What is on your bucket list of character accomplishments?

Gamer Life General Discussion

Sometimes, we as players imagine legendary scenarios for our character to accomplish. These are things that are worthy of song, are particularly iconic for our characters, or stories that are repeated by friends around the gaming table for many years to come. These are things you, as a player have always wanted to do. They can be a social interaction, an accomplishment in combat, or merely a reputation gained within the realms.

I'll share one of mine to start us off.

Tonight, I checked one off the list. My stoic elven fighter successfully grappled a dire bear. At 6th level.

I have a Sorcerer who is a reborn Rakshasa, who wants to become one again eventually.

I'd like to see that come to pass, but that would porbably take a game that runs from 1-20 at least.

Very cool.

I'll share another one of mine. It is a little odd, in that it requires the death of my character, but I've always wanted to go down, blades flashing, in glorious last stand buying time for my allies to escape an impossible situation.

I play a cleric in a world ruled by a tyrant god whose cast out the other deities of the realm. I intend to slay him. If slain before my quest is completed, I would like to go martyred public execution style and achieving Sainthood!

Very nice. Suitably epic.

In my player bucketlist, I want to make a solid combat rogue who doesn't die throughout his entire career. 1-20.

I have accomplished one of the items on my list already and that is - I managed to one-shot a Dragon 4cr above the team, as the first action of the surprise round no less! Great way to make a name for a character.

Played a Bladebound Kensai Magus that used a Bastard Sword. The party was hunting a BBG Red Dragon that was terrorizing a set of towns and cities near his Volcanic lair. We found his lair and were exploring when it attempted to jump us from concealment in a pool of lava. Good roll let me notice it and on the surprise round I won initiative. Cast Shocking Grasp, moved up to the edge of the lava and attacked it with a called shot heart (I like to try it every once in aWhile), managed to confirm a crit for enough to auto-kill it. The paladin in the party added "Lord" to my name from then on, regardless of the fact that I had no formal title.

Nice! Very cool indeed. It wasn't on my list but I had a wizard who 1shot 2 frost drakes and then a young adult white dragon. Was rolling very nicely that night and had some clever means of getting maximize out.
Evokers are really fun when you're tossing out spells they're vulnerable to.

Morganstern wrote:
I have accomplished one of the items on my list already and that is - I managed to one-shot a Dragon 4cr above the team, as the first action of the surprise round no less! Great way to make a name for a character.

Did you actually do enough damage to bring it to zero hp, or are you using a house rule involving the called shot to the heart?

For myself, I'd like to see my character become a deity at some point. Last campaign my paladin became a king and the lord of the paladin order, which was nice, but not quite godhood. ;)

Morganstern wrote:

I have accomplished one of the items on my list already and that is - I managed to one-shot a Dragon 4cr above the team, as the first action of the surprise round no less! Great way to make a name for a character.

** spoiler omitted **

Wow, is it awful of me to point out that you only get a single standard action on the surprise round, so you also should not have been able to cast a spell and move more than 5'...

mplindustries wrote:
Morganstern wrote:

I have accomplished one of the items on my list already and that is - I managed to one-shot a Dragon 4cr above the team, as the first action of the surprise round no less! Great way to make a name for a character.

** spoiler omitted **

Wow, is it awful of me to point out that you only get a single standard action on the surprise round, so you also should not have been able to cast a spell and move more than 5'...

We run a Houserule that Suprise rounds are a full-round. Makes the Rogue players a lot happier.

Lord Pendragon, Ultimate Combat has rules for called shot heart. Don't have the book in front of me but if you do enough damage it's a chance at auto-death.

Liberty's Edge

That reminds me of a nice happening and thematically-aligned to my PC too.

An Ogrekin Rogue tried to ambush my party in a forest. Too bad for him that he was high on my Favored Enemies list. Both my Griffon AC and my Ranger made their Perception roll, so we could act in the surprise round. Having the Lookout feat, we could both take full actions. And we got the initiative. One archery full attack and one charge/pounce later, he was in shreds.

Trying to ambush Sir Felix Einen, faithful servant of Erastil the Hunter, will only get you messily killed.

What I look forward for this character :

- one-shotting a BBEG just after he makes his boxed text gloating. Well, we had something like this with a young Green Dragon just after being thrashed by Black Magga. It provided needed relief for the party's frustration.

- restraining (through Dimensional Anchor) and then killing Black Magga

- Getting a Shield of Command Undead as a gift from my suspiciously young-looking Necromancer father-in-law. So appropriate for an archer who is a Ranger/Paladin :-P

- Beating a Dragon in a flying pursuit (I took Wingover for my Griffon specifically for this).

