Silly question: Is Summoner the best summoner?


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Is the Summoner class the best summoner? What about for CRB classes only? Druid with a Shaman totem archetype or straight Wizard?

Nope, the Master Summoner is the best summoner. He's quite masterful at it.

CRB only? Wizard.

CRB classes and APG/UM/UC feats / archetypes? Possibly Evangelist cleric focusing on summons. Possibly Lion Shaman.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Depends on what you are playing. Assuming its allowed the Master Summoner really strikes me as one of the best, spell like ability, free aug summon, and 5 + Cha/day of his highest level summon plus a great list of spells for summon buffing and a small pet for odd jobs between fights.

Sweet, ok, thanks. :) There are so many aspects to pathfinder that I still have to take in. SO many different races, classes, and combinations therein.

Widjit wrote:
Is the Summoner class the best summoner? What about for CRB classes only? Druid with a Shaman totem archetype or straight Wizard?

Unfortunately it depends on the definition of "best".

The summoner is probably the best summoner (no pun intended), and the master summoner is masterful (pun intended). However, summoning is problematic for taking time and space on the battlefield. Also, many summons are weak, so you're taking up time, space and not damage. (Many, however, isn't all!) You can summon creatures for a long time, a tremendous boost in power, though it takes a little game skill to leverage that.

Like wizards, summoners have lots of "party buffs" that work great with summons. Haste, for instance. Since you can have summons out "ahead of time" due to the longer duration, you can just cast Haste on round one (instead of spamming summons beforehand).

The summoner is both powerful and complicated, and some DMs ban summoners.

My last Pathfinder PC was a druid with the bear shaman archetype. Tiger (or big cat, or whatever) is probably better, but that was mainly due to the animal companions. (Pounce isn't a big deal if you summon a creature next to your opponent, but it's a big deal if you have an animal companion, or for when you wildshape.) Being able to summon bears as a standard action was amazing. On the other hand, you have much less variety of what you can summon. Most druid summons cannot penetrate even magic DR, and while you can cast Greater Magic Fang, that's a standard action. I found it easier to use GMF on my animal companion hours ahead of time and then cast Animal Growth on it during the battle instead.

Elementals for raw power, but few creatures with lots of spells. Druids could summon unicorns in 3.5 (who could cast Cure Serious Wounds plus Magic Circle Against Evil) but not in Pathfinder. *Sigh*

Wizards (especially conjurers) are great summoners, and sorcerers are only a smidgen behind. I'm not too familiar with most sorcerer bloodlines, though. Compared to druids, your summons can have much more varied abilities and can usually penetrate magic (but not other forms of) damage reduction.

You can also use Planar Binding, but that's risky. Also Gate at 17th-level.

Wizards have a variety of spells that synergize well with summoning. For instance, Invisibility.

Clerics might be even better summoners. You're tougher than a wizard and you can summon pretty much the same creatures. You can supplement your summoning with Planar Ally, which is much less risky than Planar Binding.

Clerics don't have the synergy that wizards do, though, unless you're a Trickery cleric or go out of your way to get spells that achieve synergy.

One thing is for sure, Druids are pretty terrible summoners. The SNA list is just so blatantly inferior to SM... And while being able to spont. cast them is nice, it doesn't make them any better as summoners. That's more of a, "this spell I prepared looks like it's going to go to waste; may as well summon something instead." A consolation prize.

(Master) Summoner is possibly the best summoner, it really depends on the level range and game parameters. A level 15+ (or 11+ w/ robes of arcane heritage) Abyssal bloodline sorcerer with Superior Summoning can potentially be the best summoner just on sheer volume. The Summoner class is at least close to the best at it at all character levels and situations, at least. It would be the best choice if that is what you wanted to focus on.


Well there are a chain of feats that key off SNA that boost the types of DR your summons get through....but once you have the feats they actually apply to all no matter which type of summoner you pick, if you can snag SNA to qualify then all the summon routes become stronger.

1: Master Summoner.
2: Regular Summoner.

Cleric (standard action , summoning with Sacred Summons from level 5 onwards).
Lion/Eagle Shaman Druid (Standard action summons, bonus temp hp).
Wizard actually brings very little to the table in terms of summoning, compared to a Cleric.
Level 11+ Abyssal Sorcerer might take the prize.
At low levels, priests of Asmodeus might win, by being able to summon Hell Hounds with SM II.

Scarab Sages

The wizard brings Conjurer and the ability to make a summons permanent. No other class can do that.

