Skitzafreak |
Alrighty, I'll get started then. Things like the Air Blessing, which require you to target a weapon as a standard action, I feel should be able to be performed as a swift action provided you are using it on a weapon you are wielding. If you're worried about buffing weapons and passing them off to people, you could add a clause to say something like "if you use this as a swift action, the ability ends when you lose control of the weapon".
That's my initial food for thought.

Craft Cheese |

Hey! Don't know if you've seen this already or not, but I've went through all the blessings myself and made my suggested revisions, focusing on passive abilities to help improve the warpriest's action economy. Here's the latest version, with several changes from the version I posted in the thread I made for it.
Deities: Gozreh, Shelyn
Zephyr's Gift (Minor): Any ranged weapon the warpriest holds gains the quality of air. Making ranged attacks with this weapon never provokes an attack of opportunity, and the range increment of the weapon increases by 5 feet per class level.
Soaring Assault (Major): The Warpriest gains a fly speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability, and a bonus on fly skill checks equal to his class level. Whenever you succeed at a charge attack while flying, that attack deals additional electricity damage equal to your class level. This is a supernatural ability.
Deities: Erastil, Gozreh
Animal Fury (Minor): The Warpriest gains 2 claw attacks or 1 bite attack (the decision is made when the ability is gained). These attacks deal appropriate damage for the warpriest's size. These are primary natural attacks that replace any similar primary natural attacks the warpriest may already have.
Call of the Wild (Major): The Warpriest gains Scent, Low-Light Vision, and Darkvision out to 60 feet (if he already possessed Darkvision, its range extends by 60 ft.). As a swift action, the Warpriest gains a +2 morale bonus to Strength or Dexterity (warpriest's choice) until the end of his turn. This bonus increases to +4 at 15th level, and +6 at 20th level.
Deities: Torag
Crafter's Wrath (Minor): The Warpriest gains a +4 morale bonus to damage rolls against constructs and objects (including damage rolls for sunder combat maneuvers). The warpriest also gains Improved Sunder as a bonus feat.
Enhance Magic (Major): As a swift action, you may activate your Sacred Weapon or Sacred Armor ability, gaining an enhancement bonus on your armor or weapon 2 points greater than otherwise. These points may be used to grant the item magic properties, as normal.
Deities: Calistria, Cayden Cailean, Desna, Gorum, Lamashtu, Rovagug
Anarchic Strike (Minor): Any weapon you hold deals an extra 1d6 points of damage against lawful creatures. This bonus damage doesn't stack with the anarchic weapon special ability. The weapon is considered chaotic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
Strike of Limitless Chaos (Major): As a swift action, the next attack you make with your weapon stuns a lawful creature it strikes, unless that creature succeeds at a will save. A Lawful Outsider takes a -4 penalty to this save. If the creature it strikes isn't Lawful, or misses, this ability does nothing and is wasted.
Deities: Calistra, Cayden Cailean, Norgorber, Shelyn
Forceful Domination (Minor): As a swift action, you can issue a Command (as the spell) to 1 enemy within 30 feet. It must succeed at a will saving throw or submit for 1 round.
Charming Presence (Major): The warpriest becomes strangely mesmerizing, as the effects of a Sanctuary spell, save that if the warpriest attacks an enemy the effect is only broken towards that enemy. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Deities: Erastil
Communal Aid (Minor): Whenever the Warpriest uses the Aid Another action, the bonus is increased to +4.
Arrow Deflection (Major): As a swift action, you can touch a shield to give it the Arrow Deflection ability for 1 minute. In addition, any projectile or thrown weapon aimed at a target within 30 feet of the shield's bearer diverts from its original target and targets the bearer instead.
Deities: Zon-Kuthon
Enshrouding Darkness (Minor): The warpriest becomes cloaked in shadows. All attacks against him have a miss chance equal to 5% * half his class level (minimum 5%). This ability does not work in full daylight. Creatures able to see normally in supernatural darkness ignore this miss chance. This miss chance does not stack with miss chance granted from any other source, such as concealment.
Darkened Vision (Major): As a swift action, any successful attack you make with your weapon until the beginning of your next turn blinds the target as blindness/deafness for 1 minute, unless the target succeeds at a will saving throw.
Deities: Norgorber, Pharasma, Urgathoa, Zon-Kuthon
From the Grave (Minor): You gain a corpse-like visage, making you more intimidating and giving you undead-like protection. You gain a +4 bonus to Intimidate checks, and to Disguise checks to resemble an undead creature, as well as a +2 bonus on saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, and stun.
Death's Touch (Major): As a swift action when you hit an opponent with a melee attack, the target gains 1 temporary negative level for 1 minute. These temporary negative levels stack. You gain 1d6 temporary hit points when you inflict a negative level this way.
Deities: Gorum, Nethys, Rovagug, Zon-Kuthon
Destructive Attacks (Minor): As a swift action, all attacks you make with your weapon this turn gain a morale bonus to damage rolls equal to half your level (minimum 1).
Heart of Carnage (Major): The critical threat range of any weapon you hold increases by 1. This benefit is not doubled by effects such as the Improved Critical feat or the Keen weapon property, but it does stack with those effects.
Deities: Gorum, Nethys
Acid Strike (Minor): As a swift action, all attacks you make with your weapon for 1 minute deals an additional 1d4 points of acid damage with each strike. This bonus damage does not stack with the corrosive weapon special ability.
Armor of Earth (Major): Your skin hardens like stone. You gain DR 3/-. If you already have DR 3/- or greater, this DR increases by 1 point, to a maximum of DR 15/-.
Deities: Asmodeus, Lamashtu, Norgorber, Rovagug, Urgathoa, Zon-Kuthon
