Albatoonoe |
Hobgoblins are my favorite race.
Halflings are the worst race.
I like the alignment system.
I like vancian casting.
I like all the many, many rules the system has and the tactical combat system. I grew up with video games so it appeals to me.
Though I had played games before with other editions, I didn't start playing tabletop RPGs consistently until 4e. And I like 4e.
Fighters work just fine. Not sure about Rogues. Maybe give them full BAB.
I think people play the "stupid" alignments across the board, not just with the evil alignments.
Fantasy needs more kung-fu.
Fantasy also needs more power armor and mechs. Wizards need to stop faffing about and get to the important things.
Awakeninfinity |
When I DM I hate rolling 4d6 for stats; because I have to watch at least one player while at least three more pester me-- at an active gamestore, no less... point-buy is easier to confirm and is do-it-yourself.
I hate when a player is more interested in a card game than my game... and runs off to play it; coming back four hours later like it was okay.
I have never even played a adventure path before-- and I don't think I will.
I dislike how gamers aren't prolific in my city; and I must take ranks in Craft(Gamer) to find some.
On that note- Nobody plays Cleric or bards- dismissing them as "heal-bot"
I wish the term had never been invented...
EDIT: I dislike how many people dismiss Catfolk as either anime or heavily furred western creation so easily... mine are more like catfolk:Social Tigers::humans:monkies {sorry I haven't use that format since Middle School}
The Rot Grub |
Hmmm .... let's see ...
I HATE when people use dopey abbreviations in forums ('prolly' instead of probably, 'pally' for paladin etc)
Bad grammar and poor spelling in forum meassages makes me nuts!
I also HATE gamer/forum slang like glass cannon, meat shield, skill monkey and healbot
I am positively baffled by people who play the same race and class EVERY time they make a new character
I like that paladins are lawful good and can't stand arguments that they should be allowed to be other alignments
Plenty of Third Party Pathfinder material is every bit as good as Paizo's stuff and people who refuse to give it a try really bug me
I can't stand rude, argumentative, combatative people who clearly treat others much worse in online forums than they would in person
You're joking, right? :P
Nakteo |
I hate powergamers.
I love building powergamed characters, but refuse to play them.
I love Rogues, but hate that they suck.
I love the Tarrasque, but that that it sucks.
I hate Summoners. All of them. Twice.
I hate when GM's don't know what they're talking about.
I hate when people play outside their own sex.
I like blast spells.
I hate GM's who don't know how to say "No" to disruptive players who want to join their game.
I hate the backwards compatibility.
I want an AP in Numeria.
I hate Evil's image as a forbidden alignment.
I hate players who always gleefully jump on the Evil alignment when it's available.
I hate that Necromancy is usually seen as Evil.
I hate Drow as a playable race.
I hate the Tengu.
Strix are stupid.
Most of my roleplaying game experiences have sucked and have left me jaded. ;(
FlySkyHigh |
When I DM I hate rolling 4d6 for stats; because I have to watch at least one player while at least three more pester me-- at an active gamestore, no less... point-buy is easier to confirm and is do-it-yourself.
I hate when a player is more interested in a card game than my game... and runs off to play it; coming back four hours later like it was okay.
I have never even played a adventure path before-- and I don't think I will.
I dislike how gamers aren't prolific in my city; and I must take ranks in Craft(Gamer) to find some.
On that note- Nobody plays Cleric or bards- dismissing them as "heal-bot"
I wish the term had never been invented...EDIT: I dislike how many people dismiss Catfolk as either anime or heavily furred western creation so easily... mine are more like catfolk:Social Tigers::humans:monkies {sorry I haven't use that format since Middle School}
I don't like how gamers are prolific in my city, but they only want to play 4e or WoD. (I like WoD, but give me my Pathfinder please.)
Awakeninfinity |
Awakeninfinity wrote:I don't like how gamers are prolific in my city, but they only want to play 4e or WoD. (I like WoD, but give me my Pathfinder please.)When I DM I hate rolling 4d6 for stats; because I have to watch at least one player while at least three more pester me-- at an active gamestore, no less... point-buy is easier to confirm and is do-it-yourself.
