Agents of Shield


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Liberty's Edge

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MMCJawa wrote:
Thomas Seitz wrote:


Uhm not sure that's 100% accurate but I do think they might end up with Darkforce powers.

I'm still not convinced they got the kinks worked out of it. I'm also not convinced AIDA planned on her body having these abilities.

I am 100% sure she planned on giving herself super powers. After all, if you are going to go for creating a human body to dwell in, why not get all the perks.

Not to mention that she clearly knew she could teleport (i.e. grabbed Fitz before teleporting out) and Fitz had previously said that her new body would be stronger than her 'ordinary human' Framework one.

I suppose it could be assumed that he said that because her Framework body was dying at the time and thus even a normal body would be stronger, but I took it to mean more and thus was expecting her to have some kind of 'upgrade'. With Gordon style teleporting demonstrated and Framework Hydra's interest in Inhumans it thus seems most likely that she has multiple Inhuman abilities.

Dark Archive

MMCJawa wrote:
I am 100% sure she planned on giving herself super powers. After all, if you are going to go for creating a human body to dwell in, why not get all the perks. Evil Fitz was experimenting on inhumans [snip]

Of course, I like curveballs, and it's not like the show came out and said 'Aida teleports herself and Fitz away.' I could watch the same scene and come to the conclusion 'Fitz teleports himself and Aida away.'

(It would make more sense for Aida to have given herself powers in the real world. But it would make even *more* sense for Aida to have booby-trapped the backdoor to only allow the people 'escaping' to merely advance to a second level of scenario, in a world that she entirely created, in which she's pretty much Neo, and can do anything she wants... The old 'let them think they escaped' trick, which is a classic mindjob worthy of Aida.)

Scarab Sages

MMCJawa wrote:
Chris Mortika wrote:

First Thought: If Mack had chosen to leave Hope behind and jump into who-knows-what, my faith in him would have been lost. He may not know what he's lost in Yo-yo, but he knows what he won't give up.

Second Thought: Yes, AIDA is using Gordon's teleportation signature effect. And she's pretty good with it. What other Inhumans is Hydra likely to have?

Third Thought: If Fitz survives all this, I'm pretty sure his and Simmons' romance is going to be awkward.

Addendum: If Hope or Ward or whomever you please do indeed get real bodies and come over, bear in mind that there's no real soul there: it's literally the Darkhold incarnate.

That gets into the whole philosphical debate of what is a soul and if its something separate from consciousness. Which uh...AoS has never really articulated a point on. I doubt anyone crossing over is going to be automatically evil

It also delves into the long-standing comic book lore that just by reading the Darkhold you risk forfeiture of your soul and possession by Cthon. So if that holds true for the cinematic universe, it would stand to reason any physical life created by the Darkhold (or tech derived from it) might be subject to those same corruptive powers.


Giving herself super powers might be cool, but it never seemed to me she was THAT interested in being more than human. I mean she already WAS!!!


While I agree the Darkhold is a corruptive force, and certainly one capable of twisting one's desires to its own ends (The Framework, clearly.) I'm remaining open minded about the fact it still enjoys toying with its food and thus MIGHT leave open the possibility that bring over others that weren't necessarily near or involved in the Framework could be normal average humans.

Maybe. I mean I still think AIDA's body is attached by Darkhold stuff. But that's just me and my belief she got it from the Darkhold, NOT from her own intent.

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Well...... as they say

That Escalated Quickly

amazing how one wrong word can start a chain of events that may lead to the destruction and enslavement of the world.

Yoyo not in a good spot

and that End

Guess who is back with a vengeance

Scarab Sages

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Aaaannnnddd....that's what happens when we play with the Motherf+&!ing Darkhold!

Seriously, this is some f&$%ed up shit.

The performances by Fitz, Simmons, and Aida/Ophelia were pretty damned awesome.

I'm really hoping they don't kill off Fitz or Simmons. From that last scene with the two of them, I have faith their relationship can survive this.