Unholy Strike (Minor): Any weapon you hold deals an extra 1d6 points of damage against good creatures. This bonus damage does not stack with the unholy weapon special ability. The weapon is considered evil for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
Strike of Unspeakable Evil (Major): As a swift action, the next attack you make with your weapon stuns a good creature it strikes, unless that creature succeeds at a will save. A Good Outsider takes a -4 penalty to this save. If the creature it strikes isn't Good, or misses, this ability does nothing and is wasted.
Deities: Asmodeus, Sarenrae
Flaming Strike (Minor): As a swift action, all attacks you make with your weapon for 1 minute deals an additional 1d4 points of fire damage with each strike. This bonus damage does not stack with the flaming or flaming burst weapon special abilities.
Armor of Flame (Major): The warpriest becomes wrapped in flames. You become under the constant effect of a Fire Shield (warm shield only). You may suppress or resume this ability as a free action.
Deities: Gorum, Iomedae, Sarenrae
Glorious Presence (Minor): The Warpriest gains Intimidate as a class skill, and may add his Wisdom modifier to his Charisma modifier for the purposes of making Diplomacy and Intimidate checks.
Demoralizing Glory (Major): As a swift action when you damage an opponent with an attack, you can attempt to demoralize that opponent with the Intimidate skill, using your Warpriest level in place of your ranks in Intimidate.
Deities: Cayden Cailean, Desna, Erastil, Iomedae, Sarenrae, Shelyn, Torag
Holy Strike (Minor): Any weapon you hold deals an extra 1d6 points of damage against good creatures. This bonus damage does not stack with the unholy weapon special ability. The weapon is considered good for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
Strike of Overwhelming Good (Major): As a swift action, the next attack you make with your weapon stuns an evil creature it strikes, unless that creature succeeds at a will save. An Evil Outsider takes a -4 penalty to this save. If the creature it strikes isn't evil, or misses, this ability does nothing and is wasted.
Deities: Irori, Pharasma, Sarenrae
Close Wounds (Minor): As an immediate action, one ally within 60 feet heals 1d8 points of damage for every 4 warpriest levels you possess (minimum 1d8). If this ability is used in response to that creature taking damage, the damage this ability heals is considered to be prevented. (For example, if you use this ability when an ally would be reduced to below -10 hit points, and this ability heals them above -10 hit points, that ally does not die.)
Fast Healing (Major): The Warpriest gains Fast Healing 1.
Deities: Calistria, Irori, Nethys, Norgorber, Pharasma
Lore Keeper (Minor): Whenever you make a knowledge check to learn a creature's strengths and weaknesses, you may add your Wisdom modifier as a bonus to the check. You gain all Knowledge skills as class skills.
Monster Lore (Major): As a swift action, you may make a check against all creatures present to learn about their strengths and weaknesses (this is considered only one use of the blessing no matter how many creatures there are). You be trained in the appropriate knowledge skill to make this check. Against any creatures for which the check succeeds, you gain a +4 insight bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, AC, and saving throws for 1 minute.
Deities: Abadar, Asmodeus, Erastil, Iomedae, Irori, Torag, Zon-Kuthon
Axiomatic Strike (Minor): Any weapon you hold deals an extra 1d6 points of damage against chaotic creatures. This bonus damage does not stack with the axiomatic weapon special ability. The weapon is considered lawful for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.
Strike of Perfect Order (Major): As a swift action, the next attack you make with your weapon stuns a chaotic creature it strikes, unless that creature succeeds at a will save. A Chaotic Outsider takes a -4 penalty to this save. If the creature it strikes isn't Chaotic, or misses, this ability does nothing and is wasted.
Deities: Desna
Liberation (Minor): As a swift action you can ignore impediments to your mobility for 1 round, as freedom of movement. You may activate this blessing even if you're unable to take actions, but not if you are unconscious.
Freedom's Call (Major): You emit an aura of freedom. You and all allies within 30 feet become immune to the confused, dazed, grappled, frightened, panicked, paralyzed, pinned, shaken, or stunned conditions.
Deities: Calistra, Desna, Shelyn
Lucky Surge (Minor): Whenever you roll an attack roll, skill check, or saving throw, as an immediate action you can roll twice and take the higher result.
Unlucky Aura (Major): All enemies within 30 feet of you take a -2 luck penalty to attack rolls, skill checks, AC, and saving throws.
Deities: Lamashtu
Vision of Insanity (Minor): As a swift action, you may confuse a creature within 30 feet for 1 round that fails a will save, as the spell Lesser Confusion. The creature rerolls any result except "Attack Self" or "Babble Incoherently." This is a mind-affecting ability.
Aura of Nightmares (Major): Any creature that comes within 30 feet of you gains the Shaken condition. This bypasses immunity to fear, but does not stack with any other fear effect.
Deities: Asmodeus, Nethys, Urgathoa
Magical Surge (Minor): Any allied spellcaster within 10 feet of you gains a +1 bonus to their spell's caster level or saving throw DCs; The spellcaster chooses which benefit their spell gets at the time of the casting of the spell. This ability does not work on your own spells.
Eldritch Disruption (Major): As a swift action, you can select 1 creature within 30 feet: That creature loses all ability to cast spells or use its spell-like or supernatural abilities, as if it were in an antimagic field, for 1 round.
Deities: Abadar
Inspiring Word (Minor): As a swift action you can speak an inspiring word to a creature within 30 feet. The creature receives a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 round. You cannot use this ability on yourself.
