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So I have had a concept for a while, which seems to be difficult to pull off. But I'll be joining a PBP game soon, which is at 2nd level currently. I know he won't be optimized or a monster in combat, etc.; but I would like him to be effective. Luckily, the emphasis is heavy on roleplaying, so it shouldn't be too much of an issue.
The core of the concept is a swordcane pistol wielding character, a rakish sort, who is (in flavor, not in class) a 'swashbuckler' type; full of derring-do, vim and vigor. Who can also cast some spells (and preferably through his swordcane pistol, via spellslinger).
I'd love it if his spellcasting were divine instead of arcane; but I don't see a way to make that work at all. If anyone has suggestions, I am open to them.
My preference in combat style is to be primarily a spellcaster, with the ability to use ranged or melee combat as a decent option as needed. Probably lead off with a bullet, then switch to some spells, then switch to the blade if closed with. So no need for rapid reloading shenanigans etc., unless they fit easily into the build.
Spellslinger is almost necessary, though myrmidarch magus alone could pull it off to a degree. I'd enjoy bladebound magus, which is compatible with myrmidarch... Combining spellslinger and myrmidarch lets me cast pretty much any spell (well, NOT quite, but a LOT) through my arcane gun/black blade.
I am not a fan at all of the gunslinger's mechanics - grit and deeds, etc. But I think I might be able to pull off (simulate, to some degree, at least) a divine variant with a gunslinger/oracle or gunslinger/cleric build. But I just haven't found a way to make it REALLY work as desired.
Also, aside from class selection, I'd like him to be a Dex and Cha primary character. So I thought of dumping magus for a bard, either a dervish or archaeologist bard would work, and bards can kinda sorta get a divine-ish flavor to the, with limited healing etc.; but I would have less interaction with the spells and my arcane gun, than I would as a myrmidarch. And of course I would lose the flavor of the intelligent black blade partner/cohort/master (whichever it turns out to be).
And added to that - to some degree because I haven't pegged down the specific build and its stat requirements, I still haven't chosen a race either. I am leaning towards half-elf, dwarf, gnome, or halfling. Each for different and distinct flavors; but each of which would be a blast to RP with this build.
And finally, my stats. We rolled; here's what I rolled (no racials added, obviously); 6, 9, 11, 14, 15, 18.
So... I'm off to tinker with concepts and write up more of the background, would welcome any input on build suggestions!
The Arcane Bloodline Sorcerer gets an arcane bonded item (or familiar, but we'll leave that aside for now). So by levels in sorcerer, or by eldritch heritage feats, you get a normal arcane bonded item. It specifically stacks with levels of wizard to determine the effectiveness of the item.
The spellslinger wizard trades his arcane bond for an arcane gun. It has several neat benefits, but is missing most all of the typical arcane bonded item benefits.
If you have both, and you select your arcane gun as the arcane bonded item (whichever way it happens, sorcerer first or wizard first), do you get the full benefits of the arcane bond, based on combined Sor+Wiz levels; as well as all of the benefits of the arcane gun, based solely on Wiz levels?
And, does it matter which you gain first?
Actually, it is not at all for that type of optimization, and wholly for the optimization of concept (rather than optimizing mechanics)...
As to eldritch heritage being worth the feat cost, it totally is. But that doesn't mitigate the fact that in many builds, including mine, two feats is overly expensive.
No, not wanting a familiar; looking for an arcane bonded item, for a divine caster.
And the eldritch heritage feat is the current only option I know of, hoping for an alternative. Two feats to grab it is overly expensive.
Subject says it all - any feats, traits, archetypes, etc. which allow a non arcane caster to have an arcane bonded item?

By swashbuckler, I mean style. Which has less to do with class and more to do with roleplay; but class can definitely affect it.
Primarily, my thoughts in that vein are a dex/cha based ranged character, who can melee in a pinch. Not a full switch hitter, but capable of it. And as much social and noncombat ability as fighting prowess.
Ideally, I would like to cast some spells (more direct offensive/control than buff/debuff), shoot some bullets, and be able to fence if/when closed with. But the focus will fall between casting and shooting - with probably a bit more reliance on casting (bullets can be expensive!).
