captain yesterday |

Yes Ponyfinder... fun story, I searched for it on Amazon the other day, curiosity and all. Well that s~+~ stays saved so my daughter went on Amazon, saw it and long story short, pretty sure I'm getting that for my birthday, it does look fun, especially I suspect when paired with Kingmaker, but then Kingmaker works with everything:-D

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Yes Ponyfinder... fun story, I searched for it on Amazon the other day, curiosity and all. Well that s#&~ stays saved so my daughter went on Amazon, saw it and long story short, pretty sure I'm getting that for my birthday, it does look fun, especially I suspect when paired with Kingmaker, but then Kingmaker works with everything:-D
Yeah, I got that for my youngest son for his birthday last year. Last time I saw him he regaled me with stories of the game he gm'd for his friends. (First time he ever showed interest in GMing.)
So proud.

Matrix Dragon |

Confession: I have played both MtG and Yugioh and I liked Yugioh much more. The random nature of drawing lands in MtG always drove me crazy.
Honestly though, the fact that I was only like 12 when I was playing magic and I was in college when playing Yugioh might be coloring my opinions of the games.

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Kalindlara wrote:Additionally, depending on your local Magic scene, it probably wouldn't be that hard to find someone who will pay for your draft in exchange for whatever cards you drafted.thanks another game I can compare fantasy football to get fantasy football people worked up:-D
You know, I started doing a lot better at fantasy football once I realized that it was really just a very simple CCG, rather than something that actually had anything to do with real football. Football knowledge will just get in your way.

thegreenteagamer |

I purposely say things at family gatherings to get my brothers and sister worked up, such as my favorite "Sure Star Wars has a deeper story but Star Trek is just way more exciting!"
I irk my brother more by saying OneRepublic and Imagine Dragons are better bands than Rise Against or Sublime. He almost has a aneurysm every time.

kyrt-ryder |
Seriously, will someone explain to me the My Little Pony trend? Is it some kind of inside joke? I know it's some kind of meme, like bacon and like Chuck Norris used to be, but...seriously... I never see grown men get like that with any other TV show aimed at 7-year old girls.
You must not be very familiar with Japan.

TheAlicornSage |

Seriously, will someone explain to me the My Little Pony trend? Is it some kind of inside joke? I know it's some kind of meme, like bacon and like Chuck Norris used to be, but...seriously... I never see grown men get like that with any other TV show aimed at 7-year old girls.
Lauren Faust basically rebooted the series with the focus on quality and making it more family oriented like older Disney, so there is lots for the parents to enjoy, which means other adults too. Things like references to The Big Lebowski, Twilight actually jumps on a literal soap box once, and the entire thing is high quality, from animation to music to well rounded characters that show development.

Rynjin |

Seriously, will someone explain to me the My Little Pony trend? Is it some kind of inside joke? I know it's some kind of meme, like bacon and like Chuck Norris used to be, but...seriously... I never see grown men get like that with any other TV show aimed at 7-year old girls.
I used to know a lot of people who were into it, so I gave it a shot a while back.
It does have a very different feel than other shows for very tiny children. It's not super patronizing or dumbed down, and some of the humor is pretty solid. Plus it's nice to watch something that's wholly optimistic for once.
Not enough to keep me watching it long term, but I gave it a fair shot and watched the first 12 episodes, and I can see why people of all ages could enjoy it.
It's really no different than fandoms around other children's shows. Super Sentai/Power Rangers for instance still has a pretty big core adult audience, even though it's made for something like the 8-14 demographic.

Terquem |
There are few things in this world we find as attractive in another person, then the idea that they care about us
Ponnies care about us, or at least that is the message you get when you watch the show. They care about each other, and by extension, care about you and whatever it is that is making you feel bad.