Lead By Example (Major): You can inspire allies to follow your lead. If you take an action on your turn, all allies within 30 feet who take the same action on their next turn gain a +4 morale bonus to the attack roll, skill check, ability check, or saving throw to complete that action. For example, if you charge an opponent and make a melee attack, and an ally also charges an opponent and makes a melee attack, she gains a +4 morale bonus on her attack roll.
Deities: Erastil, Gozreh
Entangling Vines (Minor): As a swift action, you can summon vines to entangle a creature within 60 feet for 1 round (reflex negates).
Tree Guardian (Major): By spending 10 minutes meditating beneath a tree, you can turn that tree into a Treant that serves you absolutely. It lasts for either 24 hours or until it is destroyed. You may only have one Treant at a time created this way: Creating another one turns the old one back into an ordinary tree. Using this ability does not require expending one of your daily blessing uses.
Deities: Abadar, Nethys, Shelyn, Torag
Increased Defense (Minor): As a swift action, you can give yourself a +1 resistance bonus to all saving throws for 1 minute. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, and +1 for every 5 levels after that (to a maximum of +5 at 20th level). This resistance bonus stacks with any resistance bonus to saving throws you already have.
Aura of Protection (Major): You emit a 30-foot aura that fills allies with feelings of warmth and safety. You and your allies within this aura gain a +1 deflection bonus to AC and resistance 5 against acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic. The deflection bonus increases to +2 at 15th level and +3 at 20th level. At 15th level, the energy resistance increases to 10.
Deities: Pharasma
Gentle Rest (Minor): As a swift action, you can fill a creature within 30 feet with lethargy, causing it to be staggered for 1 round. If the creature is already staggered, it instead falls asleep for 1 round. An undead targeted by this ability is staggered for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier instead (minimum 1).
Back to the Grave (Major): You gain Turn Undead as a bonus feat, even if you don't channel positive energy, and the save DC to resist being turned is increased by your Wisdom modifier. Any undead that fails its will save by 5 or more when you use this ability is destroyed utterly.
Deities: Irori, Nethys
Blast Rune (Minor): As a swift action, you can create a blast rune in any adjacent square. Any creature entering this square takes points of damage equal to 1d6 + half your class level. This rune deals either acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, designated when the rune is created. the rune lasts a number of rounds equal to your warpriest level or until discharged. You cannot create a blast rune in a square occupied by another creature. This rune counts as a 1st-level spell for the purposes of dispelling. It can be discovered with a DC 26 perception check, and disarmed with a DC 26 Disable Device check.
Spell-Storing Weapon (Major): As a standard action, you can cast a spell into a weapon as if it had the spell storing special ability. If the stored weapon is not used within 10 minutes, it dissapates.
Deities: Cayden Cailean, Gorum, Irori, Lamashtu, Urgathoa
Strength Surge (Minor): As a swift action, you gain a morale bonus equal to your class level (minimum +2) to your Strength for 1 round.
Strength of Will (Major): You can ignore the movement penalties from wearing medium and heavy armor (or carrying a medium or heavy load). You may add your Strength bonus on your saving throws against effects that would paralyze, slow, daze, or stun you.
Deities: Iomedae, Sarenrae
Blinding Strike (Minor): When you strike an opponent with an attack, as a swift action you can make it glow with a flash of sunlight. If the creature struck by the attack fails a reflex saving throw, it is blinded for 1 round; otherwise, it's dazzled for 1 round. This is a light effect. Creatures with light blindness or light sensitivity take a -4 penalty on this saving throw. Sightless creatures are unaffected by this ability.
Bane of Undead (Major): Any Undead creature struck by an attack with your weapon must make a DC 20 Fortitude saving throw (even though undead are normally immune to any effect which requires a Fortitude save) or take an additional 50 points of damage. This effect does not stack with the effect of an undead-slaying arrow.
Deities: Abadar, Cayden Cailean, Desna
Agile Feet (Minor): You ignore all difficult terrain and take no penalties for moving through it.
Dimensional Hop (Major): As a swift action, you can use Dimension Door as a supernatural ability. At 20th level, you can instead use Greater Teleport as a supernatural ability.
Deities: Asmodeus, Calistria, Lamashtu, Norgorber
Distraction (Minor): Any foe adjacent to you is considered to be flat-footed for the purposes of all effects except your own.
Greater Invisibility (Major): As a swift action, you can turn invisible, as the spell Greater Invisibility, for 1 round.
Deities: Gorum, Iomedae, Rovagug, Urgathoa
War Mind (Minor): You gain a bonus on all initiative checks equal to your Wisdom modifier. At 10th level, when you roll initiative, you may roll twice and take the higher result. At 20th level, you're always treated as if you rolled a natural 20 for your initiative check.
Weapon Master (Major): As a swift action, you can gain the benefits of any combat feat for 1 round, but you must meet the prerequisites of this feat.
Deities: Gozreh, Pharasma
Frost Strike (Minor): As a swift action, all attacks you make with your weapon for 1 minute deals an additional 1d4 points of cold damage with each strike. This bonus damage does not stack with the frost or icy burst weapon special abilities.
Armor of Ice (Major): The warpriest becomes wrapped in freezing mist. You become under the constant effect of a Fire Shield (cold shield only). You may suppress or resume this ability as a free action.
Deities: Gozreh, Rovagug
Storm Strike (Minor): As a swift action, all attacks you make with your weapon for 1 minute deals an additional 1d4 points of electricity damage with each strike. This bonus damage does not stack with the shock or shocking burst weapon special abilities.
Wind Barrier (Major): The Warpriest is surrounded by a barrier of fast-moving winds. You are constantly protected by the effects of a Feather Fall and a Wind Wall, save that it doesn't interfere with your own ranged attacks.