I hate when a player is more interested in a card game than my game... and runs off to play it; coming back four hours later like it was okay.
I have never even played a adventure path before-- and I don't think I will.
I dislike how gamers aren't prolific in my city; and I must take ranks in Craft(Gamer) to find some.
On that note- Nobody plays Cleric or bards- dismissing them as "heal-bot"
I wish the term had never been invented...EDIT: I dislike how many people dismiss Catfolk as either anime or heavily furred western creation so easily... mine are more like catfolk:Social Tigers::humans:monkies {sorry I haven't use that format since Middle School}
when I find others; its Rifts or homebrew (And most view Pathfinder as 3.x copy/ moneygrab)
Chymist |
I don't like magic shops, but not because I think they are unrealistic or cheapen anything, but because shopping bores me and I'd rather be doing anything else with my game time than seeking out new gear.
I'd rather, every time I level up, time stops, my character walks off-screen, all of my current gear flies apart into a sparkly cloud of WBL appropriate golden glitter, and then reforms into new gear appropriate to that new WBL (the leftover glitter turning into coin and gems), then I walk back on-screen and say, 'I took some time off between adventures, here's my new crap,' then waste a single second of gametime roleplaying shopping for a new axe of splitting heirs +X or rod of lesser weewee extension.
Now I want to see stats for the lesser rod of extension and the greater rod of course.
I like to make interesting characters, not necessarily optimized ones. I do have one very low charisma character and look forward to roleplaying him as a total a**hole.
Tequila Sunrise |
I hate small sized races with a vengeance. I either ban them outright, or make them just barely medium sized.
I hate that size matters in D&D.
...Except when it doesn't. I.e., "We made a bunch of size categories to simulate the difficulties that smaller creatures face in combat...except that the Small category is essentially Medium-lite, because otherwise, halflings would be unplayable."
Simulation, or playability. Pick one, and stick to it at least long enough to write out a single chart!
FlySkyHigh |
FlySkyHigh wrote:when I find others; its Rifts or homebrew (And most view Pathfinder as 3.x copy/ moneygrab)Awakeninfinity wrote:I don't like how gamers are prolific in my city, but they only want to play 4e or WoD. (I like WoD, but give me my Pathfinder please.)When I DM I hate rolling 4d6 for stats; because I have to watch at least one player while at least three more pester me-- at an active gamestore, no less... point-buy is easier to confirm and is do-it-yourself.
I hate when a player is more interested in a card game than my game... and runs off to play it; coming back four hours later like it was okay.
I have never even played a adventure path before-- and I don't think I will.
I dislike how gamers aren't prolific in my city; and I must take ranks in Craft(Gamer) to find some.
On that note- Nobody plays Cleric or bards- dismissing them as "heal-bot"
I wish the term had never been invented...EDIT: I dislike how many people dismiss Catfolk as either anime or heavily furred western creation so easily... mine are more like catfolk:Social Tigers::humans:monkies {sorry I haven't use that format since Middle School}
Eh. I like Pathfinder. A lot of my friends call it 3.75, which isn't necessarily inaccurate, but I always am clear that it's not 3.5. In my view, it's much, much, much better.
Tels |
I enjoy vancian casting, but I regret that it can't represent storybook wizards very well. I am not opposed to an alternative 'mana' system, though I despise the MMO terminology and mindset that comes with it.
I hate archery in Pathfinder, it's a little too good. I know how to deal with it, but not every fight in every encounter is going to be able to have gimmicks that hinder archers. I regret showing my players what a good archer looks like.
I play encounters intelligently. Powerful characters didn't become powerful by being stupid. Even the dumbest character learns basic battlefield tactics eventually. If a wolf knows how to flank, then that black dragon knows how to fight a fight on his terms.
I kill my players' characters. Actively.
Villains in my games are basically the mirror opposite of adventurers. They are all built using the same stat method the adventurers are. I dislike the notion that all other people in the world are generated using lesser point-buy scores.
I reward people who actively role-play. If all you do is sit at the table waiting to roll damage, and don't participate in social encounters, expect to play a very 2D character.
