[Super Genius] I'm Not At Gen Con and I Aim to Misbehave.....

Product Discussion

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Liberty's Edge

Count me as another vote for the words of power support.

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Personally, I'd love a Wordcaster class specifically designed to take advantage of Words of Power.

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Genius guide to words of power-A supplement aimed at expanding the words of power system.

Menagerie of Monsters:Gothic Horror-A monster manual containing new strains of vampires, werewolves, ghouls, ghosts, boogymen, and everything else that goes bump in the night.

Dark matter inspired source book-Basically a book for players that want to "bump back" at the monsters outlined in the above monster book.

Six Dungeons Deep-A series of loosely linked dungeon modules designed to aid in running dungeons at higher levels.

Genius Guide to Races-A rework of the races currently released in pathfinder so as to create greater parity between them. (i.e. more options for featured and uncommon races as well as generally reworking their features to be more in line with core classes).

Real world mythology source book- A "faiths of" type book covering various real world mythologies from Greece/Rome, Norse, Egyptian, and other real world mythologies/religions.

Genius Guide to Mythic Companions-A supplement allowing you to take creatures like dragons, Sphinxes, griffons, golems, etc. as animal companions, cohorts, and familiars. (possibly with mythic abilities themselves).

A genius Guide to NPCs-Basically a big book of NPCs similar to the NPC guide with full back stories and suggestions on how to implement them into various home games.

Futuristic Adventures-Like your Anachronistic adventures classes except instead of pulling from a pulp theme you pull from sci-fi.

The Waking Dream-A module set in the Dimension of Dreams.

Genius Guide to Leng-A source book decribing the Realm of Leng as well as a multi-part adventure set their.

I'll see if I can think of anything else to type up later...

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I second the Genius Guide to Leng!

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I second the Genius Guide to Leng!


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I'd love to see a Genius Guide for expanded skill uses. Give skillmonkeys something to do that can't be duplicated by existing spells.

A wordcasting book would also be a welcome addition.

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Pandora's wrote:
I'd love to see a Genius Guide for expanded skill uses. Give skillmonkeys something to do that can't be duplicated by existing spells.A wordcasting book would also be a welcome addition.

Rite Publishing did something like this with 101 New Skill Uses . Not that SGG wouldn't do a great job, mind you.


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We've got another race up today from Mike Welham: Aardvolk.

I would really like to see a Genius Guide to Adventuring - something along the lines of Lewis Pulsipher's article "Be Aware, Take Care" in Dragon Issue 79, Nov 1983.

Genius Guide to the Witchhunter (Archtypes, more Feats, more Talents...)

Genius Guide to the Hellion (see above)

If you do cross company, Archtypes or additional stuff for the Gypsy, the Puppetmaster and the Swordmaster (all by Dreadfox) would be great! :-)

Sovereign Court

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I would love a swashbuckler that played well with Razor Coast and Art of the Duel.

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Genius guide to being an Elf. expanded racial archetypes for more classes, with racial items and subtypes. We have drow, now we need Grey, Wild, Wood, Snow, Avarial. Possibly even half equivalent for some of these.

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I'd like to see a version of the Witch Hunter that seeks and destroys arcane casters of any type, sort of like the Spellslayer kit from 2e's "Sha'ir's Handbook".

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Kryptik wrote:
he Genius Guide to Naval Warfare! With upgrades, deck sketches, and a list of awesome ship names!
This. Very much this.

Not that I don't think that SGG wouldn't do a great job with something like this but there are some things that are already out that might address some of this, both Pathfinder and old 3.0/3.5 stuff. Note I don't have most of this, so I am only guessing at the content.

En Publishing - Admiral of the High Seas
Frog God Games - Fire as She Bears
Louis J Porter - Armada: Expanded Sea Combat and Rules
Paizo - Gamemastery Flip Mat's and Map Packs
Fantastic Maps - A number here

Not sure what is in Kobold Press' offering of Journeys to the West in this regard.

From a 3.0/3.5 perspective there were a number of things as well.

Corsair by Adamant Entertainment
Broadsides & Pirates by Living Imagination
Ships of War by Mongoose Publishing
Ships and Sea Battles - Alderac

Querying "Ships" on another PDF site, came up with 852 items with Ships somewhere in the title.
On Paizo site there were 1458 items related to ships.

Anyway, just my two cents on the subject.

To be fair, I think there are a lot of things already out there that SSG would be covering. I doubt naval combat is alone in that regard, don't you?

Kryptik wrote:
To be fair, I think there are a lot of things already out there that SSG would be covering. I doubt naval combat is alone in that regard, don't you?

