thejeff |
I confess that I have a theory about Dinosaurs
My theory about Dinosaurs is this. Dinosaurs were small at one end, got considerably larger in the middle, and then were small again at the other end...
(with Apologies to Monty Python)
I have a theory about dinosaurs too - they're still around.

DrDeth |

BUT evolution? Come now. This remains an unproven theory. Sure it sounds good, but at it's root is the faith that sentient life is just a random occurrence where just the exact chemicals mixed at the exact correct time in the exact correct place to start an incredibly complex reaction that ends with sentient life... The chances of which are so infinitesimally small that winning the lottery must seem like an automatic success to you.
You're mixing up Abiogenesis, which is an as yet unproven hypothesis, with Evolution, which is a proven Scientific Theory. Dont get mixed up because the common usage of "theory" is more like a "hypothesis", a Scientific Theory is a hypothesis that has been tested and shown to be correct. We can actually watch Evolution occurring. We can make it happen in a lab. Evolution is a fact.
"Abiogenesis is the process by which a living organism arises naturally from non-living matter, as opposed to biogenesis, which is the creation of living organisms by other living organisms." We have not yet proven that, but various experiment have shown each stage is possible.

kyrt-ryder |
captain yesterday wrote:Are you really saying evolution is "unfounded"? really?
Now thats funny!!
edit: that is all i'll say on the matter, real life religion has no place on a website for games, Electric Gaming Monthly is the place for such discussions:-D
The word I used is "unproven" big difference. Oh they have proven evolution exists in a few cases in the animal kingdom, but so far after decades and decades of searching no proof yet for humans.
~shrugs~ Feel free to shun me as is appropriate for the thread.
There's a big difference between Adaptation [within Genus]* and Evolution [Across Genus]
One is proven, the other is not.
*My use of the word Genus here is meant as a general statement not intended as an absolute fact. Scientific classifications are frequently in flux.

DrDeth |

Terquem wrote:I have a theory about dinosaurs too - they're still around.I confess that I have a theory about Dinosaurs
My theory about Dinosaurs is this. Dinosaurs were small at one end, got considerably larger in the middle, and then were small again at the other end...
(with Apologies to Monty Python)
Since now Birds are a typo of Dino, yes, you are correct. In fact I have plans to have a nice meal of Fried Dino soon.

thejeff |
thejeff wrote:Since now Birds are a typo of Dino, yes, you are correct. In fact I have plans to have a nice meal of Fried Dino soon.Terquem wrote:I have a theory about dinosaurs too - they're still around.I confess that I have a theory about Dinosaurs
My theory about Dinosaurs is this. Dinosaurs were small at one end, got considerably larger in the middle, and then were small again at the other end...
(with Apologies to Monty Python)
I had Dino Tikka Masala last night. Yummy.

kyrt-ryder |
DrDeth wrote:I had Dino Tikka Masala last night. Yummy.thejeff wrote:Since now Birds are a typo of Dino, yes, you are correct. In fact I have plans to have a nice meal of Fried Dino soon.Terquem wrote:I have a theory about dinosaurs too - they're still around.I confess that I have a theory about Dinosaurs
My theory about Dinosaurs is this. Dinosaurs were small at one end, got considerably larger in the middle, and then were small again at the other end...
(with Apologies to Monty Python)
Considering the behavior of chickens [like tiny T-rexes] I totally believe birds and dinosaurs are related.
That one evolved from another, I don't buy, but there's definitely some shared geneology there.

mourge40k |

DrDeth wrote:I had Dino Tikka Masala last night. Yummy.thejeff wrote:Since now Birds are a typo of Dino, yes, you are correct. In fact I have plans to have a nice meal of Fried Dino soon.Terquem wrote:I have a theory about dinosaurs too - they're still around.I confess that I have a theory about Dinosaurs
My theory about Dinosaurs is this. Dinosaurs were small at one end, got considerably larger in the middle, and then were small again at the other end...
(with Apologies to Monty Python)
Buffalo Dino pizza myself. It was truly delicious.