ChainsawSam |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Erastil Favored Weapon: Longbow
Erastil Blessings: Animal, Community, Law, Good, Plant.
4 of the 5 provide a melee perk as a minor effect. The same 4 provide some form of summoning as a major effect.
Community, the 5th of the bunch which is unique to Erastil, gives nothing which benefits the Warpriest.
The Warpriest should not be close enough to anything to use the Minor Blessing's Aid Another bonus.
The Major bonus requires a shield (which the Warpriest obviously wont be using) and when used makes all projectiles targeted within 10 feet of the enchanted shield strike the shield's bearer.
TERRIBLE for someone shooting a Longbow.
A Warpriest of Erastil doesn't have a single Blessing option which affects them and provides a bonus. The Community stuff is downright terrible as an Erastil only Blessing.
Finally, why so many melee only blessings? Is there any particular reason why the minor effects of, say, Good and Law can't be used on a Bow?

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One thing I think needs to happen is to remove Blessings from Domains. It leads to some odd occasions
Eristal: Animal - you get a natural attack and a very gimped SNA for a deity that specializes in ranged weapons. Commuity - Eristal ONLY Blessing, that actually makes you worse with your Favored Weapon. Good/Law - Only works on melee weapons and a very gimped SM, and finally Plant - only works on melee and once again a very gimped SNA. Basically these blessing all either do nothing, but some make you worse at being a Warpriest of Eristal. (Although you can now not use a Longbow, it kind of still defeats the purpose)
Pharasma: Death - you become more undead-like,
Knowledg (not Pharasma related) - Major power sounds like an amazing way to burn through all of your Blessing pool when you don't want to.

Unclejunzo |

The minor magic blessing, Hand of the acolyte: how does this interact with the restriction on the 4th lvl sacred weapon ability that ends the bonuses when the weapon is no longer held? Does the "return instantly" line from Hand of the acolyte mean that it doesn't technically leave your possession? Or do you lose the SW enchantment bonuses when you use this minor blessing?

Oladon |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Regarding Sun's minor power:
Hmm... not sure how to word this one. I have a hard time imagining that I'd ever choose to forgo* a regular weapon attack to use Blinding Strike, unless I'm completely out of spells and have no way of damaging the target. The fact that it's a melee touch attack and allows a save makes it all the more of a high-risk, low-gain ability for me.
Perhaps Blessing powers which use touch (or ranged touch) attacks could be conducted through the Warpriest's sacred weapon as if it had the conductive ability. Alternatively, maybe increase the penalties for the creature on a successful save beyond just dazzled; a -1 to attacks that scales with levels, or something along those lines?
* I'm aware of the conductive weapon property, but paying for a +1 ability just to have a chance at the enemy failing its reflex save on a successful hit...