For my Halfling Jinx Sorceress in Serpent's Skull, I would like to completely disable an opposite BBEG caster (divine if possible) through my Jinx, Hexes (Strega 3pp archetype) and SoS spells while saying "Your powers cannot save you. Your God cannot save you. Only I can save you ... and I do not want to."

One day I would like one of my PC to literally burst the doors to the king's audience hall when the guards forbid him from entering.

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getting to lvl 20 in a cool campaign is on my bucket list!!

mplindustries wrote:
Morganstern wrote:

I have accomplished one of the items on my list already and that is - I managed to one-shot a Dragon 4cr above the team, as the first action of the surprise round no less! Great way to make a name for a character.

** spoiler omitted **

Wow, is it awful of me to point out that you only get a single standard action on the surprise round, so you also should not have been able to cast a spell and move more than 5'...

Yes, yes it is :P

Scarab Sages

Daethor wrote:
mplindustries wrote:
Morganstern wrote:

I have accomplished one of the items on my list already and that is - I managed to one-shot a Dragon 4cr above the team, as the first action of the surprise round no less! Great way to make a name for a character.

** spoiler omitted **

Wow, is it awful of me to point out that you only get a single standard action on the surprise round, so you also should not have been able to cast a spell and move more than 5'...
Yes, yes it is :P

There is a fairly cheap magic item that addresses this issue.

Sandals of Quick Reaction

Some of mine:

- Create an illusion so perfect that even the gods are fooled.
- Become a true planeswalker and travel the planes and worlds by nothing more than will alone (MtG style). No artifacts, magic items or regular spells allowed. Pure force of will, accept no substitutes.
- Forge a world (demiplane I think at this point) of his own.

A friend playing in the same campaign has a much simpler goal for his barbarian. Sample the wares of the prostitutes in every brothel of the Inner Sea region, and every possible type of beer in the same area. Then (I think jokingly) using the Starstone to become a god and sampling the wares of Calistria and various other goddesses.

One of the other guys i was playing with ended a sort of steampunk/horror campaign by bull-rushing the vampire into a boiler or furnace or something (natural 20) -- it was epic.

My pirate/fighter/rogue guy made some lucky jump/balance checks to get up onto the back of a gorgon (those are the steel bull things, right?).

My low-level wizard was able to largely solve a murder-mystery through extensive use of detect thoughts (everyone who made the save went in the "suspicious" pile)...that occasionally still gets talked about. Much later on, when venturing into the deep dark to some mind flayer town, we observed that if any of the mind-flayers scanned the wizard with detect thoughts, they would actually be stunned... DM laughed and said, "well, that's why you guys don't get experience points for ordinary mind-flayers anymore."

Grand Lodge

Cast Spiked Pit underneath an enemy, then cast Web into the pit. Fly to a suitable elevation, and cast Fireball into the Spiked Pit. Then seal the top with a Wall of Force.

Land on top of the Wall of Force and look down into the personal Hell I created for the enemy, and spend the rest of the encounter taking notes in a journal while sitting down on the Wall of Force observing the reaction.

Lmao....... epic ^


The top item on my bucket list is to actually get some sweet treasure out of Create Treasure Map. Usually my GM either has it lead me to a pile of something I don't care about (but the deceased did) or just straight up tells me not to bother learning that spell in the first place.

Next, use Bestow Curse to inflict madness on someone (per the Sanity and Madness rules). Preferably Amnesia, but I'd roll on a table for it if the GM asked me to. Failing that, I want one of my characters to develop madness (and get the chance to roleplay it).

Complete at least one Paizo adventure path. Yeah, I know it's not really a character achievement, just something this player really wants.

Our group keeps starting, but never finishing, APs. We're currently in seven APs (Kingmaker book 6 - so close, Council of Thieves book 5, Carrion Crown book 3, Jade Regent book 2, Legacy of Fire book 2, Shattered Star book 1, Rise of the Runelords book 1).

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I've GMed a lot in my life, and I thoroughly enjoy it. I have very little experience as a PC, though, so I think my one goal would be:

I'd like to PC in a complete campaign (of any length) that actually ends conclusively, that was run by a good GM. So far, I've not achieved either part of that, never mind both.

Darkflame wrote:
getting to lvl 20 in a cool campaign is on my bucket list!!