We have 2 bards in the group (one straight bard, one bard/evangelist cleric), otherwise I thought of using bard instead of sorcerer as the primary casting class. With the dervish dancer or archaeologist archetypes, it would be very fitting. It might still work out well, without stepping on toes; but it would waste the bonuses they're providing, as I'd give myself my own bonus. We do also have a rogue, but I think going arcane trickster would make me different enough from him (he is a crossbow sniper type) that I wouldn't step on his toes much.
Dragon Disciple is a good idea, but I want Dex as a focus, not Str. The reason I thought the Arcane bloodline is mainly because it would add benefits to my bonded gun (which is also my melee weapon). Imperious would just be very suited to the campaign (kingmaker).
We already have a caster and a pair of archers in the game, as well as melee, and healers, etc. - we have 9 players in all; so I am not needed as a primary anything, though I could build as if primary for any role I choose.
I am thinking either Arcane, or Imperious, or crossblooded with the two for bloodlines.
also, just started thinking of maybe going the arcane trickster route with this character. I'd still lose 4 caster levels (vs. the EK's 5), but the benefits are far more than an enhanced AB and a couple of bonus feats. Was looking at the various rogue archetypes, and none seem particularly appealing; the swashbuckler is nice but not amazing, sniper would be good for an extra 10' of sneak attack distance, scout for more easily getting sneak attacks... but none are amazing/must-have.

I'm looking at a character who specializes in a devil may care swashbuckling style, wielding a sword-cane pistol through which he casts his spells. I definitely do not want a straight spellslinger, for one since he is a Dex/Cha focused build, and for two because the archetype on the whole sucks as anything other than a 1-level dip.
My DM dislikes the gunslinger class, though not firearms. I am firmly in his camp. The grit/deeds mechanic is not my cup of tea at all. I debated on a black bladed myrmidarch magus, but while I like the concept, the DM is not a fan of the magus, so I will try to steer clear.
I initially thought EK was the obvious choice. in just 5 levels, ith a race with a 3rd level spell-like ability, I could go wiz 1/sor 1/trench ftr 3, and then EK10. It would give me a strong BAB, dex to damage rolls with both bullets and spells fired through the firearm, a couple of bonus feats, shore up my fort save, and etc. Several benefits to the build.
But then I thought of it, and I am losing 5 caster levels from the sorcerer (wizard caster levels will be next to useless, I think), and almost all of my bloodline benefits.
Would a straight Spellslinger 1/ Sorcerer 19 be able to pull off the derring-do desired, with spells, bullets, and occasionally the sword-cane?
What would you do?
A druid without wildshape, or a ranger with full casting, or a cleric with the druid spell list...
Basically looking for a pure caster based character. Nature oriented. Don't want wild shape, and not really all that interested in an animal companion. I think the cleric with the druid spell list would be the closest to what I want - but would that be balanced/fair to do, just swap out the spell list? Is there any way to do this with existing archetypes, prestige classes, or feats; instead of houseruling it?
I think conjurer and summoner are great ideas, I hadn't thought of wizard outside of sin magic. And the Oni Bloodline does seem appropriate too!
To elaborate on some of the ideas for kingdom roles I have come up with; I think counselor or spymaster would be better roles, as an arcane user. A high priest could be interesting, and provide more of an excuse for building his 'temples' of vice in the kingdom.
Maybe even a theurge, blending oni-blooded sorcerer and oracle levels...
Still open for more ideas and suggestions!

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Orfamay Quest wrote: I'm not really seeing the question -- that's like asking "what class would be best suited for a redhead?" I think you could get literally any class to fit.
Basically, you're talking about someone who does what he likes and likes what he does, and wants this to apply universally. This could be a paladin, or an anti-paladin, or anything else, depending upon what he liked to so.
A scholarly type who likes to sit in a tower and read -- could be a wizard.
A gym rat who really likes working out and sparring -- could be a fighter.
A mystic who really likes contemplating his navel -- could be a monk. (Of course, this kind of conflicts with the corpulence and gluttony,... but not with the hedonism part.)