Unclejunzo |

Finally, why so many melee only blessings? Is there any particular reason why the minor effects of, say, Good and Law can't be used on a Bow?
I second this. Particularly for the static "add +1D6 X damage" blessings like Good and Law, what would be the problem with allowing them to be used with ranged weapons. There are several deities with ranged favored weapons, and there are many people who will want to use their deity's favored weapon for flavor reasons. Is there a reason the warpriest needs to be a melee-oriented class?

Joyd |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I feel like the class should default to things that buff weapons working on any weapon, melee or ranged, unless there's a compelling reason otherwise. Erastil is an obvious case, but it'd also make the class work better with minor deities and powers that like ranged weapons and homebrew pantheons without requiring major adaptations. Is there a specific design intent behind the melee weapon restriction?

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Some quick thoughts:
Sun (Blinding Strike): This seems pretty weak. I am not sure when I would ever use this. Touch attack + save for a -1 to attacks is not worth it. I am thinking this should be replaced with something a little better.
Glory (Demoralizing Glory): I am not very found of this for a major slot. Without a major investment in intimidate ranks / cha, the class ability will not work that well. This feels out of whack for a "major" blessing for a Warpriest.

topherhughes |
Some blessings questions....
1. Many blessings specify "melee weapon". Do ranged warpriests just not get to benefit from - for example - alignment blessings, glory, or weather? (If ever a blessing should benefit ranged and NOT melee it seems like it ought to be weather. Similarly, flaming arrows were a Thing, flaming long swords not so much)
2. Animal blessing, based on spell level, seems to have a slightly better Battle Companion than the other blessings with a similar major blessing. Is the Nature's Ally line really that much weaker than Monster? Or is this a side-effect of the others getting alignment templated animals? Similarly, The Plant blessing equivalent is a level lower than Animal, despite also being Nature's Ally - is the plant template the reason for that?
3. The Artifice blessing major blessing, as phrased, leads me to believe that you can transfer +1 or +2 of base enhancement between a weapon and a piece of armor. So..you could spend significantly less to max out a piece of armor and use it to buff a weapon as needed?
4. The Artifice blessing major blessing - There is no mention of limits (+5 enhancement or +10 total) to the resulting weapon or armor. Do those limits still apply or can enhancements go to +7, or a total weapon/armor enhancements to +12 this way? (These questions also apply to the Protection blessing) (I realize this may be covered by a "it NEVER goes above +5/+10 unless explicitly stated. I'm just not sure)
5. Chaos blessing minor blessing (and similar) grants a light or glow to the weapon. This seems cool and flavorful, but not more than that. Is this strictly favor, or is it similar to the light generation of 30% of magic weapons? If the weapon modified this way is one of the 30% with light, does it change the color put out by light? (I could see that having implications if for some reason your only source of light just started glowing purple....) In the evil blessing, the weapon can glow black. This is me being very pedantic, but this simply isn't possible. Is it perhaps absorbing light instead?
6. Community - several people have noted the mix between this and Erastil's choice of weapon.
7. Death blessing minor blessing - would a warpriest of Pharasma ever want to look undead other than to maybe infiltrate?
8. Death blessing major blessing - I am confused by the final sentence about you not benefiting from the negative level. Is this just to clarify it isn't some sort of vampiric touch?
9. Luck blessing minor blessing does not have a duration - which could be very lucky. Is this just for the rest of your turn?
10. Nobility blessing major blessing needs to clarify whether allies need to be within 30' at the start of your turn, end of your turn, or both.
11. Plant blessing minor blessing needs a new name :-)
12. War blessing minor blessing - should the speed bonus have a type?
Forgive me, I'm sure at least some of these are already noted. I've spent a while typing, reformatting, retyping, and trying to be as clear as I could.
Huh. This may be my first post in the forums.
I like the new warpriest.

Neo2151 |

Knee-jerk reaction? The mechanics are very unimpressive. For something that is supposed to make up a core part of the class, there's a TON of "meh" options.
But the ones that really stick out to me are:
•Community blessing issues.
•SNA runs out of "animal" choices in the higher levels. This was brought up several times but never acknowledged. What does my high-level Warpriest summon when using the Plant blessing? Giants don't count as animals.

STR Ranger |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

I am not seeing the point of these instead of just getting domains?
Example- The new iconic Warpriest is supposed to be a Worshipper oof Gorum.
A half-orc no less.
I see a Warpriest with the Destruction (Rage) subdomain and War (Tactics or Blood) Subdomains.
Vs the fairly ordinary War and Destruction Blessings?
Are domains seen as too powerful?
By giving Domains (and Inquisitions) rather than blessings you tap a resource that already has a ton of support both past and in future.
Blessings seem like just a poor reprint of domains all over again.
Maybe allow a Warpriest to chose from any?

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The major blessings of War and Destruction would make a lot more sense if they were switched. Why is the Destruction domain actually helping to prevent damage?
The only-melee aspect of several of the blessings is also an issue (I made a warpriest of Erastil and played him over the weekend, running into the same problems mentioned above). In fact, the entire class is a bit unfriendly to ranged attackers, particularly ones who want to throw things (how come Kurgess can't have any effective warpriests anyway?).

