[Frog God Games] The Lost Lands: Sword of Air Kickstarter has gone live!

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Layout and Design, Frog God Games

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The Lost Lands: Sword of Air Kickstarter

Currently, this epic tome (estimated page count 500+) consists of several parts:

1. The Hel’s Temple Dungeon—kind of like Tomb of Horrors on crack. This six-level, trap-and-puzzle infested dungeon formed the basis of Bill's game through his high school and college years. Clark Peterson’s very own Bannor the Paladin spent several real life months in the place, and, sadly, finished the objective. This is where the fragments of the fabled Sword of Air can be found…perhaps.

2. The Wilderness of the Lost Lands extending to the humanoid-infested Deepfells Mountains and providing detail about the nearby Wizard’s Wall. This so-called “wall” was raised by the archmages Margon and Alycthron harnessing the Spirit of the Stoneheart Mountains to raise the land itself, creating a massive escarpment to block invaders from the Haunted Steppes. These archmages are actual player characters from the early 1980s who live on in the legends of the Lost Lands. Over 70 unique encounter areas are detailed, and each one is a mini-adventure in itself. New wilderness areas may be added based on bonus goals described below!

3. The Ruined City of Tsen. Legend has it the city was destroyed by a falling meteor. This place forms an aboveground dungeon area the size of a city, with over 100 detailed encounter areas. It’s a very dark place…even at noon.

4. The Wizard’s Feud—This campaign-style adventure pits the players in a long-running series of intrigues and battles between two archmages. Which side will they take? Their actions all play into the overall quest, and could well determine which side wins. Law and Chaos are not always what they seem, and if the wrong decisions are made, the entire ordeal could fail. Remember, one of the wizards WANTS Tsathogga to win.

5. New monsters, new demons, new spells, and new rules for various aspects of play.

6. [Bonus level—see bonus goals below] The Tower of Bells. This dungeon is the result of the workshop Bill ran at PaizoCon 2013, where the participants assisted him in building an old-school dungeon. Visit the tower and discover the secrets of the “artist” within. Beware: those entering may never come out!

7. Character-killing Session (Bonus Module! See below). This adventure is a sequel to Wizard’s Feud, and was first survived by a party in Dallas this June. This is what happens to the players should they choose the wrong side in the war between the wizards; a sort of “second chance” should they fail. The adventure itself harkens back to 1980 or so—even so, no one ever lived through it until recently.

8. [Bonus Map—see bonus goals below] A fold out map of the entire Lost Lands

9. Bill Webb’s Book of Dirty Tricks. This utility will allow Bill to share some of his infamous secrets of play in the Lost Lands. It contains many nasty adventure hooks, fake leads and other tricks that a Judge can spring on his players; and it’s keyed with some links to this adventure.

The bonus module titled Character Killing Session will be added to the book; estimated page count 32 pages. This book will only be available with this Kickstarter at certain pledge levels. Bill Webb’s Book of Dirty Tricks will be available later for purchase.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

There seems to be a small issue with the title of this thread, unless it's about Tsathoggua's legs :-).

Dark Archive

And backed right away, without hesitation on the Pathfinder Esquire level. Looking very much forward to it.

Layout and Design, Frog God Games

John Woodford wrote:
There seems to be a small issue with the title of this thread, unless it's about Tsathoggua's legs :-).

Hey, have you seen the gams on Bill?


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Vinyard Vaughn wrote:
And backed right away, without hesitation on the Pathfinder Esquire level. Looking very much forward to it.

Same here. FGG's quality of work easily merits 200 bucks from me every time they offer a kickstarter!

Publisher, Frog God Games

Textbook stitching FTW. I want you to be able to give these things to your grandchildren.

Publisher, Frog God Games

Wow...holy Reaper. $750k in 8 hours. Hope folks need some adventure material to use with those models!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

And Air of Sword already up to $16,000.

I like the sound of this. I am kind of getting concerned that a whole shelf of one of my bookcases is filling up with a collection of massive FGG books. ;)

It's not hard to spot them out of the lineup.

Looking forward to this one. I know what you mean about the shelf, but instead of concern I'm elated.

Layout and Design, Frog God Games

Please help spread the word!

Maybe send out an update to the Rappan Athuk Kickstarter (or any of the others) letting people know this is live. I will admit that I expected it to have funded by now, but may be that was just optimism.

Grand Lodge

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I'm a backer, and so can you!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The Reaper Bones II is a madhouse right now. Probably pulling everyones attention. I've backed at the $200 level...<.<

Almost a third of the way there. Must have stretch goal goodies.