To a degree, you're right. Except, I did address that in my post. I don't want to play a redhead who happens to be a given class, I want to play a redhead where having red hair is in some way incorporated into and a part of the class. Thus, there are specific classes which would work better or worse - and thus my question to these forums! :)

I have a character concept I am trying to bring into Pathfinder. For a Kingmaker Game.
The key points of the character are his corpulence and gluttony, as well as his being anywhere from somewhat to severely greedy, and a proponent of ethical hedonism*. He will be trying to sway others into this way of thinking, and promoting it by building festhalls, alehouses, whore houses, gambling dens, etc.
[i]* "Ethical Hedonism" - Ethical hedonism is the idea that all people have the right to do everything in their power to achieve the greatest amount of pleasure possible to them. It is also the idea that every person's pleasure should far surpass their amount of pain. Ethical hedonism is said to have been started by a student of Socrates, Aristippus of Cyrene. He held the idea that pleasure is the highest good.[/b]
The complication is that he needs to fit in with a party that includes some lawful good characters, as well as neutral good and chaotic good. (I think all characters are one of the three good alignments).
Also, none of that has much of anything to do with class, on the whole. So I would like to find some way to incorporate one or more aspects of a class into the above.
I'd thought of a cleric, war priest, or oracle; founding temples to various appropriate deities - where each temple is more of a house of vice (a temple to cayden cailean would be an alehouse, a temple to calistria a whore house, etc.).
A Sin Mage could have his philosophies based in ethical hedonism, and just be a vocal proponent of them.
What other classes could readily incorporate that into and with their class features? How would they best be built?
What role(s) would you see as the best suited for this character in the overall leadership of the kingdom? How would the classes suggested affect that?
For those curious, the average damage of size increases is thus;
1d2=1.5 (base) [base]
1d3=2 (+0.5) [+33.33%]
1d4=2.5 (+0.5) [+25%]
1d6=3.5 (+1) [+40%]
1d8=4.5 (+1) [+28.57%]
2d6=7 (+2.5) [+55.56%]
3d6=10.5 (+3.5) [+50%]
4d6=14 (+3.5) [+33.33%]
6d6=21 (+7) [+50%]
8d6=28 (+7) [+33.33%]
12d6=42 (+14) [+50%]
a bit of an odd curve there. the d10 line is a slight bit better;
1d10=5.5 (base) [base]
2d8=9 (+3.5) [+63.64%]
3d8=13.5 (+4.5) [+50%]
4d8=18 (+4.5) [+33.33%]
6d8=27 (+9) [+50%]
8d8=36 (+9) [+33.33%]
12d8=54 (+18) [+50%]
Personally, I think there is a much smoother progression possible. But, I wasn't consulted, so...

Taku Ooka Nin wrote: This would kind-of sort-of be the best weapon in the game due to math I don't understand or something.
However, you can achieve this effect with larger weapons.
For example it scale goes (something) like this:
1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 2d4, 1d10, 1d12, 2d6, 2d8, 3d6.
I'm pretty sure d4s could be snuck in there, but I don't think they bother.
An Curved Blade, Elven at Medium size is 1d10 : 18-20/2x
If you make it LARGE it does 1d12 : 18-20/2x
if you make it HUGE it does 2d6 : 18-20/2x
It sounds like you want to use a HUGE version. However, keep in mind that you get a -2 penalty to hit for each size category difference. You could play a tiefling who has the ability to use large weapons so you only take a -2 to hit instead of -4.
However this does mean your damage would be:
-4 atk : 2d6 + (Dex [Agile]) (Str*1.5 [Normal]) : 18-20/2x.
If you make it Keen or have the appropriate feat then it is:
-4 atk : 2d6 + (Dex [Agile]) (Str*1.5 [Normal]) : 15-20/2x.
Good luck!
Actually, your numbers are a bit base there. THIS LINK shows the actual progressions.
Damage dice increase as follows: 1d2, 1d3, 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 2d6, 3d6, 4d6, 6d6, 8d6, 12d6.
A weapon or attack that deals 1d10 points of damage increases as follows: 1d10, 2d8, 3d8, 4d8, 6d8, 8d8, 12d8.