OmNomNid |
A player at my table has to be watched constantly or he will lie about dice rolls. Or snatch the die up, claiming that one was a "test roll". Or roll multiple dice one at a time to bump other dice to something more favorable.
Did I mention he's 28 and thinks he's the best roleplayer EVAR. Actually, all of his characters are basically the same, with different mechanics. Sometimes he's a fighter. Other times he's a cleric. They all have an unhealthy fascination with Holy vs Evil themes and are almost always healers in some capacity. None of them have any personality beyond that.
I have the same kind of player, only younger.
I kitchen sink just about all my games. Want to play a 1930's trooper in a fantasy world? I will okay it. Play a paladin on Athas? I will make it work. I figure I spend so much for extra material I should use it when I can.
I think having the rules call for rounding down is dumb; my groups round up for everything.
doc the grey |
1.) I enjoy the fighter as is and think he holds up well throughout the level span. I think the real problem comes from gms who think that wizards are the greatest and only drop 2-3 challenges on the party in a single game day. The fighter gets better the more combat he has since his power output stays pretty constant while the wizard blows all of his load after the first couple of fights. Also you shouldn't let the little buggers know everything they are going to be up against otherwise they will just cake walk your game
2.) I love dice rolled stats but hate that the parties I gm always end up with characters all over the spectrum rather then slightly close together. It always sucks when the wizard drops like 3 to 4 16-18's and basically leaves the rest of the party spinning.
3. I hate point buy as a player but I have a sort of toxic relationship with it as a gm. On the one hand I love the idea of being able to make sure that everyone at my table is equal in power in different ways but on the other I hate the aforementioned watering down it causes where everyone very quickly ends up with around the same build. Personally I like the idea of giving some fudge points from class to class and character concept to character concept so as to allow my players to build a viable version of the character they want.
4.) I love monks and I think that the years of time we've spent spinning around on the topic of enchanting their fists is dumb. let them just buy a gauntlet, brass knuckles, hand wraps, or whatever and have the enchantment carry over.
5.) I do love the rogue, but I have no idea why I cannot walk up behind a goblin at 1st level and slit his throat with sneak attack in one turn assassins creed style. I think if a rogue manages to actually get the drop on a player or creature you should be totally afraid of the up f%##ing that is about to occur to their character.
6.) I love crossbows. Historically they were the medevil equivalent of the firearm (they literally made the commoner capable of killing the king, eat that colt) and made all soldiers a danger really regardless of training. This over idolization of the bow is dumb and completely counter to what history shows us. Second I think it's dumb that if I want to build a crossbow focused character I am basically forced to never be able to get anywhere near the standard damage output of the bow. Part of me likes the idea of making bows more realistic with needs to be unstrung when not in use, being unable to just sit with rounds ready and knocked while traveling (basically meaning all archers spend the first round flat footed or some other shenanigans) in order to put some kind of screws to the whole archer idea
7.) I think guns in my fantasy are cool, the idea of a tube that harnesses the slightly controlled power of a small explosion being "not fantasy" but a stick that literally makes bigger controlled explosions then a gun ever could is okay is stupid.
Lathiira |
1) I loved playing Rifts. Great world, mechanics were wonky, power creep replaced with the engine of a Ferrari. But where else can I chokeslam a Coalition soldier while in my Predator power armor?
2) I loathe the alignment system. It's generated more arguments than almost any other topic in the history of roleplaying. My character has a personality and certain personal beliefs. Let's move on.
3) I don't think martials are weaker than casters. Why? Because all these casters are run with a sort of mental optimization using the mentality of a modern person. A caster in the circumstances of an adventurer would still be a normal person (as normal as adventurers get) and still have their preferences and dislikes. Sooner or later, they'd hit a problem and that's when the martial would take over.
4) I believe death is an important part of the game. I could live with resurrection magic becoming a bit more scarce. More importantly, I want death magic to actually kill people. Too many effects with the death descriptor just do a lot of damage. An optimized (or merely talented) evocation specialist can do more damage to more targets with a spell of the same level as most death magic.
5) Necromancy. I am bored out of my gourd that it's always all about the undead. I want more spells that play with life forces like waves of exhaustion. And too often someone then has to put the evil descriptor on it. See previous comments about alignment.