Paladin of Baha-who? |

2. Animal blessing, based on spell level, seems to have a slightly better Battle Companion than the other blessings with a similar major blessing. Is the Nature's Ally line really that much weaker than Monster? Or is this a side-effect of the others getting alignment templated animals? Similarly, The Plant blessing equivalent is a level lower than Animal, despite also being Nature's Ally - is the plant template the reason for that?
Summon Nature's Ally is definitely less powerful. The restrictions on the blessing make it even worse (no elementals or fey). When you're fighting things with magic, alignment, or material DR, you might as well not bother. At 10th level, you have tons of other things you can do, nearly any of which will be better than summoning an animal. At least with summon monster you can get an animal who can smite, thus bypassing DR.
And there is no reason I can imagine for the change in level for the Plant domain. They don't even get a plant template applied -- their type just changes to Plant, which is barely even a buff. It adds immunity to a few statuses that no one bothers to use on summoned animals, and makes it impossible to use animal growth -- not that a warpriest would have that anyway. If they gained the Thorny or Plant-imbued templates (from Tome of Horrors) that would be a significant buff and would make this actually worth using, but since that requires 3rd party material it almost certainly won't happen.

Alexander Augunas Contributor |

Please add a Void Blessing. It was officially added to the Core Rulebook line in Bestiary 4 and deserves to have a blessing. There have been no new domains in the game since the Inner Sea World Guide added Scalykind and Void, and its been implied that we won't see more. Void deserves a place in this book, and it wouldn't be a bad place to reprint the Void Domain, Scalykind Domain, and their subdomains.

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I kind of would rather see the blessings be tied to something more like Inquisitions, where there is a list of maybe 8-10 that all warpriests can choose a single one from and work out thematic bonuses and abilities from there (maybe instead of inquisitions, call them liturgies). Have a ranged one, a summoning one, a defender one, etc. That would help the Erastil folks who have nonsensical choices and for other folks who are aiming for nonstandard character concepts.

Unclejunzo |
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A question and a comment:
The Sacred Armor ability states: The armor must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus before any other properties can be added, whether
normally from itself or granted by this ability. How does this interact with using the minor protection blessing increased defense to grant enhancement bonuses to ones armor? Can a warpriest with the protection domain basically use these abilities in tandem to negate the need for magical armor? Or does the base +1 enhancement have to come from SW or from the armor itself?
On a general note, one concern I have with the warpriest using blessings rather than domains is that they won't receive additional support outside of this book. There are some interesting things going on with blessings, but on the whole, they don't feel different enough from domains as they are currently written to warrant the risk that this will be the only time they are addressed. Granted, this could be a baseless concern, but it is something that has crossed my mind nonetheless.

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I kind of would rather see the blessings be tied to something more like Inquisitions, where there is a list of maybe 8-10 that all warpriests can choose a single one from and work out thematic bonuses and abilities from there (maybe instead of inquisitions, call them liturgies). Have a ranged one, a summoning one, a defender one, etc. That would help the Erastil folks who have nonsensical choices and for other folks who are aiming for nonstandard character concepts.
My suggestion would be for something like this. Give Warpriests access to one Domain in the same way that Inquisitors gain access to one domain. But they also create abilities that are much the same as Inquisitions that Warpriests can select instead of them. Liturgies would be a fitting name too. But Blessing as a name could stay to cover this ability.

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Duplicating a question I put in the Warpriest thread, now that this one's going.
Unlucky Presence (minor): At 1st level, as a swift action you can cause an adjacent opponent to become unlucky. If you succeed at a melee touch attack, that opponent takes a -2 penalty on AC against your attacks and saving throws against your spells.
Is it:
[A] swift action to activate + standard action to touch, or
[B] swift action to activate + free action to touch?
(I assume [A], but it looks like it's worth checking.)

Slacker2010 |

I need to play test it, but it seems the new changes to the warpriest might have given it enough in the terms of combat power and use of swift actions. I wanted to toss out there that these blessings could be use to increase the Warpriest utility (an area it is severely deficient). Abilities like the Glory Domains level 1 ability comes to mine giving a bonus on CHA bases checks for 1 hour.
I'm not sure what the goal of these blessings are anymore. Could we get some direction from the staff as what they envisioned the blessings being use for?

