Magma Dragon

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I have a Sunderer Barbarian at level 6, she just hit 7, and I find myself bored with merely doing damage and finding creative uses for Sunder against the non-humanoid targets we seem to always be fighting; I'm looking to multi-class as we could use some battlefield control. The party consists of a Blaster Sorceror, 2H Fighter in Medium Armor apparently determined to tank, and a Cleric who switched out to a Gunslinger.

My build is as follows:
Race: Kobold
Racial Traits: Dragonmaw, Dayrider , Wild-Forest Kobold
Traits: Dangerously Curious, Berseker of the Society, Adopted: Elven Reflexes
Class: Armored Hulk Barbarian
Base Stats: Str 15 Dex 18 Con 16 Int 14 Wis 14 Cha 12
Feats/Rage Powers:
Power Attack
Lesser Beast Totem
Rage Power: Reckless Abandon
Improved Sunder
Beast Totem

All of the above cannot be changed. My DM is locking me to my choices made after I was forced into this class, which is what's most disheartening and frustrating - this is my first PnP and thus PF game, and he knows that.

Equipment: +1 Adamantine Earthbreaker, 5 Throwing Axes, +2 Stoneplate, +2 Con necklace w/ +2 atk 6 uses/day (DM made this as part of the plot), Belt of Giant's Strength; Very Recent Acquisitions: +2 Int headband, Lesser Belt of Mighty Hurling

I thought an Oracle might be fun despite my 12 CHA. After doing my research into the spell list, mystery options, and Rage Prophet PRC, and even creating prior topics on the matter, not so much anymore.

I'm considering Witch (maybe Hedge Witch?), Wizard (BF control spells, most character-fitting as she was a Magus before the class change), and Alchemist (cognatogen/mutagen, status-inducing bombs, etc.). Swapping out the Stoneplate for a Breastplate and grabbing Arcane Armor Training and later Arcane Armor Mastery would help lower the spell failure chance. I guess I'd consider staying straight Barbarian if it could be made more interesting, but I don't see how. The way my DM plays out enemies, a CAGM build is worthless.

All that said, I just want to find some way to have fun with this. I'm stressed to the point I'm about to quit the group since it's affecting the rest of my life, except they're friends and I do enjoy playing with them apart from this issue. I'd appreciate any help you could give me. Thank you.

Hm. I've kept UMD maxed-out though I'm finding that our WBLs aren't nearly half of what they should be for level 5. (We just hit 6.) I've been trying to look into a want of CLW but I don't have the 750g... May talk to the new GM about that issue before next session.

I actually wasn't looking to do In-Combat healing but since our cleric exists in the GM's bag of holding she still sort of takes care of all the out-of-combat healing. That sort of renders the healing reason to multi-class null and void, and while I do kind of want to multi-class, maybe Oracle isn't the best thing to multi-class into, if I'm going to at all - obviously being a full BAB class, staying in Barbarian would be incredibly useful.

Hm. I remember seeing those bottom two, among others, in that short pdf you linked me in the other thread, but I've not heard of that spell. Looking into it, it's rather useful for a natural attack build! Thank you!

Hey, Mors. Nice to see you again!!

No, I can't rearrange anything before 5 - I already know that answer without asking. I've thought of Rage Prophet certainly - Savage Seer would be pretty awesomne, Indomitable Caster would be great with the low Charisma, and Ragecaster would be amazing considering my high Con, though it wouldn't kick in til 13, though at that point the boost to DCs would be awesome - assuming I do only 1 level of Oracle.

That said, I'm giving up higher level spells, which I'm already doing by starting 5 levels in Barbarian. Had I known the GM-switching would happen, I'd have probably only went with 3. I saw a lot of hate for Rage Prophet on the boards due to what it sacrifices in return for what it grants.

Anyway, thoughts?

In my research prior to making this thread, I saw a lot of Barbarian/Oracle builds that either dipped one level for Lame and rage-cyciling, or dipped 3-4 in Barbarian then went full Oracle. It seems like it might bet better to just go straight Oracle since I already won't have access to spells beyond 7th level?

Things went alright last time, Sunderer looking good. Twist: We're now rotating GMs. This time, we lost our Cleric healer. I'm thinking of MCing into Oracle to make up for that. While the cleric's gone, I can play support AND healer via rage-cycling/Moment of Clarity, and drop to back-up healer, main support when he's back.