I would say 1-19 Summoner is the best Summoner. At 20 its a Conjuration Wizard hands down. As Artanthos pointed out. They can make any summons permanent(One at a time though). Thats crazy powerful. But considering most games never even reach 20, the summoner is your safe bet. If all you consider is summons.

The teleportation ability is nice too. I wish they had an eldritch heritage feat chain for Wizard schools like they had for Sorc bloodlines. It would be an automatic feat choice for Summoners I suppose so maybe its too powerful.

Let me just deconstruct this to illustrate how good master summoners are at summoning.

The summoner gets a daily alotment of the best Summon Monster level available to any class of the same level (or Gate if he is level 19+), equal to 3+his CHA modifier. Not like for example the druid or wizard who can cast their highest level summon spells maybe 2 or 3 times and for the rest of the day are stuck with lower level summons.
In addition to that the Summoner's Summon Monsters only take a standard action to summon and their creature remains for 1 minute (for the record: that's 10 rounds) per level. While a regular casting of summon monster takes 1 round, which is not a full round action, but means you begin casting at the beginning of your turn this round, and the summoned creature appears on the beginning of your turn next round. So not only one round later, but every enemy in range has the chance to interrupt your spell with some damage. And THEN it only lasts for one round per level.
Except for druids all other classes have to either learn or prepare summon spells, so they are limited by this as well. For spontaneous casters this means giving up one of their known spells for a spell that will eventually become obsolete (because the creature it summons, is just not pwerful enough anymore), while for prepared casters it means sharing their spell slots between summons and other spells, while the summoner can ust fire away indiscriminately.
The only advantage of other classes' summoning spells is that they are not limited to one summon at a time, but a summoner can also cast summon monster as a spell from his spell list, if he so desires, to make up or that.

Now we have the master summoner who adds to all the goodies that the summoner gets the following:
2 extra uses of his summon monster ability per day, the ability to have his eidolon summoned while maintaining one summon and the option to have as many summons as he can cast active at the same time, when his eidolon is not summoned.
And finally he gets augment summoning at level 2 as a bonus feat without needing the (quite frankly useless) spell focus requirement, which adds +4 STR and CON to all his summons.

The Exchange

If you shelf you Ediolon and pick up feats to buff your summons? He's the fastest mid range summoner. Best? Best is the Summoner who can buff his summons once they are out. Clerics tend to be that.

@ Threeshades - While the Master Summoner is more powerful. I always enjoy the Summoner more in actual play. Having a full strength Eidolon is pretty powerful in its own right... and being limited to one summons at a time when your Eidolon is dismissed (none when he is out) is far more balanced imo.

Master Summoner can bog down a game quick if the player doesn't prepare beforehand and have everything on notecards or such.

StreamOfTheSky wrote:
One thing is for sure, Druids are pretty terrible summoners. The SNA list is just so blatantly inferior to SM... And while being able to spont. cast them is nice, it doesn't make them any better as summoners.

I wouldn't say they are terrible. Is SM superior to SNA... sure. But SNA isn't terrible. Its still a nice list. Add in the feats you can take and spontanous casting and its pretty nice. Thats on top of the fact they have all the other druid tricks. Wildshape, Animal Companion, Full Caster, Armored casting, ect. I would say they make a decent Summoner. If you dont focus simply on summoning they are even better.

The Exchange

What makes a summon good is what it can do. Summoners are powerful because of the range of critters they can pull out is nice and broad. But speciality summons from clerics and druids can open up options you normally couldn't get.

Ice Elementals are NASTY in the right hands. Good use of buffs help too.

It's not how many you can get out there. But how useful and flexible the critter is.

Ex. I could drop a group of Bears or a Celestial Rhino which acts like a mega Str Paladin in a fight with a crazy good charge. Which do you think I'll drop vs undead?

So, what does the feat progression look like?

Spell Focus (conjuration)
Augmented Summoning
Superior Summoning
Summon Good Monster
Sacred Summons

Which order for, say, a cleric? Level 7 is pretty far into most campaigns, and that's just for a human. Can you do without any of them?

TheLoneCleric wrote:
If you shelf you Ediolon and pick up feats to buff your summons? He's the fastest mid range summoner. Best? Best is the Summoner who can buff his summons once they are out. Clerics tend to be that.

Th summoner spell list has plenty of buffs. That's the core mechanic of the entire class, get your summon/eidolon out and buff it.

Dragonamedrake wrote:

@ Threeshades - While the Master Summoner is more powerful. I always enjoy the Summoner more in actual play. Having a full strength Eidolon is pretty powerful in its own right... and being limited to one summons at a time when your Eidolon is dismissed (none when he is out) is far more balanced imo.