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Backed, just wish I could think my way around the nuclear edition!! I backed Rappan Athuk and Razor Coast and have Slumbering Tsar. I love the books that you guys do. You're a credit to the 3rd party universe and a model of how a Kickstarter should work. Thanks and keep it up!

Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

When we get to 100 backers, Im going to start releasing samples and teasers!

Senjen wrote:
Maybe send out an update to the Rappan Athuk Kickstarter (or any of the others) letting people know this is live. I will admit that I expected it to have funded by now, but may be that was just optimism.

Yep, should send an update to Rappan Athuk, Swords & Wizardry, and Razor Coast KS. Everyone who pledged in those should be made aware.

Also, maybe update the blog and place a linked banner on the FGG website. Also, send an email from Rana Reader database.

Hmmm, some advertising and marketing could actually help. However, FGG were caught by surprise on the quick approval so I am hopeful they will implement some of the above soon.

Shadow Lodge

Ends the day after my birthday!

Too bad my financial situation at the moment preclude me from getting this right now. :(

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Oh Man ... I have Slumbering Tsar and the Tome of Horrors Complete ... and I'd really like to have this ... but like "Kthulhu" above ... I am also unsure my financial situation will allow me to pledge at this time.

(I realize there is time however) ... crosses fingers.

Shadow Lodge

Kthulhu wrote:
Too bad my financial situation at the moment preclude me from getting this right now. :(


Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

And the good news is that after the kickstarter the book will be available on the Frog God website... Might miss the goodies of the kickstarter but you can still get the book.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Will the bonus module be available as an add on? I'd like to back at $110 plus the bonus mod if possible.


Is there a possibility for receiving a 'nuclear' version only? I'd be just fine with the one copy without the additional leather and standard copies.

Shem wrote:
And the good news is that after the kickstarter the book will be available on the Frog God website... Might miss the goodies of the kickstarter but you can still get the book.

That's only if it funds. If it doesn't fund, there is no Sword of Air.

Off to a great start!

If you search for "pathfinder" on Kickstarter, this product isn't listed. I occasionally do a search for "pathfinder" on Kickstarter, but without seeing this thread here, I wouldn't have out about found this.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

It will fund. That is not the issue, and I am in for $600.00. But some folks who cannot afford to fund the kickstarter will still have a chance to buy at least the main book after it is released.

Demontroll - search on either Frog God Games or Sword of Air.

Shadow Lodge

demontroll wrote:
If you search for "pathfinder" on Kickstarter, this product isn't listed. I occasionally do a search for "pathfinder" on Kickstarter, but without seeing this thread here, I wouldn't have out about found this.

As it's being offered for two systems, it's NOT a solely Pathfinder product, which may be one reason it's not showing up with a search for Pathfinder.

Shem wrote:
Demontroll - search on either Frog God Games or Sword of Air.

I'm not saying I can't find it. I'm saying Frog God needs to add "pathfinder" as a keyword to their description so others can find it. Say for example, people who play Pathfinder, but are not fortuitous to know the name of the product before they know of its existence.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

backed at $200.

$2700 for the nuclear edition... it has all 3 books. Maybe we can make a nuclear edition with just the one book for cheaper? I'm not sure why I would need all 3.

Founder, Legendary Games & Publisher, Necromancer Games, RPG Superstar Judge

To paraphrase the classical scholar Erasmus, the prince of humanists himself:

"When I get a little money I buy [RPG] books; and if any is left I buy food and clothes."

I've always followed that wise advice. :) See, there is no need to consider competing financial concerns. It goes: game books, then food, then clothes. He doesn't even mention shelter, so clearly rent comes last. I'm not sure where cable bill and cell phone plan fit in, but I have to imagine my buddy "Rassy" as I like to call him (we go waaaay back) would agree game books come before those, too.


(as an aside, Bill and I went to the same college and our college book store had that quote printed on the bookmarks they gave out with every purchase, I always loved that)

Founder, Legendary Games & Publisher, Necromancer Games, RPG Superstar Judge

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Friends, Romans, Countrymen, Gamers,

I've seen the source material. The classic old binders with all of Bill's cribbed notes (indecipherable to the mortal eye, his writing is so hard to read). This is truly some amazing stuff. This stuff is it--it is the real deal, the original material. His stuff. His home campaign. Sure, I expanded some of it from my home campaign and that stuff made its way into some of the Necromancer cannon. But at heart it's Bill's home campaign. Particularly these adventures. I know because I've gone through them as a player.

I'm just going to call it like I see it: Bill is basically a modern day Bob Bledsaw. And FGG, carrying on the spirit of Necromancer, is essentially like a modern day Judges Guild in my opinion.

