarian)

Plackk was out chopping wood when some goblins attacked his father's farm. Using his handy axe, Plackk easily killed some of the goblins. He then realized his true calling. That night he swiped his father's war axe and began his 'barbarian' adventures.

Plackk isn't really very bright, and thinks that he is an actual Barbarian. In towns he gets by on his friendly nature, and great strength. In combat he relies on his enchanted axe and great strength.


STR 20 (+5)
DEX 14 (+2)
CON 16 (+3)
INT 10 (+0)
WIS 10 (+0)
CHA 10 (+0)

Total / Touch / Flat Footed
AC: 17 / 13 / 15
Initiative: +2
BAB: +5
Fortitude: +6
Reflex: +5
Will: +3
Greataxe +1:
to hit: +11
damage: 1d12+8
critical: 20/x3

Perception 13
Survival 14

Armor Expert

Fight On
Great Cleave
Power Attack

Mithril Shirt +1
Great Axe +1
Belt of Giant Str +1
Armbands of the Brawler
2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds
2 Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds
Other adventuring gear.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

@vod- your pseudo-barbarian would be more convincing (and probably more effective) if you added blood vengeance, or maybe sympathetic rage if you think you'll be with real barbarians...


a lot of these builds are really interesting and/or amusing, but in terms of effectiveness i'm not sure that any of them can actually match an animal companion... at 10th level a wolf would have 9d8 HD (vs. 10d6), +6 BAB (vs. +5), 24 Str (vs. 22 max, if the commoner invested almost all of his points), +10 natural armor (vs. +6 for a mithril breastplate... if the commoner invests 4k gold and a trait...)

nate lange wrote:
@vod- your pseudo-barbarian would be more convincing (and probably more effective) if you added blood vengeance, or maybe sympathetic rage if you think you'll be with real barbarians...

He just thinks he's a Barbarian.

No fair!
Too similar to my character! :)

But, my character is just a simple farmer whose mom was from Tian Xa, but the blood of both his parents have made him into quite a natural warrior and he often finds himself daydreaming of battles while working in the hot sun and then he just pulls his jingasa back over his head and starts working harder.

not yet completed

general stuff:

10 points S: 16 +2 half-orc +2 levels
5 points D: 14
5 points C: 14
0 points I: 10
2 points W: 12
-2 Ch: 8
proficient with sickle
1 light armor proficiency
3 medium armor proficiency
5 power attack
7 furious focus
9 additional traits
shaman's apprentice endurance
sacred tattoo
shaman's apprentice
weapon familiarity: proficient with great axe, falchion

1. fate's favored (faith): Benefit: Whenever you are under the effect of a luck bonus of any kind, that bonus increases by 1.
2. defensive strategist: Benefit: You are not flat-footed when you are an unaware combatant. This includes a surprise round that you don’t get to act in, and before you get to act at the start of a battle.

equipment 10050 gp
5000 gp jingasa of the fortunate soldier This conical iron jingasa, or war hat, grants the wearer a +1 luck bonus to AC. Once per day when struck by a critical hit or sneak attack, the wearer can spend an immediate action to negate the critical hit or sneak attack (similar to the fortification armor special ability, but without requiring a roll). The damage is instead rolled normally.
2375 gp +1 great axe
1400 gp +1 mountain pattern armor +7 (+6+1 enh) AC, -3 ac pen
1000 gp cloak protection +1
0035 light crossbow
0050 cure light wounds x1
0006 sickle

+8 fort +3 base +2 con +2 luck +1 res
+8 ref +3 base +2 dex +2 luck +1 res
+7 will +3 base +1 wis +2 luck +1 res

21 AC 10 base +2 dex +7 armor +2 luck

57 hitpoints (3.5*9=31.5 round down to 31 +6 first level +20 con)

+5 BAB

great axe w/power attack
1st attack +11 to hit 1d12+14 damage x3
remaining attacks +9 to hit


Born from a union of a wandering dervish and an angel, Sepideh was adopted by a priest of Sarenrae working at the College of Medicaments and Chirurgery in Katheer. There she mastered the ways of healing, theology of Sarenrae, and art of diplomacy. Using her natural curiosity and force of personality, she then mastered both her own inner magic and the ability to wield magical devices. Now she can summon powerful beams of light to harm foes (especially the undead) and heal the wounded.

