Confessions That Will Get You Shunned by Darn Near Everyone in Gaming

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Vincent Takeda wrote:
Coriat wrote:

And now on the topic of shun-worthy gamer confessions:

I no longer own any physical dice.

Can't shun you for that...

Tell me when you made the decision that instead of donating your game dice to another gamer, you threw your dice in the trash and didn't feel a little piece of your soul die when it happened and I'll give you a half-shun....

I put them on a desk where they gathered dust and occasionally got moved around, while I thought less and less about them until one day, probably long after the dice collection finally breathed its last in obscurity, I noticed they were gone.

So, they probably did end up in the trash, but I can't comment on the soul death part because I wasn't paying attention.

I like diceless games.

Dark Archive

Never read hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy and don't plan to. I also hate the new version of battle star galaxtica

carmachu wrote:
Never read hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy and don't plan to.

I won't shun you, but I will tell you your missing out.

carmachu wrote:
I also hate the new version of battle star galaxtica

I've never seen star trek, battlestar galactica, or stargate. Do I get anything for that?

Coriat wrote:
Vincent Takeda wrote:
Coriat wrote:

And now on the topic of shun-worthy gamer confessions:

I no longer own any physical dice.

Can't shun you for that...

Tell me when you made the decision that instead of donating your game dice to another gamer, you threw your dice in the trash and didn't feel a little piece of your soul die when it happened and I'll give you a half-shun....

I put them on a desk where they gathered dust and occasionally got moved around, while I thought less and less about them until one day, probably long after the dice collection finally breathed its last in obscurity, I noticed they were gone.

So, they probably did end up in the trash, but I can't comment on the soul death part because I wasn't paying attention.

I will NEVER not use physical dice. To not use them feels.... unclean.

Silver Crusade

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MrSin wrote:
I've never seen star trek, battlestar galactica, or stargate. Do I get anything for that?


carmachu wrote:
Never read hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy and don't plan to.

Don't worry. You're not missing anything.

Liberty's Edge

I don't enjoy RPGs that much, mostly I'd rather stay home and read a book. It's just that the people I play with are more fun than my books.

MrSin wrote:
I've never seen star trek, battlestar galactica, or stargate. Do I get anything for that?

No, but I will tell you that you're missing out in the case of new BSG. ;)

MrSin wrote:
carmachu wrote:
Never read hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy and don't plan to.
I won't shun you, but I will tell you your missing out.


Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Fabius Maximus wrote:
carmachu wrote:
Never read hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy and don't plan to.
Don't worry. You're not missing anything.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

I never liked Larry Elmore's artwork.

Liberty's Edge

My players have a policy of always mispronouncing the BBEG's name. Only the one which is a dangerous physical threat to them they respect.

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I hate the tendency of the internet to crown things as either 'greatest of all time' or 'worst thing ever'.

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Grey Lensman wrote:
I hate the tendency of the internet to crown things as either 'greatest of all time' or 'worst thing ever'.

Worst comment ever.

Dark Archive

I am my gaming group's time limit some nights. It becomes a question of can we finish this scenario/module/session/whatever before I'm too drunk to say my own name.

I like to occasionally ham it up with a character. Sometimes, I have to be reminded to tone it down a bit... Especially after the epic hour-long in-character rant, complete with begging the gods to reveal why the event happened, over another character stealing and eating my character's sandwich.

Some groups don't particularly appreciate it.

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I thought LotR books were only okay.
I like the Drizzts books and the Drizzt as a character. I am not saying Salvator is a better writer then Tolkien though
Actually I like a lot of D&D novels.
I never got into BSG and lost interest in Lost after season 2 and have only watched the 1st 3 episodes or The Walking Dead. i have read lots of the comic though and loved them, up into they reach the town with the Governor around issue 60 I believe
I didn't find Big Bang Theory to be that funny.
Never got into Doctor Who, but have started watching the newish one on Netflix.
I liked Naruto, the Japanese version and the filler needs to die, not a slow death, a quick double tap to the back of the head and body burnt to ashes.

I also cry from because of media, tv, movie or book. Usually because someone died and its not their death so much as other peoples grief because of their death. I guess its because I can relate to loosing someone close to me, my mother when I was young, but can not relate to being dead.

Of course non of these things will actually get me shunned by my gaming group

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Vincent Takeda wrote:

Thaco was both better, simpler and made more sense.

Do I win?

Bonus round... I like playing wizards who neither nuke nor buff.

Super extra bonus round:

When it's my caster's turn in initiative my most common (like 75% of the time at least) response is 'I think we're good...'

You said THAC0 was better so yes you win, you are now officially shunned by everyone I know... except my father for some reason

Dark Archive

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I once made a pair of loaded dice. Never planned to use them myself, but I did loan them to a GM this one time when his dog absconded with the dice bag. Watching him crit the party with every other attack was beautiful. Everybody but him knew I made'em. We were all waiting to see if he'd catch on.

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I actually liked the first D&D movie (other than Marlon Wayans).

Dark Archive

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Ivan Rûski wrote:
I actually liked the first D&D movie (other than Marlon Wayans).

Well, you sir have just won this thread.

Hey, I liked that movie.
Also liked the fact that they actually built the Thieves' Guild test out of local materials, which *didn't* include lightweight alternatives to big treetrunks for the swinging axes :-)

I like 4th edition.

Despite all the despising of Tolkien above, I consider The Silmarillion to be self-evidently the greatest literary work of the 20th century ... and there really isn't a close second.

I employ real-world religion in my campaigns. I've yet to run across players who were too immature to handle, or didn't realize that it's far more engrossing than made-up gods.

I think the manner in which attacks of opportunity are handled is asinine.