Yo Yo was a damned idiot for going into the Framework. When I first saw her strapped to the table, though, I thought for sure she was going to be missing her lower legs. Still, now I've got some hope (there's irony, for ya) that she can help Mack use the machine Evil Fitz and Madame Hydra created to give Hope a body. Except, of course, the other end of that machine is now deep in the ocean. Not to mention, it seems to be a product of the Motherf!&$ing Darkhold!

And now I really want to see Ghost Rider turn Aida/Ophelia inside out.

I'm guessing we'll get to see more of just how many Inhuman powers Aida acquired for herself from the time in the Framework.

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I love that there is that moment, when you know Fitz just said the wrong word.

Aida is just "wait..what?"

I litterly held my breath waiting for things to explode.

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Yeah watching her go off like that after I thought she might be on the side of angels.


I do think FitzSimmons will survive. They'll just need time to heal from this.


Also, yeah Darkhold folks. It's not something you mess with lightly.

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You know what... there is still a chance for us to get Ward, Trip, Radcliff and/or Hope

Got to thinking

How dose an old Russian sub-base have the resources to create a seemingly endless parade of Robo-Russians.

Answer - Darkhold Matter replicator. Which is presumably what he loaded onto that ship and then assembled at his and Aida's new base.

So the Body making device is most likely still functional and currently making Darkhold powered Robo-Russians.

but it could still be used to turn VR people into real people.


Maybe! Right now I'm still wondering what the overall plan is for the Russian. I mean clearly, he wants to eliminate/control Inhumans. Not sure he could get enough robots/LMDs/whatever he'd need to do that.

So I'm guessing that AIDA/Ophelia is the answer somehow. Maybe.

Thomas Seitz wrote:


Maybe! Right now I'm still wondering what the overall plan is for the Russian. I mean clearly, he wants to eliminate/control Inhumans. Not sure he could get enough robots/LMDs/whatever he'd need to do that.

So I'm guessing that AIDA/Ophelia is the answer somehow. Maybe.

Build one machine you can build a dozen more

Imagine a factory with 20, 30 or even 100 of them, all pumping out Darkhold Powered Robo-Russians, or VR Hydra Soldiers for that matter.

and they still have the book, what else can they use it to invent.

This was the second time I actually enjoyed May, so good job, writers.
Fitz really is a his best when he's beaten down and struggling. Happy, content Fitz just isn't as fun. And good on Talbot. They'll probably try to wring this to make him look like an ignorant doofus but his only mistake was going in with so few guys.

Good episode but that did escalated really quickly from good to really bad for everyone.

Scarab Sages

Greylurker wrote:
and they still have the book, what else can they use it to invent.


As for me, I'm crossing my fingers it might mean a cameo by a certain future Sorcerer Supreme. Or maybe the original Ghost Rider who gave Robbie his abilities will come back to retake possession of the book.

Scarab Sages

And, honestly, that's been one of my few real issues with this season - the way they treated the Darkhold. I'd have preferred a more comic version, where it's a book of the darkest, soul-crushing/stealing black magic.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

All I can say is that Fitz gonna need some therapy.

Greylurker wrote:

You know what... there is still a chance for us to get Ward, Trip, Radcliff and/or Hope

Got to thinking

How dose an old Russian sub-base have the resources to create a seemingly endless parade of Robo-Russians.

Answer - Darkhold Matter replicator. Which is presumably what he loaded onto that ship and then assembled at his and Aida's new base.

So the Body making device is most likely still functional and currently making Darkhold powered Robo-Russians.

but it could still be used to turn VR people into real people.

My read on the situation was that the device was also packed up. I mean they specifically showed a scene of them loading boxes.

Also...wondering if the chaos that seems to be wracking the Framework might be also a way to foreshadow whatever the next season's big bad is?

5 people marked this as a favorite.