Size increases never give 2d4 or 1d12, and 2d6 doesn't increase to 2d8 (1d10 does), and so on...
To those saying it will be a bunch of d6's eventually, no matter what -
"A weapon or attack that deals 1d10 points of damage increases as follows: 1d10, 2d8, 3d8, 4d8, 6d8, 8d8, 12d8."
To those saying 5.5 isn't a number you can roll; while technically correct, you're not talking about an individual roll, you are talking AVERAGES. Thus, over time, the 1d10 will have an average damage which is half a point higher PER ROLL than the 2d4. This means in the course of 100 rolls, the 1d10 weapon will be 50 points of damage higher, even if it is less 'consistent'.

without spoilers (first time playing), what build advice would you have for an urban druid in a kingmaker campaign, who has just hit 3rd level?
Custom race (wemic)... nothing particularly relevant to his future build there; he can take catfolk feats, and has rake/pounce. He is Large size (until thousand faces lets him also be medium or small on a regular basis), but no reach. Base speed is 50. Rolled stats, 13/15/14/12/16/17 after racials. Can post more specifics on the race if needed.
As an Urban Druid, he has the Nobility (Leadership) domain, has the Lost Legacy background feat as his 1st level choice, has focused on survival, knowledge: nobility, and diplomacy as skills, with a smattering of others. He doesn't worship any god, but reveres nature as a whole.
Wears hide armor, soon to be masterwork studded leather, I think. Has several weapons, but usually uses his quarterstaff (as a shillelagh), and/or claws...and is trying to be a caster focused druid, though fairly melee capable as well (primarily due to racial pounce and rake abilities).
This is a 9 man party with every base more than covered, so he can easily focus on combat, non combat, or be a mixture of both.
Ultimate goal is to snag the Leader (King) title, but another player also has eyes on that... so he may end up being the grand diplomat or high priest, if his first choice falls through.
So if you were in this position, what would you take for your 3rd level feat, and how would you build from there?
a) he is an arch-devil, not a full fledged deity
b) he is lawful evil, very wrong alignment
c) he has neither the artifice or nobility domains
d) he does not fit the flavor of a kingmaker character very well, IMO (not sure how you think he might, would welcome the description)
e) how the heck are you getting a mace which is 1d8+1d4, with a 17-20 crit that radiates light and always hits against flat footed? And what at all does that have to do with a crafting/firearms based character?
This came up in a game last night... DM said you cannot 5' step at an angle around an enemy; that is it just like a 'hard corner'.
I did not think pathfinder had any such restrictions on 5' stepping. And I cannot find anything related to that.
Just curious if this is a house rule from another edition of D&D, or if this is a pathfinder rule I am not familiar with...?
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The thing about dipping into crossblooded sorcerer; it also means you are sacrificing a full level of casting in your other class; including spells known, spells per day, saving throw DCs, and so on. It also sucks up an extra point of attack bonus. Maybe those are seemingly inconsequential sacrifices, maybe they are not - that depends heavily upon the build used. But just because there is a way to ignore one or more penalties does not mean those penalties do not exist.
Well, this is a home game, not PFS... so a cleric could be free to venerate whatever; as you mentioned this would be DM specific. However, if you re-read what I stated above, it is my personal preference to only worship a deity (with the occasional/rare exception, in which I have a cleric who venerates a full pantheon or an ideal) - but I never have a cleric who serves a lesser divine being.
... so that is not a problem.
minoritarian wrote: I dont think any deity has firearms as a favoured weapon. There's also none that have both artifice and nobility domains.
For a NG/LG cleric I'd recommend Bharnarol, The Tempered Inventor (A NG empyreal lord.), Torag or Brigh (only for NG).
I am familiar with Torag and had considered him but decided against him for various reasons. Brigh and Bharnarol I had never heard of; both seem perfectly suited for this character. I prefer to not have a cleric worship andthing not actually a full deity, though... unless they instead worship nothing (an unnamed power), or an entire pantheon. But I personally never have a cleric or paladin or druid, etc. devoted to an empyreal lord, arch devil, demon lord, etc. Just my own personal thing. But that eliminates bharanol.
