RuyanVe |

So here it is. Although it's going to be a while before I will (have to) GM this AP, I thought I get this thread going the more to know where even mythic heros might fail (or just to observe player stupidity when power drunken is followed by brain drain)--and yes, I've seen this thread.
Here we go:
The Gory Details: (optional)

Tinkergoth |

I just assumed the title was a joke, and got a bit of a chuckle out of it. Didn't think it was condescending personally, but I guess I can see how it could be read that way.
I can't wait to see what starts popping up in this thread. We're a significant way away from me being able to run this, but I'm really looking forward to it (honestly, I'm half hoping for a TPK at some point in Shattered Star so we can start Wrath of the Righteous early... though I do want to finish Shattered Star too). I'll be keeping a close eye on this thread.

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Name: Timeor Fidiorum
Race: Tiefling [Shackleborn]
Classes/levels: Cavalier [Beast Rider/Animal Abuser] 5
Adventure: The Worldwound Incursion
Location: Grey Garrison
Catalyst: Faxon's Revenge
The Gory Details:
He then got one-shotted by Timeor.
But they let him live, and took him back to Defender's Heart. Yay for disguise hex!
So Faxon got away, and joined Jeslyn at the end (with another level). He used a scroll of greater invisibility, and fired off a phantasmal killer at the man who brought him low.
But then things were reversed when the wardstone blew, so it was aight.

Diminuendo |

Name:[/b ]Skandor
[b]Race: Halfling
Classes/levels: Ninja 2
Adventure: The Worldwound Incursion
Location: Mongrel Lair
Catalyst: a Sack
The Gory Details: Skandor made it his lifes work to piss off Horgus at every possible step. He got into a fight with Anevia and was knocked out, stripped of all his weapons and tied up. He eventually earned them back and continued bugging the noble. Horgus offered to pay our Fighter Corwin $2000 to dispose of him.
Corwin wasn't willing to go against the party until Skandor refused to hand over a chain shirt (he had 3 at this point). Corwin struck him with his greatsword and reduced the halfling to negative hit points.
Our party Sorcerer and Cleric both stepped in to save Skandor, but Corwin refused to allow any healing on the unconscious body. Corwin shoved the Ninja into a hemp sack and carried him some distance before dropping the sack into an underground river.
The two other party member dived in to save him. Just as Skandor seemed saved Corwin fired a crossbow bolt into the middle of the sack. Obviously dead the Sorcerer and Cleric left the would-be Worldwound Hero to cover their escape from some Gars.

Krinn |
Name: Nesteruk
Race: Half-Orc
Classes/levels: Inquisitor (Sin Eater) of Sarenrae, level 2
Adventure: The Worldwound Incursion
Location: Mongrel Lair
Catalyst: A Glaive, critical of a 10 CON adventurer.
3 dead PCs out of 5 in my GM'ing activity died out of critical AoOs they recklessly provoked, the 4th failing a save against Finger of Death and the 5th suicidally going alone facing impossible odds against an Ogre Mage at 7th level.
The player of Nesteruk promptly rolled a new character and he will join the party as soon as they reach Kenabres. He won't neglect CON this time, and avoid melee on his archer (probably an urban ranger).