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Malachi Silverclaw wrote:Aranna wrote:We evolved to be upper paleolithic hunter gatherers... so the healthiest diet we can have contains veggies, fruit, AND meat. As long as you avoid processed foods and observe the virtue of moderation (yes that means too much of anything is bad for you) then you should be eating the healthiest diet possible.FIFY. : )
I find it strange when people two places below me on the food chain say that they won't eat meat because they heard a story once where some feces came into contact with some meat, but happily chomp vegetables which are covered in feces as part of their production.
I share your sense of strangeness about people's response to food production.
BUT evolution? Come now. This remains an unproven theory. Sure it sounds good, but at it's root is the faith that sentient life is just a random occurrence where just the exact chemicals mixed at the exact correct time in the exact correct place to start an incredibly complex reaction that ends with sentient life... The chances of which are so infinitesimally small that winning the lottery must seem like an automatic success to you.
And yes the creation theory also remains unproven. But it's root seems much more believable to me. That there exist higher orders of being than humans in the universe. And that one of these beings who our ancestors decided to call God came here and engineered sentient life.
Bwuhahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahah.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... Hahahahahahahahahahaha....
* Adds you to the list.

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thejeff wrote:Buffalo Dino pizza myself. It was truly delicious.DrDeth wrote:I had Dino Tikka Masala last night. Yummy.thejeff wrote:Since now Birds are a typo of Dino, yes, you are correct. In fact I have plans to have a nice meal of Fried Dino soon.Terquem wrote:I have a theory about dinosaurs too - they're still around.I confess that I have a theory about Dinosaurs
My theory about Dinosaurs is this. Dinosaurs were small at one end, got considerably larger in the middle, and then were small again at the other end...
(with Apologies to Monty Python)
I had some lovely pre-columbian dinosaur chili last night, and I'm having some smaller dinosaur shawarma for lunch.

Randarak |

I confess that I have a theory about Dinosaurs
My theory about Dinosaurs is this. Dinosaurs were small at one end, got considerably larger in the middle, and then were small again at the other end...
(with Apologies to Monty Python)
I thought that was the theory about the brontosaurus (specifically)....

thejeff |
thejeff wrote:DrDeth wrote:I had Dino Tikka Masala last night. Yummy.thejeff wrote:Since now Birds are a typo of Dino, yes, you are correct. In fact I have plans to have a nice meal of Fried Dino soon.Terquem wrote:I have a theory about dinosaurs too - they're still around.I confess that I have a theory about Dinosaurs
My theory about Dinosaurs is this. Dinosaurs were small at one end, got considerably larger in the middle, and then were small again at the other end...
(with Apologies to Monty Python)
Considering the behavior of chickens [like tiny T-rexes] I totally believe birds and dinosaurs are related.
That one evolved from another, I don't buy, but there's definitely some shared geneology there.
I don't even understand the thought process that thinks there is shared genealogy between birds and dinosaurs but there is no evolution. Note that the bird/dinosaur division is well above Genus.
What does "related" mean to you here?
Randarak |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Through the use of my landscaping experience, hostas and ferns we have turned part of our garden into a dinosaur habitat for the toy dinosaurs, it's awesome :-)
Love hostas. They grow just about anywhere, and they require very little maintenance. Makes me look like I know what I'm doing.

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I want to burn and destroy any character sheet with a description in the neighborhood of 'as beautiful/handsome as he/she is deadly', 'femme fatale', or has an appearance score shoe-horned in.
I believe characters that regularly wield heavy equipment shouldn't appear dainty.
I like my female characters with well-developed muscles, scars, and laid-back, tender dispositions.
I think Drow are lame as hell.