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A few things I've noticed.
Nobility Blessing
Deities: Abadar.
Inspiring Word (minor): At 1st level, as a standard action you can speak an inspiring word to a creature within 30 feet. That creature receives a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your warpriest level (minimum 1).
Looks identical to the Domain Power, but unlike most Blessings, this one is Rounds/Day rather than 1 Min. Now, on one hand, it is one of the few Blessing Abilities that can be used to add a bit of out of combat utility, but it is also a Moral Bonus, (extremely common), and essentially just an Aid Another action. It can probably use a bit more umph.
Lead By Example (major): At 10th level, as a swift action you can inspire your allies to follow your lead. If you take an action on your turn, all allies within 30 feet who take the same action on their next turn gain a +4 morale bonus on the attack roll, skill check, ability check, or saving throw to complete that action. For example, if you charge an opponent and make a melee attack, and an ally also charges that opponent and makes a melee attack on her next turn, she gains a +4 morale bonus on her attack roll.
Kind of the same deal as above. But this one might need to be clarified a bit more, (just how precise does "all allies within 30 feet who take the same action on their next turn" need to be)? Would (using the example), charging and using a held spell to attack count? Or if they want to try to Trip/Sunder instead of normal attack? It might be a better idea if using this ability allowed them to get a free Immediate Action extra action, limited to a single Standard action or less, and must be one that you also completed when using this power, such as a single Move, Standing Up from Prone, Drawing a Weapon, or a Single Attack roll.
Madness Blessing
Deities: Lamashtu.
Madness Supremacy (minor): At 1st level, as a swift action, you may target a creature within 30 feet who has the cowering, frightened, held, panicked, or paralyzed condition. That condition is suspended for 1 round, giving them the confused condition instead. The confused creature rerolls any result other than “attack self ” or “attack nearest creature.” The round spent confused does not count toward the duration of the suspended effect. At the end of the confused round, the suspended condition resumes.
It would probably be a good idea to limit this so that it can only affect any one given target once in a 24 hour period so as to cut down on essentially cycling, since there is no save against this ability. It also specifies that you target a creature within 30ft. Was this supposed to be a ranged touch attack, or just you pick them and it happens without any chance of failure/save?
Control Madness (major): At 10th level, as a swift action you may choose one behavior for all confused creatures within 30 feet, lasting 1 round. You may use this ability even when you are confused.
A bit unclear. Does this only work on effects that cause Confusion for 1 Round, or does the power itself only work for one round? Do you pick one "behavior" that applies to all of them, or do you get to choose one "behavior" for each individually? Can you exclude individuals from this? Say if you, your buddy, and an enemy are all Confused, can you make only you and your buddy Act Normally, or only the enemy Attack Self? Being that it's not that common an issue that comes up, would it be better instead to swap this out for something a little more Warpriesty of Madness? Warpriests (as far as I can tell) do not really even get access to an Confusion causing spells or abilities, which makes this a very circumstantial and reactive power, and can not be combined with it's own Minor Power (both Swift actions).
Plant Blessing
Deities: Erastil, Gozreh.
Name (minor): At 1st level, upon succeeding at a melee attack, as a swift action you cause a creature you hit to sprout entangling vines which attempt to hold it in place, entangling it for 1 round (Reflex negates).
What if this is a flying creature, or in an environment where vines and the like do not exist? Should this work similar to the Entangle Spell, or do the vines just magically appear out of nowhere? Either way, that is a pretty amazing 1st level ability to have, and probably needs to be toned down some.
Protection Blessing
Deities: Abadar, Nethys, Shelyn, Torag.
Increased Defense (minor): At 1st level, as a standard action you can gain a +1 resistance bonus on saving throws or a +1 enhancement bonus to your armor’s AC for 1 minute. Multiple uses of this blessing (to gain a bonus on saves and AC) have no effect. The bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, and +1 for every 5 levels after that.
Aura of Protection (major): At 10th level, you can emit a 30-foot aura of protection for 1 minute. You and your allies within this aura gain a +1 deflection bonus to AC and resistance 5 against acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic. The deflection bonus increases to +2 at 15th level and +3 at 20th level. At 15th level, the energy resistance increases to 10.
Basically, these are both very nearly worthless. Between things like Sacred Weapon/Armor, Fervor, and these granting the most common bonuses in existence, (particularly for the Cleric Spell List). The one thing that makes it work for the Domain version, is that the bonuses are passive always on ones. They do not stack, take an action to activate, and providing a weaker version of the same things that most people will already have permanent, and your own self buffs will almost always do better at, these probably really need to be reworked entirely. Shield of Faith start at +2 and 1 Min/Level, for example. Lets also look at the War Blessing's power: "War Mind (minor): At 1st level, as a standard action you can touch an ally to grant it a tactical advantage for 1 minute. Each round at the start of its turn, it can select one of the following bonuses: +10 feet to base land speed,
+1 dodge bonus to AC, +1 insight bonus on attack rolls, or a +1 luck bonus on saving throws." Why is the War Blessing better than the Protection Blessing?Repose Blessing
Deities: Pharasma.
Back to the Grave (major): At 10th level, as a swift action when you use channel energy to heal the living, you also deal half damage to undead creatures (they receive the normal saving throw to halve this damage).
So 2d6 - 3.5d6 to an ability that you are almost always going to use out of combat, is Cha based, and against who you really have no valid way to boost the DC at all, pretty much assuring the best will ever be 1/4 damage only. What if you Channel Negative Energy? Does it effectively half your healing of the Undead? I would say scrap this idea completely.
Strength Blessing
Deities: Cayden Cailean, Gorum, Irori, Lamashtu,
Strength Surge (minor): At 1st level, as a swift action you gain an enhancement bonus equal to half your warpriest level (minimum +1) to melee attacks, combat maneuver checks that rely on Strength, Strength-based skills, and Strength checks for 1 round.
Can we just make this Str Score and avoid the issues we have with the Str Domain Power. there is really no reason to try to limit it when it only lasts for 1 Round, and we are talking about a +1 - +10 thing. A Warpriest of Str should be hitting things really dang hard. Its an Enhancement Bonus, so will not be stacking with Bull's Str and other very common boosts to Str, no reason to needlessly complicate this one.
Strength of Will (major): At 10th level, as a swift action you can ignore the movement penalties from wearing medium or heavy armor (or carrying a medium or heavy load) for 1 minute. During this time, you may add your Strength bonus on your saving throws against effects that would paralyze or slow you.
Is that all effects that might cause you to move slower (including things like reducing speed) or causing you to not be able to act, or specifically cause the Slowed or Paralyzed conditions?
Travel Blessing
Deities: Abadar, Cayden Cailean, Desna.
Agile Feet (minor): At 1st level, as a free action you gain increased mobility. For the next round, you ignore all difficult terrain and take no penalties for moving through it.
Just curious, as written it seems like this only applies 1 round after the round you activate it. Is that correct, or should this be reworded to something like "For 1 full Round"?
Now, sometimes deity's grant Subdomains that are appropriate when they do not normally grant that Domain itself. Can Warpriests choose Blessings from those Subdomains the same way?