DM Crustypeanut |

Name: Bob the Wizard
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Universalist Wizard 1
Adventure: The Worldwound Incursion
Location: Beneath Kenabres
Catalyst: Darkmantles
The Gory Details: (optional)
I'm running through the AP on Roll20 by myself to get a feel for it, and the group of four had been slaughtering everything so far. Then the Darkmantles came. I'm not being merciful to myself, so the first action the Darkmantles did was cast Darkness on the group - three of the group, an Aasimar, a Ratfolk, and a Dwarf, were fine. But the human wizard, who had all of his spells left so far, and had only been firing with his crossbow, became useless.
At first, he retreated from the darkness while the others fought - and failed. The Dwarf Barbarian, part way through the fight, ran out of rage rounds and dropped, followed shortly by the cleric. The Ratfolk Alchemist, meanwhile, took out the Darkness effect by killing one of the Darkmantles with a well-placed crossbow bolt crit. The wizard, then, moved and was able to get off two Infernal Healings (One from a scroll, one from his arcane bond quarterstaff), one on each the Cleric and Barbarian. With the Darkmantle now targeting him, he nearly fell instantly to the first bite - the next round, he was slain by a combination of constrict and bite. The Ratfolk finished off the darkmantle the very next round with a bomb combining the Targeted Bomb Admixture extract - dealing 12 damage to the Darkmantle.
If they survive the remaining dungeon, they will be greeted with a new wizard, this time a Conjurer, once they exit.
I'm not using the NPCs to assist them, considering these guys aren't very good at diplomacy.
I would also like to add that the Darkmantles had been rolling horribly well - nearly hit every single time, and often rolled max damage. o.O

DM Crustypeanut |

Name: The Samurai
Race: Female Elf
Classes/levels: Samurai 4
Adventure: The Worldwound Incursion
Location: The Grey Garrison
Catalyst: Derandu, the Fiendish Minotaur
The Gory Details:
Quite simply, Derandu, the Fiendish Minotaur on the 3rd floor of the Grey Garrison connecting all three of his attacks against her in one round. The Samurai was not one for a high Con score (Elf), so she died -1 hit points past her death-point of -12. She did, however, give the minotaur a nice hit before she died, even going as far as causing him to Bleed thanks to the Wounding effect that was currently on her weapon.
Since I'm running this solo.. there will be no resurrections. Alas, I will roll up a new melee warrior.
Perhaps the redeemed Chaleb? He was fighting alongside her, standing right behind her when she was butchered.

DM Crustypeanut |

Erm.. that didn't work out as planned.
Name: Chaleb, formerly villian-NPC-turned-PC-after-being-redeemed
Race: Male Human
Classes/levels: Cavalier 5
Adventure: The Worldwound Incursion
Location: The Grey Garrison
Catalyst: Derandu, the Fiendish Minotaur
The Gory Details:
Derandu strikes again, immediately slaying Chaleb the round after slaying the Samurai! Both Greataxe hits struck the poor Cavalier, who did not survive.

DM Crustypeanut |

Well seeing as both the Samurai and Chaleb got resurrected by the Wardstone (I didn't mention if NPCs got resurrected, so I assumed so), we shall see!
My group isn't all that optimized, after all - I randomly rolled each of them - class/race included. However, I am really starting to see how powerful Synthesist Summoners are - this Dwarf one is a terror on the battlefield. She has 26 AC without Mage Armor or Shield active. >.> And now that she has a Legendary Intelligent +1 Cold Iron Warhammer with spellcasting ability (Various Summoner-friendly spells).. yeaaaah.
The Babaus had a hard time even hitting her AC - they were flanking, too. Let alone factor in the DR or Regen during that fight.

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Well seeing as both the Samurai and Chaleb got resurrected by the Wardstone (I didn't mention if NPCs got resurrected, so I assumed so), we shall see!
My group isn't all that optimized, after all - I randomly rolled each of them - class/race included. However, I am really starting to see how powerful Synthesist Summoners are - this Dwarf one is a terror on the battlefield. She has 26 AC without Mage Armor or Shield active. >.> And now that she has a Legendary Intelligent +1 Cold Iron Warhammer with spellcasting ability (Various Summoner-friendly spells).. yeaaaah.
The Babaus had a hard time even hitting her AC - they were flanking, too. Let alone factor in the DR or Regen during that fight.
My PCs (7th level, no mythic, different campaign) regularly walk around with AC 24+. It's a toughie.
Also, are you aware that mage armor does not stack with other kinds of armor? this could be significant.