Commoner Pseudo-Cleric:

Female Aasimar
Commoner 10
NG Medium outsider (native[human])
Init +2, Senses darkvision (60 ft.), Perception +3
AC 16, Touch 12, Flat-footed 14 (+4 armor + 2 Dex)
HP 58 (10d6+20)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +4
Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee light mace +4 (1d6-1)
Ranged light darkwood crossbow +8 (1d8/19-20)
Bloodline Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th; concentration +15)
8/day—heavenly fire (1d4+4 divine energy)
Aasimar Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th; concentration +15)
3/day-daylight, searing light, sunbeam (one beam only, DC 22)
Bloodline empyreal (wildblooded celestial)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 20
Base Atk +5, CMB +4, CMD 16
Feats Eldritch Heritage, Heavenly Radiance (Searing Light, Sunbeam), Simple Weapon Proficiency, Skill Focus (Heal)
Skills Diplomacy +17, Heal +23, Knowledge (Religion) +11, Use Magic Device +19
Languages Kelish, Taldane
SQ scion of humanity
Traits caretaker, dangerously curious
Combat Gear scrolls of cure moderate wounds (2), hide from undead, hold person, magic weapon (2), protection from chaos, protection from evil (2), remove blindness/deafness, remove curse, remove fear, shield of faith, silence; wand of cure light wounds (50 charges)

Other Gear light darkwood crossbow with 20 normal, 10 alchemical silver, and 10 cold iron crossbow bolts; light mace, healer's gloves, mithral chain shirt, vest of surgery, scroll cases (x4), masterwork backpack, ioun torch, belt pouch, unguent of timelessness, chirurgeon's kit, wooden holy symbol, cleric's vestments, bedroll, surgeon's tools, survival kit (common)

At level 11 she would of course take Improved Eldritch Heritage and gain the ability to channel 1/day as a 7th level cleric.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

TTfBtE- OP specified 2 free traits (like a normal PC would get- so you have an extra feat to play with)

tangaroa- commoners are proficient with one simple weapon for free (so you also have an extra feat to play with). ps- i like this build; i was thinking about fooling around with this and/or a drow/kitsune for a character emphasizing racial SLAs.

3rd suggestion- this is actually sort of the illegitimate child of my 1st suggestion and vod/TTfBtE's idea...
1/2 orc 'barbarian' (commoner 10)
Str 20 (16+race+levels); Dex 14; Con 14; Int 10; Wis 12; Cha 8
traits: armor expert, outcast

1- nature soul
3- power attack
5- animal ally [badger]
7- boon companion
9- sympathetic rage

know[nature] +14
survival +19

gear (assuming 10.5k NPC-WBL)
+1 mithril breastplate [5.2k]
+1 falchion [2.3k]
+1 cloak of resistance [1k]
+1 ring of protection [2k]

this is not as effective as my first suggestion, but it should be fun/interesting... he's an actual 'pseudo-barbarian'- his medium sized badger companion can rage every combat (as long as it gets hit once), which will trigger the commoner's sympathetic rage. he still only has a +5 BAB but it's funny to have a commoner raging with a falchion or greataxe, and if you add his damage to the badgers it'll shame most commoners, lol. make sure to take Eldritch Claws as the badger's 10th level feat.

@ Nate

@ Tangaroa
Which bloodline gives you channel?

@ TTfBtE: Empyreal, a wildblooded bloodline for the Celestial bloodline.

@ Nate: I am aware they get a simple weapon for free. I wanted her to have light mace for a proper cleric feel, although given the character concept a scimitar might be more of the right flavor. Besides, simple weapons proficiency gives a lot of options for its price.

Come to think of it, she would only channel as a 5th level cleric at first - oh well, still not to shabby for a commoner.

Tangaroa wrote:

@ TTfBtE: Empyreal, a wildblooded bloodline for the Celestial bloodline.

@ Nate: I am aware they get a simple weapon for free. I wanted her to have light mace for a proper cleric feel, although given the character concept a scimitar might be more of the right flavor. Besides, simple weapons proficiency gives a lot of options for its price.

Come to think of it, she would only channel as a 5th level cleric at first - oh well, still not to shabby for a commoner.

wildblooded is a sorcerer archetype that allows changes to be made to a bloodline.

eldritch heritage gives access to a bloodline but not an archetype.

so, I don't think you can get that from the feat

Oh, I don't think it's too much of a stretch on the rules to use eldritch heritage with wildblooded. Worst comes to worst she would get angel wings instead at 11th which wouldn't be too shabby.

Hmm, just thought of a clever addition to my entry... Give her the Young template or use the Young Character rules. She disposed of her commoner parents to try to go join a noble house, but she would have been the Drow equivalent of a Human 12 year old so the noble house thought it would be amusing to send her on a fool's errand to "eradicate the surface-dwelling Elves... All of them" to gain entry to the house. She took the request seriously and now is traveling on the surface on a "mission" to eradicate Elf civilization... and being precociously cute about it.

Commoners can afford to be one-trick-ponies, since they're not adventurers. And the best "one trick" is probably Perform.

Human Commoner, level 1.

  • Charisma 20 (+5 to a Perform check)
  • trait Inner Beauty (+4 to a single Perform check once a day)
  • trait Savant (Perform as a class skill: +3)
  • feats: Defiant Luck and Inexplicable Luck (+8 to one d20 roll)
  • and of course a skill point in the Perform of your choice.
Once a day, you can take 10 and add 5+4+3+8+1 = 31. An "extraordinary performance", which earns 3d6 gp/day. And: "In time, you may draw attention from distant patrons, or even from extraplanar beings."

No need to get to level 10, and you don't even need a masterwork instrument.

Teacup the tiny dragon... kobal with all the dragon feats it can muster

He sleeps on his pile of gold(no gear)

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