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Any chance that blessings could be made equal to domains for the purposes of feat and PRC prerequisites?
I would love to be able to make a Hellknight Enforcer out a Warpriest of Asmodeus (I know it's not the greatest of synergies possible, but it still seems fun). But I can't get the warrior priest feat without domains or mysteries. I suppose I could blow a feat on Arcane Armor Training (which divine casters actually qualify for, strangely enough), but that just seems silly.

Clectabled |
I like the Battle Companion ability as a concept, however the use of limited use of Summon Monster/Ally, really seems to make the ability seem munchkin.
What if you just summoned a faceless Warrior of {Insert God's Name here} (Fighter lvl X) with simple stats and give it templates based on the Domain (Chaos warrior for Chaos domain ect).
They always appear with the gods favored weapon, that does damage based on the Sacred Weapon Table. At Warpriest level 10, they have XYZ feats and as the Warpriest gains levels, so does the Faceless Warrior.

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Glory and Charm Blessings have an interesting ability - the semi-Sanctuary thing.
It strikes me that the best thing to do is put that on your melee-maniac and send him in to belt the big bad while being ignored by minions. It looks like a great ability.
Iomedae gets Glory and Good which gives the excellent monster summoning SLA. Plus you can give yourself a magically enhanced greatsword.
So... Please don't tell me it isn't worth me keeping my Paladin. I love my Paladin.
On the other hand, a Warpriest of Calistria has Charm and Chaos which does the same thing, and she can be super with a falchion and whip. I do see the point there. Same with Desna with Travel and Luck.
Just... I love Paladins. Making a Warpriest v similar but with (up to) Summon Monster IX and and 6th level spells... :(

mbauers |

Duplicating a question I put in the Warpriest thread, now that this one's going.
Luck Blessing wrote:Unlucky Presence (minor): At 1st level, as a swift action you can cause an adjacent opponent to become unlucky. If you succeed at a melee touch attack, that opponent takes a -2 penalty on AC against your attacks and saving throws against your spells.Is it:
[A] swift action to activate + standard action to touch, or
[B] swift action to activate + free action to touch?
(I assume [A], but it looks like it's worth checking.)
See, I assume it's B.
Also have to second the question about the duration of this blessing. Is the default 1 min?

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Ever since the playtest was first released, I have been wondering why we needed separate Blessings when we have Domains that, for the most part, fit that role fairly well already. Just like with the Inquisitor, the domain spells won't apply to the Warpriest, but the rest should function just fine, shouldn't it? Plus, the Domains and references to them are already present throughout the other books. Adding a separate, but really similar, set of abilities just muddies the water.

Scavion |

Glory and Charm Blessings have an interesting ability - the semi-Sanctuary thing.
It strikes me that the best thing to do is put that on your melee-maniac and send him in to belt the big bad while being ignored by minions. It looks like a great ability.
Iomedae gets Glory and Good which gives the excellent monster summoning SLA. Plus you can give yourself a magically enhanced greatsword.
So... Please don't tell me it isn't worth me keeping my Paladin. I love my Paladin.
On the other hand, a Warpriest of Calistria has Charm and Chaos which does the same thing, and she can be super with a falchion and whip. I do see the point there. Same with Desna with Travel and Luck.
Just... I love Paladins. Making a Warpriest v similar but with (up to) Summon Monster IX and and 6th level spells... :(
Relax mate. You have sexy defenses and SMITE. Smite is amazing.