DM Crustypeanut |

Yes I am aware - she has large amounts of Natural armor, but her Chain Shirt doesn't affect her in Eidolon-form.
She's also a Dwarf, and is taking the Dwarf Favored Bonus of +1/4th Natural Armor.. since she's now level 6, thats already +1 right there. Not to mention she has two Extra Evolutions feats. All of her Eidolon's Evolutions are entirely revolving around beefing her up - 2 Strength ones, 1 Con, 1 Dex, 2 Natural Armor, and one Skilled(Spellcraft), since the party has no one really good at Spellcraft.
I would like to add that it is entirely my fault - my 'group' is played entirely by me and me alone, since I'm running this campaign solo. I am literally TRYING to kill this summoner myself - I rolled up her race/class combo randomly, and though I chose my own archetype, I hadn't realized how nuts Synthesists were. I'm also running the campaign without any modifications. Normally, in order to combat a high-AC character, I'd throw in guys with touch spells or just spells in general. She's a dwarf.. though. Her Saves are high; +7 Fort, +9 Ref(Evasion too), +7 Will - and she doesn't even have Steel Soul like the Sorcerer/Cleric has. THAT guy is an absolute beast - no spell can affect him (Especially not Will saves thanks to his +14 Will, adding another +4 thanks to Steel Soul).. but he generally runs around with 12-16 AC.
The summoner almost died twice in the Kenebres underground, though - first with the Darkmantles, second with the Dretches.

Danit |

Name: Elrosk
Race: Half Orc
Classes/levels: Barbarian
Adventure:Wrath of the righteous
Location: Grey garrison
Catalyst: Crit fail
The Gory Details: In the fight against the fiendish Minotaur he crit failed and confirmed then drew the crit yourself card and confirmed that. was a 1 hp when he confirmed and did 40 damage to himself ie swung the glaive the wrong way and cut his own head off.

Brainiac |

Name: Phillip
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Inquisitor of Desna 3
Adventure: The Worldwound Incursion
Location: Blackwing Library
Catalyst: Mace to the Face
The Gory Details: During the fight with Chaleb Sazomal, Phillip slipped behind the evil cavalier and scored a critical hit with his kukri, wounding the man rather badly. Angered by the attack, Chaleb declared the inquistor as his challenge target and scored a critical hit with his heavy mace while Power Attacking. The crushing blow dealt 2d8+30 points of damage. Phillip had 18 HP and Constiution 10. He was dead before the dice rolled.

wegrata |
Name: Dewey
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Paladin Of iomedae 4
Adventure: The Worldwound Incursion
Location: Graystone Garrison
Catalyst: Derandu
Gory Details: Smite good + full attack + greataxe crit
Name: Kozzii
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Fighter 4
Adventure: The Worldwound Incursion
Location: Graystone Garrison
Catalyst: Jesalyn
Gory Details: Jesalyn started by summoning a dretch, who later cast Stinking Cloud, filling most of the room. The enlarged Kozzii botched the save and became nauseated. 2 rounds later when the cloud dissipated Jesalyn cast hold person on him, which he also failed his save for, and moved behind him and far away from the rest of the slow moving party (speed 20 due to size or armour) and proceeded to CdG him on her next full round action.

Andrea1 |
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Name: Elrosk
Race: Half Orc
Classes/levels: Barbarian
Adventure:Wrath of the righteous
Location: Grey garrison
Catalyst: Crit fail
The Gory Details: In the fight against the fiendish Minotaur he crit failed and confirmed then drew the crit yourself card and confirmed that. was a 1 hp when he confirmed and did 40 damage to himself ie swung the glaive the wrong way and cut his own head off.
The next character should get some kind of reward for a death worthy of the Rolemaster crit lists.

