Looking for 2 Players for an Ongoing LoF AP


I have 4 current players in this AP.

This AP was started with the idea that we would be posting about 5 times a day. It has slowed to about 1 a day and we want to inject some new life into the game.

We are at the beginning of book 2 of the AP and you would start out at level 5.

The current party is.
Crossbow Fighter

The players are much less concerned about party makeup and optimization as they are just getting a good role player that will get excited about the game.

Any Race, Any Class, as long as I have access to the information you are using through the PRD.

20 Point Buy, 2 traits.

At this stage of the game you will be found by the PC's as a captured slave so focus more on your personality and less on your background.

I will let you know how much gold you can have very soon.

I do not use initiative rolls. Who ever posts first goes first. Other than that we use battle maps linked through google Docs.

Please post your interest and ask any questions you may have.

well not sure if he fits your group but this guy started the AP and the DM went MIA rather quickly.

original stuff in the profile will worry about adjustments if accepted.

I usually get multiple posts in if there is something that is going on that I can actually contribute to.

We have one rogue already. Would you be ok with that if you were accepted?

I don't know will have to look into it some more.

I don't want to overlap skill sets.

took a look at your current rogue and it seems that mine would be a drag on your group.

without knowing his race he appears to be better at all aspects I would offer. making mine just another face in the crowd and a drain on party resources.

of course I don't know where he gets some of his abilities but that really does not matter.

He is a Tifeling dagger spec.

Anything else you would want to play?

GM: Dave the Dwarf wrote:

He is a Tifeling dagger spec.

Anything else you would want to play?

I doubt I can come up with something before others toss thier hats in the ring. I might give it a go. but don't hold up anything waiting on me. it would not be fair to your current group.

also backstory issues may arrise as I do not know much beyond the players guide (even that is spotty) so coming in with a campaign trait might be useless (usually campaign traits only apply to the first book and after that they have no story effect.)

the back story would require a reasonable amount of GM dictating in addition to my creation at least to place the character in a logical flow of the story.

Bahram is basically a kind of Alladin knock-off

I'm a player in this game and honestly the campaign traits are for the first book mostly. If anyone wants help making a character and having backstory tied to the campaign pm me and I'll help.

Really though, I don't care what race/classes want to join. I'm more interested in posting rate and ability to engage in some RP

Yea to all interested players.


Do not take a campaign trait as it would not make sense in book 2. Just take any 2 other traits you want.

I want a good personality and someone that is looking to roleplay. Trust me this group handles combat very well! That's not to say you can't make a combat beast just be ready to role play as much as you fight please!

Would a barbarian be okay? Thinking about making him view magic as the root of all evil.

posting rate for me is usually good (as long as there is something to contribute.) I don't like to post just for the sake of posting.

for the next month I work nights and sleep all day. and I am going through some heckic stuff personally but I still try to get as much posting as possible in. I had several games I am in falter and die.

in any event if backstory isn't too much of an issue take a look at my nearly 40 aliases and pick one you like I can play most of them. (if they are in another game then no biggie I just make a duplicate for this game.

Void Dragon wrote:
Would a barbarian be okay? Thinking about making him view magic as the root of all evil.

hehehe Root of all evil....

that was the title of one the games I was GMing.

but life got in the way and I could not devote the needed time.
GMing is a lot of work and I applaude those that do take on that task.

Party Roles that are at least partially filled

Tank Hajar the Paladin
Melee damage Grim the Rogue
Arcane Raj the Wizard
Divine spellcaster Hajar the Paladin, is becoming more heal specced but can back off
Ranged Kuralaak the Crossbow Gnoll "Was the gnoll bartender in the battle market, book 1"
Skills Grim has a bunch covered
Social skills Hajar has a bunch covered

Interested in this game. I have a high posting rate.

Character concept: Female human sorcerer with Efreeti bloodline - fiery red hair and kind of wild/crazy. Let me know if you need full character sheet.

That might work out because

The BBEG for the AP is an Efreeti!

BBEG? Hajar?

Yea I like Lucendar's idea sounds fun.