I can't say enough about how much you guys are going to love this content. But it's more than that. Just like the Wilderlands and the City State has a special place, or Blackmoor or Greyhawk. Bill's home campaign is epic. And I also think, given Bill's amazing role in 3E and post-3E publishing, there is an important history of gaming quality to this stuff. I think 20 years from now they may not remember me but I think Bill will be remembered for his impact on D&D/gaming.

Bill I am proud of you and I am so glad this stuff is going to see the light of day. I know all of you are really going to enjoy it!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I am very much looking forward to this and kicked in at the $200 level (Can't afford more this time due to being a new home owner).

But what I really want to know is when are we go to see a "The Lost Lands" Campaign Guide?

Layout and Design, Frog God Games

Dragnmoon wrote:

I am very much looking forward to this and kicked in at the $200 level (Can't afford more this time due to being a new home owner).

But what I really want to know is when are we go to see a "The Lost Lands" Campaign Guide?

2014 if everything goes as planned, the Campaign Setting is being worked on now and has been being worked on for some time.

Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

JoelF847 wrote:
Will the bonus module be available as an add on? I'd like to back at $110 plus the bonus mod if possible.

Joel-No. The bonus mods are special level incentives.

Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

demontroll wrote:
Shem wrote:
Demontroll - search on either Frog God Games or Sword of Air.
I'm not saying I can't find it. I'm saying Frog God needs to add "pathfinder" as a keyword to their description so others can find it. Say for example, people who play Pathfinder, but are not fortuitous to know the name of the product before they know of its existence.

Sent an email, looking in to adding this to the Title area for easier searching. Dont know if we can add at this point.

99 backers! It's almost teaser time!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

101 backers and... a third of the way to the goal in only two days.

We are on a roll...

I've been on board with all of the previous FGG kickstarts, so I'm thinking I'll nab this one as well. My biggest regret has been going the cheap route with the RA collection and just picking up the S&W version of the hardback (I have the original 3 Necromancer mods, but missing the pricey one). Using the iPad for the PDF of RA is sort of a bummer, so I'll likely get in at Squire level so I can haz both hardbacks.

Keep up the good work FGG!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
scadgrad wrote:
I've been on board with all of the previous FGG kickstarts, so I'm thinking I'll nab this one as well.

You know you need to! There is even a kitty on the cover!

Closing in on 30K.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Meh sadly my gaming group and I may have to pass on this one. As much as I love FGG's stuff, we've got some serious concerns about the Hero Lab files not being available unless the KS hits 140k. We aren't going to use the book unless we've got the HL files, so it's hard to justify a 110$ (or higher) investment that could end up unused on a bookshelf.

Hate to be that group, but we're gonna have to wait to invest until the KS hits 140k. It would have been nice to have the creation of the HL files included as part of the base release along with the book itself and to have d20Pro maps included as a 140k stretch goal instead.

Or to just know that the Hero Lab files will have to get created regardless of funding level, and then charge appropriately for them on the FGG site.

Anyway, here's hoping for mega levels of funding!

Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:

Meh sadly my gaming group and I may have to pass on this one. As much as I love FGG's stuff, we've got some serious concerns about the Hero Lab files not being available unless the KS hits 140k. We aren't going to use the book unless we've got the HL files, so it's hard to justify a 110$ (or higher) investment that could end up unused on a bookshelf.

Hate to be that group, but we're gonna have to wait to invest until the KS hits 140k. It would have been nice to have the creation of the HL files included as part of the base release along with the book itself and to have d20Pro maps included as a 140k stretch goal instead.

Or to just know that the Hero Lab files will have to get created regardless of funding level, and then charge appropriately for them on the FGG site.

Anyway, here's hoping for mega levels of funding!

So, instead of helping to make it happen, you want everyone else to do the heavy lifting? If everyone was of this mindset, we wouldn't have been able to have any of our products formatted in HL.

OK. :/

I'm liking the fact that this has 40+ days for funding. I'll be kicking in some cash, nice that I can "split" the costs over 2 months (I set the monies aside in a different account, and it just... waits. With a cyber-guard hound, to keep pesky adventurers away).

Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:

Meh sadly my gaming group and I may have to pass on this one. As much as I love FGG's stuff, we've got some serious concerns about the Hero Lab files not being available unless the KS hits 140k. We aren't going to use the book unless we've got the HL files, so it's hard to justify a 110$ (or higher) investment that could end up unused on a bookshelf.

Hate to be that group, but we're gonna have to wait to invest until the KS hits 140k. It would have been nice to have the creation of the HL files included as part of the base release along with the book itself and to have d20Pro maps included as a 140k stretch goal instead.

Or to just know that the Hero Lab files will have to get created regardless of funding level, and then charge appropriately for them on the FGG site.