Proposed continuous build, focusing on Sunders via Natural Attacks. Rolled 4 kept best 3 for stat gen so they're a bit high despite the race.

Race: Kobold
Racial Traits: Dragonmaw, Wild-Forest Kobold, Dayraider
Stats: Str 15 Dex 18 Con 18 (necklace loot, 16 base; maybe AoMF later) Int 14 Wis 14 Cha 12 (Yes, Cha is low. I was originally under the impression I was being forced to single-class.. Long story.)
Traits: Berserker of the Society, Adopted: Elven Reflexes, Dangerously Curious; Drawback: Pride

Class: Armored Hulk Lvl 5 (Locked out of Urban, unfortunately via GM. Would've been awesome for this.)

1 Barb 1 - Power Attack
2 Barb 2 - Lesser Beast Totem
3 Barb 3 - Improved Sunder
4 Barb 4 - Superstition
5 Barb 5 - ERP: Reckless Abandon
--Set in stone before this--
6 Barb 6 - Beast Totem
7 Barb 6/Oracle 1 - Tail Terror, Battle Mystery, Lame Curse. Maneuver Mastery - Disarm
8 Barb 7/Oracle 1 - Greater Beast Totem
9 Barb 7/Oracle 2 - Combat Reflexes, Enlarge Person
10 Barb 8/Oracle 2 - Witch Hunter
11 Barb 8/Oracle 3 - Dazing Assault, War Sight
12 Barb 9/Oracle 3 - Come and Get Me
13 Barb 9/Oracle 4 - Extra Rage Power: Spell Sunder, Fog Cloud
14 Barb 10/Oracle 4 - Strength Surge
15 Barb 10/Oracle 5 - Greater Sunder

Since I'm focused on sundering via Natural Attacks (bite, claws x2, tail terror) and rage, BAB doesn't need to be focused on as much for iteratives, and considering how quickly our group focuses spellcasters down, I'm thinking Spell Sunder can wait. I could also just drop Beast Totem and Greater BT til later (since my +2 Stoneplate and 91 raging HP is serving me well), say 10/11, and pick up the Spell Sunder line sooner, grabbing an earlier start on Oracle...maybe even just switching straight to Oracle up to 15. Though if I do stay Barb one more level, I get that rage power though I don't gain anything from the archetype.

Also considering Dual-Cursed Metal Oracle instead with Lame, paired with Tongues as the non-improving curse. Or maybe Clouded Vision for fun RP - she'll be close-up anyway for CAGM and Oracle's Burden would be sweet. Would be a great counter to BBEGs and Mages too. If I drop the DC archetype, Lead Blades + Enlarge would rock (the former I could enchant armor with), and the Sorceror seems to be going blaster. Before she was killed by a 300-esque rain of javelin-sized scorpion arrows, this character did use a katana, so Iron Weapon could be a nice throwback.

Thanks for reading! Thoughts, suggestions? :)

Ah, my mistake then Samasboy. Nice screen name. ;D Must be

Hm. As for the lack of Precise Shot, that can be swapped out at 5 for Extra Grit. I understood concealment and cover when I made the build, but I was optimizing for damage, as he can always position himself properly. It might be worth taking though - nothing sucks more than missing an attack that would've hit for a lot of damage, especially with the later FRAs combining Focused Aim and Dead Shot.

Let us know how it works out~

Welcome!! It was fun to do. The +3 damage is coming from your dex, since it's a ranged attack. If you don't get Ifrit, a Pistellero might work better since you wouldn't be giving up your Dex, in which case you'd want to pick up at least the first two in the Snap Shot feat line and Combat Reflexes.

As for traits, Carefully Hidden for the +1 save bonus and then say Survivor for another +1 to Initiative and Sense Motive becomes a class skill. Another option would be Dangerously Curious to make UMD a class skill and get a +1 bonus to it.

Well that was a fun research period.

Ifrit Gunslinger
Stats: Mysterious Stranger - STR 10 DEX 16 CON 12 INT 8 WIS 10 CHA 18

Alternatively, you could drop Cha to 16, and have 5 buy points to throw wherever you want, maybe raise strength (Pistol Whip :D) and bring Int back to a positive level. Whether you get Gun Training or not, Dex will be awesome to have due to your wearing Medium or Light armor. I suggest the 18 for Focused Aim – MS both gives you grit off your Charisma, and the damage multiplier off Focused Aim is helped by a higher Charisma – you’ll do more damage and you can use it more often. Great nova.