Big Bad Evil Guy

How do you want us to do health? And should we just leave the equpiment, and weapons blank for now as we wil be slaves?

I could go with Bahram anyway as I haven't played him in a while we will see how it goes.

just need to level him up to where he needs to be

For health we have been doing Max 1st level and 1/2+1 for additional levels.

For items, I dunno work that out with the DM.

Also, you do not need to optimize. Make a character you will have fun with and enjoy posting multiple times per day.

I am coming up with a consensus of what my current players have as far as treasure goes. You will of course be stripped of your gear but it will be laying around here and there for you to get back. So you will buy what you want then fight to get it back.

Recruiting is not over by any means if anyone else is interested! I would love to have some weekend posters!

Here is Lucendar's submission (bare-bones).

Submission from Void Dragon (almost done).

Silver Crusade

Would you be okay with a Gnoll Ranger who mainly used the Feral Nature of teeth can claws as he feels that is the true way to show dominance. He is from a Lesser clan in the Desert.

We already have a gnoll PC, I think maybe having 2 might detract from the first gnoll's rping. What about another race that has access to natural weapons?

Honestly thinking about it, we have 0 humans....playing one would put someone in the minority.

Thorgar is ready except for gold.(Human right here)

Silver Crusade

If I were going for Mechanical choice I probably would have chosen Human.. Also Its the character in general.. He's a tracker and stalker and has less of a revenge bend and more of a establishment/lofty goal bend. This to my knowledge is also one of the few AP's where Gnolls can 1) be chosen and 2) Not be supremely odd to adventure with without some convoluted story. Also Gnolls dont get natural weapons. Though if RACE selection is going to be that much of a detractor I can choose something else.. Because the Feral Gnoll thing was kinda art of his whole thing... And this other guy is making a Barbarian.. so Im not sure if another one would be fine either ( Well he's not ALL barbarian but you get the point)..

Silver Crusade

Go ahead and ask the gnoll player if this would be an issue if so that is fine if not the Character is already done... I have thought about this a LONG time ago.

Submitting Kronus

I'm Kuralaak, a current player, formerly evil Gnoll. Well, I guess I'm still a Gnoll, just not evil. Thanks for all the applications. Dave the Dwarf is an awesome GM so if you get picked you are in for some fun.

I submit Iryna Marita Pantaeva. She was born and raised in the Dog's Teeth, a slum of the Taldan city, Cassomir. With her mother's tutelage and Sarenrae's Grace, Iryna is a healer and a brave blade in her Goddess's service.


I assume by 'skipping' the backstory, you mean we will fill it in later :)

Dark Archive

I'd be willing to submit a Sorceror who'd be heavily slanted towards being party face with a very high Diplomacy and Intimidate modifier. I shall get the crunch statted up tonight.

Collecting my current players opinions. I'll have a decision soon hopefully.

No problem, whatever your players chose I'm sure will be best for them. Kronus is really looking forward to Axing the Carrion King an important Question.... I feel bad nao XD

Dark Archive

1d6 ⇒ 4
1d6 ⇒ 6
1d6 ⇒ 4
1d6 ⇒ 1

I think we are taking average HP for this game.

John Stout's submission.

Althyar is a trained diplomat who works on behalf of high-powered merchants. Unfortunately on his latest mission, the caravan that he was travelling with was set upon by the slavers and it was only through his powers of persuasion that he survives where the guards did not.

As a follower of Sarenrae, he hopes to avenge his fallen comrades but is biding his time before doing so.

His powers as a sorcerer came to light when he was in his teens and over the years he has grown powerful in his own right; he spent some time with academics learning to scribe scrolls and brew potions to supplement his income.

Althyar is a reasoned individual not often given to bouts of emotion, and is usually able to talk his way out of a situation rather than have to resort to magical violence but when he must, he'll use his considerable fire-based repertoire to exact vengeance on those who have wronged him.

Grand Lodge

I am the Wizard of the party.

It's almost hilarious how many people go with Sarenrae for this adventure: Our initial party included a Paladin of Sarenrae (Hajar), a Cleric of Sarenrae, a Ranger who is a devout follower of Sarenrae, a Druid who I believe also worshiped Sarenrae, and me; a wizard who due to his Djinn ancestry is somewhat antagonistic towards all the gods but less so towards Sarenrae because of her aid to the genies in fighting against Rovagug centuries ago.