Danit |

Danit wrote:The next character should get some kind of reward for a death worthy of the Rolemaster crit lists.Name: Elrosk
Race: Half Orc
Classes/levels: Barbarian
Adventure:Wrath of the righteous
Location: Grey garrison
Catalyst: Crit fail
The Gory Details: In the fight against the fiendish Minotaur he crit failed and confirmed then drew the crit yourself card and confirmed that. was a 1 hp when he confirmed and did 40 damage to himself ie swung the glaive the wrong way and cut his own head off.
Funny thing is the rogue in the group almost did the same thing in the previous combat except he didnt confirm the crit

Aldarionn |
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Name: Kar'ash
Race: Half Orc
Classes/levels: Ninja 6/Trickster 1
Adventure: Sword of Valor
Location: The Gibbering Swarm
Catalyst: Scouting Mission
The Gory Details: Spoilers in the description. Readers, consider yourselves warned!
Kar'ash bravely agreed to attempt to find the Vescavor Queen within the tunnel system of the Gibbering Swarm. Eol the Wizard cast Invisibility on the would-be scout and while Kar'ash easily avoided the notice of the smaller Vescavores, he moved down the final tunnel to the Queens hiding place and ran headlong into her aura of confusion.
Overcome by her abyssal yammering, Kar'ash attempted to "drive out the voices in his head" via slamming his own shortbow repeatedly against his skull. After one or two good thwacks, the queen discerned the Ninja's general location, then moved in for the kill.
All attempt at stealth went out the window as the sounds of combat erupted, but alas the party was too far away to save poor Kar'ash from his fate. The flying nightmare beast gutted the Half Orc where he stood and proceeded to drag him deeper into her lair for a snack.
Fortunately the arrival of the rest of the party spared the Half Orc the indignity of being eaten after being unceremoniously killed for sport. The party had little trouble dealing with the queen and her swarms, using Wind Walls to block of the area and face her alone, but the damage was done. Kar'ash was no more. Half Orcs might be courageous, and even sneaky at times, but nobody ever accused them of being smart.

Nathan Hartshorn |

Name: Brus-Brus
Race: Goblin
Class: Ninja [Batman] 3
Adventure: The Worldwound Incursion
Catalyst: Trying too hard to be Batman
The Gory Details:
The party just got out of Kenebres underground. During the time underground Brus-Brus got hammered repeatedly for running in and hitting things in combat before getting hit back, typically much harder. He also happened to be carrying most of the party's gear and spoils (the important things like potions, scrolls, and other light items). Hearing screaming in the distance he grappled off without figuring out what his party was doing. They never saw him again.
He quickly found an old man whose wares (mirrors) was getting destroyed by an Abrikandilu demon. Brus-Brus went to try to save the old man. The Abrikandilu successfully summoned a friend, then the two were able to tag-team Brus until Batman fell. Then they started destroying his stuff.
I was kind enough to let the party find the body before all of their hard earned loot and treasure was destroyed.

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Name: Kar'ash
Race: Half Orc
Classes/levels: Ninja 6/Trickster 1
Adventure: Sword of Valor
Location: The Gibbering Swarm
Catalyst: Scouting Mission
The Gory Details: Spoilers in the description. Readers, consider yourselves warned!
** spoiler omitted **
Wow, I did not anticipate an actual death of a mythic PC in this campaign.
How are you replacing him?

