![]() Accepting applications for a weekly Roll20 Hells vengence campaign. Game time will be Tuesdays 11:00pm-3:00am EST. all players will need Skype and dropbox. I am looking for players who like to role play and new players are welcome. Looking for a 4 player party. Remember this is a evil campaign. Character creation rules: Lvl 1, 20 point buy following the point buy rules in the core rule book.
please ask before using any player companion books. 2 traits ( 1 must be from the player guide http://paizo.com/products/btpy9jva?Pathfinder-Adve... ) starting gold is either rolled for or take the average based on your class but once chosen you must stick with it. No good characters or secretly good characters Please post your characters in this thread with a little bit of their back story if chosen i will send you a message asking for your email. ![]()
![]() My Self wrote:
The only problem with that is it turns the fight into kill somone the fastest instead of terrify them ![]()
![]() I based him on the Slenderman from Kingdom Death Slenderman CR 10 (XP 9600)
Special Abilities Stalking Target (Su) Slenderman can choose up to 4 creatures as targets for stalking, once chosen he cannot choose new targets until he or the targets have been killed or he has fed. Dark water shift (Su) the Slenderman lives on a plane adjacent to our own, this plane is a sea of black water utterly devoid of light. Slenderman can shift from His home plane to the Material Plane as a free action, and shift back again as a move action (or as part of a move action), in addition his claws attack after shifting to the material plane is a sneak attack. The ability is otherwise identical to ethereal jaunt (CL 15th). Stalking horror (Su) It is unknown how or why the Slenderman chooses his prey, regardless he will stalk his victims for months or even years letting their fear ripen before dragging them back to his home. The Slenderman can chose to partially revel himself to his prey (in case of multiple targets the highest perception check sees the Slenderman.) the target must make a dc 25 will save. If failed the target forgets any details about the Slenderman but still remembers seeing him. In the future anyone who has failed this check takes a -2 against will saves with the fear descriptor vs. the Slenderman. Deepest Fear (Su) Slenderman is cloaked in a 30-foot aura of fear. This aura manifests as a shifting haze of images that reflect the viewer's deepest fears. The first time it ends its turn within the aura, a creature must make a DC 25 Will save or become shaken for as long as it stays within the aura. If the creature succeeds at the saving throw, it cannot be affected again by the aura for another 24 hours. This is a fear effect. The DC is Charisma-based. Striking Fear (Su) If Slenderman confirms a critical hit or a sneak attack with one of its claws on a target currently suffering a fear effect, that effect automatically becomes one step more severe (this follows the new rules for fear in horror adventures and unlike normally a lesser fear can evolve onto a greater fear). A DC 25 Will save negates this increase. In addition, a critical hit from the Slenderman’s claw forces any target that has successfully saved against the creature's fear aura to make another Will save against its effects, even if 24 hours have not yet passed. This is a fear effect. The DC is Charisma-based. Terrible Rejuvenation (Su) Slenderman gains fast healing 5 while any creature within its deepest fear aura is suffering from a fear effect, including any fear effect created by the aura itself Its time to feed (Su) The Slenderman’s ultimate goal is not to kill his victims but to feast on their fear after it has ripened to perfection. Once Someone has reached the terrified condition Slenderman knows it’s time to feed, his tentacle attacks gain the grab special ability vs that target. As a full round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, Slenderman can drag a grappled foe to his home plane to feed. A creature that has been dragged into Slenderman’s home must pass a DC 25 will save with the fear descriptor or have their fear and memories eaten. If failed the creature returns to the material plane 1 min later with the Amnesia madness ( this can be cured, the class levels and skills can be returned as per normal but the creatures past memories are forever gone), and phobia of darkness madness ( this madness requires twice as long as normal to cure). A creature that has passed its will save returns to the material plane 1 min later with the phobia of darkness madness ( if a natural 20 was rolled for the will save the creature returns 1 min later with no ill effects). Don't bruise the meat (Ex) Slenderman can chose to reduce the number of dice on his sneak attack. Unknown fate (Su) if killed Slenderman’s body melts and returns to his home plane, his body then reforms 1 day later. Slenderman leaves behind 1d6 vials of black liquid. Forgotten terror (Su) After dragging a creature back to his home or being killed, Slenderman will never target the same creature again (or anyone who fought with them against Slenderman). Regardless of the result all participants must make a DC 25 will save or forget all details about Slenderman ( they still remember the fight just not the physical appearance of Slenderman). No Escape (Su) It is impossible to flee beyond the Deepest fear aura from a fear effect. Shadow Stalking (Su) Slenderman can travel through his home plane at great speeds; this ability works like Shadow walk except the Slenderman can choose his exit point within 500ft of his stalking target. ![]()
![]() I am taking applications for a weekly Roll20 Strange Aeons campaign. Game time will be Fridays 11:00pm-3:00am EST. all players will need Skype and dropbox. I am looking for players who like to role play and new players are welcome. Looking for a 4 player party. Character creation rules: Lvl 1, 15 point buy following the point buy rules in the core rule book. Any Race/Class from the core books please ask before using any player companion books. 2 traits ( 1 must be from the player guide http://paizo.com/products/btpy9nrw?Pathfinder-Adventure-Path-Strange-Aeons- Players-Guide) starting gold is either rolled for or take the average based on your class but once chosen you must stick with it. No Evil characters or secretly evil characters Please limit the urge to powergame with your characters. Please post your characters in this thread with a little bit of their back story if chosen i will send you a message asking for your email.
![]() I am taking applications for a weekly Roll20 Iron Gods campaign. Game time will be Fridays 7:00pm-11:00pm EST but we can extend the time if we want. all players will need Skype and dropbox. I am looking for players who like to role play and new players are welcome. Character creation rules: Lvl 1, 15 point buy following the point buy rules in the core rule book. Any Race/Class from the core books, This includes Advanced class guide. No androids or alien races. please ask before using any player companion books. 2 traits ( 1 must be from the player guide http://paizo.com/products/btpy98lf?Pathfinder-Adventure-Path-Iron-Gods-Play ers-Guide) The language Androffan cannot be learned via Linguistics until lvl 4. a back story for your character, your traits will help you with this. starting gold is either rolled for or take the average based on your class but once chosen you must stick with it. No Evil characters Please limit the urge to powergame with your characters. Please post your characters in this thread with a little bit of their back story if chosen i will send you a message asking for your email.
![]() for those with a ye old magic shop mentality use the settlement stat blocks provided they have a base value that determines what you can find in a city, anything equal to or below that amount there is a 75% chance of it being in said settlement. If that seems too high for you it can always be changed as you see fit. ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
How would you handle trying to trip someone riding a mount? Is it even possible to trip them out of a saddle? ![]()
![]() Name:Gorgashen
![]() Name:Zane
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
Exactly why i wanted to know :) ![]()
![]() Andrea1 wrote:
Funny thing is the rogue in the group almost did the same thing in the previous combat except he didnt confirm the crit ![]()
![]() Name: Elrosk
![]() Lemmy wrote:
that is what the knowledge checks are for, what do i know about this creature. do remember that information inst as readily available as it would be to us and common knowledge would not be the same to them. Many commoners don't have a good education and if they haven't see a red dragon breath fire, i hear tell that red dragons breath acid and melt the flesh off your bones. ![]()
![]() the main thing to me is vs something like skeletons if the character normally uses clubs or blunt weapons its fine but if they use something like a sword and switch to a club when they see them failing a knowledge check or have never seen and fought skeletons before that would be using player knowledge and just not cool. you cant punish a character for doing something they normally do but you can stop them from using player knowledge to gain a unearned advantage.