6) Paladins. Way too often people seem to think a paladin is required to fall. I'd love to play with one in the group again, but we all are afraid that if we sneeze at the wrong time it'll cause a civil war and the paladin will fall. I GMed a solo campaign for a paladin in 2E. She never fell, even when given tough choices. It was a lot of fun.
7) I don't like the divine/arcane nonexistent division in magic. Give me spells centered around themes, let me pick a few lists, and then go on from there. I want my evoker to truly suck at illusions, not just be so-so. I want my death priest to have no ability to call fire from the sky. Make my conjurer conjure and have no clue about how to transform a person into a cow. I miss spheres and specialty priests!
8) Not a fan of channel energy or anything associated with it. I like the ability to heal a bit with it. But it's just not all that great to me.
9) Domains. Still like the idea. Still dislike the implementation.
10) Monks. Now on my list with rogues as classes to never play again due to inherent design issues that make them dead weight too easily.
11) Spellbooks. Can we get away from this now? Need a new way to define the differences between sorcerers and wizards.
12) In my group, modules are considered a cop-out at best. Me, I think there's nothing wrong with running a module or AP. Any GM worth their salt (or dirt, even) will make the story their own regardless, and it saves time for them to do other things. Like eat, sleep, work, etc.
And for the baker's dozen:
13) I did not like Spelljammer or Ravenloft. Dragonlance had interesting mechanics but was not fun to play in (depending on when you were playing in its chronology). I loved Planescape. I hated being the living engine of a vessel and being the wizard and thus losing all my spells each day until we got a vessel with something different for a helm. I come to play a hero, not someone doomed to failure and corruption like in horror games, so Ravenloft was not for me. It needed to be nuked from orbit, just to be sure, and I'd gladly have an evil character do it :)
DM Pendin Fust |
I like the core races only.
I dislike killing my players' characters. I like challenge and failure, but strongly dislike the permanent solution of death on a character where I or the player loves the concept.
While I like reading the cool stuff from all the books, I only GM core and APG...
Unless the AP calls for things from those books. I actually love the APs put out by Paizo. While I feel there are elements I could do better I also know that I am not a paid professional. I can also put stuff into my home games that change the AP so I get the best of both.
PbP is becoming more of a favorite for me than real life. Part of it is time issues but it is so much easier to plan for the unconventional things that players do when I can take an hour or a day to draft the response.
Guns are ok but I never use them in my games. One day I want to, especially because I like the idea that a lone gunslinger learned the secret and is just out looking for ways to improve it.
I love my plain, Core, and vanilla Monk.
The Oxford Comma is enforced at my table.
I respect a lot of people on these forums. I can honestly not think of one poster that I've had a disagreement with that I don't respect. It is generally the tone of the posts that I don't like.
I think GMs and players should communicate more on what they both want out of the game. After all, it is a shared story. GMing a game of yourself is no fun and playing a game with no storyteller is no fun.
I've never been to a Con.
Mechalibur |
I think Aasimar are broken.
I dislike it when players only play good (aligned) characters, and GMs that only let players be good aligned.
I dislike it when players get pissy over a character having a dump stat.
I dislike it when players or GMs think your mental stats should dictate your personality.
I think dex to damage is stupid.
I think traits are stupid, and I really dislike when a players only take Heirloom Weapon, Magical Lineage, Rich Parents, or Reactionary.
If you take a Compsognathus familiar or use a nodachi, I'm going to assume you're a power gamer.
Freehold DM |
What an interesting thread. I think people here already know what I hate but here goes.
I hate joss whedon and all his works, especially firefly and buffy.
I hate mark zuckerberg and facebook.
I hate alton brown.
I hate the harry potter series.
I hate Hercules and xena.
I hate non UC Gundam.
I hate what tv tropes has become over the years.
I hate forgotten realms and believe it is responsible for other settings not getting the development and respect they deserve. That said, i greatly enjoyed the priests/fighters/rogues/dungeons/sentinels (not sure on that last)and am thankful for them introducing me to new writers such as richard lee byers, paul kemp and eric scott de bie, whom i follow semi regularly.