So am I the only one who heard the phrase "designed only for killing" and thought MODOK? Especially since he is really just a head in a jar controlling android bodies.

TarSpartan wrote:
So am I the only one who heard the phrase "designed only for killing" and thought MODOK? Especially since he is really just a head in a jar controlling android bodies.

wow...that so works

It is possible but I'm wondering if because people keep clamoring for more stuff like a REAL Galactus, we won't get some kind of CGI MODOK in the future.


Meantime I will now state I was WRONG about AIDA/Ophelia's body having powers being a mistake. It's clear she wanted it. So now. yeah she's got it.


Fitz?! Hell most of the team will! I mean you have two lives to live.

I still don't know who will be in charge, but who ever it is, will have to get Talbot to trust them again. Because it's clear they've burned that bridge one too many times.


TarSpartan wrote:
So am I the only one who heard the phrase "designed only for killing" and thought MODOK? Especially since he is really just a head in a jar controlling android bodies.

NOPE! That catchphrase instantly caught my attention. Personally as much as I hate the giant head thing, I am pretty pleased with this version of MODOK...

My theory is that Aida is a magical version or non-magical version of a Super-Adaptoid. I was impressed with the actress performance just not a fan of Aida Glenn Close Fatal attraction character turn.

yeah, she's doing a great job. I'm amazed at how big a difference there is in 'Aida that everyone thought was human' and 'Aida that IS human'. The difference between pretending to be human (which was still pretty convincing) and actually having the emotions.. Vastly different performances that show great range.

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I certainly think Mallory Jansen deserves an Emmy nod. She's been the central horse figure for this entire season.

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phantom1592 wrote:
I am pretty pleased with this version of MODOK...

Given the Darkhold connection...Magical Organism Designed Only for Killing?

Dark Archive

I wonder how much the Darkhold's icky dark magic naughtiness is nested into Aida's new body.

The new body has Inhuman powers of

teleportation, probably from Gordon (whom SHIELD had, at best, perfunctory scans of), lightning powers, probably from Lincoln (whom SHIELD would have had tons of data on) and some sort of regenerative abilities *far* in excess of what Jai Yin (sp?) had (and whom SHIELD had bupkiss on, which means AIDA would have had bupkiss information on which to program her DNA into the new body).

So, in short, Aida's new body seems to have Inhuman powers that were from Inhumans completely made up for the Framework, with little or no real world data to back them up, with DNA that might as well have been composed of random configurations of Adenine, Cytosine, Nicotine and Viagra. Or, more relevantly, Adenine, Cytosine, Evil and Magic...

I don't think she has Regen, the Special Effect looked like Joey's Metal Melting power. Remember when he got shot by the watchdogs, he instinctivly made the bullets got splat

Scarab Sages

Set wrote:

I wonder how much the Darkhold's icky dark magic naughtiness is nested into Aida's new body.

The new body has Inhuman powers of ** spoiler omitted **

So, in short, Aida's new body seems to have Inhuman powers that were from Inhumans completely made up for the Framework, with little or no real world data to back them up, with DNA that might as well have been composed of random configurations of Adenine, Cytosine, Nicotine and Viagra. Or, more relevantly, Adenine, Cytosine, Evil and Magic...

Unless the DNA information came from all the Inhumans the ATCU had captured and placed in suspended animation back in Season 3.

I thought it was the regenerative power that Watchdog turned Inhuman had (minus the exploding first).


Nitro doesn't have a healing factor/regeneration. He just reforms. Sort of like what happens to oozes and slimes.

As for whether AIDA/Ophelia has regen powers, she DID get shot and get back up. To me, that's regeneration much like Wolverine.

Melter/Joey's power to liquefy metal didn't prevent him from being hit.

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Also, Agents of Shield Season 5 has been confirmed. So uh we don't have to worry about any finales that leave stuff ending.


Until we worry about the end of Season 5 anyway...