Anyway, here's hoping for mega levels of funding!

You do realize that you can contribute to the Kickstarter to help it reach that funding, and if it does not reach it, you can cancel your pledge before it ends? Before it ends would be the important part to remember. But that way, you can help them reach that goal, have your contribution in already, and help to encourage other people as well.

One thing that I am a little confused about with the HL files...Is it a part of the KS, or will be they add-ons separate?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Skeets, your point is understandable.

...but it's also a matter of perspective. Offer the HL files as a for sure thing and I'll do my part of the heavy lifting, right here. Right now. At an increased cost to cover your risk of adding the HL files up front as a given. Maybe the 110$ tier goes up... Maybe it doesn't but the HL files are added as an add-on for separate purchase.

I'm certainly not holding out on the KS out of spite...the literally thousands of dollars that I've spent on NG and FGG products over the years will attest that I'll put my money where I see something that I want and can use.

The hard lesson that I've learned over the years is that my group ends up not using content that we don't have HL stuff for because we're located between Texas and Michigan so everything we do is virtual. Myself and the other GM are husbands and fathers so, time being limited, we don't run content that we don't ready have HL files for.

Slumbering Tsar was a particularly expensive learning lesson for us. We kept thinking 'somebody will eventually have to create HL files for this thing, right?' Well, it never happened, we never ran it and now we're gun shy of it happening again.

So, let me propose what I think what would be a solution...remove Hero Lab from the KS concept altogether from Sword of Air and everything else FGG does or will do and make it a part of the core business model.

Is the content proof read? Check.
Is the art in? Check.
Has it been play tested? Check.
Have the Hero Lab files been generated? Check.

At this point, check the hours spent at cost for HL file creation, markup with your desired profit percentage, and post for purchase on the website.

Here's another option: build the original PF content using HL from the start. You have enough experience with it to know it speeds up the process anyway...build the encounters with it at the beginning and there is no additional effort beyond the content creation that had to happen regardless.

Anyway, I've traded enough posts and emails with you over the past couple years that I'm not gonna take personally your idea that I somehow want others to shoulder a burden I don't want to bear.

What I want is Hero Lab files for everything that ever has been or ever will be written for the Pathfinder system, by any company. Since I'll never quite achieve that goal, the task on my part is to spend my really finite funds on investments that have the highest chance of meeting both of my requirements (SoA adventure and SoA HL files) while at the same time minimizing the risk of the money being spent (the KS funds successfully) but it doesn't meet my requirements (HL files not created).

Anyway hoss I hope you know I have nothing but good intentions towards FGG and it's future. This isn't the first time you and I have gone a couple rounds over HL files and I don't suspect it'll be the last.

Que tenga buen dia, mi amigo

Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:

Skeets, your point is understandable.

...but it's also a matter of perspective. Offer the HL files as a for sure thing and I'll do my part of the heavy lifting, right here. Right now. At an increased cost to cover your risk of adding the HL files up front as a given. Maybe the 110$ tier goes up... Maybe it doesn't but the HL files are added as an add-on for separate purchase.

I'm certainly not holding out on the KS out of spite...the literally thousands of dollars that I've spent on NG and FGG products over the years will attest that I'll put my money where I see something that I want and can use.

The hard lesson that I've learned over the years is that my group ends up not using content that we don't have HL stuff for because we're located between Texas and Michigan so everything we do is virtual. Myself and the other GM are husbands and fathers so, time being limited, we don't run content that we don't ready have HL files for.

Slumbering Tsar was a particularly expensive learning lesson for us. We kept thinking 'somebody will eventually have to create HL files for this thing, right?' Well, it never happened, we never ran it and now we're gun shy of it happening again.

So, let me propose what I think what would be a solution...remove Hero Lab from the KS concept altogether from Sword of Air and everything else FGG does or will do and make it a part of the core business model.

Is the content proof read? Check.
Is the art in? Check.
Has it been play tested? Check.
Have the Hero Lab files been generated? Check.

At this point, check the hours spent at cost for HL file creation, markup with your desired profit percentage, and post for purchase on the website.

Here's another option: build the original PF content using HL from the start. You have enough experience with it to know it speeds up the process anyway...build the encounters with it at the beginning and there is no additional effort beyond the content creation that had to happen regardless.

Anyway, I've...

Ah, figures, DJF would be more rational than me lol

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While I want the HL and D20Pro files, I am not going to hold out until it gets to that level to get them. I do agree that I would prefer that they be included in the base level even if at extra cost. We are still gathering funds to do our pledge here. Would rather do one transaction with Amazon than several at this point. Count us in at some level in any case.

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