Names for an Animal Companion Horse - alcohol puns needed


Dark Archive

I needs some idea for what to call my Order of the Star(Cayden Cailean)'s horse companion.

So far I've only come up with the following
Sudds Mckenzie

Silver Crusade

Well, the obvious would be Jack Daniels. Maybe play up the Mr. Ed angle and call it Mr. Jack.

I can just see a series of horses named for the ingredients in beer - Barley, Hops, Yeast, and then... Water. LOL

Or you could just go with the obvious and call the horse Beer. Or Ale, Mead, Wine, Scotch, Vodka, or whatever other type of alcohol.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

  • Brewer
  • Morning (Morning, after them!)
  • Whiskey
  • Shine, Moonshine
  • Kegbelly
  • Chuck (giddy up Chuck!)
  • Bubbles
  • Mug, Mugs, Stein
  • Pint, Pint-size
  • Jug
  • Designated Driver
  • Chug
  • Inebriate
  • Drunker (He's drunker'n me ... or -hic- izzat other way?)
  • Gimlet
  • Sot
  • Squiffy
  • Hoofbomb
  • Pickles (You know, he carries enough booze to pickle a small village)
  • Pubstomper
  • Barnstorm
  • Running Tab
  • Equus Vitae (instead of aqua vitae)
  • John Barleycorn
  • Potable
  • Chaser
  • Nightcap
  • Dutch
  • Gin tail
  • Dramshop
  • Grog
  • Taps

I could have kept going should be able to find something, if only inspiration.

Dark Archive

Awesome sauce, thanks for the ideas.

So far my favorites are
Running Tab

Grand Lodge

9 people marked this as a favorite.


3 people marked this as a favorite.

It's a shame you don't ride a Pony named Keg.

Johny Walker.

There's also this link with Top 10 racehorses with drink-related names: ed-names/4/

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Kegasus has always been my go to.

Shadow Lodge

Victor Zajic wrote:

I needs some idea for what to call my Order of the Star(Cayden Cailean)'s horse companion.

So far I've only come up with the following
Sudds Mckenzie


Old Paint-Thinner
Pale Ale (with you as Pale Ale Rider)
Keg (but only if it is a pony)
Drinky (a play on Death's horse Binky from Terry Pratchett)
Silver Label (hi-ho)
Sleipbeir (play on Odin's 8-legged steed)
Jigger (Trigger)
Rye-bald (Pie-bald)
Quick Straw MacGraw

Enjoy :)

+1 for running tab
edit: old granddad?

Shadow Lodge

Victor Zajic wrote:

I needs some idea for what to call my Order of the Star(Cayden Cailean)'s horse companion.

So far I've only come up with the following
Sudds Mckenzie

And of course Draught or Draft


Old No. 7
Or just Seven.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Brandy if it's a filly; Stout if it's a colt.

Once i had a poney named Pump, i cast awaken maximized on him...he became prety smart.

For your horse i suggest Stomp, Thor, Ventania.


White Lightning?


Is there a bar in your town you could go to for "inspiration"?

Victor Zajic wrote:

I needs some idea for what to call my Order of the Star(Cayden Cailean)'s horse companion.

So far I've only come up with the following
Sudds Mckenzie

Only thing I can think to add is make a play on Johnny Walker, but I have to admit I prefer pony keg to that.


Kegasus is awesome.

Designated Driver? DeeDee?
Bartender, as in "Bartender, get me the hell out of here."

Draft the horse.

Dammit.. someone already thought of that one.

I'd go with Whiskey Chaser.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Moderation.... so you can truthfully state that you drink with Moderation.

Old Milwaukee

My buddy used to always name his clerics Bud. Bud the Wise was killed, so he rolled up Bud the Wiser as a replacement. Bud's horse was named Charley.

Beer Run.

Dark Archive

Pedigree Choice.

I'm afraid I don't expect my horses to last long.


Fishing thread to bring all the alcoholics on the board into one thread for an intervention!!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I like just "Chaser" as a name. It's a pretty good pun, right? People give horses names like "Charger", so I like "Chaser" for the pun value.

Whiskey. Just whiskey.

Drunken, then you can enter town riding Drunken.

Ooo I like "Chaser"

Scarab Sages

My horse, Toby Keith. Someone get him a beer.


I really like Chaser!

"under the influence"

No-one's mentioned Red Rum yet!

Silver Crusade


White Lightning (moonshine slang)
Happy Hour
Aylavenuther (pron.: I'll have another)
Welcome to the faith, friend!

Gotta second Kegasus and Designated Driver xD

Whiskey Richard...

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