But yes I'm VERY happy we'll get another season. I just wish it wasn't so... up in the air-ish with ABC...

Silver Crusade

It was clear from the moment Fitz saw Aida's human form that he was terrified of her, and was basically just playing along in the hope that he could get away from her at some point. But then he slipped and made it clear that Ophelia wasn't his one and only and immediately just ran for his life screaming "She can't be stopped!" He had been intricately involved in the design of her current body, so he knows of what he speaks. Her tweaks go well beyond teleporting and regeneration I think.

I don't think it's a coincidence that Ghost Rider reappeared just at this moment. I think Aida essentially used Darkhold magic to make herself a Ghost Rider type body, and Fitz knows it. I thought of that the moment I saw her bullet holes healing with what looked like fire. And I think Robbie/Ghost Rider has returned to this plane of existence to deal with her at the behest of his demonic soul partner, who will suffer no rivals/substitutes/imitators. Note that Robbie was in Skullhead mode when he came back -- demon side is in control right now, and Skullhead is always motivated by vengeance. Which means there's a big showdown looming between those too very soon.

I wouldn't be surprised if Yoyo ends up staying the framework with Mack. Then everyone gets what they want. Well, unless the computer crashes I guess.

I dunno about Ghost Rider type BODY, but I do think she's WAY more durable than say, Luke Cage.

But yeah they'll have to figure out about the Framework computer thingie IF Mack stays there.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

I am hoping that Fitz uses his native intelligence to find a weakness in Ophelia's powers / nature. He ought to be the one to take her down.

There are very few people who want revenge more than Ophelia and her Russian compatriot. That may draw the Ghost Rider to them...


I dunno. Jemma might want vengeance. Same for Mack if he ever comes out.

As for Fitz taking her down...I don't see it. This is a job for Ghost Rider.

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Thomas Seitz wrote:


I dunno. Jemma might want vengeance.

Nahh.... Jemma's happy now. Fitz is back, slightly damaged, but still in love with her. The rest is details. If she goes crazy on Aida it will be to protect Fitz not because of vengeance.

GreenDragon1133 wrote:
I thought it was the regenerative power that Watchdog turned Inhuman had (minus the exploding first).

Oh! Duh! They actually told us who it was. Senator Nadeer's brother.


NOOOO.... Nitro is the other guy, the one that thought Nadeer was inhuman. But he was.

Nadeer's brother....we have no idea what he can actually do atm.

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Well, apparently he can at least lie for months on the bottom of the ocean.

If I remember correctly he underwent a Secondary Terrigenesis at the end of that episode.


This is true!


Yep but he never got back out that anyone saw... Course everyone thinks he's dead so...

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Soo Safe to say she took the whole I'm not in love with you thing about as bad as i would imagine one or two of my ex-girlfriends would have. eh maybe even a little worse.

Yeah she kind of jumped to "Burn the world to ash" with R.O.D.O.K.'s helpful suggestions pushing her along the way.

Well...She is quite literally an emotional toddler. She only acquired them earlier that day, and she hasn't had a lifetime of experience dealing with managing them.

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Greylurker wrote:
Yeah she kind of jumped to "Burn the world to ash" with R.O.D.O.K.'s helpful suggestions pushing her along the way.

So we're blaming bad parenting then?

Liberty's Edge

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
Greylurker wrote:
Yeah she kind of jumped to "Burn the world to ash" with R.O.D.O.K.'s helpful suggestions pushing her along the way.
So we're blaming bad parenting then?

The Darkhold is a baaaad mommy.

Gordon, Lincoln, Vijay Nadeer.

I think the Darkhold is a bad parent REGARDLESS of Gender. It almost make Thanos' child rearing skills look normal.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

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Thomas Seitz wrote:
I think the Darkhold is a bad parent REGARDLESS of Gender. It almost make Thanos' child rearing skills look normal.

Just watched Guardians 2......hell no! Thanos is a !%@&%$ing monster!

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