Our current party is capable of blowing through most enemies in a couple rounds, sometimes less (we recently defeated 20 gnolls in one turn), so don't worry to much about optimization; play for the character. Our most recent encounter included a CR 8, ten CR 1s, and a whole lot of gnolls. Probably our biggest weakness is mental attacks; our average will save is probably something like a +3 or +4, which is pretty bad for a 5th level party.

Dark Archive

I think Sarenrae is really the go to deity for Legacy of Fire; certainly I've seen far more applications over the years taking Sarenrae rather than any other deity.

I don't usually optimise characters but I've decided to give this a shot to see how it goes. However, if the party are really hurting versus enchantments and the like, I can very easily rustle up an Elven (or even Half-Elf) Inquisitor of some description.

Liberty's Edge

Are you still taking apps for this? Based on the party make up and the expected intro, I'm thinking fallen gladiator-slave. Likely a barbarian.

Liberty's Edge

Here is my app. He's a beefy and rugged ulfen brawler based largely on a PFS character of the same name. By virtue of his class makeup he comes with some bonus outdoorsy skills.

I know you mentioned that you weren't really looking for backgrounds so I'll keep it brief. He was banished from his home up north and wandered around for a bit. He ended up getting caught by slavers near Absalom and sold to a pitfighting ring because of his fearsome size and strength. He had a pretty successful career and made his handlers a lot of coin until he lost an important bout and cost them a fortune. Convinced that their champion was spent, they sold to him to *whoever has him when he's introduced*.

Ursus the Breaker:
Ursus the Breaker
Human (Ulfen) Monk (Monk of the Sacred Mountain) 1/Ranger (Guide) 4
LN Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +9
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 52 (4d10+1d8+19)
Fort +10 (+4 vs. hot or cold environments and to resist damage from suffocation), Ref +9, Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Unarmed strike +9 (1d6+6/x2)
Ranged Masterwork Shuriken +7 (1d2+5/x2)
Special Attacks flurry of blows -1/-1, ranger's focus +2 (2/day)
Ranger (Guide) Spells Prepared (CL 1):
1 (1/day) Lead Blades
Str 21, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +4; CMB +9 (+12 Grappling); CMD 21 (23 vs. Grapple)
Feats Double Slice, Endurance, Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack -2/+4, Skill Focus (Survival), Stunning Fist (2/day) (DC 13), Two-weapon Fighting
Traits Freedom Fighter
Skills Acrobatics +5, Climb +8, Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist +1 (+2 competence to break a grapple), Fly +1, Intimidate +8, Perception +9 (+11 while in urban terrain), Perform (Lovemaking) +4, Perform (sing) +4, Ride +1, Sense Motive +5, Stealth +1 (+3 while in urban terrain), Survival +8 (+10 while in urban terrain, +10 to track), Swim +8 (+12 to resist nonlethal damage from exhaustion)
Languages Common, Skald
SQ combat styles (two-weapon combat), favored terrain (urban +2), stunning fist (stun), terrain bond, track, unarmed strike (1d6), wild empathy
Other Gear Mithral Breastplate, Masterwork Shuriken (50), Armbands of the brawler, Belt of giant strength +2, Cloak of resistance +1, 490 GP
Special Abilities
Armbands of the brawler +1 to Escape Artist to break a grapple.
Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Favored Terrain (Urban +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs Favored Terrain (Urban).
Flurry of Blows -1/-1 (Ex) Make Flurry of Blows attack as a full rd action.
Freedom Fighter You've developed a reputation as a privateer who fights for freedom. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks. This bonus becomes a -2 penalty when dealing with slavers or those who support the slave trade. Diplomacy becomes a class skill for yo
Improved Grapple You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when grappling a foe.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Power Attack -2/+4 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Ranger's Focus +2 (2/day) (Ex) +2 to hit and damage focused target.
Stunning Fist (2/day) (DC 13) You can stun an opponent with an unarmed attack.
Stunning Fist (Stun) (Ex) At 1st level, the monk gains Stunning Fist as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the monk gains the ability to apply a new condition to the target of his Stunning Fist. This conditio
Terrain Bond (Ex) Allies within LOS and hearing gain +2 Initiative, Perception, Stealth, Survival and don't leave tracks within your favored terrain.
Track +2 Add the listed bonus to survival checks made to track.
Unarmed Strike (1d6) The Monk does lethal damage with his unarmed strikes.
Wild Empathy +4 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.