TheAlicornSage |

Malachi Silverclaw wrote:Aranna wrote:We evolved to be upper paleolithic hunter gatherers... so the healthiest diet we can have contains veggies, fruit, AND meat. As long as you avoid processed foods and observe the virtue of moderation (yes that means too much of anything is bad for you) then you should be eating the healthiest diet possible.FIFY. : )
I find it strange when people two places below me on the food chain say that they won't eat meat because they heard a story once where some feces came into contact with some meat, but happily chomp vegetables which are covered in feces as part of their production.
I share your sense of strangeness about people's response to food production.
BUT evolution? Come now. This remains an unproven theory. Sure it sounds good, but at it's root is the faith that sentient life is just a random occurrence where just the exact chemicals mixed at the exact correct time in the exact correct place to start an incredibly complex reaction that ends with sentient life... The chances of which are so infinitesimally small that winning the lottery must seem like an automatic success to you.
And yes the creation theory also remains unproven. But it's root seems much more believable to me. That there exist higher orders of being than humans in the universe. And that one of these beings who our ancestors decided to call God came here and engineered sentient life.
Evolution is not based on faith in anything. It is based on evidence for which evolution is the best fitting theory.
Also, most scientists believe in a higher power because the science of the world is just too perfect to not be created.
Even further, I suspect that evolution is the process by which that higher power made us, that evolution is a tool, and like every other artisan, the greater power uses tools.
Doesn't make sense to me that some greater power would not use tools, nor that a greater power which has made such a dynamic system would create people to remain static.

TheAlicornSage |

I like it, but I don't like it being tied to combat.
Old school tied xp to gp, because it represented everything you went through to get that gp. I think this works better for fostering intelligent play because then sneaking around the guard is equally viable to killing him in the advancement sense, so then I don't get players going "look walking xp! Get him!"

Rynjin |

Erm, except avoiding the guard DOES give EXP.
EXP is granted for overcoming the challenge, not merely by combat. Avoiding combat entirely through Diplomacy or Stealth or whatever still counts as overcoming that challenge.
It being tied to GP is kind of silly. "Look! I grabbed a bag of gold off the counter and now I know how to shank people better!"

TheAlicornSage |

I think people who believe that life can't possibly have not been created by a higher power are extraordinarily bizarre. But I don't begrudge anyone their beliefs.
I agree. I believe in a higher power because of certain experiences of mine (which I will not detail here), but it is certainly believable to me that life exists somewhere from pure chance.
Besides, that greater power had to come from somewhere, it didn't just pop into existence for no reason.

thejeff |
I confess that I believe you should earn xp for resisting the urge to post in contentious or nonsensical threads...aw poop.
Nah, it's okay. You get the experience whether you confront the challenge or overcome it. Either way you earn something.
Now if I can just use the xp to bump up my will save, so I can resist the temptation.

Simon Legrande |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Simon Legrande wrote:I think people who believe that life can't possibly have not been created by a higher power are extraordinarily bizarre. But I don't begrudge anyone their beliefs.I agree. I believe in a higher power because of certain experiences of mine (which I will not detail here), but it is certainly believable to me that life exists somewhere from pure chance.
Besides, that greater power had to come from somewhere, it didn't just pop into existence for no reason.
My wife is like that. She believes because of something she says she experienced when she was younger. Who am I to tell her she didn't experience what she says she did? (But I still think she's weird for it).

Simon Legrande |

Steve Geddes wrote:Simon Legrande wrote:I think people who believe that life can't possibly have not been created by a higher power are extraordinarily bizarre.Heh. Takes a few goes to read that right.Yeah he really shouldn't use a double negative.
Well blame TheAlicornSage. My post was inspired by his/hers/its.

thegreenteagamer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

1. Someone brought up a remotely close to right wing point. If I know my Paizo forums, that means this thread is destined for lock down in a page or so. No right wing opinions allowed here, unless they're purely economic in nature. (I'm a straight centrist independent, with rather across the board opinions that jump sides depending on specifics, but it doesn't mean I'm not blind to blatant favoritism.)
2. Why do bacon lovers insist that other people join them in eating their greasy death slabs? The less I eat, the more bacon for you. The more you clog your arteries and fatten your gut, the healthier I appear by comparison. The situation is win-win.
3. I wash my veggies. Do you wash your steak? Pretty sure I eat less poop.