Master Summoner can bog down a game quick if the player doesn't prepare beforehand and have everything on notecards or such.

My personal preference is the regular summoner as well, because the eidolon is what I love so much about the class, but when it comes to summoning power, the master summoner is just better.

The Exchange

Sissyl wrote:

So, what does the feat progression look like?

Spell Focus (conjuration)
Augmented Summoning
Superior Summoning
Summon Good Monster
Sacred Summons

Which order for, say, a cleric? Level 7 is pretty far into most campaigns, and that's just for a human. Can you do without any of them?

Good question. Most Clerics can go with Spell Focus and maybe Augmented. But if you are running into enemy casters to banish your summons, etc. you might want to up the anty. Focus on enhancing durations of summons and giving them just enough of a bump in caster level to make them resist stuff. Then eyeball the stats on the summons and see which have the saves and attacks you need for the situation. Most of the really good summoners in my games have a hot list of top 5 summons they drop depending on need.

Beware Sacred/Good if you are running to folks that drop Smite Good. Consider neutral summons. OOOR look into the classic non-critable elementals. Each fills a need.

Superior Summoning isn't needed I suppose. they are all good though. Being a dedicated Summoner is pretty feat intensive. Summon Good Monster and Sacred Summons go hand in hand. Without Summon Good Monster you might or might not have creatures to summon that match your alignment. Spell Focus and Aug Summ are automatic choices.

Sacred summons doesn't require goodness. Sacred summons is what a LE cleric of Asmodeus uses to get his Hellhounds out as a standard action, as well as an Iomedaean to get Lantern Archons.

The Exchange

Threeshades wrote:
TheLoneCleric wrote:
If you shelf you Ediolon and pick up feats to buff your summons? He's the fastest mid range summoner. Best? Best is the Summoner who can buff his summons once they are out. Clerics tend to be that.
Th summoner spell list has plenty of buffs. That's the core mechanic of the entire class, get your summon/eidolon out and buff it.

Yes, indeed. But notice they had to cook up Summoner typed buffs to fill the stuff they don't get that Clerics already had that works on themselves, party members, AND summons. Summoner Buffs I think only work on themselves and their summons. Not a game breaker but something to consider.

Sissyl wrote:
Sacred summons doesn't require goodness. Sacred summons is what a LE cleric of Asmodeus uses to get his Hellhounds out as a standard action, as well as an Iomedaean to get Lantern Archons.

Um what? I was assuming the question was for a player character. Most of which are good clerics...not clerics of Asmodeus lol. In which case Summon Good Monster adds alot of creatures that match his emination therefore giving him more creatures he can summon as a standard action.

Of course Summon Good Monster does nothing for you if your a LE Cleric. Thats kind of a no duh situation.

Thing is, I get the feeling that +2/3 damage per attack and 2*HD extra hp isn't all that impressive after a while. Sure, your celestial dire lion may get a +10 damage total per round, but still. Especially since SGM lets you summon tons of critters with Diehard, which gives them some extra staying power. For low levels, however, SF(c) and AS make a big difference. Superior Summoning is awesome for summoning somewhat weaker monsters, but how often do you want that? I haven't, obviously, played any summoning-focused character. Is there something to this, or is it b&+!~**s?

The Exchange

Sissyl wrote:
Sacred summons doesn't require goodness. Sacred summons is what a LE cleric of Asmodeus uses to get his Hellhounds out as a standard action, as well as an Iomedaean to get Lantern Archons.

But doesn't it also tie it to your alignement. So if you are GOOD then you drop GOOD critters? At least the alignment of your god. This can be a drawback in some/but not all situations.

Don't get me wrong, faster summons of those types are seriously useful.

The Exchange

Sissyl wrote:
Thing is, I get the feeling that +2/3 damage per attack and 2*HD extra hp isn't all that impressive after a while. Sure, your celestial dire lion may get a +10 damage total per round, but still. Especially since SGM lets you summon tons of critters with Diehard, which gives them some extra staying power. For low levels, however, SF(c) and AS make a big difference. Superior Summoning is awesome for summoning somewhat weaker monsters, but how often do you want that? I haven't, obviously, played any summoning-focused character. Is there something to this, or is it b@%*!&%s?

Depends. Some lower level critters have better self buffs/powers/movements you might want to hang around for a while longer. This is spotty at best once flying critters become standard. But Flying isn't always optimal.