Aldarionn |

Considering the difficulties of replacing a mythic PC and maintaining story continuity, I have elected to go for the "Hey, here's this guy! He looks trustworthy!" option.
The unfortunate PC in question opted to give the party an actual healer and so his Half Orc ninja was replaced by a Chaotic Good Cleric of Cayden Cailean. Ostensibly he got SO drunk that he somehow ended up in the middle of the Worldwound outside Citadel Drezen and stumbled upon the army laying siege to the city. The absurd amount of booze he consumed left him with no memory of how he got there (though likely it was a case of drunkenly drawing from a Deck of Many Things or something similar, Bumbling the wording on a Wish, or playing Russian Roulette with a Wand of Teleport), but realizing that this was no place to travel alone he threw his lot in with the PC's.
His mythic power comes from the release of Mythic energy released by the slain Ninja nearby a-la The Quickening. Either that or I guess we could hand-waive it considering....
Regardless, the party is now back to full strength with minimal interruption to the story.
On a side note.....
For anyone that ends up in this scenario, what I came up with was for one of them to wake up in the custody of the Schir army to the northeast of the city as Anevia cuts their bonds. Ostensibly she slipped away in the thick of combat, possibly with a few weapons scavenged from the battlefield to give to the PC's she is attempting to rescue. From there they would have to free the rest of the PC's, then hunt down their gear and the Vrock at the head of the army to sew chaos and disorganization.
With some creativity they could have freed the captives in an uprising and defeated the unprepared demons who may not even have all been there at the time. With their ability to teleport at will many might be off in the Abyss tending to other business awaiting a summons to the army if needed. This of course would be more likely had they been defeated since the Schirs would not all be needed.
If they did not escape, they would soon be taken in to Drezen by some sort of demonic escort for corruption/turning. This would give them an in, and another opportunity to break free.
It never ended up happening, but it would have been interesting had they been captured.

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Name: Edriseal "Seal" Aronsu
Race: Mwangi Human
Classes/levels: Wizard 12/ Archmage 4
Adventure: Demons Heresy
Location: Ivory Sanctum
Catalyst: See Gory Details
The Gory Details: (optional)

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Name: Louise Vastel
Race: Chelaxian Human
Classes: Sorcerer 9 / Archmage 3
Adventure: Demon's Heresy
Location: Tomb of Delamere
Catalyst: Flesh, meet lava.
The Gory Details:
Eventually, he tried a 'burnt earth' tactic...kill Jesker. He saw no other way out.
That was before a handy dandy resilient sphere popped up around him.
That seriously ticked off our friend.
Then I remembered.
At-will telekinesis.
Plenty of lava around.
Our resident godling burned to a crisp. (Yeah, she took Divine Source and already had a convert...the guy musta flipped out.)
Fortunately, a scroll of reincarnate was found, and she is now a demon-spawn tiefling!

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TPK, TPK, TPK. I am now a 8th level DM, but I do not feel justified in claiming any of those kills.
The party leaves the Laboratory and goes up the stairs into the Lair. They encounter 7 NOTAvanced Neh-Thallggus (1 per player=8-1) that supprise them. rolled 1 on supprise not to mention the party busted the door open with a portable ram..
Battle ensews, Confusion is cast upon the party, everyone fails, even with multiple rerolls they get 1s (in our worlds a 1 is a 1+NoModifiersEver for d20 checks).
In round 2 all 7 of the Neh-Thallggus (not the advanced versions) attack and roll 20's with 14 different d20's.
All 7 hit with Claw+Claw which means they get rend attacks. because players are hurt they loose the confusion effects.
Round 3 all 7 players again are hit by the wands and confused.
Round 4 all 7 are again hit with 20's from 14 Different d20's.
This happens until the Heroes are all dead.
We have a tackle box full of assorted dice, hundreds of everything except for d8s for some reason we only about a dozen of them between as many people. Dm uses random dice from the box each round so her/his personal dice don't ever kill another player.
I have 1 wrath table on hold for a couple months that has just taken Dresden, and another that is just entering the caves under Kanebres. I hope the dices gods do not demand their sacrifice again.

Aldarionn |

TPK, TPK, TPK. I am now a 8th level DM, but I do not feel justified in claiming any of those kills.
** spoiler omitted **
I have 1 wrath table on hold for a couple months that has just taken Dresden, and another that is just entering the caves under Kanebres. I hope the dices gods do not demand their sacrifice again.
I must be missing something here because I didn't understand half of that....and what is a Neh-Thallggus?