Racial Traits: Wildfire Heart, Sp-L A: Burning Hands 1/day, CL=HD, Darkvision, Fire-Starter
Armor: Chain Shirt +4 AC +4 Max Dex –2 20% 30 ft. 20 ft. 25
Weapons: Musket: 1d12 x4 40ft. or Pistol 1d4 x2 20ft. Double-Barrel later if you have the option.
AC: 17 (+4 Shirt, +3 Amror )
Attack/Damage: 1d12+3
Initiative: +7 (3 Dex, 4 Wildfire Heart)

Favoured Class Option: Add +1/2 to the bonus on initiative checks the gunslinger makes while using her gunslinger initiative deed.

Something to consider. You get +2 Initiative at level 3 as long as you have one grit point. And with Quick Draw, free and unrestrained hands, and a non-hidden gun, you can draw a single firearm as part of the check. If you ditch the deed as part of your requirement for the archetype, put your FC bonus to HP.

1Rapid Reload – Non-negotiable for either build. Add alchemical cartridges for reload as a move action.
3Point-Blank Shot – You’ll want to be within 30 ft. and this gets you +1 atk and dmg when you are.
4Deadly Aim – Trade accuracy for damage at the rate of -1Atk/+2Dmg, cumulative x2 every 4 lvls. -2/+4 when you take it.
Many would argue for Rapid Shot here, but you’re a gunslinger, hitting things isn’t a concern. Maximize the attacks you do have. One extra attack is one extra chance for a misfire, and if you’re running MS, you’re giving up Quick Clear. The misfires you DO suffer, you can ignore with that high Charisma modifier.
5 Extra Grit – 2 extra points at the start of your day (More Focused Aim!), 2 points added to your max
7 Rapid Shot – Finally. Nice synergy with the next feat.
8 Hammer the Gap – When you’re not using Focused Aim, Give yourself extra damage anyway. Alternatively, Improved Crit.
9Impact Critical Shot – Push the enemy back out of melee or knock them down. Help your teammates and yourself.
11 Signature Deed – Focused Aim

I'm not sure of the group composition, but challenge accepted.

RedBrown, I used "Unoptimization" in a relevant sense. Also, I'm forced into using a race that takes a -4 to Str for a forced class that's main stat is Str.

As to your initial reply, Mors...I completely forgot to add Spell Sunder to that build, haha. My GM and I agree on the RAW reading of it so I'll definitely be using it. I'll switch it out for Unexpected Strike, then! Believe it or not, I enjoy the RP/story/fluff just as much as the math/build process, if not more.

Thanks for the additional suggestions! Went with Pride as a drawback as it fits the character now, BotS for the sorely needed extra 3 rounds of rage, and Adopted: Elven Reflexes for the initiative boost. The group is light-hearted enough that rare failures against Will saves while raging won't get me dirty looks. XD

Depending how gear/gold is doled out, I may go for Greater Sunder or Raging Brutality at 13. If can somehow get the PFS version of Dueling on a weapon applied to Sunders, GS won't be worth it. Though extra damage going to the wielder could be awesome, indeed.

Overall, I'm confident in what I'm doing now with the character. Thanks for all your help! ^__^ I'm really liking the idea of that guide now, and should I go through with it, I'll most certainly credit you@

Ah wow, thank you for the suggested build!! I appreciate it. ^__^

Long story, short: Locked to fire-element breath, would have to earn it the feat method even then, and thus no Noxious Bite.

Build now planned as such, taking Mors' suggestions into account:

Race: Lvl. 5 Red-scaled Dragon Kobold
Stats: STR 18(15, all stat level inc. here) DEX 16(18) CON 18(16) INT 14 WIS 14 CHA 12
Traits/Drawbacks: Dangerously Curious, Reactionary, Princess; Cruel
Favored Class Bonus: +1/4 racial attacks damage
1 Power Attack
2 Lesser Beast Totem
3 Tail Terror
4 Superstition
5 Extra Rage Power: Reckless Abandon
6 Beast Totem
7 Improved Sunder
8 Witch Hunter
9 Combat Reflexes
10 Greater Beast Totem
11 Dazing Assault/Improved Natural Attack
12 Come and Get Me
13 Greater Sunder/Raging Vitality/INA/Dazing Assault
14 Strength Surge
15 Extra Rage Power: Unexpected Strike
16 Eater of Magic