Tequila Sunrise |

That's rewarding wealth and punishing poverty. That happens enough in the world; I don't need to support a game that reflects such a position.
I totally get this. It is theoretically possible to play in a way that makes money a non-issue -- the 'pauper' format, as well as using proxies as Aranna mentioned -- but in practice, the game is a big money-engine. In order to make money a non-issue, you have to have a group of friendly players free of judgment issues. Which I do not have atm.
Regarding Magic the Gathering:
All those who stopped playing many years ago should seriously considering checking out the game again. It changed dramatically, and for the better. As a newer player who only started out about 5 years back, I look at the sets they had more than ten years ago and ask myself how the hack anyone was willing to play that.
I may get into MtG again someday, but I'm in a transitory point in my life where my hobbies basically have to require zero ongoing investment. I do find the Modern format very appealing; but I'm not keen on tournament play, so ideally I'd want to find a casual group willing to collectively abide by Modern restrictions. Which is unheard of IME; the casual players I've known all played in the age-old Everything Goes! format.
So for now I'm getting my TCG ya-yas from Hearthstone. Which does have aspects that I'm not crazy about; but it does mean that I can play a pickup hand or two whenever I have the time, and I can play 100% free. And I don't have to worry about mana like I do in Magic!
Quote:I don't think bacon is anything special.I'm with you on that one. I just don't get bacon - it's not nearly as good as most other kinds of meat in general, and even pork specifically. It's just OK.
I'd shun both of you, but I'm too busy eating the bacon that you passed up.
Confession: I have played both MtG and Yugioh and I liked Yugioh much more. The random nature of drawing lands in MtG always drove me crazy.
Yeah, random mana is one of those MtG things that makes the game so hit-or-miss. There are fans who will argue 'til they're blue in the face that it increases deck-building and tactical depth, and that the added randomness basically gives noobs a free win every third game or so, which is true enough. But it's also true that without mana (or too much), you're basically just sitting there waiting for your opponent to win. Which is boooring!
I'd love a game (or a MtG format) where you draw from two decks: a spell deck, and a land deck. That way you could mix n match colors in the deck-building minigame -- which is a big appeal for me -- and avoid the feast-or-famine mana issue.

thegreenteagamer |
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As a vegetarian, I haven't eaten meat in about six and a half years.
Even when I did, bacon was my second least favorite pig product (ham, pork, round sausage, bacon, tube sausage), and pig was my least favorite non-seafood meat (goat, poultry, lamb, cow, pig).
If anything ever inticed me back to eating flesh it would be goat or chicken. I could go my entire life without eating bacon again. Even then I preferred turkey bacon.
...now, cheese, otoh, is amazing. Cheese is proof there is a loving creator, because nothing that delivers could occur by accident or randomness. Cheese is pure, calculated flavor.

captain yesterday |

I think horses are evil and I'm positive they all want me dead, however even I don't mind my little pony, it's not as annoying as other cartoons like.. oh I don't know... The Smurfs!
Or the one I hate more then all others Veggietales, I don't mind preaching (to a point, it gets tiresome) and I like veggies but for some reason when you combine the two it becomes something so horribly vile it boggles the mind.....

mourge40k |

I developed a taste for curried goat in Jamaica; now I go around to all the Indian restaurants hoping to find it. Goats are tasty animals. And cute, too. When I retire I want to become a goat rancher, despite Mrs. Gersen reminding me, quote, "you don't even know how to ranch a goat!"
But that's why you do it when you retire, so that you have plenty of time to learn!

Rynjin |
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Goats are obnoxious hellspawn who devote their entire existence to the pursuit of finding new ways to piss you off.
The little bastards are too smart for their own good and if you put more than one of them in the same pen they WILL cooperate to find a way out and then go bounding around and destroying everything they can ram themselves into.
Would not recommend ranching them as a relaxing retirement hobby.

kyrt-ryder |
Indian and Jamaican food both have amazing curried goats. I often told my wife I wanted a pet goat to feed what would otherwise be unused compost waste and to milk for homemade cheeses, but she says her father (who is Jamaican) would just steal it and cook it as soon as he found out.
Your Father-in-Law would steal from you?
Besides you don't get continued milk production without breeding. If he wants to cook goat he should raise the babies himself.