No. It just struck me as there had been a lot of naval stuff recently so I went and researched it, that's all. That and our last campaign was heavily naval oriented and then after the campaign ended a bunch of this stuff came out.

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After some thinking, something that I want (really, really want) is a guide to 1 page maps.

Something similar to the map packs but sized for regular paper instead of half paper (like the map packs). A sweet spot between the (in my option) too small and too big.

Stuff suitable for inns, random encounters, city streets. They don't have to be fancy, just look nice when you print them out.

So, I guess, call SGG Presents One Page Action Locations (or OPAL for short).


The Terrible Zodin wrote:

After some thinking, something that I want (really, really want) is a guide to 1 page maps.

Something similar to the map packs but sized for regular paper instead of half paper (like the map packs). A sweet spot between the (in my option) too small and too big.

Stuff suitable for inns, random encounters, city streets. They don't have to be fancy, just look nice when you print them out.

So, I guess, call SGG Presents One Page Action Locations (or OPAL for short).

One thing about maps is that they cost more money than getting someone to write a pdf. That's why you don't see too many things like that. It's an interesting idea, though. That might be more up Rite Publishing's alley, or even LPJ's.

R. Hyrum Savage wrote:
Some great ideas here folks! Keep 'em coming! (PDF's should start going out tomorrow.)

I'm afraid I'm still waiting... :(

Bardess wrote:
R. Hyrum Savage wrote:
Some great ideas here folks! Keep 'em coming! (PDF's should start going out tomorrow.)

I'm afraid I'm still waiting... :(

Gives sad puppy dog look.... so am I.

Same here. What info do you need to send it?

Still waiting on my request as well.


Would it help if I wrote that Mythic Menagerie I suggested? ;-)

Same here. Granted, it was a generous offer and I feel in no way entitled to anything, but still.

I forgot, but yes same boat

Hey Hyrum, for my free PDF, can you just send one random person who posted here a copy of Apeiron Staves?

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A book or books related to immortality. Either examining it via a class or traits or feats or other ways. It's a topic that can be examined in many ways including the physical and metaphysical implications, the emotional.

Inspirations include

Boat of a Million Years
Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen
Jon Oldman from The Man from Earth
and many others.

Cheapy wrote:
Hey Hyrum, for my free PDF, can you just send one random person who posted here a copy of Apeiron Staves?

That is actually the one I asked for. Also, I am in the group still waiting.

I already own that one.

Another idea,

A non-magical class that focuses on Narrative power (ability to affect the storyline). Kind of a broad request but I'm interested in seeing what you can cook up.

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One more. More products in the style of Merciful Cousins Cavalier Order. Play around with a class/options that can actually help people instead of just killing things in new and exciting ways. Also, character mechanics that interact with the settlement/nation-building rules as appropriate seems pretty cool.

Anybody get theirs yet?

Not yet. I'm assuming some folks might have been in the Gencon/Dragoncon haze the past few weeks.

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SGG Guide to Flavorful Combat: A rule set to add with normal combat rules that makes combat more cinematic and flowing while not actually changing the numbers of everything too much. Rules for things like leaping off buildings and landing on dragons, to fighting while falling from extraordinary heights. Tables of different epic finishing blows, or gruesome / spectacular descriptions of how certain staple spells affect an enemy and their soon (negatively) altered anatomy. Of course, it will also contains your amazing art work to supplement the vivid descriptions :)

super genius guide to undead apocalypse campaigns

Joanna's idea. Yes.

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Just wanted to drop in and say that I have received the PDF I requested. Cheers to SGG for this generous gift, and I look forward to adding my voice to the positive reviews on the product!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Thank you for the loot!

Yep. Mine showed up today.

Got mine! Thanks, Hyrum!

thank you so much

...did I make the cut for the PDF sending?

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Ps, doesn't anyone else think there needs to be more mythic content with godlings in mind?

Thank you!

*tips hat*

Thank you much.

I had mine, too. Thank you, it's great!

Liberty's Edge

Thank you.

Dark Archive

Just got done listening to the Geekerati podcast and got an idea on how to finally get the dragonmancer class out of the design phase and onto our gaming tables. If the only thing holding up the class from being released is that you feel it is overpowered, release it under the horrifically overpowered line of products. Balance would no longer be an issue. It could also open up opportunities to release other classes you scrapped plans for because thought they were overpowered.

I still haven't got mine. PM me for my e-mail, though I do often have issues with your system. Don't know why, since I love your stuff!

Spiral_Ninja wrote:
I still haven't got mine. PM me for my e-mail, though I do often have issues with your system. Don't know why, since I love your stuff!

me as well...I wouldn't mind actually owning some of the godling stuff.

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