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CR 9 Creature that the book as RAW called for having an Advanced template, as I have way more players then required I just basically doubled the number encounter (to balance action economy) and got rid of the Advanced Template that the encounter as written calls for.
IN this Wrath Campaign I have seen more 20s rolled by me as a DM or GM in my entire history of gaming since 1987.
This final battle that was susposed to be somewhat easy. just the dice were 100% against the players. 30 round of only 1's by the players and 20's by me being rolled.
I don't know what to call it other then the Dice Gods said No more.
TPK = Total Party Kill
I killed every character in 30 rounds, well 29 to be exact.
One of our House Rules is.
Every time a DM kills a player they gain a level as a DM/GM in that game system That's what the silliness about me being a level 8 GM is about.
The last sentence was to all the Gods and Powers opposed to the Locust Lord of the Abyss to make it so that my future dice do not roll the same way again when either of my other tables get to the same point in the campaign.

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It was really just trash mobs that killed the party, Good trash mobs but not even a boss fight.
That table is actually afraid to play under me in the other games I run for them now.
Also That table prefers 2e Klokk shudders so to be honest I am not 100% sure.. I told them to think on it over the next two weeks.. we resume again with whatever we are doing after new years. IF they decide to go 2e, im stepping out. I dm 1 2e campaign every other week.. That the most 2e they will get from me. I refuse to play it again as a player.
Thank goodness I have 2 other wrath tables though. I have really enjoyed DMin this campaign a lot. In face beside kingmaker I think its my all time favorite AP. ive played or read every other AP and Wrath just sings to me. I would that I could be a player for it, but as I know books 1-3 vary well that kinda defeat it unless it was very offroaded.
The fallen consist of 2 Lizardman Kings, a Dwarven Prince, an Iffrit Trooper, An Assimar Warlord, a Forest Giant Tiefling, a Leonid Paladin, a Human Witch and one wish unfulfilled.. If the heroes still remember that they have a Wish, They can use it to come back to just before they bashed the door open with the ram and started that fight.
The sole survivor was the Psydo-dragon familiar of the witch. Who does wear a ring of wishes with 1 wish remaining.

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it wasn't just a random encounter somewhere in the world.
It was in Demon's Heresy within the Ivory Sanctum area Q8. (Basically used a portable ram on q7-q8 door, even though it was unlocked (they never checked) and by RAW it was to be 3 advanced brain suckers for 4 players, I had 8 players and gave them 7 non-advanced, really thinking it would just burn a little bit of their resouces, nobody would get banged up too much and they would have fun killing a bunch of them things, as half the party is all about killing bad guys.
I can not think of a way other then the wish that they still have and may or may not remember.. but ill make sure its written on the psydo-dragons sheet. Counting me, people at the table have over 200 years of gaming indivually and since 1988 have played at least once a week together at one of two tables.
That's why they have kept that wish, incase of a tpk at some point. So I think they may remember. None of them come to these forums. Forums in general for that matter. Because of all the time we have played, I don't want to just say "ohh by the way, remember that ring of wishes that your familiar has for exactly this situation?" If I were one of the players, I would be very ticked off at the DM for telling me that. I would want to have to figure it out on my own, or fail on my own.
I apologize for not using spoiler tags in here.. It is give away information.

Aldarionn |

** spoiler omitted **
The last sentence was to all the Gods and Powers opposed to the Locust Lord of the Abyss to make it so that my future dice do not roll the same way again when either of my other tables get to the same point in the campaign.
Yeah I felt pretty stupid the other night, cause after posting that I finally got around to reading the Ivory Sanctum section of Demon's Heresy and immediately knew what you were talking about. I had never heard of a Neh-Thallggus before that, so when I turned the page and saw the art I was like..."Oh, THAT's what he meant."
Aside from that though, holy crap! An 8-man TPK due to dice must have been one hell of a swingy fight. With the number of 20's you rolled and the number of 1's the players rolled I have to wonder if somehow the dice ended up in a microwave somewhere as a prank!
I mean, I have rolled some very awesome and VERY poor rolls as both a DM and a player, usually at in-appropriate times for either (In Skull and Shackles, a certain island full of Cyclopes very nearly killed my party because my dice seemed to love confirming power-attack crits) but I have not seen anything anywhere near that scale.