So for now, Brigh is tentatively my choice. I would still welcome any other input, though!

Cardinal Chunder wrote: Are you looking for the "best deity" for role playing reasons or for roll playing reasons?
Your question seems confused on this.
I do not feel the need to segregate the two. If there is no deity that suits mechanics and flavor both, I will take the best for either/or. I do not believe that mechanics are inherently more or less important than flavor - but that it is best when they can both align.
I detest the fallacy that flavor cannot be mechanically beneficial, or that mechanical optimization will necessarily weaken or remove flavor. They can quite easily coexist.
So, if no deity suits both mechanics AND flavor, I will be satisfied with one who is best for either mechanics, OR flavor... whichever is more appropriate to the character.
By that, I mean if there is an *extremely* suitable (flavor wise) deity whose mechanics are way off, and an *extremely* suitable deity (mechanically speaking), whose flavor is way off, and a third deity who is only *mostly* suitable in both areas, I would go for #3. But if there is not middle ground, if the flavorful choice is more suited to flavor than the mechanical choice is suited to his mechanics, I would pick it. And vice-versa.

Okay, a character I am developing for an upcoming Kingmaker campaign has been raised by dwarves and is a crafting focused pistol wielding cleric.
So which deity would be most appropriate to worship, for a firearm devotee of the smithing (and eventually, magical item crafting) arts?
I thought of going with the forgemaster archetype, even though he is not a dwarf it would be appropriate for him to choose a dwarven AT - however I don't think it suits the overall theme of the character (don't want him to be so much focused on runes).
I thought of the blackpowder inquisition in place of a domain, but I don't think it would be as beneficial as an actual domain; in the long run.
So I am thinking of a deity with the artifice and nobility domains, if any exist, preferably one to allow for a Neutral Good or Lawful Good cleric (so a CG, N, NG, LG, or LN deity).
Not sure I love the benefits of the nobility domain, but as it is in a kingmaker campaign it seems it would be appropriate.
Do any actual deities (not demon princes, etc.) in golarion have any firearms as a favored weapon?
Any other suggestions for a deity?
wraithstrike wrote: Kanaric wrote: Does the target on the other side of a character get a bonus to AC like from cover from a reach attack? only when a reach weapon is used. Actually, no - on any attack against a non-adjacent foe.
I am in the midst of creating a dwarven offshoot race, using the ARG race builder rules and a 20RP limit. While I intend it to have flavor and not be a min/maxed race for a specific class - I want the race as a whole to be the supreme crafters; of both magical and mundane items.
What would you do with a 20RP race to specialize it in this way?
Actually, the rules allow for large races via the Advanced Race Guide and Race Builder. Those are specifically rules...
Aside from that, I cannot find the rules/guidelines on size of mount vs. size of rider. I have heard that a mount must be a size category larger. I have also heard some mounts can be the same size as the rider. This would be applicable regardless of the race's natural size.
How exactly are you getting effective level of 82?
I can see 33, but that is about as far as I can see it.
Bonded Mount (Su): You gain the service of an unusually intelligent, strong, and loyal mount. The creature must be one that you are capable of riding and is suitable as a mount. A Medium oracle can select a camel or a horse. A Small oracle can select a pony or wolf, but can also select a boar or a dog if she is at least 4th level. This mount functions as a druid’s animal companion, using your oracle level as your effective druid level. Bonded mounts have an Intelligence score of at least 6.
So if I am a large race, what are the RAW available options?
Assuming it grants me a Huge mount, how would that interact later on in the character's career, if the Mammoth Rider PrC were taken?

So even as a Supernatural Ability, a large creature able to alter self or otherwise polymorph, would be required to adjust stats to medium prior to changing shape?
What of the Su Change Shape, Greater in the ARG's Race Builder, which states; "Members of this race gain the following supernatural ability: a member of this race can assume the appearance of a Small or Medium humanoid as the alter self spell, save that it does not adjust its ability scores."
Now, does this intend to mean only the ability score changes of the alter self spell, or does it include all ability score changes?