I hate r.a. salvatores works, and do not think much of ed greenwoods characters (although I think the man missed his calling as a restaurant critic and chef- CANNOT read his elminsters guide to the realms works without getting hungry).
I hate shadowrun past 3rd edition- once there is no shadowslang, its not shadowrun anymore.
I hate what happened to me last year and the things it lead to this year and am working hard to keep it from turning me into a bitter, angry misanthrope.
I hate not having great amounts of disposable income.
I hate that there are only 24 hours in a day and that we need more rest as we get older.
I hate bias towards non traditional fantasy settings.
I hate the new apg classes and do not use them in my games, although they are allowed as prestige classes or archetypes at the players option. I also technically hate the ninja and the samurai, but that's due to issues I have had in the past with players who have played those classes in games I have been in. Still usually unavailable in my games.
I hate that some people do not believe that the dm and the player should work together to achieve higher amounts of fun.
That said, I hate that the phrase "dms option" has been removed from many tables and feel that the guy behind the screen has been turned into a referee than a part of the game..
I hate power gaming.
I hate character optimising.
I hate that there are people who hate the way others play the game and will actively (note that I said actively) disrupt people who do things differently.
That said, I hate people who do everything they can to avoid rolling dice at the table.
I also hate players who extoll the virtues of magic/sneak attack/insert your favorite mechanic here! and believe it is the answer to all in game problems but are not prepared for/entire plan hinges upon/react poorly to an opponent that makes their save or a low damage roll on their end. In this fashion I also hate the 15 minute work day trope.
I think thar golarion is wonderful, but that we should all be working on our own campaign settings/worlds feverishly.
Vincent Takeda |
Whee! Some of my own and a lot borrowed or agreed with from others... The hate list.
I hate that monsters die so fast they dont have a chance to surrender as a result of that.
I hate that the system is built to expect the stat boosting christmastree effect and punishes those that don't adhere to it.
Evocation makes me bored but I think thats the fault of quadratic everything... Every swing a fighter makes outdamages spells of a similar level.
I hate that there are people out there that love that fact
I hate that there are people out there that think fighters suck despite this fact
On the other hand I love the burden being lifted of being a wizard defacto meaning your job is blasty and buffing so thats kinda nice
I'd rather have adventure path books that took you through a single level instead of going from 1-20 in the span of 6 books.
I hate the fact that the 'no stinky players' gets the most likes in this thread, not because I disagree with it, but that, as ciretose points out, it's popularity implies that theres a larger problem with the hobby.
Or even more than one larger problem with the hobby.
I hate the battlemat and combat mechanics derived from it
I hate single rolls requiring no less than a half dozen modifiers
I prefer 2e adnd faerun to any edition before or after it with the exception of pathfinder's summoner class
Even then I hate master summoners and synthesists
I hate druids and summoners who send their pets in against certain death without caring about them.
I hate 'hordes of summoned creatures' on the battlefield, but only because of battlemat mechaincs.... without battlemat bs, i think hordes of creatures on the field is awesome.
I hate prestige classes
I hate class dipping
I hate feats
I hate any feat or skill or spell that implies that such things cannot be handled fairly without skill by players and gms who dont suck... Like leadership and perception...
I hate pathfinders way of writing traps
I hate the concept of 'daily' resources
I hate the concept of 'per encounter' resources even more.
I hate pfs for both the rules they choose to follow and the rules they choose to disallow
And also for the type of player it creates
And also for the type of gm it creates
I hate campaigns or homebrew worlds or stories that preclude player's free will.
I hate the loose nature of the wording and nuance and semantics of the published material leaving such huge swathes of room for multiple versions of interpretation
Basically hate that its so bad it's like having 2000% more rules that are so loosely written they could just as easily have not been rules at all and not taken up space in the published books at all.
I hate lovecraft
I hate wistful musings on how wonderful lovecraft is
I hate grimdark, gritty worlds and any homebrew world who'se very existence precludes players from being able to play what they want to play.
I also hate the kind of player who chooses whackadoo races purely for their SLA's or stat bonuses
I hate e6, e7, or e-please dont have any powers that i'm too lazy to find inventive exciting ways to circumvent.