Did some research and found these: Improved Natural Attack, Strong Jaw, Lead Blades, Small But Deadly, Deliquescent Gloves 1d6 acid damage, Longarm Bracers 10ft reach 3/day as a Swift Action

Maybe a little OP at that point, but I feel it would compete well with regular iterative attacks. Some math involving the the above shows this build as performing better damage-wise than a Greatsword build at optimal output for both, even without Small but Deadly. If there's any changes you might suggest, that would be awesome~ May end up writing a guide off all this if it seems like it might help others or just be fun to do - maybe both!

Edit: Formatting

Hm. Why do you say to skip Courageous? Ah, +5 modified bonus max. So then maybe Furious +4 Amulet and then a +4 Furious Courageous Dueling weapon as a backup/alternative/for sundering? Arguably, one could sunder with the Gore, Claws x2, Bite and Tail. Which just seems cruel to my DM - leaving an enemy weaponless and equipmentless in one round.

Greater Sunder would certainly help, the earliest it's available is 7 (+6 BAB req.). Beast Totem's Nat. Armor bonus would be awesome and I kind of don't want to push that it's a question of that or Spell Sunder (assuming it's allowed). Surprise accuracy isn't something I'd like to get rid of but when compared to more constant feats, maybe it's not worth it, even if I do plan to eventually rage-cycle.

Haha, that's very true. I figure if I get perm-Enlarge I can gain 4 Str and 2 Con back, at the cost of 2 Dex. I can then throw most of my money into a Furious Courageous weapon and Str increases.

Hm. Noted. I can switch Imp. Sunder and Noxious Bite. Reckless Abandon is a necessity with the lowered Str. I'm hoping that since Kobolds get claws as part of their description it shouldn't be much of a stretch for him to make that concession..

Dazzling Assault would definitely be nice but I just can't validate it til late-game, if at all, with the STR loss. And I'd still want Greater Sunder at some point - this is, at its heart, a Sunder build. Or at least I'd like to stay close to that.

I'm thinking bite, 2x claws (or greataxe), gore, and tail weapon might get me called out for being OP again but a Barbarian's only really good at fighting so I'd say maybe not. If Noxious Bite isn't allowed, I'm just going to stick with the Human Racial traits and bonuses, (which lets me not take the -4 Str, -2 Con, +2 Dex modifiers) and make a case for a tail weapon.

Halfling - Animal Fury is required for Intimidating Glare and Terrifying Howl, unfortunately - the latter of which is when the build really comes online. It'd be good for avoiding sunder magic weapons, though I see your point about Combat Reflexes. If I were to really make use of CAGM I'd probably just switch back to 16 Dex.

Mors - Looking at the ARG link you've provided, the penalty to Str is absurd... If I go full Kobold and get called OP I may just ragequit. Which would be appropriate to my class.

My DM gifted me the breath weapon so I'm wondering if he'll take that boon back if I switch it to black and mention Noxius bite. Either way Nauseated is an amazing debuff. Thank you for pointing out that feat!! Maybe replace Greater Sunder at 7 and delay it to 13/15?

Day Raider might very well be worth taking due to the -4 Str penalty - I wouldn't want an additional -1 to Atk on top of that. I'm effectively playing a class unsuited for my race, heh.

I'm wondering if the favored class option isn't worth looking into:

Barbarian While you are raging, your racial natural attacks deal +1/4 point of damage.

It would synergize well with the bite and the claws. I might be able to convince my GM to let the Beast Totem line enhance my bite if I go for Dragonmaw. Or the Fiend Totem line for the gore attack. Especially useful once I get access to permanent Enlarge...though I guess at this point I'm optimizing, huh?

The Sunderer is appealing to me more, especially with the above feat set-up, and a tail weapon for blunt damage or tripping. Considering Dazing Assault's penalty and Kobold's low strength, it might a good place to sub it out since -5 Atk is might just be too much at this point.

So that Magus was deemed too OP, the class was banned, and she died after slaying a fleeing enemy and failing to make an impossible reflex save. She was true revived, but came back as a dragon-heritage (my choice) Kobold Barbarian. due to a flawed stone. (Race/Class was rolled.) I was given a choice of one of the 1st party archetypes that replace Fast Movement, and settled on Armored Hulk.