Also, the Universal Monster Rules has similar verbiage about not altering ability scores - but it also indicates that the change shape ability is limited to one size category from one's natural form; but the race builder's ability (above) does not include this restriction. How do these interact?
**As a note, this was not the original question; I was looking at building a large race with Alter Self usable as a Sp, not this Su; but I happened to think of this as we discussed the rules.
Good to know. But that brings up a new question. The concept in question would be using alter self as a spell like ability. Does that conflict with the polymorph wording, which states "If a polymorph spell is cast on a creature ..." as an SLA is not a spell being cast upon the creature?
Honorable Goblin; I see your point and understand it. It is one interpretation that lead to question one. However, another reason to use the verbiage "immediately" is to emphasize that the character can immediately trade it, without waiting for a retraining period, etc. I can see both interpretations, thus the query.
Mojorat - good point, and one I hadn't considered. And RAW accurate.
No, it explicitly uses the verbiage "as if you were disabled" - it does not state "you are disabled"... it then details exactly how your 'as if disabled' functions. It is similar to (i.e. "as if") yet uniquely different.
Alter self states;
"Small creature: If the form you take is that of a Small humanoid, you gain a +2 size bonus to your Dexterity.
Medium creature: If the form you take is that of a Medium humanoid, you gain a +2 size bonus to your Strength."
If a creature is naturally large, and shrinks to medium via alter self, does it take the standard ability score adjustments (-2 STR, +2 DEX) for the change, and then apply the benefit of this spell (+2 STR), thus netting a +2 DEX and no other change?
Likewise, if it shrinks from Large to Small, would it first adjust for both size increments (-4 STR, +4 DEX) and then apply the benefits of this spell (+2 DEX) for a net -4 STR and +6 DEX?
Or does it merely gain specifically the ability score adjustments from this spell, and no other change?
What of the typical/standard adjustments to attack rolls and armor class, based on size? The spell does not mention those changes either, so is it assumed to be done, in addition to the ability score adjustments?
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Archaeik wrote: karossii wrote: Archaeik; the initial AoO is triggered on stepping into the 10' threatening zone. The 'enters' aspect. The target could stop there, and prevent any further AoOs; assuming he has reach himself.
If he continues to move, however, on leaving that square, he provokes a second AoO.
These are still two distinct and separate triggers.
Again, that is RAI.
RAW, that AoO is vs an opponent 15ft away. Let us strip the reach factor then, and look at an opponent moving adjacent to a character with this feat. RAW, they can take an AoO against that doe when it is 10' away, without a reach weapon. And this is exactly how the feat is intended to work.
I think your issue is not with the combined attacks, but with the feat.
One can always wield two of any one-handed weapon; the penalties for doing so are just significantly higher than a light weapon in the off hand.
One can also always wield a one-handed weapon in two hands, as a side note.
Archaeik; the initial AoO is triggered on stepping into the 10' threatening zone. The 'enters' aspect. The target could stop there, and prevent any further AoOs; assuming he has reach himself.
If he continues to move, however, on leaving that square, he provokes a second AoO.
These are still two distinct and separate triggers.
"When using this feat, you are staggered. You can take a move action without further injuring yourself, but if you perform any standard action (or any other action deemed as strenuous, including some swift actions, such as casting a quickened spell) you take 1 point of damage after completing the act. If your negative hit points are equal to or greater than your Constitution score, you immediately die."
Nothing in that paragraph states you fall unconscious after the single action. As far as I read it, you may continue acting, 1 standard (or move or swift) action per round, at a cost of 1HP per round, until you die.
Right, I am aware of both those points - they are exactly what I stated in the first post. That is why I was indicating such characters may choose to NOT trade the feat.
My questions are,
1) Would you allow the character to retain the feat (amateur gunslinger) up until they actually gained grit, THEN trade it for extra grit?
2) Do you feel it is worth a feat slot to simply gain one deed?
3) Are there any other scenarios in which you could see keeping the feat, after gaining levels in a class with the grit class feature?
So, the amateur gunslinger feat grants a single 1st level gunslinger deed, and up to your WIS/day in grit (starting with 1 each day). If you ever gain levels in a class that grants grit, you can immediately trade the feat for the extra grit feat.