I hate 'core only' games
I hate most 3rd party supplements for being just as poorly worded/intended/designed as the systems they are trying to fix
I hate 'magic item free fantasy'
I hate any world or campaign or homebrew that says 'no asians! no monks! no ninjas! no katanas! wether its because you dont like asian themed stuff or think your world is so cool that it shouldn't have or need asian themed stuff.
I hate 'dragon blood/dragon hybrid/dragonborn/dragon friggin anything' nothing makes dragons seem less amazing than the fact that half the world population is some friggin dragon hybrid or some crap.
I hate tieflings and kender and halflings too. And drizzt clones. And TWF on an elf even if he's not a drow... And TWF on a character even if he's no kind of elf... TWF on a dwarf might be ok though. MIGHT
I hate gms that think that players being able to handily defeat their encounters is 'ruining their fun'... perhaps easy combat is what the players want, so they can spend more time with 'difficult challenges of other varieties that the gm may not be capable of producing as easily as he can lazily produce a monster with a buffed statblock.
I hate illusions and enchantment because of the unwritten contract that 'the players can use it on the bad guys but woe betide the possibility of mind controlling a pc EVAR'....
If there has to be a double standard I'd rather throw the whole school out on its ass.
And invisibility is overused when it shouldnt be and underused when it should.
I love thaco. I hate BAB
I hate spelljammer and giant space hamsters
I hate eberron and warforged
I hate large scale battles and point based city building mechanics.
Gygax is known for using too many 'levels' in his design... I now hate too many 'point' based designs... all the unified CL/SR/CMB/CMD hit point, attribute point, skill point, fate point, hero point, build point... point point point point point!
I hate dark sun except for dragon kings.
I hate dragon kings too but some of their epic level spells are nice.
I'm quickly learning to hate my little pony more than I hate magic the gathering and all of the collectible card game broodspawn games
I hate spell description chapters that arent primarily sorted by class, then level, then alphabet
I hate wbl and cr because theyre both forms of metagaming that somehow are 'approved' and 'defended' as good gaming
I hate playing through levels 1-10... Theres only so many ways I can make the first 5 levels interesting. SERIOUSLY
I hate only rolling initiative at the beginning of the first round instead of at the beginning of EACH round.
I hate only choosing your action after you're found your place in the initiative order and prefer each person announces their intended action BEFORE ROLLING INIT, and penalties apply to any roll that results from a 'change of plan' during the round
I hate gms that think they're the law. Before or after the game starts.
I hate the '8 alternate flavors of paladin' based on the paladins of other alignments philosophy. Call them something else. Get your own damn class.
I do support homebrew classes that try to make paladins of other alignments as long as they stop thinking of themselves as g*****n paladins still.
I hate any time I hear something is 'banned'... work with your table to make the changes necessary to make it work.... stop being so half assed.
from master marshmallow I will steal word for word: I hate when DMs are so bad that someone in the group is forced to play a dedicated healer without wanting to be one.
And lord Mhrorams's preference for 'death not being the only form of failure' is awesome and I hate that it's not more widely implemented
I hate psionics... in any version of D&D or its derivatives anyway.
from Morain: I also WANT classes to be unbalanced
I hate D20
I hate D20 modern even more.
I hate players that are whiney about the fairness of their attribute rolls so much that I find point buy to be a welcome escape. though I hate anyone who uses point buy to go into negative bonuses for the sake of stat boosts elsewhere.
In contrast to the 'i hate players who choose non good alignments in order to be selfish', I instead offer that I hate players that play selfish greedy murderhoboin looters despite having 'good' on their character sheet even more.
I hate chaotic neutral being played as 'psychotic' or evil in every way except on the sheet. I play chaotic neutral selfishly, but I lean toward good more often that most people who actually write good down on the sheet
I hate characters that like playing evil alignments even if the whole party is of evil alignments. But moreso when there's only one.
I dont hate the alignment system. I hate that so many people think its ok to make it a subjective thing instead of an objective thing. subjective definitions are fine for the real world.