Two of my 6-7 person party just hit their plateau of level 20 in campaign that mixes Rapan Athuk with some homebrew material, with the rest of the party only 1 encounter away from hitting 20. Sadly, it's more likely your GM will die of a rage aneurysm of having to GM for a high level party. Seriously, it's hell.

My party wants to steal a giant golden bridge from inside the dungeon, and I told them it's protected by the magic of the god of the plane of fire. They ignored it for a bit, but then they took a detour to hell and realized how stupidly powerful they are. In a single workday, they killed: 20 CR12s, 8 CR13s, 4 CR16s, 9 CR17s, 1CR 18, 1 CR19, 5 CR20s, and Alastor (Asmodeus's execution) a CR23 with only one casualty (a lich who regenerated two days later). Now they're debating going to the plane of fire to kill the god just so the can steal the bridge. The scary part is they probably could do it.

Not dying in our current campaign is at the top of my bucket list.
Hitting level 16 I supposed takes second place.

I'm an evolutionist summoner... I can change my eidolon daily and have a pocket dimension with a japanese cherry tree orchard, edible foliage and a 15 foot cliff dive into my 25 foot deep pool. Guyser scroll and a portable hole for an impromptu hot tub... Asking for more is being kinda greedy. Ive been pretty neglectful of maxing out my attributes... Maybe an attribute tome or two. Top tier cha/con/str headbands and belts... That +5 stalking bokken. Ring of continuation and I should be all set.

Liberty's Edge

Go first in initiative more than one per session... You'd think this would happen with double digit init.

Liberty's Edge

Want my Zen Archer to be able to, as his afterlife, work side by side with Ragathiel (Basically a god of kill all evil)on the battlefield and kill a bunch of evil stuff.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Actually finish an entire campaign.

Get to a point in my sorcerer's career where she can maintain dragon form 24/7 with successive castings of shapechange.

Ravingdork wrote:

Actually finish an entire campaign.

Get to a point in my sorcerer's career where she can maintain dragon form 24/7 with successive castings of shapechange.

Thats what the continuation ring is for!

Currently two big things on my bucket list, an old one and a new one.

1) Decapitate someone using a Vorpal Scythe.

2) Achieve Mythic tier 10, and found a religion.

Well, I've only been playing rpgs for a month, so I havent done much. But I have quite a few ideas:

One shot something decently strong. I almost did that as a magus on a manticore, but not quite.

Successfully sneak through something huge, around a ton of enemies, as a rogue/ninja.

Basicaly bluff my way through life for a while, either infiltrating an enemy organisation or impersonating someone.

Reach level 20.

Build a pocket plane.

Create and DM my own campaign (I have plenty of ideas, but I'm not comfortable enough with the rules yet).

Create a character that successfully uses whirlwind attack on at least 8 different enemies on the same turn.

That's all I can think of for the moment.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Vincent Takeda wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:

Actually finish an entire campaign.

Get to a point in my sorcerer's career where she can maintain dragon form 24/7 with successive castings of shapechange.

Thats what the continuation ring is for!

Oh. Cool. Thanks!

(Initially I was going to rebut with the FAQ, but as it turns out, it doesn't effect shapechange. ^_^ )

1) Roll a nat 20 on an attack roll with a high crit weapon

2) Confirm it.

The Exchange

Someday I'd like one of my characters to beat Elminster to death, using Drizzt Do'Urden as an improvised weapon. And then beat Drizzt to death using Elminster's corpse. Of course, aside from the in-game difficulties that might suggest themselves, I'd have to find a group that plays in the Realms first. ;)

The Exchange

(dang, I hit Quote instead of Edit...)

More seriously, I've never had a character take a tour of the Great Wheel (or the Great Beyond, in PF terms), never founded a realm (though I've built a religious order), and never destroyed an artifact. So much to do, so little time...

I'll share my newest addition, from a mere two days ago: it is to successfully poison a few dozen town watch in the tower, and in the process frame the unknowing little old lady who delivers the poisoned meal. Alas, with the amount of time craft takes this dream will never come true.

An elven Magus that I rolled up was actually the result of a Reincarnate spell gone wrong. The spirit that now exists within is actually an ancient archmage from centuries ago, waiting for his chance at mortality again.

However, his form is fit for both martial prowess and his old magic ways. He seeks for the original inhabitant to elevate both branches of his abilities, becoming the perfect Magus.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I've always wanted to actually finish a Pathfinder Adventure Path. :(

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

One that I was able to kick off the list was to single handedly facilitate the complete and utter annihilation of an entire enemy army.

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