It's obvious to me that the inmates are running the asylum—and arguably need to be shot like rabid dogs—when players consider themselves to have as much authority over the campaign as DMs do.

The D&D game rules system has become unnecessarily, preposterously convoluted.

Ivan Rûski wrote:
I actually liked the first D&D movie (other than Marlon Wayans).

Yeah, me too. Sure, the Beholders were a bit much...but it did have Dr Who in it.

Shadow Lodge

Jaelithe wrote:

Despite all the despising of Tolkien above, I consider The Silmarillion to be self-evidently the greatest literary work of the 20th century ... and there really isn't a close second.

I employ real-world religion in my campaigns. I've yet to run across players who were too immature to handle, or didn't realize that it's far more engrossing than made-up gods.

I think the manner in which attacks of opportunity are handled is asinine.

It's obvious to me that the inmates are running the asylum—and arguably need to be shot like rabid dogs—when players consider themselves to have as much authority over the campaign as DMs do.

The D&D game rules system has become unnecessarily, preposterously convoluted.

I completely agree with #3-5.

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Confession: I hate hobbits and halflings as character races and banish the race from any game I GM.

Gnomes are cool though, right?

Spastic Puma wrote:
Gnomes are cool though, right?

Gnomes are totally cool. But...

Spastic Puma wrote:
I like 4th edition.


Khelavraa wrote:
Spastic Puma wrote:
I like 4th edition.

Shall we weigh the heretic against a duck?

Nah. It's made of wood.

MagusJanus wrote:
Khelavraa wrote:
Spastic Puma wrote:
I like 4th edition.
Shall we weigh the heretic against a duck?


Spastic Puma wrote:
Gnomes are cool though, right?

Confession: I dislike the short races and almost exclusively play humans. I also let people play them in my game even though I don't like them personally.

1- I enjoyed immensely the two half-elves I played before I turned 20, but I have only played human characters in D&D since then.

2- I think that the vast majority of RPG illustrators can't draw.

That is: they never studied human anatomy, and it shows.

I didn't notice this by myself, but since it was pointed to me by an art major, it became unmistakable.

Since then, I've been annoyed by the vast majority of RPG illustrations.

For example, I think that Wayne Reynolds illustrations are underwhelming.

Sometimes, ignorance is bliss ;-) !

3- I enjoy eating healthy foods around the gaming table. I'm a notorious organic products consumer, and I think trash food and sodas are just... well, trash. I'm sad that my friends eat such trashy and unhealthy food, though I never broached that subject to them.

4- I keep to myself and out of that thread the truly shun-worthy things I did around a gaming table, because I secretly fear I will be ostracized by the gaming community.

But I will never admit to that, and will lie shamelessly to deny it : "better shameful than shamed" is my secret evil motto !

5- I secretly envy people who can do voices and accents around the table, because I can't. Consequently, I will disparage such vocal feats as "histrionics" and "unworthy of serious roleplayers".

[I'm starting to feel that shunning right now...]

6- The various discussions about homosexuality in RPGs bore me to death.

7- Though I rarely, if ever, play murder hobos characters, I have a fondness in my heart for them. Come on, admit it: slaughtering intelligent beings with the thin excuse of "it's for the greater good !" is FUN ! It's just a game, for Christ's sake !

8- I really like playing rogues, as PCs and NPCs, and in my next campaign I intend to take measures for them to truly shine.

Mostly, I will gleefully nerf the spellcasters: no more bazillion "utility spells" - bye-bye Spider Climb, Ant Haul and Detect Secret Doors ; not feeling so cocky now, "Schrödinger's wizurd", he ?).

I'm thinking of nerfing Feather Fall too. I want the characters that fail their Climb checks to suffer ! (so, Wizurd, wish you were a Rogue now, hu ?).

9- I like hiding behind my avatar to reveal awful things in RPG game threads with total (ahem) impunity !

10- I like that half-orcs are shafted by life by default in most D&D settings. Leave me my despised bastard races to play !

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11- I think that D&D gnomes were boring little critters through the entirety of D&D life, until the Pathfinder gnomes, who are the best thing since sliced bread this side of the First World.

12- I think Iomedae is an uppity b&*!$. I expressed it perfectly when I played my Iomedean cleric as a sexually-repressed fascist prick. My fellow players were horrified which made me feel all smug and fuzzy-warm inside.

13- I think good Hellknights are a conceptual joke. I am however impressed by such an apt portrayal of fascist self-righteous pricks. No wonder Ioemade is still worshipped in Cheliax.

14- I have a vaguely fetish thing going about Iomedae, but, thankfully, I will never admit it.

15- I like a measure of scantily clad warrior-women in my fantasy RPGs ! What part of "fantasy" don't you understand ?

16- I like to loot ! I like to loot the dead bodies of my slaughtered adversaries ! How dared they oppose me and my murder homeboys ?

But I cowardly hide my glee, so as not to upset the effete sensibilities of my fellow players (though I suspect that they like to loot too !)

17- I like the word "glee". And I like the word "gloat" too. I'm really beginning to think that I like the G + L letters association. Let's gloss it over.

18- I took a weird pleasure in watching the "Twilight" movies.

I enjoyed the dysfunctional death-wishing submissive Bella character and her "too bizarre even for a vampire" sensitive veggie vampire boyfriend (his name eludes me at the moment ; such is the fate of vague characters).
It was like a sickly sweet flashback to my twenties, when I played angsty Vampire the Masquerade wanky vampires.

Veggie vampires... who sparkle in sunlight... that cracks me up :- D !

Kids these days...

NB: my genuine favorite vampires in all the movies were the Transylvanian vampires who came to aid the veggie limp-dick vampires during their final battle against the italian wankers vamps'.
Those were real vampires, terrors of the night and rightful abominations !

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