Unless what it really is is that so many people are so bad at playing alignments objectively, or so bad at correctly identifying the objective definition of their playstyle and motivations.
I hate modern gamer terms like 'toon' and 'healbot' and 'dps' as well
I hate the artwork from 3.0 and 3.5 and prefer either 2e covers or pathfinder style art.
I also hate phone calls and email. Text me or email me but I don't want to get off topic because if I listed all the non gaming things I hate, I'd crash the server.
Zombie Ninja |
I'll add a few more.
7. I like rules heavy systems, and hate rules light games.
8. I hate OD&D with a passion, and refuse to play it.
9. I wish there was more alignments in the alignment system, starting with a separation between lawful (societies laws) and orderly (rhyme and reason to the universe) alignments, as well as a defined difference between selfish and evil behavior.
10. I like mana systems better then vancian magic, but think vancian magic has its charms.
11. I don't think narrative and gamiest role playing style are mutually exclusive.
12. I also feel crunch is better with a good helping of fluff and vice versa.
13. i like this thread, it's like a group therapy session for role players.
ShadowcatX |
I hate that certain spell durations were changed in the conversion from 3rd to PF. Bulls strength should last 1 hour/level - instead its a terrible 1 minute/level and not worth the slot.
Bull's Strength didn't have the duration changed. It has always been 1 minute / level.
FanaticRat |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
1. Vancian magic just doesn't make sense to me, fluff wise. I just find it hard to believe a wizard or caster or whatever would just "forget" something they've studied intently for years. I feel it works a lot better for alchemists, because you physically only have so many extracts prepared, so it's a lot easier to conceptualize. I dunno.
2. I hate that finding people to play a game other than pathfinder is a pain in the ass, and if I want to ever play any sort of non-standard or less popular system, I'll have to GM it myself.
3. I do not understand the argument of how guns don't fit in fantasy, or how having them is unrealistic or anything.
4. At the same time, I hate when people think of fantasy as a setting and not a genre with multiple subgenres.
5. My main reason for playing PFS is not really because I like it but due to the lack of other games to play. In fact, I've had far more bad experiences with it than I have had good experiences.
6. I don't like playing games where my characters are made to feel disposable.
7. On the same token, I don't like people who seem to expect me to both put a lot of care and thought into my character's personality and backstory and get invested in them, but at the same token expect me to not be upset or bothered when they die. One or the other.
8. I hate meatgrinders that are not explicitly advertised as such.
9. I love cutebolds and want to make a kobold character. I don't care how mary sue it is.
10. On the same token, I really wish they fixed the kobold stat distribution in Kobolds of Golarion. Really, Paizo, couldn't you have just eased up on the penalties a little? A cumulative -4 to ability scores on creation really sucks.
11. People go afk in the middle of a game without telling anyone drive me crazy, especially if they do it in the middle of combat.
12. I don't get the appeal of rangers. They just seem like a weird mashup of fighter and druid with nothing really special about them.
13. Deeper Darkness is the worst spell in the history of forever.
Sissyl |
Teberous wrote:I hate that certain spell durations were changed in the conversion from 3rd to PF. Bulls strength should last 1 hour/level - instead its a terrible 1 minute/level and not worth the slot.Bull's Strength didn't have the duration changed. It has always been 1 minute / level.
You should perhaps check out the spell in the 3.0 PHB. It might surprise you.
Oceanshieldwolf |
Remembered some more:
I dislike the notion of magic shoppes. Yep, I'm one of them.
I disregard druidic inability to use metal armor. It is a holdover from ADnD and needs to be put down. With a metal battle-club-axe. Or a scorpion's tail which apparently has bio-metal in it. Though I just did a google search on that because I can't remember where I saw it and now I can't find it. :(
I dislike WBL, and the Christmas tree effect.
I forgot a campaign setting I liked. Planescape. Though yes, the slang grated. But really? Bariaurs. I miss those guys!
I've never played a Paizo AP. I own a few pieces of bits of them. They look like fun.
As someone who was there, ADnD and its forebears were OK then, but I look back on them as fossils, best left behind. Far behind. Having said that, many of the modules were fantastic - UK2/3, U1-3, S1-4, A1-4, B3/4/5, C4/5, GDQ1-7, I1, I2, I3-5, L1-2, N1-2, T1, WG4, X1, X4-5.
