Ifrit gunslinger, making it work


So my friend is thinking giving me his Ifrit boon for PFS because he said they tend to be be for spell casters, which he doesn't like.
So I want to make him a gunslinger. But the problem is they take away from wisdom. I was thinking the Mysterious stranger Archetype would work, because of the bonus to charisma. But I loose gun training.
My friend says that isnt a big deal because later on rather then adding hit bonuses to my gun I just give it elemental damage(Fire, Electrical and other such things) because i tend to hit on touch.
So Can I make an ifrit gunslinger work?

You can make any race/class combo work, with a little effort. That said, I'd need some time to figure out any combo

I'm not sure of the group composition, but challenge accepted.

Shadow Lodge

Are you looking at Pistols or Muskets? How high of levels do you expect to get?

Musketeers don't need nearly as much Grit as pistoleros do.

I love sniperlike characters so I was thinking musketeer.
And it is for Pathfinder society so group composition is often variable.
I mean i will be killing things left and right, so is the hit ti wisdom that bad?
Why do they need less grit?

Because a lot of pistol damage comes from the first level deed they get.

I dunno if you considered this, but I'd go with spellslinger wizard1/Mysterious stranger 1/Sorc (primal fire elemental X Ifrit bloodline) for the rest. You get to shoot fire at people, when you aren't shooting guns.

I know it isn't helpful but Ifrit gunslinger to me yells HELLBOY!

Spellslinger is not PFS legal.

I was not thinking of multi classing. I dont like it that much.

Well that was a fun research period.

Ifrit Gunslinger
Stats: Mysterious Stranger - STR 10 DEX 16 CON 12 INT 8 WIS 10 CHA 18

Alternatively, you could drop Cha to 16, and have 5 buy points to throw wherever you want, maybe raise strength (Pistol Whip :D) and bring Int back to a positive level. Whether you get Gun Training or not, Dex will be awesome to have due to your wearing Medium or Light armor. I suggest the 18 for Focused Aim – MS both gives you grit off your Charisma, and the damage multiplier off Focused Aim is helped by a higher Charisma – you’ll do more damage and you can use it more often. Great nova.

Racial Traits: Wildfire Heart, Sp-L A: Burning Hands 1/day, CL=HD, Darkvision, Fire-Starter
Armor: Chain Shirt +4 AC +4 Max Dex –2 20% 30 ft. 20 ft. 25
Weapons: Musket: 1d12 x4 40ft. or Pistol 1d4 x2 20ft. Double-Barrel later if you have the option.
AC: 17 (+4 Shirt, +3 Amror )
Attack/Damage: 1d12+3
Initiative: +7 (3 Dex, 4 Wildfire Heart)

Favoured Class Option: Add +1/2 to the bonus on initiative checks the gunslinger makes while using her gunslinger initiative deed.

Something to consider. You get +2 Initiative at level 3 as long as you have one grit point. And with Quick Draw, free and unrestrained hands, and a non-hidden gun, you can draw a single firearm as part of the check. If you ditch the deed as part of your requirement for the archetype, put your FC bonus to HP.

1Rapid Reload – Non-negotiable for either build. Add alchemical cartridges for reload as a move action.
3Point-Blank Shot – You’ll want to be within 30 ft. and this gets you +1 atk and dmg when you are.
4Deadly Aim – Trade accuracy for damage at the rate of -1Atk/+2Dmg, cumulative x2 every 4 lvls. -2/+4 when you take it.
Many would argue for Rapid Shot here, but you’re a gunslinger, hitting things isn’t a concern. Maximize the attacks you do have. One extra attack is one extra chance for a misfire, and if you’re running MS, you’re giving up Quick Clear. The misfires you DO suffer, you can ignore with that high Charisma modifier.
5 Extra Grit – 2 extra points at the start of your day (More Focused Aim!), 2 points added to your max
7 Rapid Shot – Finally. Nice synergy with the next feat.
8 Hammer the Gap – When you’re not using Focused Aim, Give yourself extra damage anyway. Alternatively, Improved Crit.
9Impact Critical Shot – Push the enemy back out of melee or knock them down. Help your teammates and yourself.
11 Signature Deed – Focused Aim

where does the +3 damage come from. or is this not lvl 1?
ANyway thanks
This is pretty cool. Now I will have to see about that if i do get that ifrit. Not many people at my tables have boons so this will be cool

Welcome!! It was fun to do. The +3 damage is coming from your dex, since it's a ranged attack. If you don't get Ifrit, a Pistellero might work better since you wouldn't be giving up your Dex, in which case you'd want to pick up at least the first two in the Snap Shot feat line and Combat Reflexes.

As for traits, Carefully Hidden for the +1 save bonus and then say Survivor for another +1 to Initiative and Sense Motive becomes a class skill. Another option would be Dangerously Curious to make UMD a class skill and get a +1 bonus to it.

Ranged attacks don't work that way.

Yeah I learned that the hard and sad way.
Im thinking A musketeer with the similiar build might be good. I get Rapid reloaas a bonus. I can get more grit later on with items.

No precise shot? If he can't get in line correctly he's at a -8 to hit (+4 cover +4 combat) unless PFS doesn't use those rules....I know its touch AC, but fey and stuff could prove a pain in the ...

Ifrit Gunslingers can get ridiculous amounts of initiative if you stack your bonuses right.

Could be fun to have massive amounts of "going first" ability as early as your first few levels.

first I like gunslingers with wisdom, so they can have some grit to use deeds - but there is is whole body of posts on how wisdom can be a dump stat for gunslingers because:

  • a wisdom of 3 gives the same grit as a wisdom of 13
  • the deeds you really need only require you to have one point of grit
  • the deeds which cost grit are almost all utility deeds which can be done some other way
  • the extra grit feat is there if you need it and as good as having a 16 wisdom and much cheaper

there is no pressing need for wisdom for a gunslinger/pistolero/musket-master, the grit using deeds are nice but not essential.

an iifrit gunslinger? a musket master with a blunderbuss loaded with dragon's breath cartridges and the firestarter trait to start with, switching over to a double barreled musket at level 5ish.

Thanks everyone.
Now to actually convinve my buddy :)
Nahh he will give it to me.

Ah, my mistake then Samasboy. Nice screen name. ;D Must be

Hm. As for the lack of Precise Shot, that can be swapped out at 5 for Extra Grit. I understood concealment and cover when I made the build, but I was optimizing for damage, as he can always position himself properly. It might be worth taking though - nothing sucks more than missing an attack that would've hit for a lot of damage, especially with the later FRAs combining Focused Aim and Dead Shot.

Let us know how it works out~

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