I'm looking to effectively NOT be an OP Barbarian, but I do want to do more than hit things in combat, and maybe set enemies up for my teammates a bit. I have the option of trading Human racial bonuses and the bonus feat for all the Kobold bonuses and penalties. Can shift stat values around, but not adjust them. I'm considering the two builds below – Sunderer and Tormentor/Intimidator

Kobold Stats

Build One - Sunderer
Stats STR 20 DEX 16 CON 18 INT 12 WIS 14 CHA 14

Traits Reactionary, Dangerously Curious, Princess (+1 to Intd, Diplo Class Skill), Considering Highlander for Stealth CS instead despite high armor pen.
Drawback Cruel

1 Power Attack, Improved Sunder
2 Superstition
3 Extra Rage Power: L. Beast Totem
4 Witch Hunter
5 Extra Rage Power: Reckless Abandon
6 Beast Totem
7 Greater Sunder
8 Spell Sunder
9 Combat Reflexes
10 Greater Beast Totem
11 Extra Rage Power: Surprise Accuracy
12 Come and Get Me
13 Dazing Assault
14 Unexpected Strike
15 Extra Rage Power: Strength Surge
16 Eater of Magic

Weapons: +2 Furious Dueling Courageous Greatsword/Battleaxe/Earthbreaker Small/Med/Small Size; Dragon Breath 1d8 per 2HD x2 Crit, Fire Dmg, 15ft cone, DC 15 Reflex to halve; Claws x 2 1d3 x 2 Crit
Defense: AC: 25 (10 + 11 (+2 Mail of the Dead/Stonecoat) +4 Dex ) Touch AC:14

+18/16 CMB to Sunder Item/Spell by Level 7 with Bracers of Maneuver Mastery, not counting stat bonuses.

Running Sunder build since there’s no size penalty, and DM likes constructs. If the DM rules against Spell Sunder, I can just pick up Surprise Accuracy earlier. AC will be increased with a Ring of Deflection. Debating between Amulet of Nat. Armor or Mighty Fists. 17 Modifier to Intimidate if I want to cause Shaken for fun. Here’s hoping the DM let’s me trade in my Blackblade for a +1 Furious weapon..

Build Two - Tormentor
Stats STR 20 DEX 14 CON 18 INT 12 WIS 16 CHA 14
Traits Reactionary, Dangerously Curious, Princess (+1 to Intd, Diplo Class Skill), Considering Highlander for Stealth CS instead despite high armor pen.
Drawback Cruel

1 Power Attack, Improved Sunder
2 Reckless Abandon
3 Extra Rage Power: Dazzling Display
4 Animal Fury
5 Intimidating Prowess
6 Intimidating Glare
7 Cornugnon Smash (If DM allows.)
8 Terrifying Howl
9 Shatter Defenses
10 Surprise Accuracy
11 Furious Focus
12 Come and Get Me
13 Dreadful Carnage
14 Increased DR
15 Skill Focus: Intimidate
16 Increased DR

Weapons: +2 Furious Courageous Greatsword/Battleaxe/Falchion Small/Med/Small Size; Dragon Breath 1d8 per 2HD x2 Crit, Fire Dmg, 15ft cone, DC 15 Reflex to halve
Defense: AC: 25 (10 + 11 (+2 Mail of the Dead/Stonecoat) +4 Dex ) Touch AC:14

+22 to Intimidate at Level 5, +27 at level 10

Guarantees Shaken against anything not stackin Wisdom from level 5 onward, guarantees it to anything at 10. All this assumes I don’t raise the +4 bonus to Intimidate from gloves any higher.

I recall that after +27 static dmg, crit range matters more, but a suboptimal weapon would help my goal. How can I improve/make worse? Too good? Just right? Thanks for reading and for any help you can give! ^__^

Edit: Formatting

Well, it turns out I forgot for a moment that Intimidate IS a class skill, although I grabbed Student of Philosophy, which is my one racial trait. Thanks for mentioning it, though~ I'll keep it in mind for future character builds and any opportunities to shift traits around.

Hm, alrighty. After talking things over with my DM, a lot of these options could work. Thank you for the replies, and I'll look into the Ghost Blade arcana, it sounds interesting. :D

Hm. That would work - costs me a feat but what solution isn't? And I could grab another trait - maybe something to make Intimdate a class skill - along with it, as well as not having to wait until level 9 to be able to grab stage combatant.