Ursus is a great bear of a man, standing over two meters tall and half as broad. He is gifted with the hulking musculature that makes his people sought out as bodyguards - his massive limbs and chest thick with corded muscle. A thin iron filigree headband keeps his wild burnished golden mane out of his eyes while still allowing it to frame his rugged features.

When not armored for the pits, he is bare-chested and wears little more than a few furs draped down his shoulders and across his hips but never seems uncomfortable or suffers the cold. At his hip is a simple dagger but he carries no other weapons. A fine chain ending in a black iron amulet emblazoned with a fist dangles midway down his bulging pectorals.

A life of hardship has made Ursus a bit of a hedonist and a nihilist and he doesn't put much thought into cosmic good or evil. He recognizes kindness and cruelty, he just doesn't see much purpose in either. As such, he tends to see to his own needs and pleasures first. Those typically include a good drink, a good fight, and a good f!~&.

His fall from prominence has shaken his confidence but not his world view. Recent additions to his goals include revenge against those that got him involved in slavery in the first place, payback for his previous owners for abandoning him as soon as the wins stopped coming, and a rematch against the new champion of the pits.

He may not seem like 'hero' material but things will change fairly quickly when he see what a difference a few dedicated souls can make (the PCs). From there, I could see him becoming a fervent freedom fighter and champion of the downtrodden.

Stuff you should know about me:

I'm a regular on these boards - I both play in and run several games. I was a co-DM for the Skull and Shackles game here that finished the whole AP from start to end in ~4 months so I know about keeping a game moving at a good pace. =P

I'm a frequent poster and have no trouble posting many times per day (or less if that's what the DM prefers). I work in an office, I have a PC at home, and I have a smartphone with an RSS feed for my games. I can post just about anywhere.

Selina Aldaeth and Iryna Marita Pantaeva are the choices. All the rest of you will stay in reserve if we need more players.

You have 5K gold to spend anyway you want. You will need to find your gear though.

I see I guess I truly didnt have a chance with this char manly due to people wanting to pick the best char for the groups which will almost always be magic and healing... no one really turns that down... I'll await till later, tough it will suck if we get past the CK.. as He was a major part of this chars interaction. I Probably should have made a cleric to increase consideration but alas I chose char choice over that.

Hrmm I read the story and everything... Oh well keep me posted.

Liberty's Edge

The DM and other players said numerous times that class wasn't a big factor. For whatever reason, they thought Selina and Iryna's personas were more interesting or a better fit.

Don't give up. There's a game out there for everyone.

Numerous times does not sadly make it true... Remember we were also told not to do backstory and one of the players noted something when I simply chose a Gnoll as a Race... then people proceeded to make humes... Note both of the new people are Humes.. So it would invariably come down to class and what they bring at that point because backstory and personalty would have to come AFTER they were chosen. This is a fact.

Grand Lodge

The backstory was asked to be skipped because we are already in the middle of the adventure and Dave needed to be able to integrate you, but a note on who the character is and how they became that person was totally acceptable and desirable.

I will give you though, at low levels (imbo) there is a lot more individuality between characters of spellcasting classes, and so it is a bit easier for them to come up with a memorable character.

Selina was chosen because her character had a bunch of good hooks to tie it into the storyline pretty easily, and also because her player posts alot.

Iryna was chosen because her character has a tie to Sarenrae, which has become a pretty central theme to the story so far. The Sarenrae vs. Rovagug conflict and with my own character the redemption aspects of Sarenrae's portfolio.

Kronus, I don't like the implication that for whatever reason you thought I was a liar.

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