It's basically playing Pathfinder Pokemon. What's super effective in the right environment?

TheLoneCleric wrote:
Threeshades wrote:
TheLoneCleric wrote:
If you shelf you Ediolon and pick up feats to buff your summons? He's the fastest mid range summoner. Best? Best is the Summoner who can buff his summons once they are out. Clerics tend to be that.
Th summoner spell list has plenty of buffs. That's the core mechanic of the entire class, get your summon/eidolon out and buff it.
Yes, indeed. But notice they had to cook up Summoner typed buffs to fill the stuff they don't get that Clerics already had that works on themselves, party members, AND summons. Summoner Buffs I think only work on themselves and their summons. Not a game breaker but something to consider.

That would be new to me. As far as i know their mage armors, hastes, bull's strengths, enlarge persons and so forth all work on other characters just as well. As a matter of fact a summoner is even more versatile, because he has all those regular buff spells from both the Sorc/wiz and Cleric/Oracle lists. Plus with his eidolon he can use spells that normally only affect the caster or can only be cast on humanoids on the eidolon.

Sissyl wrote:
Superior Summoning is awesome for summoning somewhat weaker monsters, but how often do you want that? I haven't, obviously, played any summoning-focused character. Is there something to this, or is it b@#~$*~s?

Its used quite a bit to summon one level down. If you look at the creature list some SM levels have "Go To" options that are effective even after you gain higher levels of SM. IF you use a higher level SM to get more then one its a win win. Also its nice to flood the field with meat shields now and then. Give your group a respite or time for them to regroup while the big bads waste time squishing your summons.

What it does is it checks your AURA. This means that a NG cleric of Desna has a CG aura. If she were to summon a Lillend azata, which has the Chaotic and Good subtypes, it would be as a standard action. A celestial dire tiger would not, since it has no alignment subtypes. Various CG fey do not have the subtypes either. Each alignment has 3-5 monsters of the proper alignment over the entire spell list. Add to this the extra monsters of various deities, and the SGM list, and that's it.

Threeshades wrote:
TheLoneCleric wrote:
Threeshades wrote:
The summoner spell list has plenty of buffs. That's the core mechanic of the entire class, get your summon/eidolon out and buff it.
Yes, indeed. But notice they had to cook up Summoner typed buffs to fill the stuff they don't get that Clerics already had that works on themselves, party members, AND summons. Summoner Buffs I think only work on themselves and their summons. Not a game breaker but something to consider.
That would be new to me. As far as i know their mage armors, hastes, bull's strengths, enlarge persons and so forth all work on other characters just as well. As a matter of fact a summoner is even more versatile, because he has all those regular buff spells from both the Sorc/wiz and Cleric/Oracle lists. Plus with his eidolon he can use spells that normally only affect the caster or can only be cast on humanoids on the eidolon.

Their mage armor only works on their Eidolon. But I agree with the rest of what your getting at.

Also for the Sacred Summons Feat, there is a great guide that spells out what you can summon with it. The Guide is called: "Reach Cleric"

Sissyl wrote:
What it does is it checks your AURA. This means that a NG cleric of Desna has a CG aura. If she were to summon a Lillend azata, which has the Chaotic and Good subtypes, it would be as a standard action. A celestial dire tiger would not, since it has no alignment subtypes. Various CG fey do not have the subtypes either. Each alignment has 3-5 monsters of the proper alignment over the entire spell list. Add to this the extra monsters of various deities, and the SGM list, and that's it.

Thats our point. Summon Good Monster adds to that list. As long as you worship a Diety with matching alignment. Obviously that would do nothing for a LE cleric, but most characters worship good gods.

Slacker2010 wrote:
Their mage armor only works on their Eidolon.

I'm gonna need a reference here. This is new to me.

The Exchange

Threeshades wrote:
That would be new to me. As far as i know their mage armors, hastes, bull's strengths, enlarge persons and so forth all work on other characters just as well. As a matter of fact a summoner is even more versatile, because he has all those regular buff spells from both the Sorc/wiz and Cleric/Oracle lists. Plus with his eidolon he can use spells that normally only affect the caster or can only be cast on humanoids on the eidolon.

(jumps to the PRD to check) Yes, Summoners are the best all-rounders out there. They have a wide range of useful buffs that mix in Wiz/Sorc and Cleric buffs. They also get a nice mix of general utility stuff.

That said, they REALLY shine with Evolution Surge which is Ediolon only. It's like having a hot swappable Wild Shape.

