So one of my players wants to build a barbarian that throws another party member into combat I have already allowed him to play a size large character with 2 lvls of giant and we are playing lvl 10 with a 25 point buy How would you build it His racial ajustments are +6 str -2 dex +4 con -2 to all mentals
Ok so the plan is very veg at the moment... but I will be the gm so we can make it work if need be. Right now I am thinking lvl 13-15 or so with atleast 2 lvls of spellblade magus for the lightsaber and a ring of telekinesis for alot of force powers. Here is where you guys come in... Any ideas are welcome
Ok so here is the concept I have come up with for a buddy of mine that loves link... We are playing a dwarf based campaign coming up soon and I told him I was going to help him build link from link to the past, we are starting at lvl 7 I have it built as a fighter 6 alchemist 1 with vital strike to give the bombs a little umph. Whirlwind attack for the spin attack and some custom items with gm approval. How would you build him as a lvl 7 dwarf?
So I saw the sub-zero build the other day so I automatically thought what I originally thought... scorpion is way cooler For selfish reason (I am already planning on playing a dwarf for a game comming up) I am going to make it a dwarf, lore Worden that specializes in harpoon grappling and repositioning them too you. Fire for flavor for sure and making yourself look like a skeleton for even more... How would you build it, lets go 20 point buy (again for selfish reasons) and lets say starting around lvl 8 (yeah yeah you get it)
I have a one shot coming up starting at lvl 8 and going to probably 11 or so What I know is that we a dwarfs that are trying to reclaim there home land... I want to run a heavy hitter preferably 2 handed build but I am open to fun ideas (prefer to not play another barbar but unorthodox barbarians could be fun)
Ok good I was planning on building a gnome so that is good to here nate, and I only need it cast once and have a buddy that is playing a wizard and will be able to cast polymorph any object for me no problem... it also wont be a front line fighter, I am planning on having it be a very fluff hit and run flyby oh s healer and all around utility ninja
I dont understand why people on here a community that should theoretically be trying to grow makes everyone that does not build the perfect monster character when asking for advice gets told your wrong this is a better way to do it... so what if I want to be a halfling wizard with a great maul... and want to know what feats would make it more fun, stop telling me to play a @$##ing summoner!!!!
Whenever the beast-bonded witch is capable of learning a new feat, she may choose to instead have her familiar learn the feat as a bonus feat. The familiar must meet the prerequisites for any feats that it learns this way. If her familiar is lost or dies, the witch can reclaim the feat slots and select new feats for herself, or apply the slots toward her new familiar. Works just fine with a pseudo dragon