Is there any benefit to actually keeping the Katana for a STR Magus? I came to that conclusion on my own and I've seen others do the same but is it really worth the feat - has anyone had extra damage worthy of the feat cost?

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Hello Paizo Advice forums!! Nice to meet you~ I'd like your help, if you're willing.

So, my DM made my life just a little more difficult today~ He ruled that Enforcer would not work as-is with a lethal weapon (the spell is dealing the damage, not the weapon), which outlaws my BlackBlade unless I take the standard -4 penalty.

My question is thus: What seems the best course of action to achieve non-lethal damage on a lethal weapon in order to use the Rime+Frostbite+Enforcer combo to its full potential?

I'm limited to PG I/II, Advanced Series, and Ultimate Series sourcebooks, sadly. That 3rd party feat accomplished my goals perfectly... I am allowed to attempt to make a case for 1st-party feats outside the above scope.

Character: Ayame
Race: Human
Class: Bladebound Hexcrafter Magus Lvl 5

Stat Spread: 18 STR, 16 DEX, 14 CON, 20(+1) INT, 12 WIS, 14 CHA
We went heroic on stat rolls and I got lucky. Racial bonus given to INT because of Hex's DC formula. Considering I'm looking to eventually run Heavy Armor and a Transmog. Build, I may see if my GM won't let me move 2 points from Dex into Con.

Traits: Magical Lineage (Shocking Grasp), Reactionary, Student of Philosophy
Drawback: Cruel
Drawback for extra trait plus flavor since there's a fair bit of RPing done, ML on SG instead of FB for versatility. I also don't see where I could gain much from multiple Metamagics that I couldn't use a rod for.

1 - Enforcer, Rime Spell
3 - EWP: Katana
4 - Hex Arcana: Slumber
5 - Craft Wondrous Item, Extra Hex: Flight

Skills: Fly, Knowledge (Arcana), Spellcraft, Intimidate (+4 roll bonus via crafted item for +14 total to roll; looking to get that roll bonus even higher when I have more gold)

Black Blade Katana, Katana, Sap, Comp. Shortbow +3 (Wondering if it's necessary with Fly but sometimes it's good to keep your distance, yeah?)

She was originally a ninja/magus multi-class char. (hence the name and katana) but I was forced to single-class due to over-complicating things and slowing the game down due to my inexperience. I still liked the ninja feel, and wanted to retain it. I'm considering a dip into CB Sorc later for the Moonlight Stalker tree..

Loot is random to a degree (no paladin loot for instance, since we have none) but it's given to another if it's more useful to someone else. This has left me with a pretty low WBL atm and I've been a little unlucky on loot drops (Nothing overly amazing for any of us, honestly.), so I picked up Craft Wondrous Item to alleviate that. Also, with such a high Spellcraft and a Ring of Sustenance (2/7 days so far..) and eventually a Wand of Rope Trick (or if I can get my Sorcerer to always prepare it..) it will allow me access to useful and appropriate gear with minimal downtime sacrificed.

Proposed Solutions
Weapon Focus and Stage Combatant allow me to get around the aforementioned -4 penalty and use my BlackBlade to deliver Frostbite Intimidates. I'd have to wait a couple more levels (Thanks for the +0 BAB at lvl 1. :< ) or just keep it a "katana" for flavor but effectively a scimitar.. The katana just seems better for a STR build, however.

Not fully obtainable 'til Level 7, when I get the +5 BAB. This also assumes I drop a current feat for Weapon Focus. I'd have to use the Sap til then.

A Merciful weapon, say her back-up Katana, would also allow me to bypass it. However, I don't like the action economy loss of switching/dropping and switching weapons. Teleport Blade doesn't seem worth losing the AP point either - I'd rather use it for Arcane Accuracy (I'll get that at 6) or a similar Arcana.

My intentions were to make the back-up an Adamantite weapon, and add Spell-Storing to it later, but Merciful could work too/in addition. For now, I'd most likely have to use the Sap for my N/L attacks unless I dropped the early extra Hex in favor of the two feats. I've thought about picking up Craft Magic Arms and Armor but that seems like too many craft feats on a non-crafter-themed character. (Arguably, one is too many.)

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, and if you've found another, maybe even better, way to solve my situation. Thanks for reading, and I hope for responses~