The buffs that Clerics get are the Holy ones. Holy Auras, Blesses, etc. Which if I'm right Summoners don't get, they trade those out for the Sor/Wiz options they get.

Mind you, Summoners getting some spells at a lower spell level is nice.

In the end I guess it's your taste in summons and what you prefer then. 6 one way/half dozen the other.

Dragonamedrake wrote:
Thats our point. Summon Good Monster adds to that list. As long as you worship a Diety with matching alignment. Obviously that would do nothing for a LE cleric, but most characters worship good gods.

Not everything on that list adds to what Sacred summon can effect. I dont think it helps at all until you get Summon Monster III.

Threeshades wrote:
Slacker2010 wrote:
Their mage armor only works on their Eidolon.
I'm gonna need a reference here. This is new to me.

My fault, Im thinking about shield. Personal buffs, that they can still cast on the Eidolon. Anyway, You forgot to quote how i still agreed with you =P

The Exchange

I will say Summoners Summon Monsters spells lasting MUCH longer is a huge asset in a fight. It fixes the early level 1 round and done nonsense.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Kimera757 wrote:
You can also use Planar Binding, but that's risky.

It's even riskier for Summoners, who don't have magic circle abjuration spells to fall back on, unless they UMD a scroll.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Slacker2010 wrote:

Their mage armor only works on their Eidolon. But I agree with the rest of what your getting at.

Target for the spell is "creature touched". That's why you'll have all those monks begging it off from you. :) The summoner himself can use it, but he'll generally be wearing equal or better.

Slacker2010 wrote:
Dragonamedrake wrote:
Thats our point. Summon Good Monster adds to that list. As long as you worship a Diety with matching alignment. Obviously that would do nothing for a LE cleric, but most characters worship good gods.
Not everything on that list adds to what Sacred summon can effect. I dont think it helps at all until you get Summon Monster III.

Without Summon Good Monster or appropriate deity extra summons, yes. The Lemure is the first one, with SM3. Meaning, Sacred Summon isn't useful au naturelle until level 5.

The Exchange

Planer critters do tend to have the nicer effects. But, buffed Elementals are crazy a high levels.

I've never noticed Summoners doing any actual summoning in the games I've played; they pretty much just send out their eidolon (who is always with them at all times and is never dismissed) and cast buffs on it.

Wizards, on the other hand, seem to summon things all the time. Go figure.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Calybos1 wrote:

I've never noticed Summoners doing any actual summoning in the games I've played; they pretty much just send out their eidolon (who is always with them at all times and is never dismissed) and cast buffs on it.

Wizards, on the other hand, seem to summon things all the time. Go figure.

I've had a couple of scenarios where I never brought out my Eidolon and pretty much stuck to my battlefield control spells and my standard action SLA's. This has become more common since she got Large.

LazarX wrote:
Kimera757 wrote:
You can also use Planar Binding, but that's risky.
It's even riskier for Summoners, who don't have magic circle abjuration spells to fall back on, unless they UMD a scroll.

They do have access to Dimensional Anchor (SMVII -> Bone Devil,), and if they have the feat Summon Good Monster, they also have access to Magical Circle Against Evil (SMIX -> Couatl).

They are also both in their spell list.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Leisner wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Kimera757 wrote:
You can also use Planar Binding, but that's risky.
It's even riskier for Summoners, who don't have magic circle abjuration spells to fall back on, unless they UMD a scroll.
They do have access to Dimensional Anchor (SMVII -> Bone Devil), and if they have the feat Summon Good Monster, they also have access to Magical Circle Against Evil (SMIX -> Couatl).

Dimensional Anchor only means that your summon can't leave. It won't stop it from ripping you to shreds if things go south. And casting that spell will probably send things southward in a big hurry.

LazarX wrote:
Leisner wrote:
LazarX wrote:
Kimera757 wrote:
You can also use Planar Binding, but that's risky.
It's even riskier for Summoners, who don't have magic circle abjuration spells to fall back on, unless they UMD a scroll.
They do have access to Dimensional Anchor (SMVII -> Bone Devil), and if they have the feat Summon Good Monster, they also have access to Magical Circle Against Evil (SMIX -> Couatl).
Dimensional Anchor only means that your summon can't leave. It won't stop it from ripping you to shreds if things go south. And casting that spell will probably send things southward in a big hurry.

See my edit. Both spells are on their spell list.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

A summoned creature can't use SLA's which require material components with a cost.

LazarX wrote:
A summoned creature can't use SLA's which require material components with a cost.

While true, I don't see how it is relevant?

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