I still yearn for a very simple game that can do everything yet still retain the granularity to entice me to tinker with it, which I enjoy just as much as playing. Numenera promised a lot, but still seems kinda needlessly complex and arbitrary.
I love githyanki and will never forgive Charles Stross for using George R R Martin's word.
Malachi Silverclaw |
Teberous wrote:I hate that certain spell durations were changed in the conversion from 3rd to PF. Bulls strength should last 1 hour/level - instead its a terrible 1 minute/level and not worth the slot.Bull's Strength didn't have the duration changed. It has always been 1 minute / level.
It was hours in 3.0 (and earlier), but it got changed to minutes in 3.5.
The reason is that having a duration of hours meant that a spell or two lasted the whole adventuring day, and absolutely made buying a belt of strength a waste of 16000gp.
Tequila Sunrise |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Teberous wrote:I hate that certain spell durations were changed in the conversion from 3rd to PF. Bulls strength should last 1 hour/level - instead its a terrible 1 minute/level and not worth the slot.Bull's Strength didn't have the duration changed. It has always been 1 minute / level.
I believe it was 1 hour/level in 3.0.
That said, since playing 4e, I've come to be irritated at all the niggly little /level details of traditional D&D spells. For example, I don't care whether a spell X lasts 1 minute or 20. Why are we tracking this BS? As a general rule, only three durations are relevant to the game: instantaneous, 5 minutes (1 encounter), and 24 hours (1 day). Everything else is usually bookkeeping for the sake of bookkeeping.
Kthulhu |
I hate gear. I design my characters to be effective stripped of all gear and dropped on a desert island.
I'm the same way. I find it utterly amusing how many "optimized" build that are posted here turn into utter deadweight if you take a couple of items away from them. To me, that's not optimized, that's BEGGING the GM to take away your most important toy.
Kthulhu |
Planescape sucks. It's trying WAY too hard to be xxx-treme. Anyone that says the word "berk" seriously wants a punch in the nose.
Forgotten Realms has always sucked. It was boring and generic at first, then it became overloaded with too much canon and Mary Sue characters. It also became the dumping ground where TSR awkwardly shoved the campaign settings that weren't good enough to stand on their own.
Fnipernackle |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I love Paizo's gnomes.
I like their goblins better than any others, but I still don't like goblins. I've fought too many of them over the years. And orcs. And bugbears. And kobolds. They have more low CR monsters in the bestiarys than just goblins, yall.
I hope beyond bestiary 4, which I do want for mythic, I hope we can quit putting out bestiarys until they are needed for the other continents in Golarion. More Npc Codexes please. And I'd love to see an Npc Codex built like the one in the Gamemastery Guide.
I hope Paizo treats mythic as its epic level handbook. I hated that book and I think mythic was the way to go. And I hope mythic gets more support over the years. I understand mythic may seem difficult to run for most, but so was epic and if you can handle using that God awful book to play high powered games you can run mythic no problem.
golem101 |
ShadowcatX wrote:Teberous wrote:I hate that certain spell durations were changed in the conversion from 3rd to PF. Bulls strength should last 1 hour/level - instead its a terrible 1 minute/level and not worth the slot.Bull's Strength didn't have the duration changed. It has always been 1 minute / level.It was hours in 3.0 (and earlier), but it got changed to minutes in 3.5.
The reason is that having a duration of hours meant that a spell or two lasted the whole adventuring day, and absolutely made buying a belt of strength a waste of 16000gp.
Which made to me way more sense: you have a spell that frees you from yet another magic item need, or you have a magic item that frees you some nifty spell slots. Tactical options instead of tactical needs.Also, 1d4+1 bonus instead of a flat +4 makes for more intriguing magic.
LazarX |
Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote:I call Pathfinder D&D....It's not? (A retroclone, but same difference right?)
Durngrun Stonebreaker.
The term retroclone is more appropriate for games that emulate an older version of D+D such as First and Second Edition AD+D. More generous definitions might include D+D 3.0.