So, what if the class gains grit, but not at first level? You would lose your grit for X levels if you trade the feat away.
Or, what if you gain levels in a class that grants grit, but don't grant the deed you selected via this feat? If you trade the feat, you would lose that deed.
In the first case, would you rule that the player could trade the feat when he actually gained grit from the class, and not only the first level of the class that will eventually gain grit?
In the second case, do you think the feat slot is worth a single 1st level deed?
Are there other scenarios in which you would keep the feat?

I was in a game just this past week (was actually resolved over 2 sessions, a week apart) in which 3 encounters were strung together one after another with no time to rest. The party was all 10th level, not 11th, but that is not much different. The total number of rounds for the three encounters was in the high 40s/low 50s. (We were about at 30 minutes of in-game time total, around 5 minutes devoted to the combats).
Had we tried to rest and relax for more than a few moments between each battle, bad things would have happened. And this is far from the first time I have seen this type of thing in mid to high level play.
I don't know how you think it would be a thin pretense; there are literally thousands of various reasons to have a time limit on accomplishing a task, or to add a surprise extension to an encounter they thought was over, or to have a surprise attack in the middle of the day (or night), shortly before (or after) some other planned encounter.
If your suspension of disbelief can't handle such tropes as plotlines, you don't play the same way I do.
I had one version done but hated it, so have thrown it out and am reworking. But I don't really intend to use grit or deeds. I honestly dislike that entire concept's execution for the gunslinger.
More looking to replicate a spellslinger or magus like feel, incorporating guns, crafting, and alchemy; all along the lines of extracts or spell slots, etc. If I did anything along the lines of grit, it would follow the magus arcana abilities.
I am about to embark on a few hours of developmental fun, trying to create a balanced archetype for the alchemist, basically a form of the spellslinger, but trading the bombs class ability instead of spells, to fuel an arcane gun. Not sure what all I will do, how awesome or horrible it may end up... it is just an idea I had. And since I am on the boards, I thought I would start by posing this query, and hopefully come back later tonight or tomorrow to some awesome responses...
Possibly. I've never heard of him, though...
so say you were playing a tiny race, and decided to play a gun toting character. What would be the best build to maximize your damage potential? I realize weapon die is usually not a major concern; but still - what are the best methods to bump it back up?
Question wrote: I dont get it. If a guard is facing the other way, how exactly can he see me when i am behind him? He doesnt have eyes in the back of his head. For reasons of flavor and common sense, you are perfectly correct. However, by reasons of game mechanics, pathfinder has no 'facing'. This means that any character, creature, or NPC is never considered to be looking away; they are constantly watching all 4 directions at the same time. Thus, you can never be 'behind' someone, by way of mechanics. Only adjacent to them.
There were several I noted. Improved Natural Armor, Fast Healer, Elemental Fist (undead monk), etc.
so the undead type states, "Undead use their Charisma score in place of their Constitution score when calculating hit points, Fortitude saves, and any special ability that relies on Constitution (such as when calculating a breath weapon's DC)."
If an undead character wanted to take a feat which had a con of 13 or con 18 etc. as a prerequisite, would this allow the undead to use their Cha in its place?
Is minor creation the lowest level spell which allows a character to magically craft something? It is, as far as I have seen... but double checking I am not missing anything.
Are there any 3PP supplements which have something like this?
I knew I would remember it. I decided on a different course of action already, but still, would be nice to see what the consensus is on this.
Can a race be two or more types? Such as Humanoid and Half-Construct, or Fey and Hal-Undead? What of both half types, such as Half-Construct and Half-Undead? Or, even with a third, such as Humanoid, Half Construct, and Half Undead?
And second, assuming the above is possible, what happens with the overlapped abilities? Things such as darkvision or lowlight vision would seem easy, you remove the cost of that ability from the combined total, since both types are 'charging' you for the ability separately. But what of identical or similar/overlapping resistances or other abilities/features based on the type? Just suck up the overlapping costs and abilities, for the chance to play a weird abomination?
Thoughts? Rules sources?