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Right I know, Every single one of those dice got thrown away. Never in any of our experience have any of us even head of something as wonky as that happening. I don't even want to attempt to calculate the odds. Sure each roll there is a 10% chance of a 1 or 20 coming up, but if you add in multiples of hundreds of each coming up. At least if nothing else this AP has helped to clean out the tacklebox of dice. Its far less full now.
Again we have a house rule 1 = fail on any saving throw.
If I were sitting on another screen reading this craziness that Klokk is babbling about I wouldn't even know what to think. I do highly doubt that anyone else will run into this situation, as it is entirely because of that house rule that we have kept since we first sat down together. It was infact the only houserule that was the same between every single player of the three tables that have since come together over the years that I was running through the AP.
DC 16 vs 10th level party of mythic heroes should have been simple.
that's why I kept the wands in and used them the first round.. I Assumed most would save or with rerolls (as some have an ability that grants them 1 d20 rereoll per 2 mythic tier per game night. I awarded that for some devotion point work they have done beyond book 1.) it would basically waste a round for the bad guys and give the PCs the advantage. it started out wanting to give them a fun, unique, non-life threatening fight. They voted to keep that house rule in place. I warned them not to, Multiple times. but there is only so long you can hold the hand of someone who has gamed longer then you have. im 35 all of them are older then me.

Aldarionn |

Autofail saves (and attacks) on a 1 is actually not a house rule, but a rule rule. ^^
Yeah, a 1 is always an auto fail on any roll where a negative consequence can happen, usually saves and attack rolls, but sometimes other things. Usually skill checks are not an auto-fail on a 1 unless rolling the 1 would cause them to fail a climb check and fall, for instance. Even the best climber in the world can potentially bungle his footing and slip, but someone rolling a Knowledge check to see what he knows about a given subject should be assumed to know certain things that are elementary (If you have an Int 26 and 15 ranks in Knowledge Planes, rolling a 1 on that check doesn't mean you know nothing about a Dretch)
At least that's the way we have always played it.

Aldarionn |

Ladies and Gentlemen we have another winner!
Name: Gerrard
Race: Aasimar
Classes/levels: Bard (Dawnflower Dervish) 5/Dragon Disciple 3/Champion 2
Adventure: Sword of Valor
Location: Citadel Drezen
Catalyst: Charging recklessly into combat with Half-Feind Minotaurs wielding x3 Crit weapons.
The Gory Details:
Gerrard was headstrong. Gerrard lacked restraint in his desire to annihilate the forces of Chaos and when the party came upon a room guarded by three Half Fiend Minotaurs Gerrard was the first to strike into enemy territory! He called upon his Mythic Power to charge headlong into their midst and with three mighty swings of his sword Gerrard carved a sizeable chunk out of one of the Minions of Baphomet!
Unfortunately for Gerrard those swings would be his last. Enraged by the audacity of the reckless Aasimar, the injured Minotaur dealt Gerrard a solid blow with his Greataxe and another with his horns, but the worst would come from his compatriot who moved in behind the puny Angelkin that dared to attack one of Staunton Vhane's personal bodyguards! With a bowl-shaking roar the Minotaur brought his axe down in a massive arc. Preoccupied by the all-out assault of his first target, Gerrard was ill-prepared to defend himself, and the axe took him in the shoulder and severed much of his torso in a grisly display of twisted flesh.
TL;DR - Gerrard Sudden Charged into combat with three Half Fiend Minotaurs and took 2/3 HP off one of them. In retaliation the injured one dealt Gerrard some damage, then his buddy scored a critical hit power attacking with a Greataxe and cut the poor bastard in half.